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I definitely think you’ve got skill! I will say I would not get the snake, too much detail that would meld together over time


Ahh, I see what you mean. Do you think less lines would make it more 'tattoo worthy' ? Or make it bigger, or both...😂😭 Thank you though !


You definitely need more negative space on that snake and the handle of the blade! Give your designs more air and they will age very well I think!


Thank you, I will definitely try that!


For this size I would say less lines, bigger though could probably sustain this kind of detail


Thanks a bunch for the advice!


I like the vibes and linework but the drawings are a little flat, I'd probably follow you to see how you developed.


Hi, thanks for your comment. Could I ask what you mean by flat ? Like more of an in depth explanation so I know what I could improve. Ty !


Take a look at some general art tutorials on how to shade objects. Start with realistic shading, then you'll better understand how to stylise it. For avoiding flat looking objects, it's important to make sure the shadows are intense enough at the edges. Traditional tattoos are intentionally quite flat and don't use realistic shading, but I think because you're not quite traditional you're in an uncanny valley. Some are working better than others, like the heart is fine because it's obviously not meant to be a 3d object, whereas the flail handle seems like it's meant to be cylindrical but has flat shading. What position is the light source for the flail+skull? It's not clear.


Ahh yes, now I understand. I used to master that with other techniques, but I've picked up this new '' engraving '' style mid 2023. I find it's the hardest for me to work with as I'm having some trouble with how to balance my shading lines, where to put them so they can look good and cohesive. I'll definitely do what you recommended to help me with the overall shading! Thank you.


Yeah, hatching is hard - each line should be doing something; if there's no detail or shadow in an area then don't hatch it. Even with an object that has an overall texture, leave the most well lit areas blank.


Will definitely work on that, thank you!!


Yup, i like what you do!


Thank you !




I do need people to practice on, it's so tough finding them.😮‍💨


Where are you based?👀


Belgium! How about yourself?




I like the eyeball flower




I love your style, think it looks great and would give sick tattoos. As some others have pointed out some more negative space in some of the designs would help them age better on actual skin. I’d be a bit worried about the engraving/shading lines molding together overtime, but that’s an easy fix. Another thing I’ve noticed is the anatomy of the hand with the arrow through in the 3rd/4th pic. From that angle you would see the fingers in the background from a different angle. I find it helpful to look at my own hands in the process for drawing hands. But yeah I’d get inked by u for sure :)


It's always followed me in every single technique, my dotwork used to be so oversaturated, it's frustrating.. I'm trying to work on it and think that sometimes less is more, so it's a work in progress for sure! As for anatomy, I definitely see what you mean. I hate drawing anatomy in general, so any advice is more than welcome. I'll definitely do that with my next hands. Other than that, thanks a bunch!!


It’s great that ur aware of the areas that still need looked after and glad to hear ur making progress :)) good luck on ur journey!


Thank you for spreading some kindness on here, if anything! Good luck on yours too 😊


Thxx :))


i really like ur designs but personally, i’d follow u to see ur journey, for now! i think the first few pieces need a bit more negative space to break up the designs a bit, i’d be worried about the aging of ‘em


You're right, I need to work on making them less saturated, let them breathe a bit more. Thanks for the input!


absolutely! i appreciate u being receptive to CC, i think u definitely have a great career ahead of u!


Aha, I hope so! It's the best way for me to improve, that and practicing. Also, some new pairs of fresh eyes definitely can help when hitting some kind of slump/not knowing what could be improved or more so, how to improve. I appreciate every single person taking the time to give some advice.


Yes these are dope man


Honestly these tatts are pretty rad!


Ayy thanks! Happy you like them.


I LOVE that snake! Can i have it?


Aww thank you. Unfortunately, this one is taken. If you're willing to come get tattooed by me though, I can make you another one for sure!


Nevermind, found it on pinterest.


Glad to hear! Not as if traditional snakes and daggers were hard to find to begin with, but I doubt it's in this engraving style though. 😜 Have a good day!