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Wow, he sounds like me. We are super into a routine schedule it's pretty insane - we're stubborn as hell too so it'll take a lot for us to change our routine for people. We are very slow to integrate people into our lives and I do think 6 months is a fairly short time but I think if he does like you, he'll begin to start changing bits of his schedule to fit yours when it hits the 1 year mark.




For me, whenever there's a change in schedule no matter how small, it legitimately feels like I have to shift my entire week around. It truly feels like a huge hassle and chore. I think my partner got really upset with me because I always always like to start my gym schedule on a Sunday. It really annoys me if I have to shift to a Monday if he wants me to lay in bed all day on that Sunday. He has accepted my schedule by now though lol.


I am an Aries with Tayrus stellium actually big 5 in Taurus. I am talking and seeing a Taurus man. Very scheduled etc. Initially after we reconnected he would message pretty much all the time but after 3 weeks we started to follow his schedule. Consistent and reliable. And initially I took it as him losing interest but then I realised its a compliment. I'm important enough to appear in his daily schedule 😅 and I love it. I love knowing when to expect messages so I can relax and stop checking my phone 😂 I love knowing that he is there, steady and reliable.




Planning dates is like impossible task though. Me and my Taurus are looking at July onwards. Ffs I want him nooow


I read this thinking "how ridiculous that he's so inflexible" but here I am, I can hardly stand the thought of planning for my kids to sleepover at their cousins cause changes in routine cause me anxiety 🤣


I’m dating a Taurus with two jobs, and wow are you correct about how they like to stick to their schedule lol. I’m a Pisces so I’m much more flexible, but I try to match his strictness to routine because I don’t really have a choice. But, he’s actually not that strict. I have spent the night with him, on his off day, and he works the next afternoon. He even said “Oh I wanna take off work so bad” that next afternoon, but of course he did not. I could see him getting a little anxious as the time got closer to the time we agreed I would leave so he could get ready for work. If it was me, I’d understand that, since I did something a little different by having my partner over, I would make room for the possibility of being a little late for work lol, so I wouldn’t stress. And that’s how I am about everything in life and schedules and things. But I can tell my Taurus is not like that, and I DO wish we could see each other more, because it’s like every 2 weeks atm, but I think he will gradually learn to make room for me. We literally had a talk today about this, and I was saying, I don’t know if you can make room for a girlfriend (ME) in your life, but we’ll see. And of course, he said he thinks he CAN make room for me. All I can say is, like I told him, all we can do is wait and see🙃 And I guess that’s really all you can do too.. assuming you and your Taurus have talked about the subject. What’s your sign if you don’t mind me asking..




I find that, how hard he works, and how loyal he is to his responsibilities, attractive too…


Almost 31 year old female taurus here. I'm a Pisces moon and an Aries rising. Currently dating a 34m Pisces for almost 6 years. I'm very much into my routines and schedules. Very big on predictability, stability and reliability. I prefer to know what to expect in most cases. One reason a schedule is so important to me is because I'm self employed (I realize this may not matter in your case) but I tried working with no "real" schedule and it was an absolute disaster. I waited too late to complete projects and often felt rushed to make it to a deadline. Having a schedule really helped me organize my tasks, keep on top of them, without giving too much of myself away or neglecting my family. Another reason a schedule is so important to me is because a schedule is a form of self care and ensures that everything/everybody receives the attention they need. This means work, school, partner, child, myself, etc. I have time set aside in the AM to workout totally uninterrupted. I have time to get my daughter ready for school uninterrupted. I can work uninterrupted and then have time to chill with my partner when he wakes up (he works nights.) This way I got all my "must haves" out of the way and now I can play. I have no problem playing or going on adventures. But I'm big on the work hard now so I can play hard later. It may seem small to others, but if you interrupt the time I had for working out or for working I now have to rearrange my whole schedule. Then I also feel pressured to give someone attention or whatever when I have work/other things to do. The schedule gives us balance and the moment it changes the balance is gone. Then I feel rushed or all over the place and I might as well start the whole day over tomorrow. Something else to keep in mind, while we can occasionally change our schedule, remember that our bodies aren't used to it. I can definitely try and stay up later and party, but I'm like a little kid. Once 9 comes around, I start yawning and getting cranky. Now I feel bad because I'm being rude but I can't help it when I'm tired or hungry. Now, as for changing schedules, this might be where I differ from other tauruses. I actually have no problem changing my schedule.... for the RIGHT person (and the RIGHT activity lmao) When my partner and I first started talking, he was working nights. We would spend all night on the phone. Even though half the night consisted of me sleeping. Now again, keep in mind, I'm self employed and have been for most of my working career. As a result, I have the luxury of switching my schedule (to an extent). Otherwise, if I worked a regular 9-5, there's not a lot I can do. For a while there he went back to a regular 9-5 and it was so blissful. We had the same schedule and I knew what time to expect him. And then he went back to working nights when we moved. It was supposed to be temporary so I gave the go ahead.... well imagine the fit I threw once he told me it was for good because the pay was too good to pass up. Of course the logical part of me was like yeah that makes sense but the female and taurus in me was like uh hell no. It took time, a lot of navigating and figuring out what worked best for us. We (tauruses) understand we have to be flexible and work with others, but we also don't want to make drastic changes if the relationship won't last, it'll be harmful to our health, or takes away from the other necessities we have going on. We're big on boundaries and respect. This doesn't just mean for others, but for ourself too. Our schedule and routines keep us in line. Overall though, I can be very clingy and possessive. Quality time is my #1 love language, which is why I will often go above and beyond if it means spending time with you. Is quality time your taurus love language? Here's my advice to you: First, find out what his love languages are ranked. If quality time is not at the top, you might struggle to get more time. However, you can "bribe" him essentially by warming him up with his other languages. Be clear though in that quality time is one of your love languages and is something you would want more of. Second, you can totally plan things and surprise us... to an extent. Give him a heads up so he can work out his schedule. You can say something like "hey can you clear your schedule for XYZ date? I would like to plan something" or "what day are you free next week? I wanna plan something". A week in advance would be ideal, but at least 3 days. Also for me, it would help knowing other small details, like indoor/outdoor, what I should wear, etc. Third, communicate, communicate, communicate. Tauruses don't like to argue. We communicate very clearly. This often makes us seem blunt and straightforward, which may give off the wrong impression, but we just don't like confusion and ambiguity. If you think you might say something that will upset us, CUSHION THE BLOW. Say something like "hey, I need to talk about something, but I'm not trying to be mean or anything, just wanna express how I feel" or "my emotions are raw right now, so I might come across a way, but bear with me" I like to think myself reasonable and understanding, but if you catch me off guard you might see some of my stubbornness. Cushioning the blow or giving me a "fair warning" as I tell my partner, allows me a moment to step outside of myself and see it more from your perspective than from mine. I hope this helps and good luck!




You're very welcome! I'm glad I could help! Here's a last little tidbit for you. Have you ever seen The Big Bang Theory? If so, I find Sheldon to be very relatable. I can be a little OCD about my house. I like my closets organized by color and season, just like Sheldon. I'm big on schedules and the slightest change can make me act like a little kid who didn't get their way. The way I communicate is very straight forward and honest. This can be interpreted as rude or brash, like Sheldon's character but it's a way of limiting confusion and ambiguity. I'm also a big fan of contracts/agreements because all parties are aware of what's expected and tolerated. Sheldon's character comes across as a tight ass sometimes and an asshole, but once you learn that it's more about him and how he prefers his life, you realize he's not trying to be an ass, but that's just how he can best manage his life.