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Beautiful photo. Hope the haters stop hating now (but they won’t lol)


The haters feel extra LOUD tonight, it’s exhausting lol


Ikr but fear not! She’ll keep building castles out of bricks they throw at her ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Literal castles


It explains why she has so many houses


This is not Tay's first rodeo with haters. She had so much hate from Beyonce fans when she won her first AOTY for "Fearless".


She literally complimented Lana so much tonight and Lana fans are busy hating on her. Sad to see just how much unnecessary hate she gets.


I think Lana could be a collab on the tortured poets department too so like why are they mad? It's not like Taylor turned in all the votes herself.


dude im a lana fan too and im SO TIRED OF THese clowns hating her!


Or worse, asking why she complimented Lana and not Celine. Girl can't catch a break. She was in shock and probably blacked out the whole time.


And she literally brought Lana up on stage with her cause she wanted her to be up there. It’s so hard to be friends with your competitors- Someones gotta win.


I mean, it’s clear Lana didn’t want to go up onstage and it very much felt like Taylor was lacking self-awareness in the moment. I think she ultimately meant well by it, but it appeared self-absorbed.


To be honest, we don't know what happened. The internet has this mob mentality of being so aware and alert to everything, but just because it appears a certain way, doesn't mean we're completely aware of all of it. The Selena Gomez and Taylor Swift golden globes thing too for example-- it all started off of one phony being confident in their lip-reading, and then it built this entire narrative where everyone was commenting on it and giving their take and saying hateful things to either sides, and then it ended up not even being true lol.


Lana fans' one-sided beef with Taylor is always hilarious to see. Lana's sub was so intense with Taylor hatred this morning that their mods have restricted the sub and told them to cut it out.


Yeah, Lana fans have this weird hatred for her that I don't get. They're very pretentious and they probably feel the recognition/ success Taylor gets should go to Lana, oh, I guess I get it after all.


I let it affect me way too much! But it’s a good reminder that it’s been happening her whole career, and it doesn’t really change anything.


I know it’s tough, but try avoiding the negative comments even if it means muting certain subs. I started doing this earlier this week because I’m tired of seeing hate about her personal life. I don’t mind a bit of valid criticism, but there’s something about the way in which the vultures pick apart every little piece about her that made me realize I needed to take a step back.


Girl same. I deleted the Twitter app this morning and muted some subs who I know have things to say. I know I shouldn’t let it affect me but I agree that she gets picked apart for every little thing and I think it’s probably better for me to not see it all. Obviously constructive criticism is okay and good, but we all know not all criticism is constructive especially on Twitter and reddit haha.


YES. There is something legitimate to her not recognizing and acknowledging Celine. That does not make her music mid, or she's overrated, or narcissistic or any of the other bombs they're throwing at her. That pisses me off.


"I let it affect me way too much" Unfortunately same for me, same for me 😭😭 Why am I like this


It sucks!! I think because I admire her storytelling so much, insults about her feel like insults about me, and it fucks me up a little! lol


Girl same, it’s rough out there. It’s so frustrating. I don’t get how people get so hateful - like if Taylor didn’t win I’d be like oh well! Literally everyone deserved it! I can’t imagine holding so much hate in my heart.


Which is sad. Wasn’t Beyoncé on Taylor’s side during the whole Kanye thing? I know they hang out together now as well. And I still see really bad Swifties trying to tear Beyoncé down sometimes.


And I'll still be competing with haters to get tickets if she ever releases more tour dates. 😭


It's so exhausting!


It is, swiftie since 2006, the break we got since lover was a very long one. Saddle up swiftirs, we have a bumpy road


I was just thinking this!  It was so peaceful for a while like we had her all to ourselves. I’m so happy for her, but with great power comes… jealous haters??😂


It was so nice. So peaceful and... quiet


Saddle’s been ready. The vultures ALWAYS come back. Keep that in mind for personal use, too. People love to see success when it works in their favor. They’ll burn you alive when it doesn’t.


They're still mad too a lot of people wanted her to make a political statement and it's like "ya'll new she hasn't done that since Miss Americana and probably won't again"


I don’t get this. She had the $1.00 lawsuit, the reclaim of her masters, had a trans man as the first music video love interest for midnights, reminds us to register to vote. That’s the top of my head!!! How is any of that “ not being political “ I hate that comment from critics. Let her live an authentic life and lead by example.


She has male dancers dressed in her eras during the LWYMMD set on tour. Not drag, but still men dressed as "women."


She doesn't even need to be political. Republicans are turning her into a political statement themselves.


The haters just go to show how popular she is !!


Honestly I think she was just shocked and didn't know how to react. Don't think it was a snub at all


I mean winning a Grammy, feeling bad for your friend, having to give a speech, making sure you don’t trip on your dress, and being face to face with a living legend is a lot to process all at one time. Plus you have to do it all before they start playing the music lol She was singing along to Celine when she came out, def has a lot of respect for her


Robin Williams joked about how he forgot to thank his mother in the audience when he won an Oscar for Good Will Hunting. Your brain turns to mush.


I think She clearly never expected the AOTY that's why she announced her new album during accepting best pop vocal album award. And She's Literally shaking and panicked when giving her acceptance speech.


I am certain she planned to announce on her 13th Grammy.


Iirc artists do get to know if they would win in advance, but not what it is. or how many. So of course she did know she would win at least 1 Grammys, and thus made her TS11 announcement right then. The 2nd Grammys of the night was totally unexpected for her, especially if it was AOTY. If she had known she would win 2, she would have saved the announcement 'til AOTY of course.


The artists are definitely not told "they win in advance".


I disagree, I really think she was going to choose the 13th Grammy, unless she didn't win anything.


Either that or apparently her watch chocker thing was set to midnight. So she had back up plans if she didn't win any awards. The 13th grammy was her plan A so if she won anything televised that was her plan. I actually think the Grammy's has stopped telling artists whether they win or not, because the last couple years A Listers have been there that didn't win a thing in the televised show. Taylor won for a non-televised award last year when she was in the middle of eras tour planning so I don't understand why people say it's basically rigged. Noah and Ed for example went really far out of the way to show up and walked away empty handed. I think the Grammy's has just been like "show up or don't" attitude after years of criticism of only the winners being present.


Partly it was the way the stage was set up -- very wide -- and she went and hugged the other people on stage. When she turned to go up to the mic and receive the award, she was still talking over her shoulder and when she turned towards Celine, Celine held out the award towards her in both hands. Instinct would be to take it, and as soon as she did, Celine stepped back and bowed with her hands together and then moved farther back, understanding that it was no longer about HER. Celine, as always, was a gracious and professional presenter. NOTHING about Celine's demeanor or body position invited a hug. Lord knows Taylor is a hugger! I think at that point BOTH women, being professionals, were thinking about time and wrapping it up. Both knew they'd have plenty of time to visit backstage (and Taylor got her hug, lol). Taylor was up for 6 awards. Should she have had 6 polished speeches ready? She's more a speak-from-the-heart person. She planned to make her announcement at the first award she received, and anything after that was gravy. How about some acknowledgement for how much she supported all the performers? She clearly loved being there with her fellow musicians. I'm sure her mind is already shifting back into tour mode. As to whether she deserved AOTY -- yes, she was in a very competitive group this year, and it could have gone differently. But Midnights really is a special album and she wrote the whole thing herself! I think the sheer talent required to pull that off should be considered. Anyway, let the woman have the day! She's dropping a new record! Yay for us!


Another thing is right before Taylor got the award trophy, the woman in the blue dress (an engineer?) said something to her, so she turned her head, and when she turned back around she just took the trophy from Celine. It just happened so fast.


Yep, the woman in the blue dress was audio engineer Laura Sisk. She also won Grammys for her work on 1989 and Folklore!


I think perspective from all sides is key here. I’m not a Swiftie and definitely not a hater. It’s obvious Taylor is a good person based on her interactions with fans and other people, but it wasn’t particularly a good look nor was it intentional. Both can be true. Let’s acknowledge the fact the Academy orchestrated this on purpose to have the passing of the torch publicly from one global icon to another. She was definitely caught up in the moment, but giving praise to Lana and not doing the same to Celine wasn’t a good look. Especially when Celine made the effort to come in her state of condition. And people wanted that public display on TV rather than a picture taken backstage. It wasn’t intentional, but doesn’t mean we can’t criticize or make excuse for it. Especially after we saw Miley gave praise to Mariah when the Academy clearly orchestrated that as well


Yes! This is probably the closest explanation I've read to what I feel also. It looked bad on her part, not very professional or courteous behaviour. But I also genuinely think she was just that ecstatic for the win -which in itself has a duality to it. Yea of course it's a big achievement but... for someone who is a seasoned pro to be that overwhelmed tells me she puts a lotttt of value on winning these. I think she's had a lifelong penchant for being an overachiever and there's a big allure to having her work being validated by winning an AOTY Grammy like this. I thought that in Miss Americana as well when her immediate response to not being nominated was saying she'll make better work next time. There's a deep seated insecurity there I think


Actually the best album category was stacked this year. And watch her get it next year too lol


so glad i came to the sub tonight. was feeling very down after seeing a lot of hate that followed her win. THEY NEED TO CALM DOWN‼️


Me too! It was a monumental win for a very hard working woman and the world just can’t help tearing her down with the pettiest reason.


This one is the one I come to when I'm sick of the negativity. And you know half the haters will still play this new album like crazy when it comes out.


I saw someone say, “I like to be an informed hater, so I listen to all of her albums when they come out, and (insert 1000 reasons why her music is mediocre).” Why even waste so much time and energy on something or someone you hate?


People throw rocks at things that shine!


You know they won't. People hate Taylor so much that it's insane. They really want her to be a mean girl when she has shown time and agains how sweet and supportive she is.


Mfs act like they don’t ever do anything out of manner lol


It seemed like so many people were extra excited to find anything and everything to hate on last night. I even saw someone complaining about her posture.


now they're saying this is damage control and a planned PR moment lmao. they were just so excited to finally have a reason to hate on her today


That’s so dumb because the picture is from like 2 minutes after it happened not even enough time had passed for it to be “damage control”.


Honestly I assumed she wasn't sure if she should hug her on stage. Like Celine came out in a giant ass coat and we all know her diagnosis so I assumed Taylor didn't want to go in for her on stage without permission.


They won't. Taylor isn't allowed to be overwhelmed. Nobody on reddit has ever been excited before.


Nope! They’re calling this damage control/a shallow photo op.


Fr even on the Grammy speech thread (and YouTube comments) people are just flaming her and commenting on how she’s full of herself and always have been etc etc. 1989 moment coming full circle.


No they won’t. Some idiot even posted a reception comparison between Miley and Taylor. God people spend too much energy letting random celebrities live rent free in their heads.


They’re so annoying, looking for any criticism that justifies their dislike of her.


It’s getting so annoying. There is a lot in pop culture/sports that people are obsessed with that I couldn’t care less about. I’m just going to ignore those things.


No matter what this beautiful soul does they will always find something to complain about. The world needs more people like her.


I sincerely hope everyone can take a collective deep breath and settle the f down. As if any of us would be able to handle five minutes of the pressure Taylor’s under. She clearly was overwhelmed/distracted/elated and had tunnel vision to get the speech over with. Taylor stood and cheered every single artist, clapped the loudest for winners even when she lost, got emotional when Celine came on stage. But yes, let’s judge her for the 45 seconds she had to collect herself and decide she’s a selfish/snotty person. I’m honestly sickened by the reaction to this and so surprised by the overwhelming amount of hate coming from this sub I’m so glad Taylor takes breaks from social media!!


The hate that I've seen has (mostly) come from people who aren't even members of this sub. I think the megathread got on the popular page and the rats ran in. I hate when this happens because this is usually such a nice, friendly space.


Gotta be people from the r/Fauxmoi sub. A lovely post was made about Celine and the first and top rated comment was something negative about Taylor. Like they want EVERY chance to bring her up instead of just celebrating two amazingly talented women. 🙄


and then those same people “omg how can I make Taylor go away?!?!? I comment on every post involving her and even though it’s hate, the algorithm doesn’t care but omg why won’t she just go away!!!!”


Yes they say “I hate hearing about her all the time”. Like okay why did you intentionally click on a post about her then?


They are so obsessed with her over there.


People love to rally in here when they can to hate on her when she's in the news. I really don't know how she does this though she feels incredibly over exposed right now.


Some would say, this is why we can’t have nice things darling.


This is the way I think of it. We all accidentally snub people or make social faux pas sometimes. Especially ofc when were distracted/overwhelmed. We might not notice it at the time, realize in the aftermath and apologize. Or we might never notice and that snubbed person just goes about life thinking we're an asshole. The difference is that Taylor is in the limelight and heavily watched and scrutinized so every single thing she does is well documented and watched by millions of people. Does a photo w Celine seemingly looking happy mean Celine was or wasn't affronted, whether they talked about it, whether it's resolved or not or if there even was anything to be resolved? No. But is this something that really needs to be talked about to death by the public? Also no. There are plenty more legitimate things to criticize Taylor about over whether she remembered to thank someone once. And there are ofc plenty of other people worthy of much more scrutiny in general. Its partly sexism but also partly how popular taylor is.


I don't look like a huge Swift fan IRL, and I like this sub because it's just a fun, positive place for fans of her and her music. Cos yeah, there are scruffy looking metal heads that are HUUUUGE fans of her :)


People on social media never give her the grace that they demand she gives to literally everyone else. It’s honestly strange and sad.


So well put. I know the root of it is wanting a reason to justify their hatred, so they seize on whatever they can. Tbh if I wasn’t such a swiftie it might be difficult to see my non fave dominate SO much. Every artist in that room absolute craves success and Taylor is so far beyond, it must be tiring. Still; she doesn’t deserve hate just for breathing the wrong way!


It’s never enough. People will magnify any perceived slight and ignore all the cheering and support for other artists she portrayed explicitly all night.


Perfectly put. I bet none of us could ever handle that level of pressure and yet people are all judging her because she didn't hug someone and that's crazy.


People hate success and Taylor is the most successful artist of the last 2 decades. Makes sense why they are so jealous of her.


Taylor will be fine, no reason to lose sleep and waste energy trying to protect her.


I could handle the 5 minutes... if I was on the toilet at the time. 


One time, when a friend threw me a surprise dinner for my birthday, I was so overwhelmed I forgot to thank her until an hour later. But I guess now we aren’t allowed to take a minute to process something that’s a BFD?


Right? I'm sure everyone criticizing is so perfect. If I won an award unexpectedly, or honestly even while expecting it, my mind would absolutely go blank the second I got on the stage. I'd probably awkwardly thank only my cats or something 😂


And then you’d be criticised for thanking this cat first instead of that one.


Honestly I think faux pas like this are one of the things that makes Taylor relatable to me. I can at times be 100% unintentionally unthoughtful, and will ruminate and berate myself for DAAAAYYYS after I’ve realized it. At the end of the day Taylor is just a human like the rest of us.


Days? I’ll think about it for months, at the very least 😭 sometimes, years. No one’s going to be 100% on point, celebrity or not. It’s not like she said something nasty. It seems like it genuinely was a fairly normal faux pas, like you said, and it happens to everyone at some point. The rest of us are just lucky not to do it on stage at the Grammys.


But when I walked up to the podium, I think that I forgot to say thank you Celine for being an absolute legend, over and overrrrr


At least she didn’t forget her underwear 😏 Like I’m happy for Miley, but can you imagine if Taylor had said that? Miley does it and it’s funny and quirky, but if Taylor breathes the wrong way the internets come for her.


I agree in some cases that Taylor gets overly criticized i.e. when she’s at football games but I feel like she was rightfully criticized for stuff she did yesterday like the album rollout, not really acknowledging Celine Dion and taking Lana on stage with her. I get she was likely nervous and in shock but it seemed like during her speech she looked back at Celine Dion and still didn’t think to say anything. It was just odd stuff cause usually she’s pretty graceful and being as big of a star as she is, there are just gonna be different expectations because she’s a seasoned artist at this point but yesterday came across as self absorbed in all these instances.


The Celine thing is fair criticism and I’m sure Taylor feels terrible about it. The album rollout … I don’t really feel like it overshadowed anything? Like if that’s how Taylor wants to thank her fans, I guess I feel like that’s her right. The Lana thing she was screwed either way. She leaves Lana sitting there and people would be up in arms that she left Lana, a Midnights collaborator, alone at the table because she’s so selfish.


I don’t think she would’ve gotten flack for leaving Lana at table cause she didn’t seem to wanna go. I think announcing a new album at the Grammys when she’s as big of a star as it is, it overshadows other winners because a lot of social media chatter and headlines in media will be about her announcement at the Grammys instead of award winners.




I only watched for a possible TS announcement. I’m not a big music person (top 40 from 1980-today 😂) but love Taylor. (I *am* a big words person…writing, literature, poetry. TS is those things set to music I enjoy.) I also can’t stand these awards shows as they are so self-important, self-congratulatory, socially tone-deaf, and gluttonous. However, because I was watching for TS I ended up wanting to listen to several albums that I otherwise hadn’t heard of. I also really enjoyed Miley, Olivia’s, and Tracy’s performances that I otherwise would not have seen.


I feel like the Grammys themselves would probably support it because they knew that we were all going to tune in for hints of an announcement. Award shows need really anything to drive up viewing numbers because they’ve been on the decline for what like 10 years


it’s kind of absurd to suggest Miley hasn’t gotten ridiculous hate throughout her career, which started when she was a very young child. She’s embraced genuinely and truly not caring, and honestly? Good for her. Saying she didn’t forget anyone after completely omitting her creepy father from the thank yous was excellent. If she wants to make a joke poking fun at how she’s been criticized her whole life, I don’t see the issue


I just realized she didn’t thank her dad at all and he wasn’t there!


Lollllll 😂


High key think that people are just using the whole “she ignored Celine” to hate to Taylor. She’s a legend but bfr a lot of these people most likely never uttered her name once and suddenly they give a shit.


People on diff pop culture subs have been saying now, “she needs to be humbled” as in, “she needs all of us in society to cruelly deride her with our keyboards until she hates herself and disappears.” Women hating women under the guise of concern. Part of me wishes she didn’t win last night. The backlash is going to be bad.


I literally was so excited for her and then I turned to my husband with the saddest look on my face and told him the internet is going to be so mad and mean to her for this win.


Taylor made a mistake there, but people are very much using Celine as a proxy for what they're really mad about. Which is that Taylor has 4 AOTY and Beyonce has none. And I do think Beyonce should have won for Lemonade. A lot of things are true. But the truest thing is she was always going to face a big backlash for winning her 4th. That's what happens when you're on top. 2023 wasn't perfect for her either. A fan died at one of her shows, and then there was Healy. She can handle this.


This one. If it wasn’t Celine, they would have picked apart her speech or how she forgot to thank someone or how black women were snubbed for a “mediocre” white woman (I’ve seen all of this on Twitter already, but they would have been more amplified without the Celine gaffe). There was always going to be backlash with the AOTY, partly because of oversaturation. But reactions are beyond her control and I hope she’s mentally well enough now to brush them off. She and we just need to be patient.


Tearing down women on top all in the name of social justice or trying to humble someone. Most of those people wouldn’t know humility if it smacked them in the face. Saying you’re trying to humble someone and being a bully about it is so hypocritical


“People throw rocks at things that shine”


>High key think that people are just using the whole “she ignored Celine” to hate to Taylor They will honestly use ANY excuse to hate on Taylor.




Also, I can't imagine any of these people caring nearly as much if, in 20 years' time, Taylor presented the AOTY to a younger version of herself who forgot to hug her or mention her name in the speech. Ay ay ay, what do you want from her?!


There are going to be more info that will come out... what was on Taylor's mind, etc ON the stage. Be fucking patient and quit nastily Pre-judging (which I feel is all this society is good at doing)! Pretty sure Taylor loves Celine Dion and meant NO diss!


She seemed over the moon and trying to acknowledge everyone, and made most of her speech about Lana. We have seen people forget to thank their partners, kids, so I could definitely see forgetting to hug a presenter that’s known to be on frail health.


I'll never understand why everyone is so worked up. I didn't even notice anything until I saw the hate comments 🫠




Taylor didn't hug or thank Celine when accepting her award, so people think she was incredibly disrespectful and rude to her or something 🤷‍♂️


I haven’t watched a full award show in a long time, but is it now standard to thank your presenter after winning?


I don't think so. I think the issues stems from Mileys acceptance earlier in the show. She gushed over Mariah and had Mariah stand next to her when accepting. Celine is really ill, though, and Taylor might have wanted to ensure she could hug her.


People have way too much time on their hands if the argument is “well, Miley did this so Taylor also should’ve done it”. Two different people did two different things 🤷🏻‍♀️


That’s not really the issue. Celine was a surprise guest and the show made a big deal about her returning to the Grammys despite being in poor health. So essentially it was teed up as being a great honor to have Celine give out the award, and so then Taylor not acknowledging her, while it’s understandable because she was in such an emotional state, felt really blatant. The fact that Miley and other winners made a big deal out of their presenters does add to the bad optics though.


celine had asked not to be hugged because of her condition though. And outside stimuli can trigger her muscle spasms which are severe enough to break bones. I can imagine the instict to hug her was there for taylor, but she remembered her frail condition and blanked on how to acknowledge her without hurting her


Do you have a source for Celine asking not to be hugged on stage?


Of course they don't.


That’s my take too. Could she have said something, yes. But I think it was an honest mistake, not intentional. What would have been worse? If she had hugged her with the Grammy in hand and Celine fell or was otherwise injured due to her condition.


I strongly recommend avoiding twitter, OMG the hate is so bad.


I thought we stopped using X


Any of the pop culture subs here, as well.


They are ripping apart her wing AOOTY too for midnights saying it was not a deserving album. Even “Swifties” are saying it was a horrible album. I thought it was one of her most successful and incredible albums 🤷‍♀️ one of my top favourites for sure!


It’s not bad it’s just bots and bots


Probably republican fed bots. Remember, the entire nfl, Taylor, and Biden colluded to sway the 2024 electoral map


It’s quite disgusting. Taking an honest human moment and claiming she’s some sort of god awful person for it. IDGAF if it is Celine DION, Taylor won AOTY and broke the record doing so, which is more iconic than anyone in that building. Society is so broken. Do everything perfect or you’re an awful person. Acknowledge everyone ever or else you only think about yourself.


Also watching the video? She nearly tripped on the skirt of her dress right as she walked up to accept the award. I’d have gone blank trying to save myself from wiping out. She did great!


Seriously everyone is hating on every damn thing she did tonight and she was 100% being a positive team player. People are just moronic.


Moronic and jealous - don’t forget jealous!


My husband saw that tonight. He said he liked to see her cheer and sing for everyone. It was his first time seeing her on an award show obviously. Lol


I’m scared right now when I should be happy over the moon with the new album and the Grammy win. She is getting so much backlash in so many comment sections on the internet, wtf 😭


just try and tune it out, internet discourse lasts for like 48 hours and then they move on to other things. i’ve learned to not really gaf what the general public thinks about taylor. most people are miserable anyway


It’s inevitable. People will find something to complain about, no matter what. And hating on Taylor Swift is as on trend as being a fan.


Some people profit on being Taylor Swift haters lol. If we care about them we might as well make peace in the Middle East in the process


Don’t. No one cares apart from chronically online people and MAGA/Fox News weirdos. I love Celine and I think this is a ridiculous overreaction coming from a place of fake concern.


It would be even worse if she lost. They would be calling her "loser" and laughing at how "Midnights" failed.


Agree, the hate is overwhelming. I was so happy when she announced the new album and when she won AOTY, I didn't expect both to happen. So I headeded off to comment sections of posts about her and I am disappointed :(


She's going to get backlash no matter what she does. I think it was already made so clear lately. Let's just celebrate our queen's success no matter what!


People want a reason to hate her. If she doesn't do everything perfectly, the backlash is magnified because she has such a spotlight on her. It's actually ridiculous. People are acting like she murdered a kitten on live TV last night. THAT, I would expect this level of backlash about.


Oh same. My excitement for the album has been dulled because it’s just nonstop hate ugh.


Speaking of “the man”, no one would be talking about this if a male winner didn’t hug Celine Dion.


No one noticed that Miley basically ignored Meryl Streep and ran to hug Mark Ronson (which is natural! she knows Ronson very well). This is one of those tiny things that either blows up or goes away, but really is totally meaningless. It's just something to harp on because someone is too tall a poppy.


She had already spoken to Meryl and acknowledged her


I absolutely would be.


Ever since someone pointed out Taylor loves to hang on someone in pictures I can't unsee it 😭 🤣 even on Celine lmao


She was very physical tonight. 😆


Okay correct me if I’m wrong but I just watched her acceptance speech for AOTY, when Celine handed her the trophy, she was talking to someone else behind her while she already reached her hand out to take the award and was already in front of the mic. I don’t see anything wrong with that? People on Twitter are saying she was being rude and disrespectful towards Celine just because she didn’t make eye contact?? SHE LOOKED AT CELINE WHILE GIVING HER SPEECH AND WAS STANDING UP CLAPPING HER HANDS WHEN CELINE CAME OUT??? What more do these people want from her? Sorry this is kinda long I’m so pissed


Totally agree, like she didn’t ‘rip’ the award out of her hands or ‘ignore’ her, she was already at the mic and took the Grammy that Celine had stretched out to her. Idk to me she very normally accepted the award, I’ve seen plenty of other celebrities accept the award the same way. Could she have acknowledged Celine more, sure. But how she accepted the award was not unusual.


It was unusual. 99% of the time, you hug the presenter. That's a fact.


Icons ❤️


Queens 👑💖






Taylor contains immense gratitude for her collaborators. Ignoring THEM in that moment would have been just as bad, maybe worse. It already seemed hard enough for her to acknowledge one person at a time. I agree it was awkward, but that is who she is and who we love her for being.


Have you ever seen a thought/opinion go so viral you think you've taken crazy pills? Like you can't possibly imagine how so many people came to a certain conclusion? That's been happening to me more lately and definitely me right now. I could see how it's a faux pas but seriously don't understand the level of outrage it's getting. 


as a die hard swiftie, i acknowledge how overwhelmed TS had to have been in that moment and its significance to her personally and in grammy history. at the same time, i can also acknowledge that it felt inappropriate and careless for her to not acknowledge Celine Dion — equally as symbolic and significant in its own way. i admit i kept waiting for her to and really wished she would have. it’s not a character-defining moment by any means, the haters will hate, but the moment does feel a bit robbed of sincerity. we swifties hold TS to high standards in spite of her humanness. so yes, feeling overwhelmed w shock is relatable, but so is paying respects in big moments. people are so quick to hate and latch on to the next thing they can to slam someone — i don’t think this is a matter of right and wrong; i think it’s recognizing there’s a lot of circumstances and factors that can influence moments and our behavior, and this is just another one to reflect on! a life lesson she preaches and tells us stories about often 🙏🏻


I mean, I have adhd so maybe it’s enormously different for ppl without but even on a day to day basis when I’m literally going to get food or something, I can become so focused on one thing that I completely forget the ppl around me and after think “omg was I rude to x person????” Like I can’t imagine getting a Grammy for best album of the year, which she didn’t even seem to expect since she announced the album earlier, when also likely at least a bit intoxicated and thinking about your bestie who’s an icon but hasn’t gotten one yet; she seemed to be about to acknowledge her but immediately got distracted with asking where someone else was or something, and by the time that ended Celine was gone It would be one thing if Taylor didn’t acknowledge it or have pics for a day or days, but within an hour or so there were pics of them together—considering being announced until getting off the stage was maybe 2-3min max, it’s reasonable for Taylor to get swept up in the moment and completely forget her until right after 🙃🙃 esp since she did have Lana up there and seemed to be thinking a lot abt her friend


>within an hour or so there were pics of them together I saw the pic within 15 minutes of Taylor getting off the stage.


I agree. Was she a bit tipsy? I know taylor doesn’t usually drink close to her your but she drinks at awards shows often.


Two legends in white


White was generally the color of the night, no? There were several people with white gowns.


i texted my bestie saying everyone associated with taylor or around her was basically wearing white, minus a few. i told her i felt like they knew something.


Yeah I noticed a lot of white as well as black and both B&W fits on the carpet.


Had a friend say that Taylor was a wolf in sheep's clothing for not thanking Celine during her speech. I told them it was kinda a sexist take, pitting women against each other for no reason, and when I tell you they went off on me... Calling me a crazy bitch on drugs.... Then the inevitable "Her music isn't even good!" Tell someone with a penis they said something sexist and watch how they react. It will tell you a lot, even if it's about as something as SILLY as this. They are blocked now.


But I thought she walked past her, ignored her, flipped her off, whacked her over the head with her Grammy, spat in her face, called her a whale then dove off the stage into her thousands of adoring fans while Celine cried?


The amount of people mad in comment sections about this is making me so sad


I don't think it was intentional, just that she wanted to hug that other person (I didn't see who she was) and then kept looking at her, while taking the grammy from Celine's hands. Unfortunately, the moment for that to happen was bad, because Celine is in evidence for her disease and being at the grammys was huge and emotional for everyone. It's sad that, instead of people putting the focus on the fact that Celine was there, despite her struggles, they decided to make this about Taylor's actions


The amount of times I’ve forgotten to thank my friends or coworkers or anyone for things they did for me… I must be a *horrible* person to the people hating on Taylor lol


Man, this conversation is giving me horrible flashbacks to the morning after my wedding. I had (and still do!) so much anxiety about how much I interacted with guests and if they felt appreciated, etc etc.


Celine Dion gets more press than she’s gotten in 20 years all because Taylor didn’t look at her correctly. Respect to both.


I can see why her accepting the award last night looks bad, but I don’t understand how people can’t understand that this was TAYLOR’s moment. She was in shock. Celine didn’t CHOOSE Taylor for the award; she presented it. Taylor made HISTORY last night and the moment was and should be about about HER. It could’ve been anyone up there presenting the award and the reaction would’ve been the same. We also don’t know how Celine feels about personal touch given her diagnosis of Stiff Person Syndrome.




Wrong. I would def have the same reaction if it was two icons that were men.


Speechless 😍


The hate right now is fucking REAL. Do I think she was unintentionally rude? Yes. Did she make a mistake? Yes. But is it the worst thing someone has done at the Grammy’s and does it warrant people flaming her? No. She was excited, distracted, probably a little drunk, and if it’s the worst thing she does, it’s a lot better than other celebrities. She can take some heat for it, but it’s so out of proportion to what happened it’s insane. I think people are more upset she won AOTY again, are piling on the hate train, and while it may or may not be a justifiable winner, that is not her fault. I actually wish she held off on her new album, because I think we are on the verge of pre-Rep like hate right now, and that’s really unfortunate.


Queens supporting queens! They both looked great! ❤


Too beautiful women with beautiful careers! There’s no reason to put them against each other


Taylor looks so genuinely happy and honored!


I LIKE SWIFT... BUT SURE AF SHE WAS MESSY I wasn't sure what happened, then the word: entertainers told not to hug Celine....really? Did it also say no eye contact, no words? And how about her shoulder drapping hug back stage???? Lastly, look at Celine Dion ig. There are Grammy pics 5 in all. Yet not a one with swift and Celine.


damage control


This is damage control from her team. Too late! We saw you completely ignore Queen Celine!


The dresses 😍😍😍


this is beautiful


Their dresses match!




I love how affectionate she is.


Look - I LOVE Taylor and I don't think this was intentional - but she could do so much damage control by just putting out a simple "Hey guys, I know how that looked last night, I was just in shock and didn't mean to "snub" Celine. I love Celine and she is such an inspiration", etc, etc, etc.


Absolutely not. Any statement she makes will be hated more than the hate she is getting now. Most of the people hating didn't even care that this pic came out within 15 minutes of Taylor accepting the Grammy from Celine. Any statement by Taylor will be seen as "PR" and "not genuine." Best thing to do is ignore it.


That seems pretty ridiculous. It’s giving credence that it was anything more than her looking overwhelmed/excited. She doesn’t owe random people in the world an explanation over something they didn’t like. Celine is a grown adult who was seen with her after the fact in a few pictures. Getting upset because of online discourse more than the actual people involved is kind of insane to begin with. Taylor doesn’t need to make a statement every time some on the internet judges something she did or didn’t do.


"I want her to apologize to ME for snubbing Celine", people on the internet are beyond insane.


Surprised everyone here refuses to acknowledge the elephant in the room (how lana looked and showed physical signs of being upset and was still disregarded by taylor and dragged along like a puppy to stage).


I get that Taylor Swift is not for everybody.. but the critics sure act like she is. If Taylor did a mic-drop like Miley or if she angrily threw folding chairs across the stage like Travis Scott last night, Twitter would be having a field day.. But because of who she is and the work she does, her actions are held at a higher standard. And the outrage over this is just ridiculous. Did we forget this isn’t the first time she’s received an award from Celine Dion? https://preview.redd.it/o0o54nhjrvgc1.jpeg?width=822&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=135830064583b082d8d37e55541a64d8e9b59384