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Librarian. My school has had one bad media coordinator after another. If it weren't for the technology piece of the job, I would have pursued the certification years ago


I sometimes think I should have been a librarian and gotten my masters in library science instead of teaching my one worry was job security but honestly there's no job security anywhere nowadays. i am realizing i need a lot less behaviors and social interactions in order to be happy. As an introvert I think I would absolutely thrive in a library setting and I love reading as well!


I was a librarian in high school, and I loved it.


Once you invest 30k in the Master’s you shouldn’t have a problem with finding positions I’m in Montgomery County MD and Librarians are are always needed & pay is quite intriguing


I found out that my county gives ELA teachers the Specialist pay bump for LS/MS so it was an easy decision to do that over yet another ELA ed degree! Now our Media Specialist just needs to retire in 12 years...


I’m currently a district administrator after spending 12 years in a classroom. They blow up central office all the time, I just finished my Library Media degree for the inevitable next time they do so. Having worked with some amazing LMSs, there’s no place I’d rather end my career than a school library.


Stay at home wife. But my husband is a teacher too, so that will never happen 🤑😂


Same except stay at home dad lol


I did it for 8 years. My house was clean-clean-clean, organized and all three meals a day were made from scratch…now everything is “Meh…I’ll get to it tomorrow…”. 😂


lol I want to be a stay at home dog person. I feel great in summers when I can sleep 9 hours and just hang out.


That's both mine and my wife's main answers (wife more than me, although it's a top 2-3 choice for me). We have 3-children who are 7 (almost 8), 6,and 3. The older two are involved in after school activities (karate, soccer, basketball, baseball) 3/4ths of the year. We virtually have no time or energy to clean the house on weekdays after school, and on the weekends we're usually wiped out and don't have much energy to do it, so the house is just in a constant state of chaotic mess. And our weekday meals primarily consist of takeout and/or a quick, easy frozen food(s) can we throw in the oven for 20 minutes. We always talk about how nice it'd be if one of us could stay home and just keep on top of the cleaning enough to keep the house presentable, get groceries with no stress, and 4-6 days a week have a well-rounded home-cooked meal prepped and ready to make when everyone else got home from school. Just need our state to bump double teacher pay to about $125k/yr and we'd be set!


Educational game developer Science Museum exhibit designer Bargain Bin Bill Nye


You said almost exactly what I was going to say! Bill Nye would be amazing, but opening my own STEAM makers space with specialty events for adults and kids is the absolute dream right now. I do volunteer at a museum to help bring in STEAM activities for younger kids and it is awesome!


I was thinking about this recently myself... I love nature and being in parks, so my 'post teaching' career might be park ranger.


I always think of Steve from “Married With Children “ who left his bank job to be a forest ranger.


Wow, I forgot all about that. I watched that scene on youtube just now. Zero chance of me going back for my exwife though, lol.


I was talking to an NPS ranger and he said that education experience is favorable since they do a lot of outreach and education. It's my back up plan as well.


I’m doing that as soon as my youngest kid is out of high school. I looked at it seriously when I left the military but most of the starting posts were in pretty remote places. Thinking back, I think they would have enjoyed it.


Apparently, having talked to a ranger about this same thing, they get LOTS of applications for every open ranger position, because many of us have the same thought.


I always thought locksmith would be a good backup if teaching didn't pan out. It's a long-term career, always in demand, an important trade that but different to the classic sparky/plumber/builder path, practical problem solving, most people will be happy when you arrive, plus the changes in modern security make this a good time to skill into it.


To top it off, your skills can come in handy with a variety of "off the books" jobs as well.


My family owns a locksmith company. That would’ve been me.




Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith... and I'm a locksmith.


Education was my second career. I never wanted to be a teacher because I come from a family of teachers. Growing up, I always had a good view of what's behind the curtain for teachers, so I never wanted it. I originally worked on getting into research. My primary obsession was regeneration, with a sub-obsession being neurogenesis. This eventually became a fixation on neurodegradation and neurodegenerative disorders. Research jobs in my area dried up shortly after graduation and I couldn't afford to move to greener pastures. This became especially rough because my mom developed early-onset alzheimers, so it got really personal for me. At the end of the day, I was good at teaching and I needed money. I guess Sir Pterry was right: education is like a venereal transmitted disease. It doesn't make you much good for anything else and you have the overwhelming urge to pass it on


Musical Theater/Broadway!




Makes for a very interesting teacher!


Chemist (preferably nuclear). I got my BS in chemistry and didn't want to move out of my hometown. There is actually a nuclear plant within commuting distance but... despite trying several times, I was never even called in for an interview. I'm guessing they'd prefer I have a master's degree or higher. Oh well, it all worked out. I love teaching and the hours allow me to spend plenty of time with my children.


Teaching is my second career. Prior to becoming a teacher I was a Vice President of Marketing. I am very seriously considering going back to the corporate world after learning what a shit show public education is. I want to build award winning, nationally recognized programs that provide the students with real world educational experiences but the district just wants lame-duck babysitters. Why the fuck would I turn down an extra $100k to be a meaningless babysitter.


Education is my 2nd career. I was in the military. I also practice youth/adolescent therapy.


How do you Iike it after the military? Looking into an education degree after retirement


I love what I do. I’m an elementary school counselor. The stakes are just as high as the military, but they’re also… not at all as high… ¿if that makes sense? Like, my military experiences have set me up to handle this type of stress, and not be overwhelmed like a lot of younger teachers/counselors who haven’t had those experiences. It’s kind of like the military, in the sense that each school (platoon/shop) and each district (unit/regiment) has its own vibe and personality. Was at one school where I loved the people I worked w/ but the leadership was shits. Am at a different level than I was, and at a new school/district. Night and day difference. Edit: addition… I know a decent amount of veterans that are also educators, and from what I gather, they’re all happy with their choice. We all have our gripes and different complaints, but generally speaking, they’re all pleased with the transition.


Did you teach before becoming a school counselor?


I was a substitute teacher for 5 years. Ended up being a long term (same class daily) sub for 1 semester.


Sorry.im not from the US but how does it make sense to be a school councillor with only five years of sub experience ;


How does it make sense to require someone be a teacher before they’re a counselor? It is its own degree, w/ it’s own certifications, w/ it’s own annual professional development. Should a school counselor be required to have 2 masters degrees? Now, I understand your point in it being beneficial to have had extensive classroom management exposure so you can understand what teachers are looking for… That said, you can accomplish learning that (what teachers are looking for support wise) through communication.


I've had teachers, and worked with teachers that were veterans and they were all very good at what they did!


Mostly same boat, but tried the corporate world between military and teaching. It’s a lot of the same people skills that the military requires, with a little bit lower stakes. The parents make it seem like life or death, but it really isn’t.


Using my GI Bill to get a teaching degree while I sub and volunteer at a nearby school. Would love any advice


Embrace the fact that your life experiences are different than the avg college student. That is one of your strengths. When you’re finally done w/ your degree and starting to actually look for work, don’t restrict yourself to the district/school you do your volunteer/intern/sub at. I worked as a sub in a district for 5 years while working towards my degree. Got a gig with them after graduation (am grateful), and it ended up being a terrible experience. (I learned a lot and am in a much better place) Being a contracted/certificated employee is different than being a sub. You can’t be as blunt when speaking to people. You can definitely be just as direct, but the specific word choices and intonation of your voice during delivery are important to pay attention to. Feelings can (and do) get hurt quickly.


I’m just starting my general ed to qualify for a university program near me for a teaching degree. I’m a little afraid of using my entire GI Bill before I actually reach the end of my education and then being crap out of luck and having to take student loans. How far along are you in the process and would you change anything on how you went or are currently going about it?


We just had a teacher retire after 20 years in each. He is 65, and getting military and teacher pensions and social security!


You are a diamond in the rough.


As a kid, I’m not sure what my response would’ve been. As an adult, I think baker (bread not sweets) could be fun


I was in marketing prior to education. It's cliche af because I teach English, but writing for a living would be wonderful.


Spent 20 years working in CPS, so education is second career. When I was with CPS I wish I would have listened to my dad and went into turf management and be a superintendent at a golf course. Would have winters off lol. Now I teach science (and theatre), so close enough


Touring rock and roll star, comic book artist, long haul trucker.


If teaching falls apart for me, I will open a fat camp for dogs.




Yesssss, and we would be the best because a teacher IS a detective.


Lawyer, Actor, or Politician. Of course being an Actor is the only honest work of the three.


Funeral Home makeup artist. I’m dead serious…..no no I really am serious


This is my answer as well, something in mortuary science/funeral work.


Nursing or a doctor in a hospital. I know it's another shit job but I need chaos and a schedule


I was a restaurant manager and then Army before teaching. So not those. There's other jobs I'd enjoy more, but having all the same time off as my own children makes teaching absolutely perfect.




If I knew landscape engineer was a thing that’s what I would have done. Now that I think about it every career I was interested as a kid I had an adult who does those things talk me out of it telling me their job sucks….including my uncle who was a teacher!!😂 A few weeks later he apologized and told me the positives of teaching…I think my aunt yelled at him.


Was thinking of opening a pottery studio or a bakery


I want to open a pottery studio


Archivist. I was looking into getting my masters in library and information sciences before I took a year off and decided to get my credential instead. I also loved the idea of restoring historical pieces and research.


I would've gone into academia for anthropology. But, frankly, academia sucks these days. Between the publish-or-perish environment that values quantity of quality, the lack of security (jumping around from adjunct position to adjunct position for years if not decades until you're lucky enough to get tenure), and now even the pressure to pass kids to keep tuition money flowing. It's just not a good idea.


Federal government. Library of Congress


I was actually a machinist for several years before becoming a teacher; so if I quit teaching, I might return to that. Construction also seems to have a nice ring to it to me.


I have no idea, all I ever wanted to be was a teacher.


National Park Ranger, I love learning about the parks and being in nature grounds me as a human. When I’m in the parks, even the crowded ones, my soul feels free and happy, unlike any feelings I get inside the classroom.


trust fund baby?


I was a cook for 20 odd years before starting my teaching journey. So honestly I already did the other one, this is my second career! Being in a high pressure enviroment with people who can barely self regulate honestly prepared me really well for education.


Worked as a copy editor before teaching, so not that….working in a history museum would be my dream job


I still don't know. When I could not find a teaching job I ended up in retail. I actually enjoy the work but not the pay.


I was almost an acoustical engineer — someone who would design theatres, opera houses, and concert venues. Sometimes I really wish I had gone that route.




I have a degree in engineering. The reason I went into education was because I already decided that I didn't want to do that, but I guess it's still a backup plan.


Either archaeology or forestry. The ACT career inventory said I should be a park ranger.


The career survey I took in high school said I should work in agriculture! I guess because I like gardens, animals, and the outdoors. I actually entered college as an animal science major to go that route and noped out after the first year.




I would love to not work and have a bakery/farm animal rescue. Realistically, if I had to continue working, I always wanted to be a school counselor and kind of wish I went that route instead.


Boutta get my masters in Media Studies / advertising because teaching ain't it


As a career changer, I already got to work in the lab, and could go back to that if I wanted to, but don't. Right now my dream job is being retired and babysitting grandbaby(s?)


Carpenter or plumber or something like that.




Zoo keeper


Music Producer


I'd pursue science to some degree involving space


Not that easy. One of my cousins got a Doctorate in Biochemistry from Cornell. She actually designed experiments for the Space Shuttle program. Problem was that SHE wanted to go into space. NASA wanted her ideas but a male astronaut to do her work. Cousin told them where to go. She retired from a professorship at a university in the NW United States. She is dabbling in writing and restoration of antiques.


Wildlife Officer


I would be back at trucking. I did that for a while before teaching. one of my best friends from college is driving. I still view it as a plan B.


ER doctor or paramedic


Occupational Therapist


An astronaut. I would have been in the first class allowing female cadets in the Air Force Academy. Unfortunately my cousin was a pilot and when he tried to teach me to fly I kept getting airsickness! An attorney. I was twice accepted to law school. Just out of high school my parents said that at 17 I was too young to live several hours away from home. At age 35, I was accepted locally but as I was a single parent I couldn’t quit my job and go to school full time 60+hours a week and support my family. I deferred my admission but my father passed away and my mother came out of remission from her cancer. I never got to go to law school. A doctor. I get sick at the sight of blood. A casino manager. I stepped in to a job after two years of teaching. Within months I was an acting supervisor. Within five years I was offered a blue badge (#1) license and turned them down twice. In two different houses, two different departments. Turned one down because I chose the guy. Returned to the old house and the guy, got offered another manager job and even a free pass to law school (I was only 12 credits from a Masters at the time). I turned it down and told the big boss to give the badge to my guy. The bosses got a laugh because their offer was non transferable (ha!) and the guy was pissed that I didn’t jump on the opportunity. I returned to teaching at almost 4 times what I made when I left five years earlier. Didn’t get the guy either. Seems that when I left my job the relationship was non transferable too. I retired after teaching 30 years.


NICU nurse


I tried to enlist in the Marine Corps, but was rejected because of my health problems... Naturally, I became a teacher instead.


I would be an accountant.


Forensic Toxicologist. My degree is in chemistry with concentration in forensic science. So my plan was to be in a lab.


Since I doubt I could get a movie reviewing gig, probably a park ranger of some kind.


Archeologist, but like Indiana Jones style. I did consider becoming a pharmacist once since my mom worked in the field, but then I took chemistry 😮‍💨


Police officer. I chose a close 2nd.


Speech therapist or OT


I was a P.I. In Philly for 20 years before I went into teaching. Now I teach HS German, Latin, Linguistics and social studies. No one (admin) bothers me (they have no idea what I do) and I’m pretty free to do what I want. I really like it. I also play fiddle on the side. Not a bad gig.


Being a writer, a civil servant, or working at a nonprofit


I'm a music teacher, so... musician. Though probably not a touring or gigging musician, because I like to know I can afford my next meal, so I'd probably end up working in an instrument shop, or teaching privately, or even end up somewhere like working in a record store. However, since I have this degree, a good job would probably be working as a community events organizer who books bands for city events. I worked in a different city job (parks) during university so it would probably have made sense for me to make a jump to a different department doing that sort of thing.


I wanted to be a writer or a critic but I am not a good writer. Maybe a counselor. I did that for four years for a non for profit. But making 21k a year is just not a long term solution. probably would have ended up in insurance like the rest of my family.


Estate planning and probate lawyer. I am awed at how many people do not plan for after their death. Also I’ve seen the worst in people come out after death of a loved one and I’d like to help people plan so the family left behind stays intact.


Teaching is my second career after casting for television, now I wish I had become a carpenter.


A few things: 1. I am at my best when things are chaotic, and blood and guts don’t bother me. I think I would be a really good EMT. 2. I love a good adrenaline rush and am fascinated by severe weather, so a storm chaser would definitely be on my radar (pun intended) 3. I have always loved the magic of the movies, and going to the theatre was my favourite thing growing up. If they were remotely profitable, I would like to open a movie theatre someday. I worked in one just prior to becoming a teacher, and it was my favourite job other than teaching.


History or music. I do both as hobbies on amateur level but unfortunately, there are very few jobs in either direction.


I spent 20 years in grocery retail. Teaching is my second career, but if I wasn't a teacher I would be a sediment geologist and work for a beach nourishment company. Or an environmental engineering firm.


Mentioned as a comment that a stay-at-home dad would be up there as one of my top choices. However, my number one choice would be sports journalist, sports analyst, sports podcaster...basically anything that involves me getting watch sports and then write or talk about it for a living. I still wish I had majored in media/journalism in college. Coming out of high school it was my passion (wrote for my high school's newspaper for four years, was co-editor and sports editor for two years, and I won several awards at the state level). I almost did and often wish I had just chosen to the media communications major at my college.


Education is my second career. I was in the Army and would go back to what I was doing in the military. If that wasn’t possible then I would want to be a tour guide for the National Park system.


I was going to be a homicide detective (in my area, detectives are not ranking officers). The police department had a hiring freeze and a multi year waitlist.


Long Haul Truck Driver


Theatrical set or lighting designer. Still something I love to do and for a long time, I used to help out with my school's theatre program. But then ppl left the district and the new theatre person brought their own people in and I haven't been able to help out in years. It's a huge bummer.


Speech pathologist! I am a music teacher and studied singing in college. There is a bit of crossover with my knowledge of the international phonetic alphabet and basic vocal anatomy and I’d be so curious to learn more.


I was an actor. I'd go back in a heartbeat if i could pay my bills.


Growing up, I wanted to be these things in this order: 1. Teacher 2. Ballet dancer 3. Actress 4. Neuroscientist 5. Professional dancer 6. Model 7. Teacher. In the end, it was my ballet teacher being a bit too honest with me when I said I didn't think I could be a professional dancer and she suggested I teach dance instead. Her thinking I should be a teacher was what made me decide to go that route. I think pretty much everything I have wanted to be has been about performing and I guess neuroscientist because the brain is such an interesting thing to me. I feel like I have had the opportunity as a teacher to have all the other jobs too.


Librarian. Peace and quiet.


Prior to teaching (I started teaching at 41 y/o), I had many interesting jobs. Best one was National Park Ranger at Grand Tetons. The pay is awful but the work was literally heavenly and profoundly rewarding. Any teacher who loves the outdoors should look into being an NPS volunteer in retirement, it’s like a trade for a free rv spot and hookup in exchange for 30 hours a week (15/each for couples) all the retirees that worked w us were the best.


Librarian or bookstore owner. I just want to be around books all day! I even had a name picked out for my bookstore, before I realized that all non-chain stores are essentially dead and I couldn't survive on the money I would get from it. It was gonna be a secondhand shop with both new and used books, with an option to trade in books for credit towards others in the shop. Little café in the corner with cozy chairs by the windows to slump into and read. Maybe even a fireplace for those rainy, chilly days. I was gonna call it "Tomes."


Stunt Man.


Software engineer


I always enjoyed art and math, so I thought I could have combined the two as an architect. But, I hated school and thought it was terrible so my grades weren’t good enough, so naturally I became a teacher and go to school for the rest of my life.


I’d probably design and build furniture or be a full time artist.


I was a writer and editor for years before teaching. I still hit grammar and writing really hard with my sixth-graders.


Software engineer


I wish I had moved to New York or LA to try to make it as a singer. Even if I just did session work or was a backup singer. That was the dream.


I think in another life I would have been an excellent barrister.


I almost went into nursing. If I had to switch at this point I might try to be a writer. I could also see myself enjoying speech pathology or physical therapy. Maybe a therapist.


Lawyer or physiotherapist.


Always wanted to do physiotherapy. Still along the lines of helping and making a difference. Finances never allowed it, but I'm still wanting to work to the goal now.


Event planner with an emphasis on weddings. I discovered I really love the planning process when I was preparing for my own wedding (I thought I was crazy because everyone said they HATED planning their wedding). My dream would be to buy a space I could use as a venue, like an inn or farmhouse, and run my own wedding business.


Mechanic. I like troubleshooting and diagnosing issues. I like physics and electricity. I do not like blood so I knew healthcare wasn’t for me.


IRS could you imagine a job where people were very polite to your face… Or one of the restructuring companies. The one they hire to come in and fire a bunch of people so they don’t get blamed.




Chef/Comedian...the only other things I do well


You know, I really think I could have thrived as a Real Housewife.


Marine Biology


“The Sea was angry that day, my friends!” 😂😂😂


We just watched that episode yesterday!!🤣


Long Distance truck driver or car mechanic. Back when I graduated high school, those were not considered to be jobs for women. My mother threw an absolute fit. "Those are jobs for your future husband or boyfriend, not a young lady!! " "Over my dead body...." "No daughter of MINE is going to...."


Audiobook narrator or cookie and cake baker (I’m just not that great at decorating).


Lion tamer. Same skill set, but seriously an astronaut


I was pre-med when I switched to education…..I probably would have continued on


I used to be a baker. I loved the job. I didn't love the $13/hour In a town where renting a room in a house was $1k/month, or literally every joint in my arm getting tendon damage, or not having insurance.


I should have stayed in business school. Wish I could kick past me in the ass about switching majors.


Astrophysics is my hobby. I know enough now to probably pass a 101 course exam. If I could start all over I would choose that field and teach college classes while working to advance the field any way I can.


Research science or opera singer


I originally followed my dad's career as a Chemical engineer, then went to teaching. I loved going to King's Island, and wish I had realized earlier that \*someone\* had to design the roller coasters. Then RCT came out and I really wished that I had started mechanical engineering instead of chemical. So... a roller coaster designer.


Engineer. The further removed from college I am, the more I think that would’ve been a good choice for me


Costume designer




Journalist or researcher. I still like to deep dive into things that interest me.


Nursing. No doubt.


I love medical mysteries. I'd have loved to do lab work and research.


Car sales. If not for the work schedule, I’d probably still be doing it.


Vet or movie critic.


I wanted to be a paleontologist for the longest time.


Honestly, teaching is my second career. I was originally in museums working as a paleontology technician and museum education. Between the lack of benefits, not great pay, and COVID, I saw the writing on the wall. Teaching provides the stability that the museum world couldn’t. My husband and I joke that I should work in an antique store or a bookstore. We shall see but who knows, maybe that will be a third career move!


Farmer or rancher




WWE Champ


I was originally in school to be an oral surgeon bc my mom wanted me to be haha so maybe that... Or a translator


I was a research scientist before this.


Honestly if I had had the encouragement of my parents and teachers in my life I would have gone into medicine. No one really saw me or my potential.


Lawyer.😄 I originally had plans of going to law school. I had been a teacher’s aide all through high school and then taught pre-k as a part time job. Teaching just kept pulling at me. I switched majors in my junior year and had to play catch up. Sometimes I really regret it, but other times, not at all. I just wonder how my life would have turned out had I gone to law school and became a lawyer. I wanted to do environmental law.


A lawyer. I kick myself when I see my paycheck for not going to law school.


I still plan on doing this but engineering. I literally have a chemical engineering degree from Colorado School of Mines that I haven’t used.


I stumbled into teaching after earning a PhD but not funding a tenure track position. So, probably hunting poachers


A biologist so I can spend a lot of time in the forest or at least in nature somewhere.


Graphic designer.


It’s random but I was always fascinated by how sound effects were added to cartoons and movies so I’d have pursued becoming a foley artist.




Events coordinator.


I used to be a teacher, then I got a PhD and am now an education policy researcher. So teacher with extra steps?


Homeless person and/or underemployed service worker (a.k.a. would-be “actor”).




Before teaching I was in the military. Got out and worked as a paralegal. I love law but I worked family law and all it was, was people bitching and complaining over the stupidest shit and their kids caught in the middle. One of my internships for the paralegal program was doing the legal side (paperwork and contracts) for a program for kids in really bad behavior shape. Like jail program stuff. I thought shit, I don’t care about helping adults with their legal problems, I care about helping these kids with skills before they turn out like this. So I switched to teaching. My love is Kindergarten but I’ve worked all of elementary behavior and now kinda do a split schedule. I do two days a week in kindergarten and run the district behavior program on the other days. That consists of me running around the district observing kids and coming up with behavior plans, social emotional learning, attending meetings etc. So I’m in the career I want now. Only thing I would quit for is to stay home and watching my grandkids in like ten years when my kids are of the age to have families and stuff.


I think I would really enjoy being a chef, baker or pastry chef. Lots of little and big projects to keep my ADD brain happy. Plus I love creating things to share.


I was a coal minder before all the coal jobs mysteriously dried up in the early 2010’s.


Child life specialist. I didn't learn about it until too late in my education and more schooling is not in the cards for me right now.


Is David Attenborough's job available?


Grief counseling. Whether I’m teaching or not what ever job I do I want to be supporting people’s growth


I’ve set a goal to get to law school by fall of 2025.


Hostage negotiator.


As a history teacher, I would have to say historian. I’m currently actually pursuing my graduate studies, seeking a PhD in the end. I still want to be an historian, probably teaching at the collegiate level. And I’m surprised I’m not seeing more comments from teachers picking the field they currently teach?


I stopped thinking about work as a career and defining my life/worth. Find something where you can have a life outside of work and focus on your happiness and health.


Lol, teaching is already my third career. I started with graphic design and marketing, moved to retail and management, and now to teaching. I'm debating right now about going into electricianship before I'm too old to be hired.


Graphic designer. But now I am director of education at an art museum so I’ve escaped the classroom!


I left a geology PhD program to teach high school, so probably a geologist.


Chef, just change one high stress environment for another


Librarian or a Nurse