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Why do you feel obligated to respond? They sent you an unsolicited email. Ignore it.


Right. Like I usually assume these are scams of some type. If not an instant scam, it's a long term scam to take advantage of desperate new teachers who just want to make a difference.


Exactly. Just keep it moving.


Because this post is made in bad faith.


Could be an issue if OP is collecting unemployment and turning down a teaching opportunity.


I would assume a cold call is spam. And if you just don't respond it's simple to say you never read it or forgot about it. If anything not responding is way better for your case than actively turning it down.


No. I’ve been working in another role instead of teaching for the past few years. I am employed; just trying to get back into the vocation that I like best. (My last teaching job wouldn’t pay for grad school.)


You could just not respond.


This is the answer you're looking for.


This ⬆️.


This is the way


Nah, that sucks. I'm old school and do not believe in ghosting.


You are too old school. Nowadays, recruiters send out mass / bunk emails & don't expect a response if you are not interested.


How is it ghosting if there was no established communication to begin with?


I was assuming some, otherwise, no, it is not.


What does ghosting mean to you? If someone calls you out of the blue, do you always return the call!? If shady Sam calls and leaves a message offering to redo your roof tomorrow, do you call him back? You didn’t reach out to him or ask for a quote—he just called you. If Judgemental Janet calls and offers to give you a lesson on the PROPER way to keep your lawn and garden, do you return the phone call or think “get a better hobby, bitch”.


Clever little examples, but not at all what I was assuming. I assumed some level of legit professional interchange had started. Funny how that caused so many correctors to get their panties in a twist setting me straight. 🤣 Uncalled for. I agree with you all. 🤷


I guess you’re not familiar with cold “calling” recruiters


Not what I'm talking about, unless one has previously responded to said recruiter.




Correct, silly, and that was not what I was assuming. I was assuming legit communication had been established.


Don't burn the bridge. The professional world is small. At least they can decline it without saying why.




Folks, calm the fuck down and stick your down votes. I was not presuming a blind, unsolicited email as the only thing that had occurred. I was assuming some type of actual prior exchange had taken place and the individual has a reasonable expectation of a response. It is THAT type of situation during which ghosting is a dick move. I'm not going to change my mind, but thanks for tryin' ta school me. 🙄🤣🤣🤣


learn to read


I can read. I did read. Bite me.


When you get junk mail with a "great new opportunity to invest" do you feel obligated to respond? Ignore it.


But he’s the *prince* of Nigeria, how can I be rude to royalty?


I stand corrected. 😉


Just say you’re not interested. I doubt they even care about the why.


Happy cake day!


Just say you're not interested at this time. Don't burn a bridge you hope you'll never have to use.


Yes, this is the way to go.


They don't care about your opinions on charter schools. If you're not interested just say so or ignore the email.


I think a simple "no thanks" is best. No need to explain why.


"Dear Charter School, Thank you for your interest. Right now I am concentrating my job search in other areas, so I have to decline your offer of an interview. May your search for teacher be successful." Sincerely, Job Candidate


“Thank you for the opportunity, but I politely decline the interview offer.”


Never burn a bridge. Never insult, as you don't know who knows who or who might transfer to be your boss/interviewer at a future school. If you don't want to work there, just tell them you have other offers you're evaluating right now, and you'll see down the road if they still have a need provided you are still looking. Or you could just ignore the email entirely if it was unsolicited. If they're emailing you unsolicited, it means they're desperate and probably sent out a bunch of those emails based on Linkedin or what have you. They'll never notice if you don't respond. (Or do you call back the guys who reach out to tell you your car's warranty is about to expire?)


Yes!! Yes!! 🙌🏼 best response in this thread yet!


I mean sure, this is absolutely the same and career minded response. But if you want you can absolutely respond and tell them why you have no interest. If they start getting multiple emails like this they may change for the better.


Highly doubtful.


I didn't say the chances are high


There is no disney movie moment speech you could ever make to achieve the intended effect you have in mind. It'll be received by some HR rep or recruiting firm who's just going to think you're strange and/or an asshole. Just don't reply, but if you must, "thanks but no thanks" is the way to go.


You don't have to explain yourself. I would just decline. I would keep that option open for future. If you can't find things and maybe want it. No need to say those things


Take the interview for the practice. Do people not do this?


Practice interviews are so important! Especially one you’re not wanting so you aren’t stressed


I second this


No, that’s a waste of my gas and my free time lol


A lot of people are bad interviewers and it's a solid way to get your confidence up/practice in when the stakes are low.




This actually did help me I did a practice interview with a charter school first and the principal basically told me when I got the answers wrong haha. Like she asked how responsible we were in student success and I was like getting introspective I was like "Well I think the school is 80% responsible because the student is with us all the time and we have a huge impact on their future opportunities but I think parents play a huge role and the student themselves does have a part to play." And she was like "At our school everyone from the janitor to the principal understands that we are 100% responsible for the success of our students" and I realized Id fumbled an easy pitch haha.


Yikes. That sounds like a red flag right there. Was it elementary? If it was high school, I honestly find it inexcusable to not hold the students at all responsible for their own success. At the elementary level, parents do play a huge role.


I mean I think my amswer was correct but it wasn't what I was supposed to say if that makes sense. It was a high school. And yeah I had no intention of actually working there I knew it sucked but it did help me. Like going forward I realized my current position had encouraged me to be very negative because there was a lot of resentment in the staff towards admin. Like I made a post about this a while ago but I had a kid screaming at me every day cussing me out and I was pretty much unable to do anything other than call home because sending her out was not an option, we had no iss, my admin was never going to sign off on OSS, etc. Like I was just so used to having to beg for the tiniest crumb of consequences that I became very cynnical towards how I needed to manage student behavior. Doing this interview as a practice helped me to realize that I was kind of giving off the wrong vibe. After that I made sure to come with a positive energy and talk about the things I really do love about my job. I love my students, I love like 99% of my job. I just hated watching my students suffer under horrible policies.


No. Wasting the interviewers time and effort seems like a really shitty thing to do


Unbelievably naive rationale. You'd 10/10 get eaten up in the private sector.


I spent 30 years in the private sector before I decided my soul was more important than helping the 1% hoard more wealth. I did just fine without treating people like their time had no value


You prop up the 1% hoarding wealth by just participating in society.




Interviewers constantly waste perspective employees time. I see no issue with also wasting theirs.


They don’t care why you don’t want to interview. The recruiter only cares about the yes/no, not the why.


Yeah seriously OP just say no thanks have a good one or don't even respond


I worked at a charter school and we won the us blue ribbon for education. I was there 8 years. I then spent 6 years at another charter. There are excellent charter schools out there just like there are failing public schools


Thank you for saying this! The public, open enrollment charter I’ve been at for 11 years outperforms most other schools in our city.


I never thought about one that wasn’t public open enrollment cause both of mine were but I guess you are right to include that. I loved my schools and loved my career cause of the small class size, autonomy and way less red tape.


You're kidding me right? This is a basic social interaction.


You don’t have to respond to it. They probably sent the same email to a lot of people most likely.


Do you feel like lecturing them on your thoughts on Charter Schools? If not simply don't reply or give a generic, "I don't think we're a good fit" if you feel compelled to respond.


Just say thank you for your interest but you are currently investigating other opportunities at this time.


While it might feel good to write that email, it won’t change anything that the charter school does and has the potential to burn a bridge you might need at some point. Just say thank you and you’re not interested and move on.


My first year was at a charter school. Totally agree with why you wouldn't want to work there. Just delete or mark spam.


As somebody who has spent the last 15 years or so at very good charter schools, don't discount them out of hand. If they're run by those giant companies (Academica, Charter Schools USA, etc), those are the ones I avoid. I spent the last decade in a community-run charter school, and it was the best school I've ever worked at in my 26 year career. I spent a couple years at a similar school earlier in my career, and it was also very good. The narrative of low accountability is not true for all charters. To answer your question, you could just ignore the email. I've done that before. Or, if you have the need to respond, you could just say something like "I would not be a good fit for your school". I've said that to various Christian schools who messaged me.


You don't have to explain, just respond that you are not interested at this time. Done!


What are they gonna do—not hire you?


As a former principal of a public non-profit charter School, just don't respond. We don't take any offense.


“Thank you for your email. I am not interested at this point. “


Why not use it as a practice interview?


This….Take the interview for the sake of experience, and ask for a salary that would cause you to stay.


"Thank you, but I'd prefer not to work at your shitty school."


Don't respond. Charter schools can get fucked.


“No” Is a complete sentence


The polite and professional thing to do is respond thank you for opportunity but you ate looking at other opportunities. That's it. No more, no less. # currentadmin


You say: Thank you for the opportunity, but I am exploring other avenues at this time. You could also alternatively actually interview and just not accept offer. You never know.


Dear (charter school rep), Thank you for extending your interest in hiring me for a teaching position in my area of expertise. Unfortunately, charter schools make me feel icky, and although I'm currently in need of a job, money will eventually fall out of the sky and onto my lap. I believe in providing children the best education possible, but I don't want to teach little charter brats. I'll be taking my talents to a union. Eventually. If they ever allow a bad teacher to be fired. With all due respect, Viola Orsino P.S. Even if you offer me more money and a higher quality work environment, with exceptional educational standards and rigor, I'm simply too annoyed by your charterly disposition to ever consider a position.


Reply with "unsubscribe"


Thank you, but I am not interested at this time. Any elaboration beyond that is just you wanting to hear yourself opine. If they come back and pester you for a why (which I can't imagine an employer doing) that is different. Then you can explain that you don't want to be part of the Rebublican effort to destroy public education


"Thanks but No thanks, not interested". and Move on with your day.


"Thank you for your interest in me. I am not interested in this position at this time."


Just don’t respond? If this is an out of the blue email from someone you haven’t had contact with, just ignore it. If you have had contact with someone personally, then just politely respond by saying that you’re looking for other options that better fit your preferences. Short and sweet.


"No thank you."


Companies ghost potential employees all the time. Don't bother.


Use your words.


Thank you, but I’m pursuing options elsewhere. Or. Thank you, I’m not interested. Are my go to .


Say something like….Thank you for your interest. I’m pursing other opportunities at the time, but I will let you know if anything changes. Then they won’t have a reason to bother you again but you don’t burn a bridge.


I never respond to those emails. Just ignore


Are you interviewing with other schools? If not, take the interview for research purposes. Check their financials in public records, too, for good measure. If they are cold emailing you, they might be swirling the drain. But why miss an opportunity to get more information, practice your professional poker face, &c.?


Tell chat gpt what you want to say and instruct it to make it nicer and more professional


They don’t care if you like Charter Schools or not. The important thing is not to come off sounding like you think you’re too good for the job. You don’t know who knows who. I live in a county with 4 school districts and a charter school. We all know each other. We all talk about things at our buildings. We all meet up at the same bars. Just don’t respond.


Just don't respond? But I work at a charter and love it! They're not all the same.


There is literally no reason to respond. I get email about all kind of schools.


Ignore it


I honestly don't get why you need to say anything. Just don't respond. This is not a dilemma. Good luck in your job search!


>I want to be able to explain that I’m not comfortable working at a charter school because of their track record of low accountability and teacher protections. If you feel compelled to respond, just tell them this. You never intend to work for them, so it's not like you're burning a bridge.


Dear [ Insert school or persons name], Thank you for reaching out about the [ job name/position]. Unfortunately, at this time I cannot accept your invitation to interview. Thanks, Your Name.


You can just say no, you're not interested. You can say that to any job that reaches out to you. You don't need to specify why but you can if you want lol.


Agree with the comments not to respond. However, would like to point out that I used to feel the same way about charter schools. Went for the interview just to hear them out. Love working there, and they have very high accountability - it’s just separate from the regular accountability process other public schools use. I encourage you to have an open mind based on my experience, however, only you know what’s right for you! Best of luck!


Depending on how geographically close you are to the school, you could show up with a soapbox and a megaphone and unload. Otherwise, just email: "No thank you".


You owe them nothing. Take the interview for practice. Turn it down if you get offered the position. “I’m sorry, I’ve decided to go another direction.” It’s that easy.


Honestly as someone who works at a charter school I agree wholeheartedly with the low accountability and teacher protection part. With the retention rate this year it’s left me feeling sad and low. I’m not even excited to go back to work. I’d tell them the exact reason why you’re not interested. Doubt they’d care but maybe hearing it more and more might do something. I’m also wondering if it’s the charter school I work at that reached out 😅


All charters are not the same. A lot of charters have unionized recently.


Choice #2


Use their words I am pursuing other interests.


You tell them you would love working there if they could guarantee, after which you list everything you are afraid of not having.


"No. But, thank you for thinking of me. "


You got a headhunter email. You do not need to reply. They probably sent it out to everyone with your certification.


Give them this: https://networkforpubliceducation.org/brokenpromises/


I ignored mine and sent them to spam folder.


"Thank you, but I'm not interested at this time."


I would email them back a brief email saying. Thank you for your interest. But i'm going to politely decline. Respectfully, Me


I worked for a charter in Mass. I’d say that you don’t match culturally with the charter at the moment. Be professional but I think stating that it’s not the right fit is perfectly ok. I left charters for the reason the OP mentioned. I now work at a private school in the woodlands, Tx and it’s been great as the school and my values are more closely related( not perfectly, but pick your poison)


The HR/recruiter for a charter school has no more say over how the school runs or how it relates to the state itself than the janitor. The local school boards, state dept of education, and your state legislators are the ones who *might* care to hear what you have to say. Maybe. Probably not, though.


Just reply, “unsubscribe.”


If it's located in Worcester, ignore it completely. Best advice I can offer




They emailed you for an interview, most likely because you posted your resume on job seeking websites, and haven't even offer you a job yet. There's no need to flex & tell them off. It's just a mass/bunk email and they don't expect a reply from anyone that is not interested.


I promise you they don’t care about your response unless you are interested in an interview. Don’t burn a bridge unnecessarily.


You did not apply so you do not need to respond to unsolicited requests. They are doing the best they can to find people, but that doesn't have to be you. You also don't need to "give them a piece of your mind." Just leave them alone and pursue your own life.


I would say thank you, but no thank you.


You’re mistaking the email as them personally knowing you. They likely don’t. They just send out mass emails when they need candidates.


Either don't respond (best option) Or respond saying you're sorry but you're not interested in working at a charter school.


Don’t answer


Uh… is this your first time getting an unsolicited email? Just ignore, delete, mark as spam, etc.


Everyone else is saying don't respond and that is the correct answer. I want to do a little analysis though. I cannot imagine existing in your world. First of all, the charters are desperate for staff they always are and we're in a decades long teacher shortage. In many states charter schools need a certain percentage of certified teachers and I think most certified teachers (and humans in general) would actually rather pay money to not have to teach at a charter school. It is either ridiculously naive or grossly egotistical for you to imagine (a) that a human being even wrote that email (b) that you think someone on the other end would know anything about you other than the fact that you have a pulse and some interest in teaching (c) that anyone would even read your follow up or (d) that every single person working at any charter school doesn't already know what a horrible experience it is to live through as a student or a staff member. If this is your very first experience applying for education jobs, I can see how you might feel like you're speaking truth to power on this one. I hate to be the one to burst your bubble but you recieved the education industry's equivalent of a "hey girl boss" message on Facebook.


Ignore it or use interview as experience


I was BEGGED to go to a charter school by my sister (who’s really good friends with the headmaster), as well as several of the cronies who are on the board. I asked for everything-the school number, his personal phone number, fax, email, anything I could think of. I blocked everything regarding him (even on Facebook) and got a job in a competent district 😎


Skip it! Just don’t reply.


Local charter school that I'm familiar with actually starts teachers for less than the normal starting pay for the county (they run on a shoestring). But they have no problem staying fully staffed with experienced teachers, because the school can maintain a functional environment. Teachers walk away from higher pay to be there.


What state are you looking to teach in?


I never pass up an opportunity to tell charter schools what I think about charter schools.


My advice is to turn down the interview graciously, but bever burn your bridges! You never know who you might work with/for when they all get sick of the charter school


You don't have to respond, and if you do respond, you don't have to give them all the gory details. "Thank you for reaching out. At this time, I am going a different route. Best wishes."


Dear Charter School, Charter Schools are a drain to society that siphon public funds from publicly accountable hands to private unaccountable hands. They offer 1/2 the pay of a public school, 1/3 the benefits of a public school, have no teacher protections, union protections, or pension. Why should a teacher even consider working at a Charter School when they can work for just about the same at the local taco-bell? Why should any self-respecting professional teacher ever consider a Charter school? Sincerely, Teacher


I get these emails often. I ignore them. Don't worry about it.


“Thanks, I’m not interested in working in charters.” Send.


I kept getting spammed by a recruiter for a position at a private school an hour away from me. Just ignored it. No harm done.


The truth is not rude……


Just say no.


Just say it’s not a good fit!


Leave them on read


You could also mention your interest in being a part of a union.


You do realize charters are public schools not private. I have worked for both traditional and charter and like things about both, it definitely depends on the school but to just say you can't work at a charter school is unjust.


If you're just getting back and dont already have a job lined up it might not be a bad idea to interview. Its probably not going to be as easy as you think to just "jump back into a classroom." Especially depending on where in the country you are, regardless of your degree. This will be my 2nd year at a charter and while they do have several cons I have a lot more autonomy and there is less micromanaging as a teacher here versus the four years I spent at a regular public school.


Take the interview and use it as practice.


I would interview because it's great practice. You can also tell them no if you're offered the position. You never know what could come of it either. Why shut the door on an opportunity that could benefit you?


The world is small and you don't ever want to burn bridges. Say something like, "I appreciate your interest in me, but I'm going a different direction. Best wishes in your hiring pursuits."


Thank you foe the offer, yet I respectfully decline.


"Thank you for reaching out and considering me. Unfortunately, your school does not meet my life needs, and while I am honored by your offer, I must decline."


This is a shit posts of shit posts. This has nothing to do with the charter school, and everything to do with you being an adult.. Go adult.


if you aren't going to work there, there's really no reason to be overly polite


You haven't needed to cross that bridge yet is not a good reason to burn that bridge down.