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Have you seen the buu bits cause it's probably the closest will get to it


I saw it but it’s not the samething, watching a whole episode with the Canadian caption is much more valuable than some *bits*


Yeah but sometimes we should take what we can get you know. I mean don't get me wrong I'd kill for them to do the buu saga proper but they have gave several reasons for them not to like one copyright is so stupid now on YouTube and how they ended season three they just didn't feel right trying to do a 4th season


Happy with the buu bits. It's a big tease but based on their commentary videos it's clear they're done with the series. Forcing them to create something they're not fully behind will only result in a bad product.


True, but a man can dream…👨🏻‍🦯


Don’t obsess about the girl that got away man, let her go.


Definitely stealing this one


Please, go watch the video TFS released explaining why they won't do a proper Buu saga. I swear, every week there's another post asking for them to do it. They're not doing it. Buu Bits were done as a favour for a friend (specifically, TNM asked for Vegeta's sacrifice)


Of course. Everyone wants more of Abridged, especially the Buu saga. But seeing all the drama and BS they went through to put out the previous episodes, I completely get why they wouldn’t want to. They’re still getting copyright strikes against them. It sucks


Nope, TFS decided it was time to move on, and so should you. Appreciate what we got, don’t disrespect them by disregarding their wishes.


The Buu Bits are all we're getting. That's it, no more. Move on.


I think literally everyone would want to see that, but out of respect for the team I will never pressure them into it.


We all do, but they have given us the Buu Bits and I believe that it's the closest that we're ever going to get when it comes to anything Buu Abridged related. They made their reasons why they couldn't do it and out of my respect for the amazing work that they've done, I am not going to push for it. If it's something that they want to do, it should always be out of their own volition as the primary reason.


We've already been over this. It's not happening. There is no "we can hope" or dream. It is not happening. Be happy with what we got. Don't get greedy. Move on.


If I ever hit the mega millions or Powerball, I would offer them several million dollars to do the Buu saga, Super and GT with no deadlines or requirements, other than that they have to have fun with it. I'm sure they would say no, to avoid further trouble with Toei, but it's one of the things I daydream about when I'm fantasizing about winning the lottery.


Why force people who don't want to do it when you could instead fund people like swe who still have that level of passion for making abridged series?


In this hypothetical, I wouldn't be forcing them. They'd be free to say no, of course, and they'd have complete creative control. I'd basically just be offering to employ them and protect them from legal action against them.


Nope you’re the only person who has ever hoped for more abridged! I’m sure now that they’ve seen your post they’ll change their mind


Look we’re all disappointed sure, but unless we have the time, resources, and patience to do it on our own; it’s best to be happy we got some kind of conclusion to this wonderful series


Oh, they're great and you want more? Finally someone said it! I bet they were just waiting on someone to want it! Good job!


Man… I have to ask: A dude comes in having just discovered the series and loving it, and you just try to ruin his entire day for the sake of ruining his day. What does that even do for you?


Because these same posts have happened over and over again on basically every social media they have. A fan refusing to check if something has been said a thousand times is obnoxious and just feels entitled


Yeah, it’s almost like fans new and old love and want to discuss the show, and might not have several years of history. It’s not just your sub, man. And if you love team four star how is telling people who discover them to fuck off going to help their popularity or support the team? Maybe ask the mods to make a sticky explaining what happened if you don’t want anybody to ask. Back when I was here during the hiatus before the cell saga people asked that question all the time too, but they weren’t insulted and send Reddit cares messages and sent a chat request filled with expletives. Like… what the fuck. When I posted in this sub today, it was because I watched an hour or two and checked out the episode with perfect cell’s song, and it was every bit as funny as I remembered. I bet it was similar for the OP. I wanted to express how much I enjoyed what you do, and I’ve been insulted for an entire day. Talk about entitled.


>and might not have several years of history. Is that required to look for 2 seconds if they're already constantly being bombarded with that sentiment? They've made their reasons clear if OP cared enough to look >if you love team four star how is telling people who discover them to fuck off going to help their popularity or support the team? Idk. Good thing I didn't say that >send Reddit cares messages and sent a chat request filled with expletives. Like… what the fuck. ??? Dude, I didn't do any of that. What are you talking about?? >I watched an hour or two and checked out the episode with perfect cell’s song, and it was every bit as funny as I remembered. I bet it was similar for the OP. Cool? Completely irrelevant to this discussion >I’ve been insulted for an entire day. One reddit comment not being super nice to them is being "insulted for an entire day"?


I posted something similar to OP earlier today and I’ve gotten dozens of insults. I was totally excited to rediscover DBZ abridged and I posted because I was so happy to. I later found this and just felt bad for the dude who came for same reason I did. Anyway, I’m out. Why dudes like you so delight in treating other people the way you do, I truly do not understand. I suppose if it makes you happy, you do you 🤷🏻‍♂️ This sub back in the pre-cell days was not at all like this. Seems to be the majority now. Ah, but see how that works? A post was made earlier today, you didn’t know about it, and yet I understand why you might not have known the history. Wild right? But I don’t understand why it makes you happier to dump on this OP’s post when he clearly just loves the content. Cheers dude. And you’re right, people loving it and wanting to post here is irrelevant to the discussion. That’s just what the discussion SHOULD be.


>This sub back in the pre-cell days was not at all like this. Seems to be the majority now. Because asking them to continue wasn't directly disrespecting what they already told us >when he clearly just loves the content. Except that's not what they're saying, and that's not what anyone is annoyed about. It's the constant badgering that *everyone can see in any comment section of theirs.* They've said they don't want to. Constantly telling them to do it anyway is disrespectful. They're not your puppets, they are real people


As are the fans who come in here that you guys insult, belittle, and treat like crap 🤷🏻‍♂️ All those dudes who insulted me, I didn’t reach out to them, I didn’t know they existed. They just went out of their way to put my down. Same as you did here with the OP of this post. That was 100% you, random, and mean spirited. One group of people is new, asking questions and making happy comments about content they love, the other is putting huge energy into insults and ruining the day of strangers because they don’t meet their expectations of how to enjoy TFS 🤷🏻‍♂️ And you know what? There’s a lot of posts in various subreddits I don’t love and see over and over again. Do you know what I do rather than shitting on the poster and insulting strangers? I keep scrolling. Costs me nothing. Anyway, I think we’ve said all we need to. The next time someone posts something you’ve seen here before, you are welcome to insult him if that’s who you choose to be. Or, you can be a human being. Shit, you could even just be like “Sadly TFS ran into tons of hurdles and they said a few years ago there won’t be a buu saga” and the OP can learn some new info, and you aren’t essentially flipping off a stranger on the internet. Like I said. You do you. I’m out. And I truly don’t get which part of “I haven’t been here for years and didn’t know about the challenges the team faced” that isn’t landing. You’re still acting like I’m attacking the team by suggesting it, when I really just rediscovered how awesome their stuff was before I posted, and I imagine so did OP and all the other dudes you treat this way 🤷🏻‍♂️


We all do, but everyone also generally respects their decision to end the series. Maybe someday, but it's not likely and I won't hold my breath. They're still giving us plenty of content.


We were lucky to get the buu bits. Respect their decision to move on and let it go


But, they abridged Dragonball Z. It's only appropriate that they only did 2/3rds of the series. So it's abridged.


Just wait. I’m sure there’s another group working on it right now.


I want the ENTIRE anything DBZ, GT, Super...... EVERYTHING!!!!! To Be Abridged


My god. I was just thinking that. I’d be super into it. Cell saga was when the humour reached a whole new level and… man, I’d eat up the buu saga done properly. It doesn’t matter how many years it’s been or how much older I am, I’d be down for it. Edit: I’m sorry dude, I said the same thing earlier today because I genuinely love the series but this is clearly not the sub for that. Never seen people treat others like garbage this badly just for daring to want more of a series they discovered and enjoyed. I got a literal hate filled chat request for it from a person I’ve never interacted with. How miserable do these folks have to be to be this mad that we dared to like what they like, and maybe didn’t know the story behind why it ended early? 🤷🏻‍♂️


I'm sorry that you got a harsh response from the subreddit, but TFS has made a video about why they couldn't do it. I would advise you to watch it.


Honestly I think I’m just going to keep my enjoyment of the series to myself after this. Up until I posted here I figured the anti-natalist subs were the least happy place on Reddit but… goddamn. This sub used to be amazing but even the politics and videogame subs don’t send me exploitive filled chat requests from people who never even interacted with me. I just feel bad for any kids who discover the series on YouTube or wherever and come here to find other fans. Appreciate you being one of the few decent guys here though. Cheers dude.


I hope that you can still comment from here and there. Wouldn't want a few bad apples to discourage you from commenting. I'm not a mod nor anything, but I would always enjoy a fellow fan of TFS


The time for that sadly has passed.