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This augment gave me 3 thieves gloves when i already had lucky gloves. I will never not pick it


I had that from a Golden Egg, gave me two Thieves Gloves and two Tacticians Crowns when i had Lucky Gloves. I didn't lose a round for the rest of the game it was great, the only problem now is i can no longer be trusted to make smart decisions when the augment is offered


*Sees Call to Chaos* Mortdog, take the wheel.


In Mortdog We Trust If I believe hard enough, Mort will definitely give me three storyweaver emblems and a 3* Irelia


Iirc you can't gain duplicate emblems, it will always be 4 random ones


It gave me 40 rrs til the end of the game shit is op if you gamba right


I can't even get that augment to show up... sad šŸ˜” my inner gambler would pick it every time too. I support your addiction OP!


Itā€™s not addiction, itā€™s dedication.


Same thing


Exactly, nobody understands that but people aren't addicted to alcohol they're just dedicated


Same way I'm dedicated to the devil's lettuce


Nah addiction will make your brain cells crave yhe balance to hormones that alcohol brings.


I've had this one as well. Wasn't quite right for me that time either xD. My best Call to Choas was hitting 70 XP after rolling my golden Heavenlies (+Janna & Diana). Immediately bumping to lvl 8 to add Wukong.


Hitting wukong on 8 is also a lot of luck tho


Carousel, still lucky..


Yeah my best game was too a 70xp Call to Choas after rolling down everything to hit my low cost 3 stars. Perfect timing


triple snipers focus on udyr or yone or leeā€¦ you dont remember RFC goes on melees??


It's also incredibly fun paired with the Shen augment that gives him +3 range and double damage on his ability. I had a run with sniper emblem + snipers focus on him and he was pretty much killing 3 units with 3 autos.


The Shen aug would be so much fun if Riot didnt for some unholy reason make his spell stunlock himself for 2 seconds on every cast


I have gotten the shen augment 4 times and it's a 100% win rate for me. I even picked it up with raid boss, the funny thing is if you put him on the very end, sometimes he will lock onto the backline seemingly at random and one tap a carry.


Yeah the augment is super strong but only if you know what to build and play. Basically just full Behemoth with Guinsoos and Gunblade and Titans or Bramble vest and take any Behemoth/armour+ augments. I like to keep Shen in second row to shield the other Behemoths as you mitigate so much damage with Shen's spell.


Hook me up to the Long Shen train, too. I'm unlucky, so I've only seen it once, but it was not even close. Was definitely a Grandma's Boy DDR moment.


To be fair at almost 3*500 base true damage i think he would actually be pretty busted if it wasn't for the stun lock. Every time I've got that augment he's topping the damage chart of both teams and 90% of it is true damage.


I did 2 on Caitlin with an IE. When she ulted it did 18k damage lol


What you actually need to stop picking is dragons spirit. I just looked it up cause I definitely remembered its average placement being much worse than it actually is, but it still has a negative (aka worse than 4.5) average placement and is worse than call to chaos statistically.


Maybe I'm playing it wrong but i cant even get 1 component from the augment. Perhaps it's better if you can get 2 dclaw early on your tank idk


It worked very well for me on amumu


Bruiser or heavenly make it allot easier (and any other big HP units) I only pick it if i have a tank that can use it wel, so when i do i usually get all components of it before any deaths occur.


Often time im running into problems of either winning or losing too fast for the healing to actually kick in. I guess with bruiser you can stall for more time?


I'd say you need some form of healing so that the tank gets more time for the dragon's claw to be relevant. Either Altruist, gunblade or simply a warmog's.


I ran full bruisers and still got only one and almost the second by the time the game was over, looking back on it I shouldā€™ve had multiple d claws but I just had the one


Cause people play it wrong. An it has not a bad average. If a augment is 4.6 it doesn't mean it's bad ...


My instinct is picking it and putting a dragon's claw on every tank. What's the right way? Cuz I love Dragon's claw...


That or stack them, but yeah, 2 Dragons Claws farms you a component basially every 4 rounds, which is like a slightly worse Prizefighter minus the winning condition. Pretty good.


I would stack them and go for bruisers since it scales with max hp. So kenvh or galio instead of illaoi or so


I typically put it on my main tank (generally Shen or Illaoi, since i force ghostly flex like 2 games out of 3), then try to get two other good tank items to synergize with it, like Steadfast Heart/Gargoyles/Warmogs or a vitality tattoo. Usually when I grab that augment in stage 2 I win streak pretty hard.


Yeah, I auto-pick that when I'm running ghostly flex, slam it on Shen or Illaoi, and print items.


I only pick it when I already have a dclaw+belt or tear to make redemption, I think I do pretty decent with it if I remember


Ye 8 k healing seems way too high.


Nah I'd gamble


I cannot stop picking it


I always pick it. As long as it's not the 4 random emblems it's alwaas OK and it's always fun. Fun > LP you know.


4 random emblems is amazing! You're sure to find an epic synergy with it.. except if its fortune... Fortune is not that great of a reward at that point


It was really bad the one time I had it. Didn't match any units in my team


If it doesn't fit your team, turn it on its head and makeshift a new one with those traits as base. Hopefully you would have enough gold to pass a level or roll enough to build something decent if you go to zero and build yourself back up. Its better than accepting your doom and staying with useless emblems


I already hit a good board with great items and everything. I was basically only looking for level 9 for some legendaries for late game. None of the emblems fit (or maybe one out of the three) and it would definetly been worse pivot in this situation. It is a risk to take it and this time it didn't pay out. In other games I got 60gold or 60xp, which was really good. This was jus a a gamble and I wastes a prismatic augment. Happens..


Yea sry for the typo


Itā€™s so fun tho. I love to risk


The inner addiction is calling.... Its calling to chaos, you must answer


Double Snipers/Shojin Lillia does pretty good work. Just murk their backlike just because.


If im fighting for my life i need a miracle If im doing well I want to test it out Itā€™s a 100% pick!


Best one was just a metric ton of gold. Was fast 9ing but it became a fast 10 and eventually got my first 3 star 5 cost. Worst one was it gave me a 3 star bard when I was fated reroll. I was like well shit do I sell this? Try to fit it in? Ended up doing 3 mythic 5 fated and going 6th. If I had just sold it for gold I probably would have too 4rdā€¦


I got 3x Zekes Dummy. The dummy only had 2. Dead last brothermam.


I love that one! I'm still trying to get an "At What Cost" game though. Seems like it would be a blast.


I have picked it last time doing ghostly senna/shen reroll and got plenty of exp when I wanted to stay at 6 for little more...


This and at what cost *chefs kiss*


I cant stop picking it xd its so much fun! The CHAOS!


70 exp once, 3 full free rounds of reroll on another. Always take it


This thing gave me gold when i needed it the most. Most based augment in existence.


I got the correct 3* cost, and 40 rolls, not sure if I top 4 or not but the dawg in me always has to pick


I havent seen it yet xd


I donā€™t hate you. I made an insane Lee sin until endgame


Call to chaos is either really good or extremely useless, no in between.


I don't know, sometime 4 randoms voices whispering whenever the stage stars and i can't resist it.


this augment gave me a 3 star yone ... it was crazy


Its that but the egg version instead. [The box could be anything Lois](https://youtu.be/yZpIog7e-R4?si=MF-C0QkfcdSjMZvf)


It gave me a 3star Diana as second augment I was playing sage that game lmfao


I got the exact same thing once and slammed them on Morgana too... It actually went well for me because she'd just melt the back line


Damn I only got it once and ended up getting like 70 gold. Easy first


Picked it , training dummy with 2 lockets when in the description was saying 3 lockets šŸ« 


I love this augment, first time it gave me like 120 gold, second time it gave me 3* aphelios when I was running fated board. Gambling at its finest


There are some augments that I will always choose even if better ones are available. This is for sure one of them.


Iā€™ve taken it only twice and got 66 gold both times. Iā€™m not taking it anymore this set because I think my luck will run out lmao.


I hate how very random this augment is but ngl it helped me won games with a random 3 star on my board lol


Put them on Italian and she onetabs their backline


I haven't seen this augment yet.


Those are really good. I'm not sure why you're crying. Why would you put em on Morgana, though? Lee, Udyr, or monkey would me amazing with em.


This is a really mad augment. I was losing the mid game because I lost tempo. I couldnt get a good damage oriented unit, so I gambled with it and gave me an Aphelios 3. Luckily I had enough units to pivot to Fated + Dryad with a beefy Kobuko. Aphelios carried me to first, more the augment turned the game for me.


Bro same I was using this as an outšŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Iā€™m so unserious but itā€™s ok LP is fake ā˜ŗļø


the only time I had this augment, it gave me 40 free reroll. I was so happy lol it made me win the game.


I am a simple man, I see chaos I answer the call


Same, even when there is clearly a good augment to choose from, I will pick CTC


I gave me lvl 3 ashe and around 10 gold. Other times it gave flat 50 gold I think


3 snipers focus on Sylas tho


I got 40 rolls. I have 7gold and low health. Will i picked it again? Absolutely


Got it once it gave me 40 rerolls. Took me a sec to realise what i was getting.


When chaos calls, you must answer.


once it says reward: 3x target dummy with zeke's i only get 1 target dummy with 2 zeke's. madge


I've looked at the loot table to see what I could get with this augment and I will still pick this every single time. It's fun and I love fun, same with Golden Egg, have to pick it every time.


TfT is a gamblin game man, no shame, ALL OR NOTHING!!!!!!


I always pick it, lol it gave me a bunch of useless emblems one time


I turned a 1/2 cost reroll comp into a first by getting the XP reward and getting to 9 to max out traits


Gambling fun


Itā€™s funny that I knew what this was about before I even saw the augment šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


This augment gave me two lockets when it said the reward is three, two games in a row. Never again.


I got a three stars Thresh and it brings me a win


You gotta slam those tripple snipers on a melee carry. Iā€™ve done it with a duelist Lee sun and it got me to 2. Some of these champs are broken when they donā€™t have to care about range Edit: stupid auto correct


Best augment ever


You're legally obligated to click that augment whenever you see it.


I got the same x3 snipers focus and put them all on Irelia. It was funny. I also had one where I got x3 hullbreaker and just threw them all on Illaoi when going ghostly. She lived for so long every fight.


Tbh I feel like it rewards flex super heavily. The 3-cost is pretty much the only bad reward imo. Of course, it is worse than a consistent prismatic, but I really like it as a "bailout" if all other augments are very mediocre (66g or 40 rerolls is just gg)


I always go it, once it gave me 66 gold when i needed it, and it just brings me joy that u troll my bf when we play double


Keep gambling


You see call to chaos you take Monkey brain see banana it takes


I did a sniper ghostly Morg and dominated. I wouldn't say it is too bad


on irelia 2 thats an autowin


Every time I pick this augment, I say to myself ā€œi wonā€™t pick it next timeā€, then 2 games later i pick it again


If you're hands aren't shaking when you see the augment you still have time to look away. šŸ¤£


yeah I remember when call to chaos gave me a level 3 Yone from scratch, a bit of a hack really lol.


the next payout will be huge trust, just one more time ;)


I did better today, I rerolled CTC šŸ˜”


my disappointment is immeasurable


I always pick this Aug, itā€™s never let me down, even when Iā€™ve been unlucky enough to get a 3* that didnā€™t go with my comp and it was too late to pivot it was still good because it was a highly contested 3* and it sat on my bench griefing the lobby.


That augment sent me straight to Level 9 lmao


Might've been better on Irelia. Also I physically cringed at the Setauko part my god I can't stand him.


I got this, went 5 dragonlord 2* snipers resolve + guinsoos lissandra safe to say, I lost that game to a lissandra 3 9 fortune player


I love that augment but there was one time it gave me a training dummy with only 2 zekes when the discription said it was supposed to be 3. Bugged i think, but still won. Other time gave me elusive emblems that I need and another time 3 dragonlord emblem with the nxt refresh rakan/xayah. 10/10 will always pick


I gave all three to leesin in dualist comp


It's the best augment in the game, and I will take it every time I see it. Just accept the truth brother.


Gave me a 3* star aphelios. Gold from selling him let me got enough to level and roll down for 1st.


I got 4 random emblemsā€¦ why Iā€™d want 4 random emblems at 4-2, Iā€™ll never know. I still went first but that was because I 2* every legendary in the game


It gave me a three star yone which was pretty insane. Completely useless to my build by the third augment but still insane


This augment gave me 70exp when I was slow rolling at 7 for 3 costsā€¦.


Call to chaos is like the Egg. Itā€™s just too tempting. At least with this one you can get the benefits before losingā€¦unlike the egg. Fuck the egg. I love the egg


I always pick this, I had late game specialist once and it gave me 70 exp so I had over 80 Gold and was able to immediately go for 10 in stage 4. Before that It gave me ridiculous amount of Gold.


Thatā€™s alright, I picked it and got a target dummy with ā€œ3 zekesā€ attached. Problem is, it had two.


It's supposed to be 2. The text is wrong, but you didn't get cheated.


Had the same problem wasn't sure if it was wrong amount or wrong txt hahah,


CTC got me to lvl 9 before stage 5. I'm always taking it