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So... They were just grifters?




As is tradition


I feel like we will find out very soon. They tweeted something about a "commemorative edition" for GME holders that sounds like a separate nft that could line up with my favorite tinfoil. Like every day for the past 3 damn years, still no decisive verdict. Edit: added "for GME holders"


The original tinfoil was that an NFT distributed as a dividend would expose the millions of synthetic shares.  If diluting to the tune of 10s of millions of shares means anything, it's that RC and co believe that to be false.  They would have done something like this back when their marketplace was active, before giving short positions literally millions of outs. I believe PleasrDAO doesn't seem to be in it for the money as they're distributing it to the artists and suing Shkreli (the enemy of my enemy...), but beyond RC maybe being a member of Pleasr I'm not sure there's a connection other than them looking to drum up attention.  It takes money to buy Wu-Tang.


But from them mentioning a commemorative edition, they are saying that there is a separate nft from the one being sold. I'm waiting until the end of the meeting tomorrow to unjack my tits about a possible dividend. Also, aside from any relation to GME, I do like what they are doing with the album so far. They don't really seem like bad actors. As far as the dilution(s), I'm not sold that it necessarily communicates anything. The naked shorts could surpass the current 425m outstanding shares according to the "cellar boxing" DD from years ago. Maybe RC realized some wild shit could happen with RK's return, and decided to sell shares while he still can without being implicated in some type of effort to coordinate/manipulate with RK. That second offering's timing was way too strange to confidently attribute it to anything in particular IMO. It seemed like the board was reacting to something, who knows what. This could just be my personal brand of hopium. As a zen ape, I try not to worry about when or how... or anything for that matter.


If the company was "reacting" by selling shares based on non-public info, that's about the most blatant case of insider trading.   The proceeds from the $ALBUM sales are going Wu-Tang and associates artists.  Giving away those tokens for free does not work.  They need to create a second "commemorative" edition that is not a share of the album they are going to release that requires $28M of tokens sold.


So if the company was reacting to a possible acquisition by selling shares, it would be insider trading? Plenty of share offerings happen for reasons that aren’t public. What if Wu-tang was paid a small percentage of every transaction that was performed with the commemorative edition, and the commemorative edition wasn’t unlocked until the public edition is?


I think the web 3 Market as a whole tanked, and ruined their crypto plans. I think we may still see something related to GME holders at the meeting on Monday, that's tinfoil


Maybe they give a million outs so when it bloes up in their face they can be like. This shit ain't our fault. We diluted more than. What you claimed the short interest to be.


There is no legal reason a company needs to be responsible for hedge funds illegally manipulating it's stock, especially manipulation AGAINST the company.  Companies regularly apply pressure to shorts by buying back shares in instances like this.  If GME did the opposite just to prove innocence the entire board should be fired for incompetence. It takes some serious mental gymnastics to consider that theory over the blatantly simple and pretty much 100% of the time case that a company diluted shares to raise cash.  


Usually these guys line their own pockets…


I do feel like it was a grift however there is some inkling I have that with how mouthy that intern they hired has been yet they have been dead quiet to the giant roast that is happening on X has the last shred of interest I have intrigued. Edit: I'm not holding my breath.


At worst, I paid $2 for a 5 minute sampler from a wallet I don't keep my main funds in anyway. At best, I helped shave off just shy of 3 minutes from a countdown that should run out when the company and the artists who created the album receive $28.6M. Worth it.


Do you also have 2€ for me, at worst you loose it, at best maybe maybe i am rich someday and pull you Up. What can you loose right


Idk.. check out their [manifesto](https://www.thealbum.com/manifesto). They may be fighting the good fight. Not a shill, just cautiously intrigued


Quelle surprise


look its really simple - unless there is a news article on the gamestop corporate website acknowledging this partnership and with instructions for sharesholders, this is a grift.


Agreed stop posting every tweet from these clowns reminds me of all the nft games n shit


These guys have been hyping this so much I wouldn't be surprised.


Yup. This GME official or nothing. “If you chase two rabbits, you will catch neither.” - Confucius *Loving the hype and appreciate the PleasrDao and what they stand for. It’s absolutely aliened to any gme individual shareholder, little too much tho and hope they pay forward/backwards.* Edit *


2103 is not the near future. That is for financial purchase. Gme + other communities still get it early.


Wu-Tang is for the children.


We've been here 4 years and GME has basically only opened and closed an NFT marketplace and amassed cash by selling shares.  On the other hand Pleasr needs to only sell 28M tokens.  I'd argue the timeline to complete that, and the timeline for GME to do a 180 are at least comparable, if not favorable to Wu-Tang.


At this rate Wu Tang is for the great great grandchildren


Nothing fukin burger again??


Thought: in order to prevent what happened to Overstock with their NFT dividend, they are making this available for a limited Time, open to the public, so that people have opportunity. Then the opportunity closes, and anyone who didn’t buy, well, that’s their own too bad






They're trying to capitalize on us apes after Moass.


But they are charging each person $1 until 3 million is collected. Then we can hear it. Or $1 for 99 seconds until we pay the 84 years.


What is the leaderboard for. I’m confused


and gme holders get their own link


„Humors are true gme shareholders can buy the album as anybody else“




Because the guy who sold it to them kept copies. It's kinda worthless now.


he will be in prison again soon hopefully


I feel ya. I went to the museum and got me a poster of a Salvador Dali. I guess that Dali is kind of worthless now, right?


It is, we just clown ourselfs that the original painting is more Worth. At face value its the same Thing. Does a book loose its value when reprinted in masses? And in music you even have less the feelings of how the painter stands there and do stuff. Cause you hear skills if counterfainted or not.


Grift me harder daddy.


A grifter is someone who: engage in [petty](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=eb97b625d6b0f606&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ADLYWIJrBYJb0HzUeV4Vl2zSKVWcQ9MJ9Q:1718298686350&q=petty&si=ACC90nyrPgcbTBsFIq03NzrKCa0gjeviZMyCDJ520-WLHh-kbTl546jCDh-BQ5ecu05I8rx9oJ0zRga6u6EjDH6JoAqEtqautA%3D%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiLo8W2idmGAxXshIkEHRj8AvoQyecJegQIPxAQ) or [small-scale](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=eb97b625d6b0f606&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ADLYWIJrBYJb0HzUeV4Vl2zSKVWcQ9MJ9Q:1718298686350&q=small-scale&si=ACC90nwZrNcJVJVL0KSmGGq5Ka2YiabcNQEgKk8g3Rzkx4TxpYe3_9UdkMTvAjqaUuHKbLISR2xgrE5W6wt1032Ut6KyIl3nYty57SuWbDw1Kh2V56HTTIo%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiLo8W2idmGAxXshIkEHRj8AvoQyecJegQIPxAR) [swindling](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=eb97b625d6b0f606&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ADLYWIJrBYJb0HzUeV4Vl2zSKVWcQ9MJ9Q:1718298686350&q=swindling&si=ACC90nxMSPeZfdJJjQgDsdZJuFuJRbgYNlZDwL_d4lS5kJ-sabuB9wDLv65VuDj0pnT3i5IhZpLqhcFwh7Dyf_VpQlNhAwcBDKAB7l9zXPo4hQBu_0PX5yc%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiLo8W2idmGAxXshIkEHRj8AvoQyecJegQIPxAS). You think they spent $4M on the album to... grift GME holders? While GME hasn't stepped in and denied any relationship? Ok.


You make a good point and if that were the case, does that hint at anything?


How’s that nft dividend working out lmao


That's your comeback? I guess we will see soon what the relationship is, won't we darling 😘 https://preview.redd.it/05rntwlxgd6d1.png?width=584&format=png&auto=webp&s=70f40ad31a2aa2e27a9ea5c1438906ab559fe8b3




Once again. You really think GME is going to do some sort of epic NFT dividend and then let these pick me’s blast their plans all over Twitter for weeks leading up to it. Lol. It literally goes against everything Ryan Cohen has shown so far.


It's really not that hard of a concept: -PleasrDAO "sells" the album to speed up the timeframe in order to allow it to be released ASAP. -Partnership w/ GME allows shareholders to have access to the album, while others have to purchase album from NFT marketplace (hosted by Gamestop?) -Wu-Tang gets a way larger slice of the pie compared to Spotify, Apple Music, etc. https://preview.redd.it/90tfnva6id6d1.png?width=607&format=png&auto=webp&s=91c90999eb7983978447adfb3a549d0bdb4e2b05


I think they are clearly grifting and have nothing at all to do with GME. They are just hangar-ons trying to get a little bit of the fame/attention of the GME situation.


... they paid $4M for an album and are collaborating with one of the biggest rap groups of all time. I think they have plenty of attention, fame and money lmao.


so you think PleasrDAO is continuing to grift at this point in the game with that last tweet showing air drop for GME? I'll continue to be Zen.. if it's not NFT dividend, it's gonna be something else. Hedgies are fukd


I did. But I’m off that wagon


They’re grifters as shit. F these guys, no mention of GME at all.


Right, no mention at all 🤦🏽‍♂️ https://preview.redd.it/yfvwdc2rmd6d1.png?width=584&format=png&auto=webp&s=df675c11814a50bb2564d6126670ed2e2e6cebcf




I'm trying my best 🫡


https://preview.redd.it/kiromy5eud6d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9275bf0e4a0a6cd3b8d964b437f02d7e16b9893f Thealbum.com has gone live. Where’s the mention?


... did my image not come through or something? literally says right in their tweet.


So just because pleasr does an NFT drop, to GME holders, validated through Plaid, does not mean they are connected with or working with Gamestop.


Well, I guess we will have to see soon enough then don't we?




How would a GME holder even prove they had GME? Has anyone gotten a “free” sample album yet as a GME holder?


They had a portal open for brokerage linking before and supposedly are releasing an airdrop shortly