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And it is totally lost on her that this applies to her mother x2.


“bUt I iwAS tHe gOLdEn cHiLD”


Her sister did witchcraft and nobody stopped her.


This cracks me up everytime I see it lol it's like bitch this ain't Salem lol. Her gears are squeaky and partially stuck stg


Lmao bitch this ain’t Salem 😭


Does Jenelle expect her sister to be stoned to death or burned at the stake over these accusations?


Right lol?! What was the point?


Yeah. We need to get Babs put in prison for allowing that 😂




I think JenElle needs to STFU. Spend less time trying to prove herself online when she doesn’t do any of this shit in real life. family leader 🙄🥴 please jenelle you couldn’t lead your way out of a paper bag


Is anyone else surprised that David has abandoned ensley and Maryssa ? I did think he was at least somewhat concerned about the 2 he’s allowed to see. I supposed they’re better off without David. But it’s still odd he would want ensley around Jenelle. And would want Maryssa to stay with looney Jenelle. This whole thing is so weird . Praying those kids are all going to be ok.


Maryssa was kicked out too. Honestly who knows where she is but I hope it's in a good, safe space filled with love, acceptance and she knows she's wanted/welcomed there with open arms!


I hope she’s ok. Maybe she’s with her maternal grandparents or her bio mom.


I doubt he hasn't tried to contact Ensley. She just wants to make him look worse.


I thought Jenelle kicked M out of the house.


She did but David was telling Maryssa to stay at the house. W/ Jenelle & David though neither of them care about anyone, it is all games w/ them. They are both pieces of shit (spits!!!).


Chaos. Just what children need. 🙄


She did but David was telling Maryssa to stay at the house. W/ Jenelle & David though neither of them care about anyone, it is all games w/ them. They are both pieces of shit (spits!!!).


Im pissed i have to say this but abandoning your kids is serious shit. Its only been a few weeks and we dont know if he had called them or seen them.


I’m not at all surprised. He could at least take them to get ice cream or something. Let them see each other even if he doesn’t have a place for them to live right now. He’s just as selfish as she is. Unless they’re in front of his face, he’s not thinking about them.


Firstly, he probably has no money since he was living off Jenelle and also probably has no vehicle. Secondly, Jenelle isn't gonna let him even if he did. She's not gonna let him around *her* children now that she decided he's a pos for texting his ex and not for the way he treated the kids and murdered the family pets. Taking kids for ice cream is something a good father would do.


I rest her case your honor.


Yeah of course this is fucking nonsense coming from Jenelle but can we talk about what the video was saying? Cause I never had children but I’ve seen this happen to every mother around me and it just hit me in the gut.


These are pretty common mom feelings. I’ve felt this way more than once. It’s just hard to take seriously from this source.


motherhood can be incredibly exhausting at times. i think a lot of people won’t talk about it on the internet tho bc once something’s out there on the internet that’s it. i wouldn’t want my kid to one day find videos or posts of me telling the whole world how resentful i am with them. i think those conversations are important to have but with close trusted friends, not strangers on the internet. just think of all the things jenelle’s kids are going to stumble across when they search her name.


My mother, who was never diagnosed but she showed sign of incredible immaturity, BPD like symptoms. She would often get drunk and would discuss how she regretted having kids and felt that us kids stunted her development. When we encouraged her going back to the workplace and were eager to help out with laundry, groceries and cooking she didn’t like that either. She found it hard to find a job she liked, and it was always the fault of motherhood. She had her first child at age 21 so she was always stuck in that mindset.


i’m straddling the fence so much bc society really does put undue pressure on mothers and sacrifices come with child rearing. but also, you don’t have to have kids. and i think there’s a balance of what parts of you is possible to keep and nourish along with being a mother.


I'm with you. I'm a new(ish) mom, and I know that society is way tougher on moms than dads, for example. On the other hand, this is the kind of speech my own abusive, manipulative mother would say. Some moms want grace and think they deserve it, but sometimes it's so hard for their kids to find it. Jenelle is almost certainly one of those moms, and if/when she gives speeches like this to her children, it might be really really tough and confusing for them. Example: I think this kind of speech from April would have made Catelynn feel very bad even though April treated her terribly (though maybe not now because girlfriend has cut her off!). I get the frustrations in this video (and it's laughable that Jenelle shared it), but I had and still have a supportive spouse/career/friends/hobbies before and after having my child, and honestly, I don't feel like I sacrificed anything. Well, maybe sleep and head space that's not agonizing over fears of all the dangers out there for my child, but I didn't expect it to not be this way, and I hope I would never throw that in her face no matter how unappreciated I feel. I don't know. I don't want to sound anti-woman though because I know society is tough on us.


I'm not a mom, but mine always told me 'I may not like everything you do, but I will always love you' whenever I was naughty 😊


I like that. I don't know how old you are, but I actually find it kind of shocking that there are adults out there who had parents that could actually separate and articulate a difference between a child's actions and a child's character / worthiness of love. Hope you and your mom are well.


I'm 37, so pretty old haha. My mom and I are doing great; we're fortunate to continue to have a close relationship.




Growing into the person you were meant to be because of your family is something that deeply resonates with me.


>My husband and daughter have always told me how much they appreciate me (and I them). Maybe that's the difference? It sounds like this woman doesn't feel even seen by her family. Despite having a family being a choice, it's a choice made on a perceived reality, it isn't something we can ever be truly prepared for. The experience lived decade after decade, with not so much as a thank you, or someone bringing you your favourite flowers because they have no idea what your likes or dislikes are has to be soul destroying. It is supposed to be about sacrifice but it is also supposed to be about being part of a unit. Some women don't feel like they are part of that unit, they feel like they are on the outside looking in & only noticed when the services they provide don't occur. Then instead of someone saying are you OK mum? They say why haven't you done this usual thing mum?" And because it was a choice they made, they feel like they can't complain or expect more in return, hence the resentment setting in. It's so important to hold onto something for yourself, be it work, volunteering, seeing friends occasionally, hobbies, etc. So you aren't reliant on family to validate your entire exist.


I have 2 children of my own but raised 4 kids total. Now they’re 12, 16, 17, and 18. And I don’t resent them. Not ever. I made those choices and I understood what I would be giving up when I made those choices. But I think an important part of that is picking a good partner to raise those children with. He always helped with everything. We did our best to keep it equal although it’s hard to be exactly 50-50. But that’s OK because we went out of our way to be grateful. We never stopped saying thank you. Every single day. For all these years. I thank him for cooking dinner, which he always does. And he thanks me for cleaning up the house like I always do. And we raised grateful children. Kids who would thank us for the daily things. “Great dinner, dad! Thank you” “We had fun swimming, ty for taking us” etc. And we didn’t go out of our way to teach them that. They saw us thanking each other every day, and they just do the same thing. Now I don’t expect my children to see or acknowledge all of our sacrifices, but that’s OK. I don’t need them to thank me for raising them. That was my privilege and my honor. Now, with all of that being said, none of this applies to Jenelle. She’s a piece of shit excuse for a mother who does not hold her family down or keep anything together. She has not sacrificed shit.


I think society pushes the idea that everyone should have kids, and to do it it hides what the worst parts of parenting are really like (along with like.... how many women die during pregnancy and childbirth). And it's always worse for mothers than fathers, unless you have a rare father who does 50% of the childcare and homecare responsibilities. 


The sentiment is very true, but Jenelle is no real mother. She does nothing worth a mention but expects all the praise in the world, while most of us are just doing what is needed in the day-to-day and never ask for anything. PS I don’t think resent is the correct word. It really is just that one day, you realize “who the fuck am I and where has time gone?” It’s why so many moms are lost when the chaos is gone, almost abruptly.


Me too. This is happening to all of my friends. Dealing with ungrateful (I love them, but they are right now) kids while also dealing with aging/menopause, ailing parents, empty nest syndrome, etc. And Jenelle is complaining at 32 with young kids who still adore her and want to be with her. She stays clueless.


This is from Peacock/NBC “Apples Never Fall,” which I just finished yesterday. It’s SO GOOD, and this commentary hit home for me too. Agreed though that Jenelle never mothered enough for this to actually apply to her though lol


And the kids on that show are adults not children


Still very common in society unfortunately. I was lucky enough to find a partner who really does split the mental and physical load 50/50 and supports my identity outside him and our kids. But I did, unfortunately, see this happen with my mother. And I contributed to that I'm sure. In adulthood I'm trying to truly appreciate everything she does to support my kids so I can work and take care of them the way they need.


Awww she resents that she can’t be a full blown drug addict who makes shitty life choices and pawns her children off on others? Life sucks for poor Jenelle.


Right. She's a terrible mom, but those three lovely children of hers are actually the one thing in life she's got that's actually very very good. Without them, it would just be drugs and men and more drugs and more men. And she's sitting here posting clips about how she resents them. Makes no sense.


She is still those other things but the only reason she can't pawn her kids off on others is that she has burned every bridge in her life


Literally ran here to say this. What an ignorant idiot she is. Janelle we’ve watched you on tv since you had your first child. You gave up ZERO things about your life when you became a mom. In fact you became a drug addict who was stealing from the parent raising the child you abandoned. And then you made two more human beings!! TWO! Like, no, literally zero sympathy for you. You haven’t showed up as a selfless mother for even 24 hours in your kids lives. Get over your pity party.


I hope MTV doesn’t take her back…. I realize in the beginning it was because of how DKD treated other ppl, and he scared the crew. How long ago was that? Jan stuck by her husband, while he strangled her son. The only thing she really got pissed about was the texts. She still doesn’t understand it’s, too little too late.


Did everyone read this comment in Barb’s voice or was it just me?


The fact that she doesn’t realize this is actually Barb talking about her, blows my mind. Babs sacrificed so much for Jenelle and Jace. I really hope she’s living her best life now.


This was my first thought! I really hope Barb lives for herself and ignores JE for her own peace


But she'll never give Babs her due.


Exactly what bothers me about her. She wants to judge everyone else but be immune from judgement herself. Also if she claims to be a Christian you'd think she'd reserve the judgement and leave it to God.


Leader? 🤣🤣🤣 Good one, JE 🤡


This is ironic. Coming from a piece of shit who’s always done whatever the fuck she’s wanted.


One day, "half of you, maybe the best part, is dead"?? Juhnelle, 100% of you has been dead since you were first on tv. Deadest eyes, zero mothering instincts, and no appreciation for your mother who actually raised your son.


Motherhood, where? The only thing she leads is her own personal bullshit parade.


She is literally the most delusional person I have ever encountered. She has no idea what it’s like to have real responsibilities or have to go out and earn a living.


100% she posted this because she's pissed Jace hasn't thrown her a parade for "sacrificing" her horror movie marriage "for him".


He's gonna have to go nc with her one day to protect his peace. Jenelle forgets, without Jace she'd be nothing!


Okay Jenelle. No one forced you to have 3 kids you didn’t want. It was clear pretty early on with the first one that motherhood was not a good fit for her.


Okay Jenelle, what exactly have you “given up” as a mother?


Her huzzbin I guarantee she tells the kids how much she has and continues to sacrifice for them and it's like: ![gif](giphy|MDxuzRvxF39VwnYu9B)


She didn’t give up anything for them is the funny thing. She’s literally one of the shittiest moms on the planet.


I really dislike this take on motherhood/partnership. I chose to be a mother, therefore I could never resent my child for what I gave up. My life was okay before, but it is fantastic now. Yes, there’s endless laundry, dishes, cleaning, cooking. But my life is so FULL and I have an amazing partner to share that with. My life before was a lot of wandering and wondering. I’m home now and that is what this is for me. It’s so difficult but it’s so rewarding. I didn’t become a mom so I could be thanked.


Thank you for saying this, I’m pregnant with my first and it’s nerve wracking. I felt pretty aimless prior to getting pregnant but I’m looking forward to the next step. This feels really reassuring.


Thank you. I don't like the take on motherhood in this video either. I completely agree with you! I chose to be a mom.. it's hard and messy, but my life has never been so full. 💘


It’s almost like she could have used birth control and never become a mom since she hates it so much


Jennelle doesn't do the bare minimum ![gif](giphy|8yonT3YlQT7Iw0DBz2|downsized)


I’m waiting for the what she gave up part…? What has she given up to be a better mom or wife ??? Custody?? Trying bangs maybe????????????


This pertains to Babs more than Jenelle. Jenelle always has men lead and Babs was alone with 3 kids and a job.


I scrolled by this video yesterday, I get the message and see what it's trying to say, but cringe because it's being delivered in the most boomer way possible. And of course, out of all the videos out there, she chose this one to share. Girl has never made a single sacrifice for anyone around her. Of course, she's delusional and expects everyone to applaud her.


What the fuck did she give up for her kids??? Fucking dog killing child abusing drug addicted douchbags.. getting high In her she shed... putting links to her nasty butthole pics in between pics of her children.


Wait…isn’t this clip from The Kids are Alright? Is Jenelle sitting around watching lesbian movies now that David is gone?


It's from the Apple Never Falls. I enjoyed the series. There is a lesbian couple in the show lol


Okay, thanks for clarifying, it’s been a while since I watched it


It just came out in the last couple days


The Kids Are Alright, I meant…I’ve never heard of The Apple Never Falls


Oh yeah that makes sense. Sorry I just woke up. I don't think I've ever seen the kids are alright. I might check it out. There's barely anything to watch anymore, so I love finding stuff I haven't seen. TANF is from the same author as Big Little Lies and Nine Perfect Strangers.


Ooh, love both of those…I‘ll have to check it out


it's on Peacock


Is she referring to the way she treats Barb?


Thankless job. Lol she does nothing.


That woman's speech in the video is absolute bullshit. If you dont want to be a part of a family, LEAVE then. Dont stay then years later say all that bullshit.


She has no idea. She's what? 32? She thinks she feels like this now? Her job isn't even half done (a mother's job is really never done, but I digress). Her younger kids are still in the fun(ish) stage. Wait till they're both teenagers. I know Jace is a teen, but she hasn't done the heavy lifting with him. And I suspect she'll turn him into a pseudo-partner/best friend.


being a mom is exhausting yes…but every day, multiple times a day, my kids tell me “you’re the best mommy in the whole world,” and “i love you so much”. that makes it so worth it. i don’t resent my kids at all. and when my marriage was shitty i left it. i love my life now.


This speech actually really resonated with me. I don't resent my kids, but at least for me (and a lot of my mom friends) it can feel a lot different when the kids get to be teens and then young adults. Then you don't usually get the "you're the best mommy" stuff and the snuggles that make it all worth it when they are little. And a lot of times you feel like you poured so much love and time and effort into them (and, yes, made a lot of sacrifices) and they just take it for granted. (Much more so than they take their dads for granted.) It's like you're not there, or like you're not really a person - just a mom-bot. And that the many things you do for them, including house cleaning and groceries and cooking and carpooling and so much more, just kind of magically "happen." Or that moms just love doing all that stuff, so you don't have to ever thank them. I will say that now that my older child is in her late twenties she does appreciate me more, and while I didn't become a mom to be appreciated, it is awfully nice to feel that. But still ... yeah, this speech really got me in the gut. And while I adore my children and have loved so much about being a mom, there's a part of me that wishes I could have two lives - one to be a mom, and then one where I would get to focus on career, travel, etc. without having to feel guilty and exhausted all the time.


She’s literally faking the part of “mother” for like 1 week for the first time ever and she’s posting martyrdom of motherhood stuff like this. It’s like she prob had to pack a lunch or tie a shoe and she’s so ready to receive a prize and acknowledgment lol and pretend as if she’s been sacrificing her whole life. I noticed recently how she also started talking about mom duties as if she’s never actually done them before. David took care of the kids while she was hiding from them all. Now that she’s been on her own she HATES it lol.


Jenelle your mother BEGGED you to put your baby up for adoption at 16 BECAUSE YOU WERE NOT READY. You actively chose to have another baby with a guy you barely knew and could have had to give birth in jail. You then forced another baby and marriage with someone you barely knew because you’re a broken person. You mourn the person you were? You didn’t even know the person you could have became.


OK, so in posting something like this, she doesn’t reflect upon the relationship with her mother? Her mom who was a single mother with several children with mental and behavioral issues? No empathy for her mother only her.


This bitch needs to follow her idol GRB's lead... delete her social media 💯


What JE had to give up for them? Ya because she had a REAL bright future ahead of her…. Lmfao get the fuck out of here with that shit. Funny thing is the kids are going to resent tf out of her once they grow up and realize just how truly awful of “parent” she is.


Jenelle has only ever lead her family (kids) into trauma and chaos. She’s truly delujenelle.


What the eff did sis give up? She didn’t do shit for Jace for 14 years. She’s microwaved some burritos for the other kids and propped them up for some photo ops. She’s an addict who time and again chooses herself over her kids. She lets her kids walk around in too small clothing and doesn’t care if it humiliates them while she’s jamming yet another fast fashion bathing suit up that rotund dump truck. She makes it seem like she’s giving up that career in medicine to make lunches when she’s got a mother effing alarm on her phone to order Subway because she fails at every level to do the most basic adult shit and the ones to consistently suffer are those kids.


She doesn’t do laundry. She’s had plenty of time


Oh my god this show was amazing tho! What a wild ride of who done what and where is Joy! Also fuck Jenelle


Her kids never saw her because she was always shacked up in her shed doing not a damn motherly thing for them… now all of a sudden she’s posting videos from her bedroom inside her house since scumbag Davey left and acting like she’s been in the house taking care of the kids all along… we see right through you, Nelly. You’re not fooling anyone.


I know it’s not the point but this clip kind of helps my decision to not have kids. Yikes


Ma’am. This is about Barb. She’s so fucking thick.


LMAOOOOOOOO ![gif](giphy|HVmR8l9a9nJcc|downsized)


Jenelle can’t even lead DKD to his rakin leaves…. Let alone, her children!


This video is hitting me right in the gut. I mean, it’s very true. Motherhood can be a thankless job and it is absolutely exhausting taking care of littles and trying to mold them into good human beings. Nothing this video says is wrong. I have a few best friends who are moms with kids around the same age as me, and we talk about this stuff all the time. In fact, one of my friends and I were talking about how guilty we feel wanting space from our kids yesterday (because we’re exhausted and overstimulated most days). Luckily we all have husbands who are involved and give us breaks and time away when we need it, which is a huge help. But it’s so nice to have these conversations with other moms who get it and are going through it too. These conversations are important, but good god they shouldn’t be online like this.


I mean I feel like this about my kid right now because she was being a total dick today. Some of this resonates with some of us.


And we moms are never supposed to get angry or hurt when our kids are jerks to us (as all kids are sometimes!). We're just supposed to take it and keep smiling. But we are people too and we have feelings. One time my son was about 13 and was just being snarky and mean to me, and usually I just tried to be all sweet and "Well, honey, I hear that you're disappointed, but..." and so on, but that day I just finally snapped, "Oh, f\*\*\* you!" and announced to my family that I was leaving for a few hours and then I just drove off and went thrift shopping and got a coffee. It happened near dinnertime and at first I was like "But what will they eat for dinner? What about my husband and daughter, who didn't do anything wrong??" and then I was like "They'll figure something out. They will not starve." It was kind of glorious, really. And I think it's actually good for moms to show that we are humans and not punching bags! Although ideally I try not to say f\*\*\* you to them while I'm at it. LOL!


This is why ppl need to think before having kids and a family. It's not meant for everyone. This woman kept having kids even after she wouldn't take care of the first one so she needs to stfu. Besides she wasn't taking care of them anyway. Squatch was. This being a mother thing is a brand new concept for her.


I gotta agree and while I can't disagree with the Jenelle aspect of the comment there is a broader societal conversation to be had here. Considering everything from the romanticization of parenting (particularly motherhood) to SCOTUS overturning Roe which caused legal limitations and banning of various forms of reproductive healthcare in several states, there's something to be said for attitudes like ours hopefully prevailing to prevent more parents like Jenelle Evans, Amber Portwood and Adam Lind happening and becoming unhappy parents (whether as teenagers or grown ass adults).


I became a mom on accident, and I don't feel this way. She had 2 kids on purpose!


Jenelle planned all three of her children with their respective dads while she was with them.


I can see feeling this way with a partner that doesn’t pull their weight or show appreciation. That sucks. I hope to gd I raise my kids right enough that I never end up resenting them though. These are valid issues though aside from JE reposting it.


I feel this way to a certain extent - but I will say that yes, having a husband who truly pulls his weight (as a husband and father) has made it a lot easier. I know many, many women whose husbands give lip service to being equals and being involved dads and etc., etc., but really it ends up being the mom who does the vast majority of the household and parenting work even if she also works full-time outside the home. And not just things like cooking, but all the mental/emotional labor like remembering to buy and wrap gifts for the kid to take to a birthday party, or keeping track of the school assignments, or staying on top of the kids' dr. and dentist appointments and follow-ups, or remembering to make and bring something for the bake sale. Most of my girlfriends' husbands do very little of that stuff even if they can see that their wives are exhausted and miserable. Or they offer to do it, but they do it badly, or only for a few weeks and then they just taper off. Obviously there are plenty of men out there who really are equal partners, but in my experience that is still the exception and not the rule.


AMEN. I sometimes wonder what it’s like to be with someone who just fixes things that are broken, like on their own, after noticing it’s broken. Sighhhhhhhhh


Well duh. lol. And how long before her and David are fighting over ensley ?? Oh that’s right, he’s ghosted his daughters. I still can’t believe he tried to abandon Maryssa with Jenelle. Thank goodness she got off the land.


Oh puh-leaaaaaase


The irony of her posting this is beyond her pea sized brain inside of that ginormous forehead.




I'm sure a lot of people can relate, I know I can for sure also but what has Jenelle ever had to give up or sacrifice? Shes big mad at David right now but no way they stay separated for a year.She has never had to be a parent


I'm so, so sorry. That's awful.


When the fuck did Jenelle give ANYTHING up for her children?


Oh puuuuhleez, girl. Who and what did you give up exactly? You're the same shitty selfish bitch you've always been.


FFS, what did Jenelle give up? WHO was the person she was supposed to be? What sacrifices has she made for her children?


The problem is this is a fair critique to make of the expectations of motherhood (being expected to serve 24/7 with a smile on your face) EXCEPT jenelle never did any of that. She never gave up anything for her kids. She never sacrificed a single thing. Not. One. Time. You can’t resent what your kids never took from you.


Y'all making me defend Janelle... Of course she relates to this. Many times, too many times, in her life, she has financially supported an entire family and the man humiliated her. Both David and Nathan did this to her. They promised her love and support, and in her fucked up way, she gave them everything. Janelle made their home. She doesn't have to be a perfect person to make a beautiful home, which the swamp is a home on land with a pool and a she shed. A lot of people would be really happy and appreciative to have what they have, but the partners she picked couldn't be the wind beneath her wings, so to speak. I hope she reflects on this now more than ever, and realizes a new man isn't the answer. She has the tools within herself, as she and Jace are the only two people responsible for every success she's ever had. The sooner she believes it, the better.


If she never got pregnant with Jace she would never have been on teen mom. She would be the same person but with less money.


Someone tag barb


Nellz was destined for greatness


MTV greatness!


That series was so predictable by the end of episode 3.


Does anyone know what this clip is from?


the apple never falls, streaming on Peacock. Its decent, worth watching


I just wonder what potential she thinks she had. She probably would not have actually done well in college. It's just convenient that she had obstacles she could blame her failures on. I'd love to know what she thinks she'd be doing if she had never been a teen mom or had children. A doctor? She barely was able to get a MA certificate. Bffr.


I think Barb would like to have a word with you, Jenelle.


Poor Janelle has such a demanding, executive career browsing the internet. Add to that the time spent ignoring her children, lining up numerous butthole photoshoots, normalizing repeated cps mandated parenting classes and ‘ controlling the narrative’ (whatever that Hollywood term means), it’s not hard to see why they call her ‘super mom’ Go Janelle!


What has she given up?


This was soooo weird to post


We didn’t need to see this to already know this.


Man this hit me hard


I relate to this on such a painful level but I'm not Jenelle.


This is not the flex she thinks it is. Moms feel this but we don’t put it on blast, or run away , we want to, but we don’t. My own mother would say stuff like that to us instead of asking for what she needed. It’s all about communication and not acting like a fucking child yourself.


Sounds more like Barb, than Jenelle.


I just watched the show she posted and I was obsessed just a side note😂


I think having a baby during your teen years physically alters your brain. It’s a “traumatic event” and trauma can change your brain. She’s stunted and stuck and hasn’t healed from it. I’m sure she feels this way because she never got a chance to even be her like other moms did before they were moms. I hope she gets serious counseling.


This is pure comedy coming from Jenelle. As far as this clip goes, eeeehhh. I think it’s bullshit and I say this as a mother of two preteens with a man baby as their dad. Are mothers in general getting the shitty end of the stick when it comes to raising a family? Sure, but I knew that going in, like I’m sure most women who choose to have kids do. My situation is my own making and the blame can’t be placed on my kids who had no choice in being born or even their lazy ass dad who I chose to have kids with. All I can do is choose what to make of my own life going forward. 🤷🏻‍♀️