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You still have time to delete this 


OPs last post was basically blaming maci for ryan being a deadbeat 💀


OP is really Mimi Jen.


I remember Jen and Ryan complaining about Bentley going to preschool aged 2. Maci thought it would be good for him since he wasn’t really around other children much and they moaned about it. I remember thinking this is mad where I am from kids going to nursery at 2 or even before is normal especially for working parents.


It's so important around that age, too. I have the ability to have my kid with me at work and save money, but it's still important to have her around other kids to develop social skills, and around other adults who engage with her differently than we do.


Definitely, at the time none of Maci’s friends had children and he didn’t seem to have cousin’s around either so it would have been good for him having children around him.


Yikes. Her posts should start with "this is probably an unpopular opinion", which would actually be accurate.


OP should be completely embarrassed by this post. What a grotesque take.


They need to come back here and answer for their crimes


She won't; in her last (also unpopular) post, she literally said she won't be reading or responding to comments lmao.


lol what even is this post? How embarrassing


Yea let’s drag a mom because she dares send her kid to daycare 🙄


God forbid a mom spend ungodly amounts of money to leave her child in a safe place with caregivers so that she can work. The horror


Who’s mad at school


How dare ppl pay for their kids to be supervised and play and learn and make friends all day 




Not everyone can afford to have their own personal nanny or to be a stay at home mum. He's also Javi's child, and he sent him to daycare, too. Where's the judgement for him


This is true. I never understood why only Cate was dragged for April watching the kids so much, Tyler was there too. They are also his responsibility too.


That’s how it always is in this sub. Moms get blamed for so much while dads get infantilized.


It’s great for socialization and it’s important for young children.


People have to work and do what they need to do, but infants don't benefit from socialization. They learn by interacting with a primary caregiver. I'm not shaming people for using daycare, it's a necessity for most, but other countries give parents 1 year + of maternity leave for a reason. Putting a 6 week/12week/6 month old infant into childcare isn't a *good* thing. Our country should allow a parent to stay home with their baby, too.


That is very true. I feel so sad for all the mamas that had to leave their 6 week old babies in daycare. My friend runs a daycare, and she even said sometimes they can't get to all the babies crying. Of course, they are fed, but there are more babies than staff.


Why are you criticizing Lauren and not Javi though 🤔


Are you sharing your disdain for early childhood education with us again, Ryan?


“He don’t need no school Maci”


He is the exact type of person who says shit that ends with "and I turned out fine!!1"


And Ryan thought Kyle was slow.




Odd you’re attacking just the mother and not her and the father.


If you look at their post history they also blame Maci for Ryan being a deadbeat.


That’s a hot take about the 21 year old adult who knocked up a 16 year old


Exactly, Maci made mistakes but she isn’t to blame for what Ryan was like as a dad for the first year of Bentley’s life she tried to get him to be good Dad and fiancé to her and he refused to help her even when he had lost his job and she was still working and trying to do classes online. Any time she asked him to feed or change Bentley it was why can’t you do it. When they broke up she asked him about child support and he said just take me to court and then he acted all shocked when she did. Was there times she was in the wrong, yes but Ryan was never interested in seeing Bentley his parents were the ones doing everything.


Oh of course. Internalised misogyny is an interesting topic.


So...daycares shouldn't exist? What a weird take. It's a good thing as it encourages social development and learning..


I mean, if you know you'll need infant care you basically have to sign them up before they're born. That's just facts.


I started applying for daycares before I even knew my son was a boy. It's tough out there


We didn't need care as an infant and I knew we might need some amount of care at some point, just not when or how much. Now my kid is 2 and we've had a heck of a time getting a spot anywhere. Currently paying out the butt for 2 days/week at a pretty expensive in home care. The woman who does the care is amazing and has done wonders for my kid but OUCH. And soon she's going on maternity leave and we haven't found a replacement yet.




This is one of the weirdest posts I've seen on this sub, and that's saying A LOT


This post is embarrassing.


A lot of people refer to day care as school, especially when they have multiples and some are in actual school. It’s just easier for kids to understand that way. Plus some Montessori schools take infants so maybe that was it too 🤷‍♀️


Right. I use daycare and school interchangeably all the time. My kids are 3 and 1.


Montessori schools take anyone


My son has been in daycare since he was 7 weeks old. This is some people’s reality. What a weird thing to go off about…


Also, apparently OP has a hard on for Rhine big time so that might explain a lot


I enrolled my unborn baby in daycare and they started at 3 months old so 🤷🏻‍♀️ nothing wrong with paying for childcare


Girl, shut the fuck up. What a weird ass post. Go touch some grass.




Childcare helps social and emotional skills. It's one of the best ways for children to learn, while socializing with peers.


This sounds like a you problem lol


...parents have to work. Tf do you expect us to do? My baby has been in daycare since 6 months and he LOVES seeing his friends and teachers in the morning


This is a public policy problem, not a parenting problem. It's fucked up that American mothers have to choose between separating from our infants at an extremely young age or leaving our jobs and incurring social and financial penalties. We should be entitled to a year of leave just like other developed (and even many developing) countries. I chose to stay home with my kids, but I'm losing out on years of social security as a result. The work I do doesn't contribute to the GDP, and it's "women's work", so clearly it has no value 🙄 


I’m highly educated and experienced in a public service career field that has a severe shortage and cannot find enough qualified people to fill the need, but I chose to quit and focus on staying home with my kids because I couldn’t bear the idea of putting my 8-12 week old baby in daycare and never see him. I’m fortunate that staying home was an option for me, but it comes at the expense of society losing an important worker. I probably would have not left the career field if I had a reasonable amount of paid leave but they offered zero so here we are


Don't forget "It was your choice to have crotch goblins!". It's wild how no one sees that raising the next generation is actually important. Thankfully I was providing just about zero value in the workforce and didn't have what could be called a "career" anyway 😅


You’re mad because she is educating her children??? I am confused OP lol we bitch at JE but she pretends to homeschool her kids, no education really happening there. If 3LO was homeschooling I might be snarking with you but for her sending her kids to preschool doesn’t seem snark worthy lol


I have my 1 year old in “school” it’s ECFE. It’s good socialization and learning. What a weird post.


I have TWO preschoolers lol, I must really suck 😂


I’m confused on why putting her son in daycare is an issue? Someone care to explain?


I mean.. if you want to get into a good daycare you NEED to put them on the waitlist like a full year in advance... so that would make her a good mom for being prepared and planning ahead?


Locally you have to enroll the baby in ‘school’ as a fetus if you want a chance of having a spot to go back to work and not worry about childcare


My kid goes to daycare. It costs me more than my mortgage. we call it school. Who cares!?


My husband asked me "hypothetically if there was a full time spot available for our kid at that really good daycare you like, would you take it?" and I was like "no because it would come within 100 of what our mortgage costs per month and if I miss like, literally any work at all then now we're losing money" and his mind was blown.


I feel so bad for Americans who don't want to put their kids in daycare under a year but have to so they can work....id never mom shame anyone


Where I live, many parents enroll their kids as toddlers in an early education program and many cities in my area offer free public pre-K programs starting at 3 years of age.


All my kids started preschool at three... In my area, literally every kid does? It's just... What you do...


I'm so confused by this post. Like is she making fun of parents who put their babies in daycare and/or the parents who enroll their young children in early chilhood education programs?


I think both? Any? Basically, if a parent enrolls their child in a voluntary care/education program, they must not want to be a present parent?


So you are shaming her for being a working mom? She is just doing what she feels is best for her children. Also she needs that income if Javi cheats again and she leaves. 


HUHhhhhhh??? If there’s something I love more than first world problems, it’s judgemental bitches bringing them up. Get some perspective darlin.


The majority of moms enroll their kid into some type of school/daycare when or before they are born. It’s a luxury to be able to be a stay at home mom without a job in this economy. How sheltered are you?


Lauren & Javi suck as people & parents but shaming them for having their kid in daycare is stupid.


The weird thing is this isn't even the first time I've seen someone get mom shamed for sending their kid to preschool 😅 Moms really can't do anything right.


Jenelle? Is this you?


Jenelle put Kaiser and Jace in daycare too lol


Jenelle didn’t put Jace in daycare. Barb did, because she had a thing called a job and his unemployed deadbeat egg donor couldn’t be trusted to care for him so daycare was her only option.


I agree it was Barb. But when Jace was a newborn Jenelle couldn't handle being a mom and said "I can't wait for him to go to daycare"


She’s such a POS


Haha true good point I somehow forgot that


Unrelated but do you remember when she interviewed to work at a daycare? 😂😂






To be fair, the more Eli is in school, the less time Javi has to influence him.


Wait so putting your infant in daycare so you can work is a bad thing now?


Um. I don’t think you understand these things yet. Maybe you are young and not a parent ? Maybe you are the insufferable kind of parent who judges others for daycare ? I can’t tell.


God forbid she has to work!!!






I just love getting people in an uproar on this app 🤣😂😂


Everyone losing their shit over OP dragging daycare didn't stop to actually read the post where it would seem they've taken the word "school" too literally. It's likely OP doesn't know that people use "daycare" and "school" interchangeably, and that Lauren didn't actually mean she was sending her 6 month old to preschool/kindergarten (which typically doesn't enroll til age 3). Never once was it mentioned that infant daycare is bad.


I took it as though she's referring to enrolling young children in an early childhood education programs and she was trying to be snarky by saying when the baby is 6 months old. Either way, why post this? She had to know this would be an unpopular take, just like she knew her last post blaming Maci for Ryan being a deadbeat would be unpopular (even writing in her post that she won't be reading comments lol).