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"Been focusing on everyone but myself šŸ™„" Imagine typing that out when you have young kids and an older one struggling with their mental health. Welcome to motherhood, Jenelle. Maybe you shouldn't have used having your kids to trap scummy men in your life.


came here to say this!! as if she's ever focused on anyone but herself in her entire life


Donā€™t forget all her recent posts of all her ā€œself careā€ I know she is losing her mind at having to look after the kids. Well, Iā€™m sure Jace is doing the heavy lifting with that.


That's what makes her answer more ridiculous than it already is. The hair, the nails, the tanning, the B12 shots. I'm lucky if I can squeeze a shower in half the time. She needs to take several seats after that answer.


Okay ! Like girl what the fuck ??? I have 2 and I literally havenā€™t had my hair professionally done in years feels like forever. Nails ? Do them myself if I want them. TanningšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ summer sun is for that ! Iā€™m jk no hate to anyone that gets themselves together. I envy yā€™all but to act like sheā€™s not focusing on herself when sheā€™s done nothing but that since we first seen her thatā€™s a joke. I can relate to the barely get a shower. Itā€™s nonstop. She has no freaking idea. Makes me sick reading her ā€œanswersā€. Sheā€™s such a Pathological liar.


I feel you with the shower girl and even then thereā€™s an audience šŸ«£


My kiddo is finally old enough to be slightly trusted to be left alone, but I still have the camera going on a tablet next to the shower so I can keep an eye on them because kids are so damn mischievous. šŸ˜…


U know shits going down when you donā€™t hear them anymore


Right?? My mom came yesterday to help with my 7 week old and give me a day off, but between pumping, walking the dog, and making/eating my lunch I barely had time to shower lol!! Was able to get in 40 mins on the peloton though which was my treat for the day.


Awww. Hang in there momma! Youā€™re doing an amazing job ! Breast feeding is so hard ! I salute you šŸ©·


Like, you guys can brush your hair and shower? Lucky!


Yeah doesnā€™t she realize that is focusing on herself ?? Now we know why she got all gussied up . She wanted to look good for Court pics and for David to see what heā€™s missing . He doesnā€™t care.


And why wasnā€™t she given shiz for arriving late??. You know she was just curling her hair trying to impress Dbag


She was working. Don't you know she works for Tik Tok!! /j /sšŸ˜œ


You're right, he doesn't care. He wanted her disgusting looking so no one else would want her & ruin his gravy train.


How dare her kids require her focus and attention! šŸ™„ Poor her


Uh huh. What about the childless ice cream, etc.??




She tells on herself so much! Someone needs to make a montage of all the subtle complaints and confessions she makes about about having to care for her family.


Exactly! Most mothers (many fathers) do this everyday of their live's once they become parents! That's just part of it...but then there's this bitch who is throwing it in her kid's faces! As if they or any other person in this world asked to be here! *No, you Jan, took that one upon yourself to decide...which is valid, however once you do that, it's your responsibility and obligation to to make your main focus on them up until you've successfully raised them into functional adults who are able to provide and take care of themselves.* But while they're still children, guess what Nelly, that's on *you!* And let's not even get into the traumatic lifestyle you've given each of your babies! Right now (and every fuckin day) your sole focus should be trying to provide the safest, most stable, happy and healthy life you can possibly provide for them! Should've been doing that from the start but what do I or any other parent know? šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøšŸ™„ Help your children heal first, then you can start to focus on yourself. Until then, work on yourself while you *can*...once you have kids, you become secondary. That's just how it works, baby. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø And you have a fuckton of making up to all of them. Especially Jace, but to all of them. Toughen up buttercup, it's what you signed up for!


I noticed sheā€™s completely quit doing OF since David left. I know sheā€™s been selling stories left and right to make money but thereā€™s got to be another source of income we donā€™t know about thatā€™s keeping her afloat. Either a sugar daddy or a project in the works. Iā€™m still wondering what her trip to Vegas was really about.


i find it so strange she didnā€™t make any content from that trip


And she shot over to LA for a day. I'm totally in the MTV is talking to her again camp. She absolutely does not deserve it, but MTV loves individuals like Jenelle.




My theory is because she saw Nathan during that trip. Then she prob met up with MTV in LA after.


I feel like she definitely wouldve filmed that. She was posting Nathan constantly last time her and David split. They went bowling and did a photoshoot in an alley lol.


I donā€™t think she would this time. Sheā€™s getting wayyyy too much adoration online for being such a ā€œgreatā€ mom. I think thatā€™s why sheā€™s also dropping Nathan hints too, like getting back to her Nathan era bod and letting Doris have Kaiser again.


Very sketchy....


I'm ashamed to admit this, but I saw leaked OF pictures. Jenelle looked miserable. I wouldn't be surprised if David was trying to force her to do it. Which is SO fucked up and adds a new layer of abuse to the story. I'm not defending Jenelle necessarily, but no one deserves that.. and most importantly.. look what he'll push people to do for money. I'm not against OF or sex workers in any way, but if it's non consensual that's fucked right up. He should never be allowed around his kids, esp daughters.


He didnā€™t force her, it was her last resort to continue ā€œworking from homeā€ and not having to go out and get a 9-5 to sustain their lifestyle. I doubt David cared what she did as long as she remained the breadwinner. I agree she was miserable and clearly didnā€™t like doing it, but obviously not bad enough to say ā€œfuck this, Iā€™m going to Amazon where Iā€™ll have benefits and steady income but will actually have to workā€


I agree. Actually she never looked comfortable and then to suddenly completely stop as soon as David's off the land I wouldn't be surprised if she needed to do it because she couldn't afford him and the house..


Yes, I've actually thought about this myself. I also remember a few years back when they were arguing (I think it was around the time jenelle was flown to brianas pink party) and David released a picture on his only fans with him and jenelle having sex. She allegedly was wearing sunglasses, she also never mentioned it or posted it to her own OF account, which tells me she didn't want it on there. Something definitely didn't sit well with me about that whole situation, and it was as if he used humiliation to threaten her after a big blow up. She also had that dead eyed stare everytime she did content. I have to say that she does have some more light in her eyes now that he's gone.


She definitely does. It's an insane looking light, with bad intentions, but it's not that blank nothingness anymore. Sorry if that sounds harsh, but I mean, it's still Jenelle. Maybe I'm biased from experiences. Not my partner, but seeing how others manipulate people into it. They basically train you that your body isn't yours, everyone's seen it so why stop, then ruin your reputation along the way so you think it's your only way to make money. (This is ONLY for non consensual. I'm all for whatever you want to do as long as you WANT it) As I said. It's sad. Whatever you feel about Jenelle, that's besides the point. If that's how David views and uses women, he should never be allowed around his daughters. He's also made some weird frigging comments. That "butterflies in my britches" quote comes to mind ughhhhh


She lost her fertografer when he left.


Not the fertografer šŸ’€šŸ’€


Honestly, good for her. Nothing against OF, but any photos posted she looked out of her face and miserable, it didn't seem like she wanted to be doing it.


Thatā€™s just her normal face. Sheā€™s got a flat effect.


Sheā€™s dead behind her eyes & face. Sheā€™s just a non-feeling monster, donā€™t worry.


Jenelleā€™s sugar daddy era would be iconic, imagine if we see Jenelle pulling a Natalie Nunn and posing on some yacht in Dubai


I wonder if her lawyer advised to lay off of it for the incoming custody battle?


Her social media engagement is probably making her plenty right now.


Knew it all along that David was the one both demanding and necessitating OF.


Jenelle is not a sugar daddy trap, I hate to break it to the moms out there of 3+ baby daddies looking for a sugar daddy. Sugar daddies are attracted to a low body count.


Sheā€™s backā€¦..


Her complaining she hasnā€™t been focusing on herself latelyā€¦ didnā€™t she JUST get her nails done and spend $200-$300 at the tanning salon? Thats definitely super self indulgent for a mom of three. I know this because I worked at Palm Beach Tan. That lotion was around $120-$180 (and IIRC we just get more commission for selling that one bc itā€™s our brand lol, itā€™s not even that great of a lotion). And the bed was a top level either like $60-$80 for one use which we never sell, so she paid big bucks for bundling sessions or $80 per month membership. It might even be $120 a month, actually. Someone made decent commission off her lol


I just said this. She's getting B12 and ice cream runs by herself. I've got 4 kids and I can't afford the tanning shit but I take care of me. I'd never say I don't get time alone, especially if I could do these $$ luxuries.


The lotion is $120-$180 WTF?!


This is why when I did tan, I would buy my lotion on Amazon. You can get the same thing (maybe even better) for $20-$50 on the Zon. It really is that much at the tanning salons. They want your money lol


I didn't even use lotion and tanned just fine šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Right?? I've never been tanning because I'm pale as shit and burn like a lobster but I had no idea it was that pricey!


Yep! Itā€™s one of the highest priced lotions there. And it sucks!šŸ¤£


Why do these 2 spend like they still have money? šŸ¤‘


I'm doing great actually šŸ„° Facebook status: *Jenelle is feeling sad* ā˜¹ļø


She's a walking contradiction l!šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤£




Thatā€™s probably why sheā€™s stopped doing it. My thoughts are David coerced her into doing it to provide income so he doesnā€™t have to get an actual job and work


Mmm I disagree. She continued to post on OF even after Jace had run away a few times, but she mysteriously stopped once CPS got involved with her again. IIRC.


Jenelle would never stop doing something for the benefit of her kids. Their needs are not a factor to her.


#4 is the best. She's concentrating on everyone else but herself. šŸ™„šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø. If her lips are flapping, she's LYINGā€¼ļø




Who posted about ditching their kids to take themselves out for ice cream? ![gif](giphy|KJ6G67RV7OvHV7gGtU|downsized)


ā€œBeen focusing on everyone but myself except for my haircut, manicure, tanning, ice cream, and weight-loss shotsā€ https://preview.redd.it/ng4n44pspvtc1.jpeg?width=995&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9573e6578b3a3cefab8af12e365494cd1940ec00


šŸ˜‚ She's Delujenelle.


She wants us to know sheā€™s doing great without dog killer, she owns the boat heā€™s living in, she has a ā€œfriendā€ and she thinks she looks great. These are always her saying what she wants but disguised as fan questions.


Who cares about mowing? So strange


I know!!! I belly laughed when I read that


Weā€™ve moved on to a butterfly background, a see. Itā€™s about damn time, was sick to my back teeth of the other one šŸ˜‚


lmao this reminded me of when she made that super serious post about the abuse investigation & how she felt so betrayed & canā€™t trust anyoneā€¦ & it had the fuckin smiling jack o lanterns background šŸŽƒ


Stop šŸ˜­ this comment paired with your photo has me howling LOOOL


i donā€™t think i can edit a post but these are from last night


Delujenelle cannot wrap her huge Chinhead around the fact that its not 100% about her all of the time.


Delujenelle is my favorite so far, 5 stars.


Hahaha chinhead


Did she just say sheā€™s been focusing on everyone by herself? Like she didnā€™t just have a whole day of eating ice cream without her kids and getting her nails done. A whole kids free day to herself. Must have been really difficult for her. /s


She 100% writes these to herself so she has a reason to say how ā€œgreatā€ sheā€™s doing without getting made fun of Which results in her getting made even more fun of






So if David is off the land, who exactly will be taking these new OF pictures for her?!


Most likely Tori


Oh God I hope itā€™s not one of the kids


*Morgan Freeman voice* And Jenelles Friend never saw that mower again


Such a pathetic & boring existence she leads. Clean your house Chinny.


What ā€˜siteā€™ is she talking about?




If you own the boat get him tf off.


Wasn't she literally just saying, maybe 2-3 weeks ago, that she has all these projects she can now do and she's so excited about all of them? Making it seem like David wouldn't allow certain business deals so now she is taking on a bunch of them to make up for the loss in the past? What did everyone declined her year late response?


She did "Ask me a Question". That was one of the questions. She said there was a dump coming tomorrow or something like that


She focused on herself for shots and ice cream. Hello?




Cue the 2024 health battle sub-plotline...


"How's the house?" A sinking investment, quite literally.


you cannot convince me this twat waffle is in her 30's


What a waste of time. And back and forth ? Sheā€™s such a liar. She doesnā€™t have health issues. But one day she will and she will regret lying all these years. Sheā€™s been lying for over 12 years.


How long until sheā€™s begging David to pick up Kaiser and ensley ?


*"Nobody's helping MEEEEE!"*


Is everyone the kids she birthed šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø Jesus God Leah


ā€œChicken Buttā€ is not the proper response to ā€œwhatā€™s upā€ Everyone knows itā€™s ā€œGuess what? ā€¦Chicken Buttā€ Gosh sheā€™s an idiot


That bugged me too hahaha!!!! How long do you think she spent crafting that question & answer?


So her house is all of a sudden good? Guess itā€™s not sinking anymore?


When the house sink they can move into the boat




Lmaoooo itā€™s all the same writing style even šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Hahaha the title