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Isn't her big point he didn't work so she paid for everything so she should get the house...??? Is she that dumb?


Oh, she's THAT dumb


And then some


Have some damn respect. She's a Teacher now. 


And she went to med school!


And, a scuba instructor. ![gif](giphy|RqUL5Dd2xMgkDLGdUC|downsized)


Herself of all people!


She is also a captain with her boat license






Jack of all trades, master of none


Jackoff of all trades




Personal chef especially oiled chicken


Eckspeshully olled chickun to be eaten without utensils and with a swimming pool of ranch.




She's already used more personal days than my entire 13 year career.


This made me spit my water out.


She literally said on national television 2 years ago at Bri’s party that “everyone knows David doesn’t have a job” and was bitching about being the sole breadwinner


That was in the past, duuuuuuude. Like oh my gawd


Leave me alone, axealy40!!!!!




She didn’t realize that saying so would make HIM eligible for alimony 😂😂😂😂


In many states you have to be married a certain number of years (in mine it’s 10yrs) to even begin to be eligible for alimony. (I believe they have been together around 7yrs) Also they take into consideration the ability and potential for work/employment, as well as if the non working spouse did so in support of the working and vice versa; examples one spouse works to help the other complete education; one parent is a stay at home, primary care giver, for children while the other works.


Google says in NC there is no specific about of time required to be married to qualify for alimony. However, I did read that you can become disqualified for: Adultery. Abandonment. Reckless spending, such as gambling assets. Physical, emotional, or verbal abuse.


Man every time someone here googles NC laws it’s always pretty much just “do whatever tf you want we don’t care”




This'll be why she filed for the Restraining order and said he was abusive not saying he isn't but she's definitely angling to get him disqualified


You’re probably right. That’s why she changed her narrative from he’s never been abusive to he’s been torturing her mentally/ financially for years.


But all the evidence of her saying that is still available online and David will definitely use it as evidence it's going to be so fun to watch this play out


This actually plays out in her favor. Whenever he was around, she immediately did what he said. Regardless of her stance with Barb and the MTV producers, those would be HUGE character witnesses in her favor based on all they’ve witnessed of his controlling behavior.




You have to have a good memory and a modicum of intelligence to be a good liar and Jenelle has neither.


But I thought it was his welder job pay stub to help get the mortgage for the house and land?


She would actually be better off proving he did and COULD work just chose to not do so most of the time. Someone must have told this reason for the flip.


This is exactly right. If it’s proven he has never worked and she was the sole provider, that could bite her in the ass as far as alimony/support goes. She could end up paying him support.


But he has anything in text or on social media that shows her telling him not to work because she wants him to stay home with them then her goose is cooked on that one. I am positive that played into him never getting a job. She was too insecure to let him out of her sight.


Oh, I totally agree with you. She can’t stay with a partner that leaves her side for more than a bathroom break. I think her attorney has told her to stfu about paying for everything so she’s changing her tune.


For sure! Someone posted a few weeks ago in a thread about how she caused Nathan to get fired from his Timeshare job. This bitch would actually show up with him and sit in the timeshare homes all day to spend time with him. That is a level of insecurity Ive never seen, where you sit at your man’s job all day because A) you’re so insecure women are the job too and afraid he’ll cheat or 2) She’s so codependent and obsessed with her lovers that she can’t stand to be without them for 3 mins. Even when they had the boat cleaning business, David would be on the docks cleaning shit and here comes Jenelle and the kids sitting with him all day. Not even helping like it’s a family business, just hanging out tryna keep David company. Jenelle is out of her mind yo.


I still remember the infamous raking scene where she was just sat on the porch moaning about being bored and distracting him from whatever he was trying to do like why couldn't she just hop in her car and go grab some food or something why nag David to come with her when he's clearly busy raking 🤣 having a partner like that would drive me insane after one day it's bad enough when my toddler goes through a clingy phase


They both have their own set of issues, for sure. I can see how they would eventually get tired of each other’s shit. Her tired of paying for everything sooner or later, and him growing tired of her codependency and mood swings.


Oh that definitely played into it.


Yeah it was a symbiotic thing. She didn’t want him to work, and he didn’t want to work either. Till they started being broke at least.


Maybe at one point she stated that dumb shit on social media, but if she has a lawyer I guarantee that’s no longer the angle she’s spinning lol. If she were smart she’d just nuke her twitter in the hopes David was too stupid to screenshot incriminating tweets. I guarantee if she has a lawyer they asked her to.


She *really* needs to do this. She still has arguments up from 2012!!


She’s fucking wild for that. She needs to take notes from her buddy Briana who nukes quarterly lol


That’s our Nelly lol I was trying to describe her to my boyfriend one time and I was like… she makes the worst decisions of anyone I have ever seen, IRL or otherwise. Like, just every decision is the wrong one. It could be what to have for lunch and that girl will pick the tuna salad sandwich that’s been sitting out for eight hours, lol.


I gave the entire lore of Kristen from bad girls club season 5 to my boyfriend last night and he just sat and listened for 30 minutes. Perhaps Jenelle will be his next reality tv lesson.


Loooool JFC haven’t thought about bad girls club in a minute


Kristen with those hack job bangs was a violent intrusive thought of mine last night and I had to make sure someone suffered with me 💀


I remember in the early TM2 days, a guy I was talking to also watched TM2 and we sat on the phone together watching it lol. It was the infamous flip flop run episode too lol. The one where she’s running like The Terminator and Kieffer is laughing at her tryna peel off lol.


lol I love that he willingly admitted to watching it and didn’t pretend he was above reality tv like a lot of men do.


Nah. Because we were hanging out and then when I get in I told him I had to watch my episode at 10 and he was like “word? I watch that too” and he said “Jenelle, she crazy” lol. And we sat on the phone and watched the episode together. My ex used to watch Project Runway with me. Not sure if he actually enjoyed it but he did engage throughout to show me he was paying attention lol. My other ex we used to watch Making the Band, Road Rules/Real World Challenge


Even if she leaves it up, David is too stupid to know this is a smart thing to do plus her can't afford a lawyer to tell him to do so, or do it for him.


I think the thought process is that she’ll owe him alimony if she continues to say she paid for everything. I know it was revealed that David was paid about $60k from MTV years ago. He’s really only had odd “jobs” short term throughout. These include arts & crafts, boat janitor, OF, rap career, maybe some SM money, and potentially drug dealing. (Can’t say for sure on the drug dealing, but there was a lot of speculation about that with him having 2 phones and the odd “break in” JE experienced- saying he may have been a client of David’s because how do you stumble into 10 acres of land? Plus, thoughts of them growing weed on the land.) Joke may be on Jenelle though, apparently she’s admitted in her separation paperwork that he hasn’t worked at all and she begged him to work. So idk 😂


Yes, she's always said that he doesn't contribute any money and basically she supports him. And yes, she is that dumb, and dumb people make terrible liars.




She can’t keep her lie’s straight.


Couldn't lie straight in bed


Oh that dumb has been broughten!


“Proven in court” ![gif](giphy|gIf19UHBI6jmEnR1aJ|downsized)


Everytime she says “proven in court” I know some bullshit is about to go down. 😂😂😂😂


Absolutely! And opposite of what she said the day before 🙄


It would be the ride of our lives if they shown this the way they do on Court TV. They won’t obvs but just fucking imagine 💀


I’d be glued to Court TV every damn day😂


Same a would even be compelled to transcribe it for the less fortunate without Court TV 😂


You and I could be the corespondents! ![gif](giphy|EEvaPhKOp7uphg148v)






This is the way I would watch Jenelle return to tv lol. 


It would be like a white trash Anna Delvey situation. Like what court hooves will she be wearing today??




I would park my ass in front of the television all day every day for that. 


“The truth will come out”


Omg her paperwork she filed against him she said he never worked.


Her lawyer probably told her that was a bad idea.


I guarantee her lawyer has told Nelly-Poo that about every idea she's floated to the lawyer.


If she filed it already can she just take it back? Serious question.


you can amend a filing generally, yes.


Oh okay! I figured once it was in it was in. Well, then I also think her lawyer has told her that what she filed wasn't in her best interest. ETA thanks for your answer.


Sometimes I wonder how hard it is to have a brain like hers where nothing that was true yesterday will be true today and that same truth will be different tomorrow..or is ignorance really truly bliss? Add on her complicated relationship with social media and irl court cases where she constantly has to make more lies, keep up with the ones she has already told, and defend her actions and its just so exhausting to think about.


She doesn’t have to keep up with the ones she already told though. She just denies ever saying that.


its so wild. We dont call her delu-jenelle for nothing..but somehow it never ceases to amaze me.


Same & it I also agree that it seems so exhausting. Can't imagine this type of life.


And when you do put of the receipts of her saying what she just denied, then she'll just delete what she said just now and hide until people stop laughing at her. Like when she was smugly claiming she never having had a boob job, people pulled up the pictures of her post op that she shared. Then she promptly deleted all her denials and got off twitter until people forgot.


Lean back in your chair, gently close your eyes and imagine all your brain folds going smooth at once and you will know what it's like to be Jenelle.


Just add emojis and everyone else will look dumb! 😂 🙃


It’s always those emojis too


This shit always shocks the hell out of me, yet she usually manages to get her way in court. There’s literally years of evidence and millions of witnesses to all her lies on the internet + things aired on national television. How does the court not lean into the internet/show/witnesses when she testifies? Absolutely nuts.


Herself of all people, has a very smooth brain.


![gif](giphy|1xneO4pA1mgnx1GKnx) Jenelle on any topic…. All she does is flip flop and never tells the total truth.


Ah. The subtle back peddling. She's going back after the episode airs.


She’s splitting hairs here like she always does. The jobs she’s referring to are probably his short lived barnacle scraping boat job in the early days of their marriage, his pitiful OnlyFans and railroad spike toilet paper holder/knife Etsy, and his “rap career”. None of them made real income but I’m sure she’s planning on using them as evidence of “employment”


Playing semantics. ![gif](giphy|QT0vFAClKFTew2mjQf|downsized)


Duh guys he was a rapper and a knife maker.


Don't forget the boat scrapper. That's why she got her scuba certificate so she could help him scrape boats, because He OwNeD hIs oWn BuSiNeSs.


That she followed him to everyday!🤣


Rake Operator 


And he made toilet paper dispensers and friendship bracelets and begs for money on Tik Tok all day, and he also teaches seafood lessons to naughty boys and girls! So you better the facts straight right now or you will be harrested tuhday!


Not seafood lessons 😭


😂 I totally forgot about his rap career.


I envy you.


don’t forget drug dealer


This is what I think her so called “smoking gun” is.


And I think he had 14 followers on only fans?




She wants child support now huh


Has she already forgotten who paid his child support before?




And to avoid alimony


Let the shit show begin ![gif](giphy|HloNK1z39EkEQcreIo|downsized)


Can not wait until David has to represent his self & all her lies come out in court!!! ![gif](giphy|2dXFjWHduLWIVJ5Fe9|downsized)


Do yall think it’s hard living in her world where everything that’s true one minute is a lie the next? I think it would be hard but maybe the lack of any self awareness makes it easy


I'm sure it's easy for her. God help anyone else in her world trying to keep up!


Maybe easy for her, hard for normal people?🤔🤷🏻‍♀️


No. When you show Jenelle the receipts that something she just said isn't true, she just pretends she didn't say anything in the first place. I wonder and hope this is one of the few instances she does feel shame, when she's has to go through deleting all the smug denials she just made 5 minutes ago.


It doesn't matter who worked and who didn't, all marital assets will be divided- even the money. If she had been a SAHM and David had a high paying job but was trying to screw her over in the divorce, she would be crying her eyes out all day, dude! They BOTH chose not to work outside the home and he helped her create OF and social media content so he could reasonably argue that he's entitled to that money, too.


LOL. Delujenelle only says and does what benefits her in the moment. It always bites her in the ass. 🤡


Now he has had jobs !! Wow ! Yet before he didn’t have jobs ! & before that he had jobs and works hard ..? Which one is it Nelly ? You got to start keeping track of your bullshit lies girly ‘ he also didn’t hit you or your children right ?? Oh yeah you went back on that one a few times over ! Get you stories st8 ! He’s killed you dog in front of your children and you protected him & that is what you do !


![gif](giphy|1n7EqyX7z2SJ7ZBzrC|downsized) What it would look like if Jenelle kept track of her lies!🤥


By jobs she means making toilet paper holders and putting out a rap song. None of which was consistent income. Here’s what she said in the legal filing. Good luck with that, Nelly. >> "Recklessly spent plaintiff's earned income while refusing to earn consistent income to contribute to the family,"




I swear I looked at this, and thought it said that Davey boy gave hand jobs during their marriage… I guess that would be a job.






I wonder how many of these super chic toilet paper rolls he sold... He sure as shit wasn't ever working as a proofreader. https://preview.redd.it/fetk4pe9zwxc1.jpeg?width=670&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bab4efd02d0a2027eb618ce20072e3259dae50a


Where these made to attach to a tree? My God!! Where else would these go?????


It would be like wood inception


Ppl that are always in and out of court like this always have the most to say with no backup.


Professional ass scratcher doesn’t count.


So now she’s defending the man? I don’t think she’s smart enough to realize that’s what this looks like.


Depending how filing for separation works in NC, David but he owed a portion of her new TM income if she’s actually back on the cast.


I guess if trying to weld railroad spikes into knives, making shitty bracelets & flashing your petite pecker on OF..


Barnacle scraper only lasted about a week. She must be referring to his tiktok or something.


Imagine lying.. this much.. every day of your life..


only fans and teen mom and selling knives


That doesn't really matter. She still made more than him.




ThE tRuTh Will CoMe OuT!


Always contradicting herself lmao


Having a J.O.B and earning some money, are 2 different things. I took some cans to recalling center for cash last week, that doesn’t mean my job is Recycling Foreman. TLDR - UBT may have earned some money at times during the marriage, but he never had a job.


If she weren’t a dumb bitch I would assume she is going to expose him for being a drug dealer. She keeps saying “smoking gun” and “prove in court” like she has evidence of a crime. Put up or shut up b.


Wasn’t david her pr manager at some point? And I guess her OF camera man too? Him working for his wife is just another way of taking *her* money. That’s nothing to be proud of.


He did those seasons on teen mom, OF, and I’m sure they monetized his social media. Not your typical 9-5 but he was bringing in some income for some years. Ewww, gotta go shower now I feel icky, I kinda defended the swamp monster 🤮


But you know that’s not Jenelle is referring to. We all know he rode her coattails and squeezed her dry. She likely means he did odd jobs here and there like helping a buddy move or fixing the neighbor’s running toilet. That’s not the same thing as earning an income like she’s trying to poorly imply.


His only job was abusing the family and killing animals. 


She's going to get back with him.




Let's not forget about how he brought the house into the marriage.


He was Central North Carolina director of assle horizontalogy




Y’all really need to leave her alone. She graduated medical school and she’s a teacher now!


Lord pullllleeaaaseee let him get some alimony and half of the house and land!! That’ll teach her not to listen to her mother!!!


Does this bitch even know how to tell the truth anymore? It's so crazy how much she lies but like everything she does she absolutely sucks at it and fails.


I hope Olivia sees this




He worked so hard ya'll. Remember the toilet paper holder? Successful business men are her type 😂


she is so dumb to reveal any strategy online. if she keeps this up, her divorce/family law lawyer could realistically drop her as a client. it seems like she's seriously banking on David not being able to afford a lawyer so she can continue to act dumb online.


Is this what she calls controlling the narrative? I guess us, non show biz people wouldn't know and just call it trying to rewrite history otherwise known as spitting bullshit.


But that's not what you told us Jenelle. What do we BELIEVE? Jenelle or Jenelle?


I bet Jenelle is talking about Mtv paying Ubt a salary and that stupid boat scraping business they had for a weekend.😂


These types don’t get alimony




He made knives for two days and scrubbed barnacles off boats for a few days. Unless she’s going to claim social media, appearances on TM and taking pix of her for her spicy dumps as employment.




Yes. He worked my last fucking nerve!


He made money in OF. ..


These comments!!!!! 💯💯💯💯😩😩😩😩😩


She is an expert at going to court.


His job was taking pictures for OF.


He scraped a boat once toward the beginning of their relationship


I may be giving Jenelle too much credit here BUT I think the point she is trying to make is that he is able to work and should be working to support himself thus he should not receive alimony. The fact that he’s had jobs during the marriage shows he has the ability to work and his unemployment now is due to bad faith.


Idt that’s how alimony works. You don’t have to be physically disabled to receive alimony. Also, in her court filing she said he wasn’t working. So which one is it?


Correct - you do not have to be physically disabled to receive alimony. However, alimony is only payable from a supporting spouse to a dependent spouse. If David can work to support himself, and his income is sufficient to pay his reasonable needs and expenses, he would not be dependent and would not receive alimony from Jenelle. My point was that perhaps Jenelle saying that David has had jobs in the past was perhaps to demonstrate that he can work but chooses not to work, which is considered bad faith. As far as what was in her pleadings, I think her claiming that he did not work was also in support of her argument for marital misconduct, which can preclude a dependent spouse from receiving support as well.


So which is it. She said he didn’t work now he did. Imagine defending him . She’s a clown


Duhhh’luJenelle is beyond Delusional!! Out of all her self righteous lies and self diagnosis she’s leaving out “Bi Polar “ and identity crises, she doesn’t know what or who she is


Well, no wonder she wanted all her kids there in the house, so chances are she might get the sucken house 🤔






Someone doesn't want to pay alimony. 😂


These people are so dumb. They think jenelle making $50,000 a year would entitle David to alimony? Bwa hahaha! Plus 3 children to provide for?


I was just thinking, wow, I haven’t hated jenelle since she found a way to leave the goat sucking, dog killing, child strangler. But then you see her same old bullshit about things being proven in court. 🙄 that’s how you know it’s a lie. Because she said it.


Uh oh it doesn’t bode well for us that she’s defending him. That means they’re definitely back together in some capacity because she isn’t capable of moderation (not the right word but you get it) in terms of how she views people. They’re either all bad or all good


Playing hard to get I see 🤢


Don’t forget captain


Jenelle is such a moron. Of course he didn’t work, they would have garnished his wages for back child support. Why on earth would he work when his gullible idiot wife would pay his child support for him?!?


Probably under the table, tho.


I bet his jobs were selling her stories to the Sun so she wouldn’t look like a fool selling herself out all the time.


I don’t think you get a W-2 for being a drug dealer.


She wishes. He’s going to get half her shit and probably half custody. Trash meets trash, trash divorces trash, trash is half full? Feeling introspective..about 🗑️.


I think she's towing the line and not dogging him too hard cause he has a ton of shit on her


The fact that courts incentivize people to not work to reduce their liability preceding a divorce is deplorable


She’s probably going to use all his little money making hobbies like shining deer (is that what it’s called) and cleaning boats to say she doesn’t need to give him her money. Jan is caca (af!) but I know Davey’s type and he’s going to do everything he can to get everything he can from Jenelle because she left him and he doesn’t allow that kind of betrayal. I hope she can prove he’s capable of making money so she doesn’t have to support a grown ass man anymore and can spend her new TM money on herself. (In my state, iirc, they go based off income and lifestyle so she’d be paying, regardless of his side hustles)


Wait. I've been awol for awhile... Did TM take her back?!?


Everything is always gonna be proven with her and then it never is


Can she just stfu and divorce him in private? She digs herself in a deeper hole the more she responds to people online


Selling meth is not a recognized job Jenelle?!?? Ask Kieffer about how that ended up?!!???


What happened to that welding career he touted when they met?