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This Monster’s Inc slug looking ass has some nerve showing up at least 45 minutes late to her daughter’s birthday dinner. Is it just the angle here or has Gary lost weight?




Don’t come at my girl Roz like that, at least she has a career


She's the only thing holding that multi-gazillion dollar corporation together!




He's been slimming down for awhile now! It's not just you.


Yes seems like he did! I remember earlier seasons when Amber lost like 2 ounces and she started to insult Gary and call him a fat ass 🙄


Fat people love calling other ppl fat. My coworker calls women huge all the time meanwhile his stomach is like hanging over his pants. It's because they try to outrun their insecurities but their insecurities are faster.




Report that man to HR. Fuck is he doing criticizing women’s weight at work? Cancel his ass lol


I work in auto body and we have 9 employees lol HR isn't really a thing and it doesn't work like that


She called Andrew that too


She's cocky about it, too! Like she deserves an award for actually showing up. Unbelievable.


That was just how long he was waiting for Amber to show up to eat /s




I think she was over an hour late


Then had the nerve to walk in like everyone was there for her & not her daughter. Cringe


Yes, Gary did lose weight. I'm not sure if he's working as a police officer, but I think he got certified.


Taking an Uber cause she was pre gaming and wanted to keep it going at her daughters bday dinner


On a weeknight - at 3:15pm!!


Forreal. What does Amber do that justifies her being late? No kids, no job, that Perdue farce fell through.


She's not going to be the most amazing psychologist anymore?


I could be wrong but I don’t think she drives. I can’t recall footage where she was behind the wheel in the past decade. I wouldn’t be surprised if she doesn’t have a current license


I remember her driving verrrry early on, because she was screaming at Gary for not putting the stroller in the car, but definitely have not seen her drive recently


Yeah that’s my only memory too. She is so lazy, I can’t picture her taking any initiative to keep a current license


I bet that’s what happened. Plus she’s clearly on some type of drugs so probably for the best.


I think the main issue is crippling BPD. She only sees things in terms of herself. Incapable of empathy. An extreme case of BPD


Yup - my mom is low functioning due to crippling BPD and things like maintaining a driver’s license, keeping a car tuned up, paying for insurance, and staying cool in moments of road rage are like climbing Mt. Everest for her. My dad and brother drive her everywhere. Diabetic care, medication compliance, hygiene, grooming, housekeeping, and parenting have also been very challenging for her. She quit trying years ago.


“Staying calm in fits of road rage” I feel for you here. Being a child and helpless witnessing this is rough


Especially when she used road rage as punishment for us. I have no doubt that Amber would terrorize Leah and James like this 💔


I’m sorry you went through that. You sound very self aware and considerate and that’s a good recipe for not repeating the cycle. That’s important. Did you notice in the scene at Leah’s bday dinner amber blamed children for “making” her behave badly? She said “you’re making me cuss” for example.


I'm tired of her using BPD as an excuse. If she wanted to get better, she would work her ass off in therapy and attempt to go into remission (yes, it's a thing now!). There aren't meds for BPD but there are meds than can help with the crippling symptoms


She’s so lazy she’d ask her dad to push the gas pedal for her


It's so rare she drives that the one time she did there were POSTS on here about it lol. It wouldn't surprise me if she gave it up because she is on so much psychiatric medication that makes her sleepy/ irritable.


I’m guessing this is probably it. And if it is why, that’s a good thing- I had to give my husband my keys and have him hide them when I was taking Ambien because I was terrified I was going to try to drive somewhere on Ambien and possibly hurt someone else. If she actually recognizes that she shouldn’t be driving and has chosen not to, that might be her one good decision ever lol


Also even if it's out of laziness I don't see why Amber refusing to drive is such a weird thing??? Most people hate public roads & driving. The only people who "enjoy" driving are car enthusiasts who are also the ones driving 100 mph and freaking everyone else around them out. She has the money to call a cab, and MTV takes her everywhere. So who cares really idk. She'd be late & drunk if she drove herself also lol


Tbh I’d never drive either if I didn’t have to. I think it is scary. So I get that too lol


IIRC She drove around the time when she was first with Matt. Fast forward to last season, I think she drove out to Gary’s once to see them.


Apparently Matt always kept her license in his wallet and he would always drive her.


I wonder if this was also because he knew she was high all the time


Remember when she was dating that mailman from Belgium and he was beyond shocked when Amber drove somewhere.


It’s always a man or a sofa over her own daughter 


🛋️ *Sofa has entered the chat 


A man or a sofa 😂😂


It sent me! 😂


Or a sofa with a man.


the sofa stays continuously winning or when they had that mattress on the floor in season 2


It baffles me that Amber can’t read a room. Nobody cares about about your new boyfriend, especially your 15 year old daughter who has watched you go through about 6 different men since the shows been on and also if nobody around you is ordering alcohol, you shouldn’t either. She’s so despicable. MTV needs to stop forcing this relationship and allow Leah to stop communicating with her.


I personally felt like it was highly inappropriate to show her 15 year old a picture of her new boyfriend especially considering she said she didnt want to see it, and then to get mad that she didnt say anything about him. What response were you looking for Amber, because any answer you give is wrong.


Agreed. So unbelievably inappropriate.


And then to get mad when your daughter does the polite thing and says "I just want you to be happy."


I don't think it's MTV that's forcing it.


Well they are exploiting Leah then and her relationship w amber :(


I would bet anything the producers are forcing these scenes. She’s there for the check


I agree. This scene at least specifically, seems set up in favour of MTV. I know 4pm is early for dining out, but you would think there'd be at least one other table with patrons. Every other table was empty and Amber was yelling hello while still walking up the stairs, so she also probably expected the dining area to be empty.  I bet MTV paid for the area to be reserved just for them, so they could film whatever chaos went on. It wasn't a big party, just a family birthday dinner, so it wouldn't make sense for Gary to book the whole thing.


Most of these restaurants don't allow filming unless you pay anymore. Why would they? The crew takes up too much space, it makes patrons uncomfortable, and the crew will essentially force the waitress to bring them free water all night. No tip. (This is what bartenders have said back from the original Real World days) It doesn't benefit the restaurant at all. It's not free advertising.


This. Amber doesn’t have a storyline without Leah and Gary.


I definitely do. I don't remember what season it was, but I know there was a long gap in filming and then when they came back, Amber said she hadn't seen Leah in months. I think MTV basically nudges Gary into allowing the visits when he otherwise wouldn't


No, Gary and Amber are forcing this… it’s how they make their money. 🤷‍♀️


When Leah says “that’s mean” she’s really saying “what you just said hurt my feelings”. Also Amber being mad at Leah for not being interested in her bf is very April of her. She’s one of those moms that takes offense to their kids not liking their bf of the month. Also Amber, getting “engaged” doesn’t suddenly make your relationship legitimate.


That’s how narcissists are though. Their actions and behavior are never the problem. But when you push back and wound their egos ever so slightly, then you “hurting their feelings” is the REAL crime.


She’s been engaged to every man she’s been with. Multiple times.


Isn’t this her 4th time??


At least the fourth “fiancé “ and her 5th engagement. She and Gary OG were engaged at least twice. She was also engaged to Matt, Andrew, and now Gary 2.0


She’s talking to Leah like she’s her own age, and like Leah needs to constantly love and obsess over her ‘mother’ and every shitty decision she makes. Amber made Leah’s birthday about Amber, just like she makes EVERYTHING. Even showing up to jades wedding late. It’s trashy childish behavior and I feel so horrible for her daughter. She’s giving her lasting trauma.


Amber treats Leah like she wants to have a sleepover so they can have a pillow fight, braid each other’s hair and gossip about cute boys. Actually, that would be the closest thing to parenting Amber has ever done.


Her wide walk up, and her extra lean into the stairs, followed by her “helllloooooo” and all of her absolutely shitty, combatant dialogue afterwards tells me all I need to know about her sober status.


I came here to see if anyone else mentioned this. She is definitely not sober. :(


I felt like she was slurring at one point when she was saying Leah is going to need her now.


Totally. I said that to my husband while we were watching it. There was a point she seemed to slur


Came for this as well…no concept of time or mood in the room. Doesn’t give a shit if she’s late because she’s the only one who’s right. They ordered for her and she just acted like it was owed to her or something. She just keeps saying, I’m fine/chill/im fine/im good! Not about you Amber. She seems to be acting like she’s on a Valium type drug. Which, once again, she shouldn’t of taken if she was going out.


These OG kids are so big and close to adulthood at this stage. It tugs at my auntie heart so strongly every time! And it all just reminds me more and more about my childhood with friends with deadbeat unreliable and unwell parents. I got my nieces graduation party invite and my response was "Starts at noon?! See you at 10am." This late shit angers me beyond reason when kids are involved. They notice. They care. It leaves a lasting impression on how much you don't GAF about them when you roll in late like that.


It baffles me that Amber doesn’t see the parallel between her own experiences with her mom growing up & what she’s doing to Leah. I used to think she was smarter than that at least. But I think she’s just so selfish & fucked up (as in not sober) that she can’t see it.


She's effed up drugs and abusing her meds instead of finding the treatment that helps her illnesses :(


Absolutely! Coming a few minutes late once or twice, no big deal. Coming an hour or more late every single time is not just arrogant, entitled and narcissistic, it’s abusive, demeaning and the child starts to see themselves as being unimportant and valueless to the parent. Which they then internalize as low self worth, low to no self esteem, a deep belief that they will be abandoned by everyone, and that they are unlovable and unimportant. Then they carry those scars, and the trauma from those invalid beliefs and devastating experiences, with them for a very long time, often forever. Poor Leah, and James. And Bentley, and Jagger and Stella. And Brianna’s Stella and Nova. And Aubree. And Jace, and Kaiser, and Ensley too. Almost every one of the TEEN MOM children have, and will continue to experience, a parent who either shows up late, or doesn’t show up at all, and all the trauma that comes with it. We can bash Kail for a lot, but each of her 7 kids have both parents actively engaged in their day to day lives. As do Leah’s twins. I wish more of them did.


Leah looks so over her bio mom


The way she didn’t even turn when Amber walked in said it all for me.


Right and she looked over at Kristina and Gary like why is she hugging me? And barely did anything back. Leah is so pretty .. and the little girl is beautiful too . Not being weird but haven’t seen them since they were little esp Emily thats her name right ?


Leah is gorgeous!


Yes, Gary and Kristina’s daughter is Emilee.


She’s lucky to have Kristina that’s for sure. She Seems like a really nice person despite cheating on her husband thing. It seems like she has helped Gary come a long way too


A card, even. Even a well wish would’ve been better than a show and tell of her new lad and then a restaurant fight to get the ambiance.


A card with an Amazon or Visa gift card! Delightful to a teenager


I decided to look at her IG to see what people were saying after last night's episode and her own fans are turning on her now.




Leah doesn't look like she likes her mom lol and I don't really blame her. I would be annoyed


She doesn't and she will likely go full NC once she has other people out of her ear saying "but she's still your mother".


Maybe that’s Gary’s end game. Have Leah find out while she’s a child that her mother is self centered and unreliable. Because in the long run it’s harder to cut off toxic parents while in adulthood, usually the parent has to mess up their child’s life in multiple, major ways, in order to go NC. As a kid, while it’s upsetting to deal with at such a young age, it’s usually easier to come to terms of your parents being a POS and just go NC at 18. Before they’re able to have a situation that messes up their life long term.


I'm not sure he's that clever


Unfortunately I think Gary forces contact because he can’t let go of Amber himself


Amber lets Leah down every chance she gets , it’s so baffling.


Yep over and over! I feel so sad for Leah


This is one of the most awkward scenes I've ever seen on this show!! It is beyond obvious that NOBODY wanted Amber there and it's insane that Gary keeps indulging her and pushing her on Leah like this, even on her own birthday. Why is Kristina ordering for her? They could have had a nice night as a family without including her.


Amber is like their third child. They make allowances for Amber, it’s constant. At this point, it’s ridiculous and they need to stop. Amber needs some tough love. They enable her to continue putting zero work and she still gets what she wants. Leah doesn’t to want anything to do with her. She’s 100% a shit parent and deserves nothing from Leah.


Right! They enable her so much, it makes me sick. They should have done their own thing and left Amber to figure out something for Leah's birthday on her own. Or just gone ahead and ordered without waiting for her. They could have been done with dinner and left before she even showed up. It's clear that Leah isn't falling for it but they keep including Amber and doing everything for her anyways.


4th child


I also wonder why they agreed to meet with her but it has to be for the show. The producers/mtv definitely pushed for this to happen so ppl have something to watch/snark on. Otherwise, the show wouldn’t be what it is today


Most likely an off camera conversation, Gary pressuring Leah she’s your mom, let’s just do a dinner during the week. Families usually celebrate birthdays on weekends. I’m hoping they actually have their own family event that Amber is not invited to.


Oh yes, I'm confident that MTV pushes for these types of things. It's time for Gary to put an end to it IMO.


I keep thinking about this, especially when you think back to the scene when Gary is asking Leah where she'd like to eat for her birthday and she seems checked out and unenthused. I realize it's really because what Gary's really saying is "*production is here to film your fake 'birthday dinner' and has secured Marios restaurant, that's where we're going because they've okayed it as a location, there will be no one else in the room except cameras, lighting, producers and sound people, and we're having a scene with your mom where she will likely cause drama and disappoint you, does all that sound like something we can get through for a few hours?"*


Omg she did show up empty handed! I swear I saw a gift bag on the floor next to her seat.


I kept pausing trying to look but only saw her purse


Probs just from other people doing gifts first to pass the time


Leah, lol "let's take bets on what time she gets here" 😆


That actually broke my heart for her. Poor girl knows her mother will never prioritize her, not even on her birthday.


This bitch perfected every tiny detail of her personality straight from the narcissist’s handbook. God damn. And I know how much buzzwords are overused now for any negative personality trait, but this here is a plain as fucking day actual narcissist.


she’s JUST like my narc dad, her behavior is so predictable


There shouldn't be a next time but if in the future they ever decide to invite Amber to any event they should make her go an hour earlier. Actually they should head out the door when Amber texts them "I'm here where are you?" Better yet make her drive somewhere and don't show up 😌


And she didn't even thank them for caring enough to order her food for her. Everyone lives in Amber's world so she takes for granted they would know her order. So selfish.


tbh i kind of feared that she was going to explode at them for daring to make a decision for her. But thankfully it didn't happen!


Unrelated but I feel sympathy for Leah when she's with Emilee. Emilee got the normal "fixed" version of a dad, Leah got neglected. Emilee has like her mom and Leah has a stand in mom that shares other kids and an embarrassing biological mom that disappoints her every day.


I totally get this. My sister and I have a similar dynamic (me being the older neglected child), but honestly I’ve NEVER envied her for it, I’ve only ever been happy that she didn’t have to experience what I did growing up. It seems like that might be the case between the two of them as well. While it’s awful that Leah has been forced to mature so quickly due to having to carry her parents’ baggage and emotions, she’s so so strong and seems to know that about herself.


I hope that's how Leah feels truly. I'm glad Emilee is getting a stable household but it's literally been at Leah's expense, literally, because Leah's existence is the breadwinner. I'll never be nice about Gary ever because of that. People can continue to give him seal claps because he didn't fritter away his MTV money or because he learned how to hire a house keeper or because he lost some weight. He didn't change for Leah, he changed for his wife. It's disgusting.


Why is Gary asking Christina to call Amber? Amber is his problem, not Christina’s.


Because Gary is a piece of shit




Possibly he wants to prove “see I’m over her, I don’t even wanna call her”. When in reality, I have a feeling that his constant Amber conversation isn’t just for the cameras.


It’s the head pat for me. Yas, Leah! 😂


It was the grown up version of four year old Leah offering Amber trash because Leah made Christmas tree ornament for the house she lived at with Gary and Amber threw a fit in front of her so Leah offered her trash lmao




It’s so the food can be ready when Amber gets there and they can **leave** faster.


So they can leave faster is the only reasonable response. ![gif](giphy|NCjISbEPFxm48)


They way she walked in like they were just anxiously waiting to start because it can’t be a birthday without Amber rather than irritated that she is making it all about her. Man I wanna smack her.


God bless Kristina for giving Leah a solid mother figure. She’s a great woman.


When she asked Kristina to go to the bathroom with her 💔💔


It was a bittersweet moment for sure. I feel terrible that she felt that way but I’m so glad Kristina was there for her.


Amber had no idea what happened either. She had no idea that Kristina was about to console her, that Leah was upset at all, or that Leah’s go to is and will always be Kristina.


The fuck is she wearing?! She’s back on the onesies train?!


She looks like the penguin from the old Batman movie 😂


Fucking spot on 🤣 Oswald Cobble-portwood.




This! If you’re going to be late atleast look good! Ffs


Those suspenders need to be cremated and put out of their misery.


It seems like this restaurant opens just for dinner. They let them come in early to film.


Leah seems so uncomfortable. Poor girl. I wish that they wouldn’t force her to see Amber anymore


She went after her own baby with a machete. She’s a complete waste of air, idk why anyone would assume she’s capable of caring for another human being. She’s the most self-centred bastard on the show.


Ugly fat bitch! I don’t think I’ve ever despise someone I’ve never met, more than this piece of garbage.


ugly fat bitch 💀💀


Honestly Gary needs to get a grip and stop forcing this whole charade on Leah and Kristina, like he actually pissed me off too here. Don’t argue back, just leave. This was inevitable.


Yes! As soon as Amber said Leah was being a dick I would’ve been like alright, that’s enough, we’re going to go.


I was really trying to root for Amber years ago and hope she changes for Leah and James’s sake but she really has done nothing to redeem herself and this should really be the final straw. She has shown many times that she picks men over her children. She also needs to stop using her mental health as an excuse for her behavior too. She makes everything about her and has failed to see how she ruined her daughter’s birthday. She showed up 45 minutes late and denied she was late, and she was clearly on something. She made an ass of herself and I hope Leah goes no contact with her. Gary and Kristina have given her so many chances. MTV needs to just cut the cord. She needs to get her act together. She lost any relationship with her daughter she could at least try to be better if she wants a relationship with her son Also the cast especially Maci and Cate need to call her out on her bullshit


This scene is abominable!! Poor child


She's seriously the worst, and being that she's on the same show with *Janelle*, that's saying a whole lot!!!!!!!! I feel for Gary. He wants so badly for Leah to have her mom in her life, but Amber makes it incredibly hard.


She looked so uncomfortable when Amber gave her that weird neck hug


Im gonna go out on a limb here and say she had already had a couple drinks at home or is on something... she was completely clueless about the atmosphere *(everyone was pissed she was late)* and somehow thought she was "Right On Time".


This was sad. Amber can't be on time for her daughter's bday? It's insulting. Gary should quit Teen Mom. Leah is 15. This must be embarrassing for her at school. She doesn't want to film with Amber. It's obvious. Gary and Kristina have raised her so well. She's mature, compassionate and kind. Though her mother is not. Kudos to her parents. (Gary and Kristina)


To be fair it takes a lot of work to heave herself up off that couch! 🛋️ 🙄


God bless Kristina for being the woman who stepped up for Leah! The fact that Leah asked *Kristina*, not Amber (her bio mom), to go to the bathroom with her speaks volumes of how Kristina is as a mom/stepmom. I hope this gives Gary and Kristina a wake up call and to drop this stupid bitch. They’ve given her WAY TOO MANY CHANCES only for Amber to repeatedly fuck up and continue to let Leah down. And my guess is that the minute Leah turns 18, she will go no contact with her birth giver.


Amber and Janelle are such narcissistic , garbage humans !!!!


Did she even bother to tell Leah happy birthday after her grand entrance? I couldn’t make out entirely what she said when she went in for that awkward hug.


Is Amber high?


lol Kristina knows what she orders and orders for her since she’s late asf. Kristina is parenting Leah and her bio mom basically. 😬


She shows up late. Doesn’t bring her own daughter a present. Doesn’t even say Happy Birthday. Nothing. And then ends up making the whole birthday dinner abt herself, purposely fights with gary, and then calls Leah a name. She is so selfish. She knew exactly what time to be there at and still choose to leave on her own time and not even apologize for it. We all know if the roles were reversed, she would hands down be cussing and bitching abt it to them. And then she wonders why Leah wants nothing to do with her. The day Leah turns 18 i guarantee she won’t have any contact with her. She’ll be adult. So Amber wouldn’t be able to blame Gary for that choice. And Kristina, is so nice. She even ordered food for Amber, didn’t have to but choose too. I am so glad Leah has her as a stepmom.


She is either back on drugs, or off her psych meds because she wants baby #3…or both.


She’s a teen FFS. Just buy her at a minimum an Ulta or Sephora gift card or literally any beauty product on Amazon. To not show up with anything is so awful, showing up both empty handed and late is so hurtful. She has nothing to do all day and can’t be bothered one time the whole year to care about her daughter.


Christina is a badass mom to both girls! God bless her, setting a good example and always being there..


Or birthday card? Can’t imagine say next year she’s sixteen 😩🥴


She still acts like she’s 16 I’m so happy this girl has Kristina bc her mom is a piece of 🗑️


Yes! When she walked up the stairs without a gift I was appalled


Gary is looking so sexy right now.


When she checks herself out in her phone then pretends to be on facetime👍👍👍👍👍


I love that her response to her daughter saying “as long as he makes you happy” is to call her a dick and start a fight. ![gif](giphy|iWODCAEEmmiYzEmkcy|downsized)


Such a loser


I would not have waited at all.


"I made it!" Like she is so busy and occupied with what? Children? No. Job? No. Anything? No.


Haven’t watched in YEARS but this clip made me catch up on the new season and wow! Crazy that she’s still continuing this garbage for all the years of “working on herself”. Hooking up with randoms and having a new boyfriend every other month is not a good example for her daughter. And you can’t act like a Mom only on birthdays. What a loser.


Poor Leah looks so uncomfortable with Amber. I wonder if keeping Amber in her life is really the best thing for her.


Leah didn’t even flinch to “hug” her mom back


This gives MAJOR hella drunk aunt at the family reunion vibes.


Kristina is so nice ordering Ambers food for hee and remembering what she likes. Ain’t no way I would order food for that bitch.


“Sorry I’m late, I was busy sitting down all day” 😬


It’s always the narcissistic piece of shit moms that will blatantly tell you that you’re wrong even when you have proof that you are right. She is over half an hour late and she still tells Gary that she isn’t late, talk about delusional. No wonder she can’t take care of either one of her kids or keep a man, she is crazy as fuck.


Can Amber not drive?


The producers must have been so fucking happy with how the dinner scene turned out. I am enjoying the way they aren’t bothering to save Amber with a better edit anymore or provide some kind of shitty excuse as to why she’s so awful. I hope Kristina manages to adopt Leah and someone stops her having to film with Amber anymore. God she’s awful.


She’s such a piece of shit human!


Does anyone have a clip of the argument? Thanks 🙏🏻


Poor little Leah’s face when amber arm barred her or whatever ambulance thinks a hug is


God, poor Leah


Is there something you can force people to stand up straight with? Possibly painful?😡


Where can I find the rest of the dinner without watching teen mom on TV? Lol


Amber's unflattering outfit and fried hair reminds me of danny devito as the penguin in batman returns.


Leah’s body language says enough


Leah’s heart probably sunk as soon as she heard Amber yell “hello” from far away coming up the stairs


I hate ambers outfit


What a C. U. N. T




The idea of the TM kids driving blows my mind!!! We really watched these babies grow up.


Why does MTV enable this person with another paycheck? I don’t wanna watch her fuck up her kid even more than she already has. She has never learned from her past nor been accountable for anything she’s done. I’m disgusted that she’s back on tv.


Can't believe these kids are old enough to be getting driving permits 🥲 Shame they're also still dealing with the same old crappy parenthood. I hope Leah goes on to be so successful in whatever field she chooses. She deserves it and so do her parents Gary and Kristina.


Walks in an hour late and doesn’t even say, “happy birthday”


Well, if the parents of the year, and future patron saint of moms, would decide that they weren't going to raise their child on tv where MTV sets up situations designed to manipulate her emotions and push dramatic storylines then maybe they'd actually be worthy of their overrated reputations. Maybe they keep Amber around because it makes them look so much better by comparison, and Gray-- at least-- is as ego-inflated as Amber is, though not nearly as mentally ill or despicable.


I love their step mom I think her name is Kristina right? She gives me so much comforttttt


God she's such an irredeemable loser