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lol my first thought was the exact opposite “I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t even pay attention to what the patient is saying. He’d be too busy listening to himself talk”


Right?! He'd be rambling _super_ loudly and as fast as possible. I get anxiety listening to him in 30-second spurts. 😰😆 Even when he's just making a short, supportive response, it sounds like he's freaking out to me. It's his hyper tone.


His mother does the same thing. They’re so dramatic


Cate and April are very animated too and now I see it in Nova. they're not nearly as loud as Tyler though, thank goodness


Well hopefully it wouldn't be some woman seeking therapy for a eating disorder or for her self esteem about being over weight cuz he'd just say "I mean it's your body but no one wants a heifer for a wife" that still pisses me off that he said that to her


You think he’s taking notes on what you’re talking about when he’s actually just writing another cringy rap poem.


Drawing himself as Batman


lmao totally


Yep not even listening to the patient - just processing and planning what he's gonna spew out when he has the chance and then pats himself on the back whenever he does/says anything that doesn't make shit worse. He'd be an awful therapist 😅


He'd totally be the type of therapist who makes it all about himself and discloses super personal shit to the clients thinking that it makes him "relatable" when really, it just makes clients uncomfortable. Like if a client came in saying that they're upset because their dad is an addict and they're struggling to go no contact with him, Tyler would be like "well MY dad was an addict and this is what I did with him". He's too short sighted to realize that people process things differently. I could also see him engaging in some serious countertransference with clients and just crossing all sorts of ethical boundaries with them.


oh yeah 100%


I can't imagine looking my therapist in the face knowing their spicy OF pics are just there on Google.




Ethically you can’t do that


I hate the fans that say he is husband/dad goals. He is horrible to Cate and doesn\`t care about protecting his daughters.


People forget he and his mom were the ones that wanted to place Carly when Cate didn’t. Now, he only cares about Carly if it means a check. Why else would he be so pressed that they can’t post her on social media or have her on the show?


This! He also wouldn't ruin things just to post pictures.


I recently rewatched the sit down with Cate, Ty, Dawn, Brandon & Theresa. Tyler comes off as so condescending when he asks why they can't post pictures but B&T went on Dr. Drew and were in a magazine. Those things were also when Carly was very little and they haven't done anything since! Teen Mom has really taken off. They just want her to have some privacy.


I wish I could post a clip of that and him saying they originally didn't ask for visits.


Oh, yeah I was just watching their 16 & Pregnant and maybe it was edited differently but they initially say they just want picture updates and to maybe be able to call her at one point. They do mention the summers thing but not even to Dawn or B&T, they just say maybe when she's older she may want to. Tyler even says at one point when the four of them are arguing about whatever that they were only supposed to have the 1 year visit but B&T wanted more. So, clearly, they wanted Catelynn and Ty in their lives but the two of them continue to surround themselves with shady characters, remain on MTV and talk shit about them.


What episode was that about the one year visit?


I forget, I've been watching a bunch of clips lately. But it was in an episode from recent years. Tyler claims that B&T were the ones who kept insisting on more visits.


Let me know if you find it.


In season 2 when he and Catelynn were meeting with an advisor about high school credits, he talked about wanting to be a psychiatrist and then also talked about an EMT. She mentioned wanting to be an ultrasound tech. We see how all of that worked out 🙄. Although I will say I think part of it is because MTV has enabled them for a very long time. It’s sad to see a lot of them talking about ambitions of legit careers early on and not pursuing them. I guess once the MTV checks started rolling in they stopped actually trying to be contributing members of society.


It’s not unusual for super fucked up traumatized kids to want to be a therapist. They just wanna help ppl and be the person they needed. Ask me how I know lol


Yes. I actually agree that people with traumas or mental health issues can go into this field and be the one to help others. I’m more mocking the fact that so many of them have just let the MTV money roll in and haven’t made a concerted effort to make a living outside of it.


Lmao same! I’m not a therapist, but I have my masters in behavioral health, and want to go back to be a therapist. Super fucked up traumatized kid here!!


I’m a therapist and have my LCSW. I don’t see how he could do a bachelor’s degree, master’s degree, all the licensing hours, and pass the exam. It’s a lot of work and sacrificing. It can be done obviously but don’t think he has the personality/drive to do all of it


He barely managed to graduate high school. I'm not saying it's impossible, but he'd have to make a LOT of lifestyle changes. Personally, I don't think he'd be able to do it the way things are now with his mental health. It doesn't seem like he has the discipline or intelligence. That sounds very harsh, I know. I'd love nothing better than for him to prove me wrong and succeeded so the girls can have a better life.


It fits as well as Jenelle selling eyebrow kits.


🤣🤣 great point


I think you need at least a master's degree to be a therapist. I don't see him as grad school material.


Counseling programs at at least a masters level. Insurance has gotten stricter on it though and sometimes only pay for someone who has their doctorate. Some LCSW do therapy too but same issues - masters at minimum and insurance can be wonky with it. Tyler is many things but not an academic. As for his "advice." I think that is his ego and mansplaining.


Yeah… no 😂 I went back to college a few years ago in my 30s majoring in psychology thinking I’d be a therapist too, then realized I’d need a masters or PhD and was like “ain’t nobody got time for that” so I graduated with my BA and I’m working my regular ol’ current job 😂 and I waited until my kids were a bit older than C&T’s to go back to school, I don’t think he’d make it past an associate’s degree to be honest…


Don't eat that quesadilla heifer


He’d just stare, smile, & nod at his reflection in the mirror behind him while writing poetry in an attempt to look like he was taking notes.


No, he's good ay trying to be a know it all, and only likes to hear himself talk


He’d tell an obese person nobody would want to be married to them


I don't want a heifer as a patient. I'm going to hell!




He meant well but he completely ignored her boundaries that she didn’t feel comfortable talking to her mom. He shoulda left it alone and assured her it’s her choice whether she wants to say something, and it wouldn’t be wrong. He basically forced her to do something she wasn’t comfortable with. Terrible “therapy”.


Corey said the same mess on family reunion. WRONG


Lmfao between Corey and Tyler i don't know who I'd hate more as my therapist 


I don’t know about all that, but what I do know is that Cate always chewing on her finger nails grosses me the fuuuuuck out. Like how does she even have any sort of nail bed left. Aren’t her cuticles always inflamed and infected.


“You feel fat? Insecure? Eat less! Stop making excuses!”


I wouldn't say his results with Cate are impressive. He outsourced her twice (😉 dark rehab humor guys 😉. I laughed so hard when someone told me they went to rehab like this. His partner outsourced him for a bit etc.) and she has just begun having healthier boundaries with her family while they are toxic users and not safe around her kids.


OUTSOURCED HER HAHAHAH. Oh I am holding onto that one. As someone with severe mental health issues / two of my own mental health stays under my belt, I appreciate this.


One of the comments said he should be a school counselor.


He could be a counsellor for dogs that have anxiety from being left at home while their owners go to work


Peer support maybe, therapist no.


I’d hate to be with him in group therapy. Hopefully it’d be one where you’ve gotta be holding the stick in order to speak.


He needs to get his ADHD under control and kinda grow up a bit but I could see him growing into it. Or I could have near the beginning of the series






A therapist on a only fans. No thank u


I think he recites a lot of schmaltzy self help platitudes and encouraging words vomit, and it makes him sound thoughtful? But he's insufferable and not very intelligent. Idk how anyone could share an elevator with him, let alone their life. If anything, maybe he could make a line of calendars and office products bearing redundant and reassuring messages of hope for stressed out clerical workers? But also no.


Tyler has been yelling over anything Cate has to say since they were teenagers.




I would NEVER even think to use him as a therapist for two reasons: he is not educated and he is WAY TOO LOUD. I hate when he talks.... and that is probably a normal voice for him.


Tyler has insulted Catelynn on multiple occasions when she was at her lowest. Like depression, postpartum, and weight gain issues. He would be an awful therapist 


He’s great at spouting therapeutic sounding platitudes, and he did well in this specific situation… but that doesn’t make him a good therapist. Therapy is highly individualized to the client and he does well with cates situation, but he’s also known her longer than he hasn’t at this point. I think he could be a supportive friend; but more goes into being a therapist than saying the right thing. He likes to hear himself talk but not so much with the listening (based on what’s shown, I obviously don’t know him in real life.)


Tyler is so dumb he should never be a therapist. It really doesn't matter because he is too stupid and lazy to ever get any type of education anyway.


“I don’t want no heifer for a wife!”


i think he should be a motivational speaker personally


He and Leah can go on a joint tour and teach people to stand in their power


Tyler can’t keep his damn mouth shut so any patient confidentiality is not going to happen.


I hate when he pontificates!


If he knows how hard it is for her..why not take Nova himself?


That is such a good point!


Too busy taking only fan pictures?


he literally talks over and dismisses everyone. what is this person talking about.


Um no. Im currently in school to get my degree in social work. Therapy isn’t giving advice, you work with your clients or patients to help them figure out what to do. Advice is when you tell someone what they should do.




Lol! By the time “Tyler time” was over, the therapy appointment would be over too.


ummmmm 😳


Lol no he should not.


I saw this too and was hoping it would be here in the sub😅 Although his advice here wasn’t totally off-base, surprisingly, I would take pretty much everything else he says with a grain of salt though lol


Oh man I could so see him read this therapy idea, realize he will not stick the necessary education out, and try to become a life coach for a second. Before he realizes it’s too much work of course and it will just fizzle our




The first 10 minutes of every patient's session would be Tyler Time. He'd love it, the patients would love it! Win Win.


I notice he and Cate have a very “overlapping” talk style. When they are discussing something they both agree on (I do not see this pattern when they disagree) one will start a loud declarative sentence and the other joins in basically parroting what was said, equally loudly. So strange!


Yeah imagine your therapist loudly interjecting at you as soon as you say something they agree with or want to comment on 😵‍💫🤣


He belongs in the -waiting for your turn to talk -vs - actual attentive listening. People who are good therapists listen, process what you’ve said,ask questions to clarify things they didn’t understand before responding.


I honestly can't decide which TM stans are the worst but it's got to be a toss up between Jenelle and C&T stans. I mean Jenelle's "supporters" are usually the same type of delusional ,narcissistic, abusive, drug addicted unfit Mother she is but C&T stans are so parasocial and obsessed it's fucking creepy.