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that's the bad news... nathan's in jail


*sips Starbucks drink*




Take my poor womanā€™s gold šŸ„‡šŸ†šŸ…šŸ‘‘


The bad news is. Poor Kaiser. *


Absolutely. Kaiser has 2 POS PARENTSā€¼ļø


All of her kids have two POS parents unfortunately.


Very true. Very true


Woosh?? This is a joke about when Nathan said that about jenelle to barb lol


The good news is I got a Frappuccino


God that sounds so good right now. Stuck in the house with covid and a sugary coffee drink sound divine!


Right? I could definitely go for a nice frappe right now.






Donā€™t hate me but I was always rooting for Nathan. And then he just kept slipping lower and lower. Poor Kaiser. That baby deserves so much more. At least Jace has had the stability of barb.


Kaiser and Emery. Heā€™s a deadbeat to two children.


I think Emery has a decent mum though?


Both Nathan and Emery's mom lost custody of her at one point but I dunno where she stands on custody these days.


Last I heard sheā€™s with her maternal grandparents.


What are you basing that on lol


I agree. Nathan is dangerous and makes horrible choices, but at the core this is something kind of likeable about him.


I personally donā€™t find him likeable at all and he is an a dangerous lot abusive person. But he is also a veteran who has a TBI , so that does complicate things a little. A TBI can really alter your personality so you do wonder what he was like pre military and pre TBI.


I think there's something *really off* about Nathan. Like you absolutely have some glimpses into a goofy/decent person, but he's choked out plenty of people... that's a specific place I don't think *most* people go too. I'm sure there's TBI at play, addiction, and maybe even deeper issues that have never been acknowledged or addressed. Maybe prison would do this dude some favors. I don't say this often, but structure, boundaries, and *consequences* might be a game changer for him


Prison is only gonna do him favors if he wants to change and make the commitment to do so. He could come out worse or not come out at all. Itā€™s a toss up


Yes, prison. The best place to rehabilitate a person with PTSD and a TBI.


Is it the fact that he strangles all the women in his life? Maybe that heā€™s abandoned his kids? Him being an alcoholic? He has so many likable qualities.


Right, heā€™s no better than David. But here you have women saying thereā€™s something ā€œoffā€ about him doing their best to minimize how dangerous and horrific he is. Heā€™s a violent, racist, misogynistic, homophobic, freeloading, alcoholic deadbeat. Same exact things people say about David. I guess he would have to harm an animal to be considered a bad person.


Itā€™s because heā€™s relatively attractive. I always thought he had a Val Kilmer look about him. But heā€™s a fucking lunaticā€”more so than UBT, if you ask me.


He is different than David. His ex's have said he wasn't this way before the TBI. David is trash all on his own.


Iā€™m sure the women heā€™s strangled and the children heā€™s abandoned wonā€™t really be considerate of his tbi while they suffer because of him


Unless you're all of them I don't think you can say that. And if they can't, we can.




Those would fall under category a. dangerous and b. horrible choices


I have no idea what yā€™all find likeable about him. The fact that he talks down on Janelle?


Kaiser would have Doris, but JE only let's her see Kaiser when it benefits her.


I mean Doris raised Nathan and continues to make excuses for him so I don't think she's a much better option


Yeah but who was the person Doris raised before his TBI? I don't think people understand how head injuries can fundamentally change a person.


I seem to remember reading that people who knew him said he wasn't like this before the TBI at all.


doesnt doris live like 10 hours away from them? how much would she really be able to see kaiser even if jenelle said come get him whenever?




Same. I always root for Nathan. Heā€™s a veteran, he has 2 babies, and heā€™s shown small signs of having the ability to be a decent father and citizen (if not boyfriend/husband). But, he disappoints again. Has Nathan ever been to a proper rehab?


I *think* he's been in a few? I feel like the sub or maybe The Ashley talked about his stints in "the Florida Shuffle" (Rehabs). Not sure of they were actually legit or good places


If he was indeed in the Florida shuffle of rehabsā€¦I donā€™t have much faith in it being good. Justā€¦from my own experience in that situation. Itā€™s a good rabbit hole to fall down if anyone likes that kind of thing.


I have no idea why yā€™all root for him lmfao. I think itā€™s because yā€™all hate JanelleĀ 


Iā€™d root for anyone suffering from addition. Particularly one with two kids. I also root for any veteran to get the help they need.


So youā€™ll excuse abuse and terrible behavior because the person is suffering from addiction? Because thatā€™s what it seems like youā€™re doing. Itā€™s okay if he abuses people and is a terrible Person, but heā€™s a veteran and has an addiction so Iā€™ll dismiss that and root for himĀ 


Wow. Justā€¦ wow šŸ˜³


So why donā€™t you root for Janelle?? Or David?? Why is that despite Nathan not showing any signs of getting better or being a good guy, youā€™ll root for him regardless of what he does? Why does being a veteran matter? Why donā€™t you give that same energy to anyone else?


User name checks out


I wonder if people feel smart when they point that outĀ 


Itā€™s because they are attracted to him.


He was a likable guy, funny, good looking, and physically Jenelle was doing well. Like oh, maybe sheā€™ll take care of herself and get her head straight. But Nathan has TBI, heā€™s fucked. I donā€™t know how you help people with that condition, and itā€™s really scary.


I have a TBI and I don't go around choking people šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø That's something in his personality. But then again who knows cause Aaron Hernandez went cuckoo-cuckoo (I looked it up - that's how it's spelled šŸ˜‚).


Thatā€™s what I was referencing too. There are quite a few players who have become violent. Also some suicide. I donā€™t know if that violence can be ā€œfixedā€? I donā€™t think TBIā€™s have the same impact on everyone, right? I mean, I have no idea if Nathan has always been that way, I just assumed the violence was a result of the TBI


Football is a pretty violent sport so I think the people who become violent with TBIs must have already been predisposed to violence. My TBI gave me anxiety and depression and all I did the following five years was stay in my cold, dark room. Then I got therapy and lead a somewhat normal life, but I'll never be the same happy, bubbly, outgoing person I was. TBIs truly do mess up your entire life so in that way I feel bad for Nathan, but I think the violence was already there.


His past ex's, mom and I think even his sister who he choked all say he wasn't like this before. TBI do impact everyone differently. The brain has a lot of different functions, so where the injury is dictates the problems it causes. If his injury was in a place that impacts impulse control and decision making it could explain the violence. And the addiction really.


Iā€™ve founding it interesting that when a man gets a tbi he automatically starts beating up women and children


TBIs CAN totally change your personality. Thereā€™s a ton of medical journals on freak accidents changing someoneā€™s whole identity. It really depends greatly on where the brain damage happens and a myriad of other factors.


Nathan was using Janelle to get on TV lmfao. He pressured her into a pregnancy she didnā€™t even want but did to keep him and then he broke up with her right after itĀ 


Did he pressure her into it? I donā€™t remember that at all. Wow.


Yup. Itā€™s clear Janelle only wanted a baby because Nathan wanted one. And Nathan only wanted one because he wanted to secure an MTV check. You see it based on how Nathan talks about Janelle and how he never loved her and how right after Kaiser was born she and Nathan broke upĀ 


He has to want it and he clearly isnā€™t interested. Not for the sake of his children even. Heā€™s done nothing about David mistreating Kaiser because heā€™d rather chase women and alcohol.


I canā€™t say I was ever truly rooting for Nathan, though I did want him back in Jenelleā€™s life after seeing David. Who knew Jenelle was so skilled at finding worse each time. Jenelle is awful, but the men she finds takes her to the next level of shitty.


Same. I don't know how and why, but I've always thought he has the potential to be a decent human being and a great dad. But every time he fucks up and has to go to jail again, I believe in that less and less.


Donā€™t know why you believed Ā in that in the first placeĀ 


I was too. He did seem to love and care for Kaiser in the early days and he seemed to have some common sense and call Jenelle on her BS. Unfortunately, whether it's the alcohol abuse, the TBI, or some other factor, he has just completely fallen apart and become so violent. It's really sad.


Why was you rooting for Nathan?Ā 


Bc at one point, he was a somewhat positive influence in Jenelleā€™s life. Compared the crapshoot of people before and after him. When she wanted to be petty and keep Jace away from barb he advocated for barb saying she was the most stable thing in Jaceā€™s life. Encouraging her to Do whatā€™s best for the child. As well as Jenelle was at her healthiest physically while with him, exercising and eating well.




Barb stable? Lol not even a little bit


Lol Barb's unstable based on what she yells when she gets angry or frustrated?.


Are these people really trying to say they wouldnā€™t yell at jenelle? I think most people on here have talked about using more than just words LOL barb is an angel for putting up with that bullshit for so long


I totally agree. She raised 3 kids alone that all had some kind of issue while struggling financially. That would be incredibly stressful and frustrating. Then it begins all over because your youngest can't get her shit together and raise her own kid . The woman never got any peace. Everyone got yelled at by their parents . When ppl are frustrated and angry we all say things sometimes we don't mean. Barb has her finances in order now to where she could retire and I feel she did the best she could with a bad situation. Unstable is having numerous men in your life.moving all the time being unable to keep a job and using


It's one thing being a brat to your parents as a teenager. But as an adult, it's unacceptable. JE contacted a guy on TT recently for him to prank call her mom. And that's the smallest of the things she has tried to do to Barb recently. Can you imagine how much money Barb has spent due to Jenelle? I was a brat to my parents as a teenager in high school, too. But that didn't follow me into adulthood. I hope I'm still alive to witness her Karma. Where are your animals, Jenelle? @mtv and @morganfreman, you should be ashamed you sold your sole to the devil. It's disgusting.


I think there were times when Barb went a little too far with yelling at Jenelle and egging her on at times and I really wish they hadnā€™t fought like that in front of Jace, but honestly, I canā€™t blame her for losing her temper.


Agreed. And she also had abusive men around her kids and unstable men around her kids too.


I'd say more on the fact that she lets her emotions get the best of her. She sees the kids or doesn't see the kids depending on how she feels about Janelle. I'm assuming Jace doesn't even see barb anymore. Because of Janelle and hers relationship.


#Serious I donā€™t really know how many people have dealt with someone that has a traumatic brain injury but it can be hell. Especially because even if they have done everything to help themselves it still could not be enough to live alone without supports. I donā€™t think heā€™s done the work or believes he needs to. But he does bring it up when heā€™s in a pickle. His alcohol abuse PROBABLY makes it worse, but to what degree? He could be almost as bad off without it. Are the addiction and brain injury now symbiotic? Itā€™s sad that he is killing himself and this is probably an instance where a conservatorship would be helpful. Not saying forever but to get his feet correctly on the ground. Maybe he needs a group home forever, maybe he can do life alone. But to me his brain is degenerating, Iā€™m not a doctor.


My step-brother has a TBI and itā€™s awful. He does a lot of stupid/bad stuff (drugs, knocking up random girls, petty crime) but he also truly struggles to be ā€œnormalā€. Heā€™s brain damaged but itā€™s not immediately apparent so people donā€™t always understand why he does the things he does. Not making any excuses for his or Nathanā€™s behavior but the TBI is an additional, tragic wrinkle.


Itā€™s so sad. Iā€™m sorry to hear about your brother.


Thank you, youā€™re kind.


my husband and his mom both are brain injury specialists and even one seemingly small injury can alter your entire personality and shape the rest of your life. take care of your heads, yall!


Itā€™s such a delicate yet resilient organ.


after learning about it all, itā€™s pretty crazy to think of people putting their kids in contact sports en masse with little to no concussion knowledge or aftercare! the number of people who have brain injuries is much larger than we think


If Jenelle heads back to The Land in the near future, we will know she was actually trying to get back with Nathan.


She's not at the land?


She's in Vegas


For what?






He is in las vegas, w his son. Gets to focus of kaiser for once, try to make things better w kaiser, and he does this? There has always been something ā€˜differentā€™ about him. Probably even before the military. My father is a marine. He was forced in at 17. I have other friends fathers that had the same exact experience, in the same branch of military. They intentionally pick people like this. They make good soldiers. They are weak minded and good followers. I donā€™t know if Nathan can ever come back to reality. Poor kaiser. That sweet baby needs a real parent.


Do you have receipts? Because I wish Jenelle had gone to Vegas for Kaiser. But she is really there for Jenelle and her boyfriend. I have said all along if JE was smart or had an actual heart that taking Kaiser to Vegas for Kaiser would be a great storyline ![gif](giphy|knvA5hSZVUDpC) .


.....I mean I had used the joke "what's the male version of 'fuck it, I'll be a stripper', with the punchline being "the military" but you nailed why I always laughed so hard at it. You described my dad to a T, except without the arrogance that he is a strong thinking man who is right about everything. And yep, hopefully Kaiser is ready to live his life once he is old enough to be out of his parents' grasps.


Hey, men can be strippers, too!


They can but it was just the meme format that turned into a joke šŸ¤£


None of Chinelle's kids has a decent parent, especially not Chinelle herself!! Those poor kids.


They literally have no one bc Chinfuck has secluded them from everyone... Barb, Doris, school & obviously none of the winner dads come around. I truly feel so bad for them. They're just kids!!


It blows my fucking mind a person like Janelle is allowed to homeschool. How does it not click how unsafe it is to let children who already come from a violent and unstable home, leave the presence of all the mandatory reporters?!!


The amount of abusive parents that pull their kids out to "home school" with zero consequences is truly sad and mind blowing.


Yep. When I pulled Baby Swiss out because we needed another option to brick and mortar schooling, I was horrified for any kid getting pulled out in Indiana because it's literally a half sheet of paper. The amount of work I put into her schooling until we figured virtual school worked well was a lot and I can guarantee Nelly-Poo isn't doing it.


In 2019 CPS case, they were ordered to send their children back to public school. After a screw up with CPS this time. All that got washed away.


THOSE KIDS NEED the eye of the school !!


He is the male version of Jenelle. They do the same shit just in different ways but itā€™s all self centered focused and at the sake of kids..


Thank you! I donā€™t understand always rooting for Nathan or continuing to cheer for him. He def has pretty white boy privilege. If Devoin had multiple strangulations, plus DUIs, even with a TBI, people would be screaming to lock him up. Nathan never puts his kids first. He has access to resources with his VA disability. The VA has even sent him to rehab. Heā€™s still out there drinking and choking people.


They always say that Jenelle and Kail and Amber are responsible for dealing with their mental illnesses hut with Nathan itā€™s šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ and then they proceed to infantalize him


Yep! I shouldā€™ve compared his pretty white boy privilege to Bar. People are coming down on him, but super understanding of Nathan. Itā€™s so frustrating.


Exactly, when they broke up they were both complaining about which one was being landed with Kaiser because it interfered with gym time. They both planned to have him and then when he needed care were ditching him with Doris or Tori.


Seriously, Nathan get it together!




Never everrrrrr happening


Broke the terms of his parole, probably? He wanted the no contact between him and his wife lifted last court session. I hope he wasn't THAT stupid to contact her while they said no.


I think he's in a problem-solving court, which is a super intensive form of probation where the court can order you to serve a few days of your sentence as a penalty (sanction) if you don't satisfy something you're supposed to do. I've seen jail time ordered as a sanction for relatively minor shit, since the point of programs like these is to really hold your feet to the fire to make you work towards rehabilitation


I was looking up the terms of his probation and this article remembered me the judge already gave him his last chance to comply last month. https://www.theashleysrealityroundup.com/2024/05/10/exclusive-jenelle-evans-baby-daddy-nathan-griffith-scolded-by-vegas-judge-for-not-taking-alcohol-treatment-program-seriously-last-chance/ Apparently, he blew his last chance. Would he be pulling an Amber? This stuff is too hard, let's see what I can get away with or else take the jail time? Poor Kaiser.




this made my heart sink. this arrest is for not completing a class he was ordered to take, so he didnā€™t do anything new, but rather didnā€™t complete his punishment from a previous conviction. I wish he could get it together and focus on his rehabilitation




Kaiser is in the same city as Nathan and likely hasn't even seen him


You know if he had Jenelle would be crowing about how good she is at co-parenting.


Itā€¦ might not be a good time for Kaiser to see him.


At what point does a 36 year old start to act like a grown ass man? How could he not be embarrassed at this point? What a fucking loser. Even worse is that he has two kids that he should be paying child support for and seeing regularly but he is too busy doing whatā€™s important to him. Drinking, drugging and beating women.


Why is he a guy?!


This is why Nathan will never help Kaiser. As much as we wish Kaiser had one good parent, Nathan has serious mental issues he needs to address and work thru in therapy.


I mean..I guess it's at least not for domestic assault this time. Really wish poor Kaiser had better parents šŸ˜­


What are the chances that she has three baby daddies and all of them are complete pieces of s***. But then again I don't know why I'm surprised because Janelle is probably the biggest piece of s*** on Earth lol


Jesus God, Nathan. Get it together u fcking moron.


Heā€™s seriously going to kill someone.


What a thug. An animal. Did he grow up with a father in the home? Single mom?


Speciality court sanction - this likely means he's in a problem-solving court (I'm guessing veteran's court, which we have in my state along with drug court; could be domestic violence court, given his recent charges). It's basically a very intensive form of probation, lots of classes and programs to complete. Weekly check-ins with the court, and if you mess something up, the court can order you to serve some days of your sentence as a sanction. Curious if anyone knows specifics about Nathan's situation. I'm actually glad to hear he's in a program like this. I've thought that TBI is the cause of a lot of his erratic behavior, but if he is held to a strict standard and forced to get his shit together, he might show some rehabilitation.


Sentence this fool already, heā€™s dangerous and needs rehabilitation.


What does specialty court sanction mean? Did he mess up on his halfway house rules again?


Looks like he didnā€™t complete a court mandated class he was ordered to take. If they arrested him for it, heā€™s probably neglected it for a long time, or never even registered


The term sanction makes me think this is something like a drug court program, not just typical probation violation. In my state, we have problem solving courts that impose requirements like you would see on supervised probation, except they meet more regularly and the court can order you deserve a few days of your sentence as a sanction if you mess up a minor requirement. If it was a big problem, he'd be getting discharged from that program and getting a real probation violation, because people who are accepted into problem solving courts usually have it as a condition of their probation that they need to stay in and complete that program. This could be a relatively minor error on his part, if he's in such a program. I really hope he is. This kind of shit is almost made for someone like Nathan, since he seemed to be fairly ordinary until his TBI and resulting alcohol abuse kicked in


I practice law in Oregon and wish there was a problem solving court! So many people would benefit from that. But at the same time, itā€™s common in Oregon to give second, or even third or fourth chances to complete treatment. Usually depends on the PO/program coordinators, and of course the judge. Each state, and really each county, is vastly different when it comes to this so Iā€™m mostly speculating on what Nevada/Clark County is doing! Hopefully something like what youā€™re describing. Either way, I hope he gets his shit together, itā€™s been so sad watching him spiral


I'm in a neighboring jurisdiction, really glad we have problem-solving courts here. There's a pretty big variation in how judges handle PV's here, so I think there's a place for the intensive and specialized handling of the cases that end up in drug court etc. it's not easy to get through drug court, but I think it's a gratifying experience for a many participants. I've seen the graduation ceremony, and it's incredible hearing the participants' stories. I hope this is what Nathan needs to turn his shit around. He has a beautiful son who needs him. And I truly believe the TBI is what caused him to go so far down this dark path. He needs support for his mental health and alcohol use.


I've commented about this a couple of times because it's an interesting subject to me, so I gotta reply to you now too lol! there are problem-solving courts that create very structured rehabilitation programs for people who have drug problems, mental health issues, veterans or domestic violence offenders. Serious issues or special circumstances that need very focused recovery support. In my state, participants meet with the court weekly and report their progress. Participants who complete the requirements might get some kind of accolade, whereas people who do not do what they're supposed to do can have a few days of their sentence imposed as a penalty / sanction. I'm almost certain that this is what is happening here. It's actually a good thing if Nathan got into one of these programs, and I could see him being eligible for a few different types lol. I really think it's got to be a veterans court, but it could be domestic violence or even drug court given his serious alcohol problem. Or mental health court for his TBI! The bright side of this is that these programs do have a relatively good success rate compared to typical probation or incarceration. It's not unusual for these jail time sanctions to be ordered, because the court really tries to incentivize strict compliance with the requirements. The jail time here doesn't concern me, other than apparently Kaiser being in town and this taking away from his opportunity to see him. But I'm all for Nathan getting some days of jail to keep him in line with the court's requirements. I'll only get worried if / when we learn that he got discharged from this program. Because that means he'll be getting a probation violation - a real one, not the little 2-day sanction shit - and the court could force him to actually serve his sentence. Something tells me that I stay up incarceration won't do anything to rehabilitate Nathan But if he doesn't enjoy jail, this program might


IIRC this is a veteranā€™s court heā€™s working with.


Thank you! I think he's a good candidate for it. I hope he follows the program and sees improvement. It's pretty normal for some sanctions to be imposed, doesn't necessarily mean he isn't taking it seriously. I want to have something optimistic happening in Jenelle's world for once šŸ˜«


Yes heā€™s in a veterans court




In jail? Arrested? For what? Being a guy!?


You can nowā€¦ unlock upā€¦ your girlfriend, your wife, your daughter and commence using the roadways.




Good. Keep him in there. Heā€™s a worthless human being.


I don't give him a pass for the abuse and chaos he's constantly perpetrating on the people in his life, but I do have a soft spot for him as a vet with friends who are also vets with TBI. It can and does destroy lives, and I don't even recognize some of the people anymore. A LOT of people have dysregulated emotions and have a lot of extreme anger outbursts because of it. It's nightmare fodder. So I continue to root for him even while hoping he gets locked up in a way that gets him help while keeping others safe from him, if that makes sense.


I just want everybody that's commenting to remember.... Over here in these parts, we spell the word "jail" the same way Ambien says it, "gel." šŸ˜œšŸ¤£šŸ˜‚ Y'all still my people & girlses though!!!!


Was it ever confirmed that Nate had liver cancer?


Didnā€™t the judge say the last one would be the last freebie?


Seems like he has roid rage.


Ugh šŸ˜£ I want to shake him & yell, "DO BETTERā€¼ļø" Poor Kaiser šŸ˜ž


Poor Kai ):


I really wish he would change simply because Kaiser deserves one parent who gives a shit, and Nathan could dedicate his time to being a good dad giving Kaiser something he has never had. We know Jenelle wonā€™t change and with the kids she has Kaiser will always be on the back burner.


So out of all the stuff Nathan did where he didnā€™t change, youā€™re wishing he gets better and not Janelle? Ā Yā€™all donā€™t make any senseĀ