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How fans think that Jenelle is turning her life around now that she’s left David. Just because she’s changed locations, doesn’t mean she herself has changed. He didn’t make her a bad person. He was a choice she made because she *is* a bad person ![gif](giphy|bek1WcLKoq0FDvFDgV|downsized)


She's living the same life she did before, now in Vegas getting high in the empty garage instead of getting drunk in the she shed.


Except now we’re subjected to watch her eating munchies while she’s eye fucking herself on camera. I wish she would find the niche market who wants to see this so we don’t have to.


She’s on the show again?


Yes she is back on making guest appearances on TMFR but I was referring to her social media posts that get reposted here.


TMFR? Teen Mom…Final Reckoning?


I wish 🥲


So wait, she officially moved to Vegas? What happened to the swamp & all the dogs & puppies? Are the kids with her in Vegas too?


Jenelle has never given 2 shits about her pets so I am sure they were abandoned


Yes my question too!! Whaaat?


In my defense I’ve had a long day, but I just read part of your comment as “the empty garage that is her head” lol


She stood by David when he strangled Jace, until she wanted to leave him and NOW she's in her son's corner?? Mmmkay.


She ONLY wanted to leave him bc he was messaging his ex talking shit about Jenelle. Then the ex posted all the receipts and that’s what sent Jenelle over the edge. As if, you know, abusing her first born child wasn’t enough. It HAD to be about Jenelle before she ever left him.


Exactly and it is sick, as a mother she should have thrown David to the curb when he abused Jace or better yet Kaiser all those years ago. She allowed them to suffer for her 'happiness' not sure you can call it that but wtv


The amount of praise she gets on fan pages is baffling. Like..I don't even have the energy


The world is full of stupid people, those ppl happen to be Jan's fans


They see themselves in her.


Omgggg she looks like Barb in this. I've never seen it before but now I do, that's soooo weird


The episode where she came back and was talking to Brianna and telling a story I couldn’t get over how her mannerisms were exactly like Barb, down to whispering when she’s telling what the other person in the story said.


As she’s gotten older and put on weight (not gotten fat! She was just very slim) I’ve thought she looks exactly like her mom. Every. Time.


This is driving me insane in her comments on socials. Even though she’s always kept them pretty tightly monitored I’m amazed that THAT many people are falling for this. We’ve watched her independently behave like an absolute sack of shit prior to David and when he wasn’t around. She’s so mentally unwell and doesn’t deserve the opportunity or the attention of being back on the show


Right? As if she doesn't have a history of picking bad men. /s


The one common denominator in all of these relationships, who could it be?


“Wherever you go, there you are.” Meaning just because you changed locations doesn’t mean you changed yourself.


I'm sick that I know exactly what her voice sounds like in this clip


That it's still on the air.


Especially 15 years later with 0 content and maybe 300,000 viewers.


I stopped watching it. They aren't teen moms anymore. They are adults with kids now like the rest of the world 🤷‍♀️. I keep up by being on here 😂


Yeah it’s real trashwives now


The real trash wives of teen pregnancy 😭😭


I started watching the new season of Unexpected on TLC and at least they have new girls this season. I haven’t watched teen mom in years.


That’s what I like about Unexpected. They’ll keep the same cast for maybe a couple of seasons and then it’s on to the next. They basically show the highlights leading up to and after birth so people can see how hard it is and the effect it has on the lives of everyone involved. Then they move on. In my opinion that’s how it should be because, realistically, you shouldn’t be profiting off your teen pregnancy. And, once those reality show checks start coming in consistently, they’re no longer relatable. It’s not an accurate depiction of what teen pregnancy is like because they now have access to considerable amounts of money, which most teens don’t have. I remember loving the first few seasons of Teen Mom because everyone was broke, struggling, cars breaking down, having to move a lot, trying to figure out how to balance school, work, finances, and being a parent, and you just really related and felt bad for them. Then they started getting those MTV checks and, instead of saving the money, improving their living situation, or hell even getting a better car, they immediately started going out and getting boob jobs, developed an addiction that they could now fund, or otherwise spent recklessly.


They would get better cars too. But instead of going with a reasonable vehicle, they are like “let me spend $100,000 on the luxury addition that will depreciate immediately.”


I'm SAYING. Like how are you gonna call it "Teen Mom" when half of them practically have arthritis at this point?


The kids they had are the teens now!


I always thought they are waiting for “TM: The Next Generation “.


This is the right answer. Just waiting for the cycle to continue. Whoever has a grand-baby first will go down in history. Right or not it will be a major event.


We could call it “Moms’ Teens” instead to reflect the change.


NOT ARTHRITIS I am their age damn 🤣


They're 100% holding out hope for teen mom: the next generation


This. As soon as (IF!) one of the kids has a kid as a teen we're gonna start seeing some huge rollout with new shows.


I really hope none of the kids end up as teen parents 😭


Realistically though I think atleast one of them will. Daughters of teen moms, for example, are 3x more likely to become teen moms themselves. Im sure for sons it’s a higher chance too.


I also just read a study that said that a teenage girl having a sister who had a baby as a teen makes her more likely to become a teen parent. More so than if just the mom was a teen parent. And both makes you a lot more likely. My mom was a teen mom and my sister had my niece as a teen 2 years before I had my son at 16, and I wanted to be a mom because of my sister having my niece. I got pregnant on accident, but still I found that really interesting.


How they made so much money


For real. I watched it up until TMNC started and even then I felt like one of the last people still watching - I still keep up with the tea here but I just cannot get into the new episodes even after watching for a decade.




The Cate & Tyler stans that believe Carly is longing to be with them and BranenTeresa are terrible parents keeping her from her true parents. Or the Jenelle & Amber stans that think they're both good moms.


Branenteresa are terrible parents for buying children off some teenagers through a predatory Christian baby broker and publicly declaring they prayed their second purchase baby would be “white enough,” but not for the reasons the stans cling to


When did this happen??? They publicly prayed their next adopted child would be “white enough”??? Wtf? ETA: I agree completely with your sentiment. They are horrible people for doing what they did and basically coercing and manipulating two teenagers into handing over their child. I don’t know that they’re bad parents, but I do know that they’re bad people.


Wondering the same-when exactly did this happen?! I’m wondering if was in that magazine article they thought was going to glorify them for “saving” these two babies..? Then when they didn’t get the response they thought they would, they went private? Edit: I can’t find anything about B&T’s racist comment regarding their son. They also seem to have attempted to wipe that article through the adoption magazine, so perhaps they scrubbed the internet? I don’t think they’re these upstanding, perfect people, and I wouldn’t put it past them. They wanted a family, and they created lifelong trauma for not only T&C, but also THEIR OWN DAUGHTER. Adoption is trauma, no matter how anyone wants to look at it. A trauma that B&T played a massive part in.


Probably a source close to them told The Sun all of this. SMDH!


Excuse me what??! They said they prayed the second baby would be white enough?? I never heard this, what does that even mean?? How disturbing


They were upset when they found out their second son was half Mexican because they wanted a son to look like Brandon...lol as if white Carly looks like them anyways


BT give We Voted For Trump vibes. Red hats, lawn signs, the whole shabang.


I’m right there with you.


LOOOOL i just know there is a inside joke to “branenteresa “😂


It's a joke about how Cate says their names iirc


When did this happen? ![gif](giphy|3oKIPgUZ5EIFnn2CI0)


Branenteresa is killing me😂😂




This one right here. It pisses me off so bad! They can’t understand that Brandon and Theresa are her parents, period. C&T might be the birth parents but it doesn’t mean Carly wants to be with them or loves them more than she loves Brandon & Theresa. And what’s even worse is that Cate and Tyler continue acting so immaturely, allowing their fans to attack B&T.


They're terrible parents, and her true parents. Having shitty parents and being adopted don't mean they aren't your parents. It just means you have shitty parents.


That it’s still on the air. That Cheyenne is on it despite not even being close to being a teen mom.


This one- that they put a random MTV pickme chick on a show about teen pregnancy lol just because….she was pregnant?? And had drama with the dad? Because they knew no one would watch a new show about just them 😆


They didn’t chose Cheyenne for Cheyenne. She was chosen because her baby daddy is Corey. The biggest man whore in Challenge history.


Which she didn’t find out about until like 6 months after birth right? When she got a dna test?


Yes. She thought Ryders dad was Zach??? I’m not sure if that’s correct though. Then I guess with her condition they found that that would be impossible. I’m not 100% on the details.


She wasn’t even pregnant. Ryder was already almost a year old I think?


They did it with bristal palin too tho


yes, but Bristol really was a Teen Mom (ok, she wasn’t a teen when she participated on the show). She had a child as a teen. Although I have to say, I didn’t follow Cheyenne or Bristol storyline. Both boring af


What about when Bristol Palin was on it? Feels like a fever dream. Although I did enjoy her story more than Cheyenne’s.


At least she was a true teen mom.


Yep, and her story was pretty interesting I think!


Woulda actually loved to see her stay but she was like F this trashy ass show She knew if she continued that it’d be a disaster for her life


I didn’t mind Bristol tbh. Would have loved to see her keep on vs Cheyenne.


She was the most interesting casting I thought


She is just boring … there’s just nothing going on. The last last episode was her just checking fertility options and the last one was her thinking about if she will allow Ryder to go with Corey on holiday over Xmas. Just want something mooore and more real.


I wanna hear about the 🔫 🤷‍♀️


They didn’t hire accountants to manage their small fortunes


Yeah. Kail isn’t my favorite but she did some things correctly for sure


Seriously. She’s one of the most hated yet she’s the only one that seems to be smart with her money.


Is she though? Or is she just good at keeping the house of cards from crumbling? Just at a glance her day to day overhead looks outrageous. Podcasting and IG/tik tok cannot be making you that much to afford all of those children, a nanny, a huge house, which included multiple moves which I'm sure weren't cheap and luxury vehicles. Even if she made profit on selling the houses. The moves and down payment on the newer more expensive house has probably eaten those profits.


I work in social media marketing (not an influencer, but I select and manage influencers and contracts/payouts for a company) and I think most people would be SHOCKED at the amount of money even smaller influencers make. The big ones are making serious, serious money. She’s done a decent job of staying relevant and constantly talked about while managing her image (no it’s not great, she’s not superrr liked, but she’s not Janelle lol). I think she’s perfectly comfortable


People completely underestimate how much influencers make. Even micro influencers can bring in hundreds of thousands if they have good management.


Yup. It’s not the easy lifestyle like a lot of people think it is. I transitioned from being an influencer to a management role because I hated it so much lmao but people can certainly make a lot of money if they’re good at it and they find their niche! Kail has certainly landed in a sweet spot and as much as she might suck you can’t say the girl doesn’t grind


She said on her podcast that just 1 of her podcasts alone makes double of what she was making on teen mom. She has about 4 podcasts all together. So I can only imagine what those are bringing in, on top of everything else.


Yeahhhh but she says a lot of things. Remember when Jenelle said the same thing? Lol


Maybe she invested?


She invested and things like that. Trust her shit is on lockdown.


I’m currently stuck on how half of them didn’t realize they needed to pay taxes.


Right? You'd think that their parents would speak up and be like "hey, I pay tax so you gotta pay it too" when they started earning money.


I think that is definitely oversimplifying it. Most of the parents probably have regular jobs where taxes are taken out of your paycheck. If you’ve never worked contract work or anything where you have to withhold your self how are you to know? Financial literacy is not taught here.


Maci just got hit with another huge tax lien. That's like her 5th. How doesn't she know after being in ten mom for 16 years. Maci is my favorite bc I live an hour from them and get all the inside scoop lol


Oh definitely there is no excuse now but when they first started to really make money I can understand the confusion and mistakes.


The mother f’ing tax liens!!! Did these girls not hire accountants when they started doing this show? Absolutely baffling.


The only thing I can think of is they save the money all year and then just pay the tax in one go. Like I doubt that is what happens but it’s kinda the only logical solution I have.


But if they did that, they wouldn’t have liens.


So is that different to a tax bill? Like I’m in Australia so it may be very different, but sometimes sole traders will just not pay tax through the year and then pay the tax bill at the end.


Yes, a lien basically means that the government has sued you because you have not paid. There are numerous steps before you get to that point.


Oh ok. Welp then idk how they continually get into this mess, that is insane.


the way they work is kind of like “contractors”, so regular jobs will have the government take out taxes on your paychecks automatically, but they’re supposed to be setting some to the side each check to pay it themselves, but these idiots just don’t set any aside lol


We have federal and state taxes once a year. For my county we have property taxes, while it's supposed to be once a year, it's actually split up into two payments. Most people have state and federal taxes taken out of their checks automatically. (You can opt out of this, but you'll have to pay later in a lump sum.) This might not apply to the TM cast, they might be independent contractors and have to keep track of taxes and pay it themselves. This is annoying and difficult so most people who are self-employed hire someone to do their taxes.


Judging by how much tax they owe, their incomes seems large enough to be able to afford for someone to do their taxes. Like they are being lazy and stupid, that ain’t a good mix lol


And that they keep doing it over and over again. They will pay one off and then 2 or 3 years later do it again. You could have your account set up to put the money aside from each paycheck and into a high interest savings account until tax time each year. It's not rocket science.


Jenelle as a person. It’s hard to believe she’s real.


She definitely reminds me of a lizard in human skin trying to mimick what a human is actually supposed to do and sound like


The list of horrifically trashy/awful things she’s done is truly endless. It’s mindboggling.


What's also mindboggling is that sadly so many other people like her exist in the world they're just not on television 😩😭


2 things I can’t wrap my head around is 1. Amber is still on the show after all the shit she has pulled. 2. Jenelle being back and the fact they are trying to do some redemption arc for her even though we’ve all seen her sticking up for David after he chocked out her son. I still for some reason I can’t shake .. think that this is all for show and Jenelle to earn some money for David’s defense and when she gets it she will go back to him. I could be wrong but something about all this doesn’t add up.


Just two very blatantly clear examples of how they only care about ratings and money. They’re both train wrecks you can’t look away from, so **of course MTV is going to exploit them and their babies for everything they’re worth.**


That Cheyenne is on the show when she's not a teen mom. That Amber is on the show when she doesn't have custody of any of her kids.


amber is enough of a train wreck to be entertaining at least lol Cheyenne adds nothing to the show


I will never understand why they brought Cheyenne to the show since she’s not a teen mom. It was sooo awkward on one of the family reunion episodes where all the girls were talking about how they didn’t get a sweet sixteen and how bad their home situations were at the age and Cheyenne is like “yeahhhh my parents took me and my friends to Hawaii” 🥴 like girl you do not belong here.


She's so much different than the other girls, they could've just kept Bri and Ashley if they wanted diversity since the cast is too large now as is. Cheyenne doesn't understand the struggle any of them has ever gone through, nor was she a teen Mom. I always FF her segments and they haven't changed in years.


Agreed. I would understand if she had some kind of hard upbringing or crazy storyline but she clearly grew up very privileged. I think they only chose her because she got pregnant by someone else in the MTV world lol


But Cheyenne is deeply oppressed every day of her life 🙄/s


Being a Black woman who happens to be affluent doesn’t mean oppression doesn’t exist. Beyonce is a billionaire and still getting called a n-, micro aggressed, and racists are actively tryna keep her out of what they think are white spaces. Girl bye…


All that access to $ and education and they’re mostly still a mess. 


White trash who won the lottery


This was my favorite Nathan quote ever!


How many of the dads were much older yet it’s never discussed.


Ryan Gary Andrew (Jace) are the ones who immediately come to mind. I don’t think Ryan was THAT much older but I believe Gary and Andrew were 5+ yrs older than Jenelle and Amber.


Ryan is 36 and Maci is 32. She was 16 almost 17 and he was 20 while she was 16 and had Bentley


Gary is 3 years 5 mos older than Amber and she was 18 1/2 when Leah was born. Ryan is 3 years 7 mos older than Maci.


Bentley was taking driving lessons!!! The kids are very nearly the age their moms were when they first appeared on the show.


This is why it’s still on. The producers want to see through the cycle of teenage parenthood, and soon some of the kids will be having babies themselves. Once that happens the ratings will skyrocket.


Teen grandma 🧓




Jenelle's fans. People actually support this pile of absolute shit.


agreed. i don’t understand how you can support someone like her, especially if you’ve watched her from the beginning & see all the stuff about her on the internet.


Because chances are they are absolutely piece of shit people and mothers too. Or they’re like 12


Your comment TOOK ME OUT! 😂💀


Briana thought Javi was a great choice for her, after watching her co worker struggle with the clown forever, and going to multiple events with the both of them. It’s the messiest shit ever lol and he’s not even attractive!! She may have done it just to secure more air time, but other than that - guuuurl whyy? 😂 Early seasons Rhine- pre his grandpa face maybe- mayyyybe I could see why a woman would, but Javi ???? And the matching shirts with Kails kids lmao, the reunion brawl -still cannot believe. Over JAVI?!


Bri is desperate to be with a man. Any man.




David is single


Why none of them apparently know they have to pay taxes?!


I think it’s sad that a lot of them just didn’t have much parental/adult guidance when they were first coming into their money so they likely didn’t really understand how the taxes worked, and they were like 15-17 so probably not making the wisest choices. You see it with musicians, athletes, etc too. Handling significant wealth when you came from basically nothing is obviously very fortunate but it’s really hard when you don’t have anyone around you to teach you how to effectively manage it. But obviously that was over a decade ago so atp they are all fully grown adults in generally better positions than they started in, and I just don’t understand how a few of them just don’t care to be more financially literate or hire someone to do so on their behalf lmao


Like Cait and Ty I get. I get the feeling Butch and April likely didn’t have much legitimate income lol. But Maci’s parents seemed like upper middle class. They should know about taxes! Lol


Maci is def one of the ones I have a harder time understanding, I mean maybe her parents didn’t have money like THAT but like you said, they probably do understand taxes are a thing. and it’s kinda wild that even if they didn’t understand the specifics, they just never bothered to look into it or ask someone? I’m from Tennessee so I know a lot of conservative folks there really hate taxes but it truly is bizarre. I’m not sure if Chelsea also has these issues with taxes but that’s another one that really makes me scratch my head if so. Papa Randy surely understands tax brackets lol


How maci wanted to quit because Farrah did porn, but is perfectly okay with everyone doing onlyfans


Not a Farrah stan, but like how is it she was fired/quit because she went the porn route while everyone else who is now doing porn still retains their jobs? Like be consistent with the rules here.


IMO at the time Farrah did her "movies" it was certainly more taboo. OF and the like being part of popular culture has been in the last 5+ years and many who were not okay with traditional porn have changed their tune. Times have changed and MTV (and likely the other cast) know that having cast members with OF possibly boosts ratings


I get that and everything (and like honestly they're all adults, I don't see the issue here originally) but damn like it's so shady.


Right. Like Tyler.


But she’s ok being on with Amber who has committed domestic violence on several occasions


The amount of praise ryan gets since he MIGHT be sober for a solid 5 minutes for the first time in 16 years. Everyone seems to forget how he has ALWAYS been a deadbeat father since his 16 and pregnant episode with maci, and has only spiraled since. He has never had 2 good consistent parenting days in a row, and never will bc he has nothing but enablers in his life. The whole idea of "mack is getting what she deserved" is absolutely vile bc no matter how unlikeable she may be, she never terrorized her kids and completely destroyed their home and threatened to kill the father of her children. No one, and I mean no one, deserves that Edit: typo


I agree 1,000,000%!! I definitely don't get the Mack hate (I still don't like her but noone deserves what she went through)


The continued platform and support for abusive, neglectful, and racist people.


And those on the cast that support them while condemning people in their family who do the same thing (looking straight at Cate and Maci).


Why this is still on.. Teen Pregnancy is so 2009 and it’s not a popular genre anymore. Im not sure why MTV continues investing in this franchise. I don’t even care that they don’t work 9-5’s, this IS their job, but…why’s this still on? They’re 35. Same with Jersey Shore. Talk about beating a franchise to death.


The magic of Jersey Shore is definitely over. Unexpected on TLC is good but they are falling into the trap of bringing back the same girls.


It’s like the cast refuses to move on. I remember a new group of Jersey 20’s got casted and the original cast threw a fit about how this was there’s and it’s a slap in the face. So they scrapped the newbies and kept the geezers.


That Jade and Sean actually got married


Why Ambient is still on the show


the whole set of choices and consequences that led to a certain car being shot up with the kids in it.


I really like the DeBoers and I wish them well. I’m glad they’ve succeeded in a way other than being on MTV, but I like Cole and Chelsea more than I like Down Home Fab. I don’t care for a lot of their design choices. Edited typo


Those disco balls glued in the fireplace 😂🤦‍♀️


Or painting everything black when people are like please don’t


That these girls were supposed to help bring awareness to teen pregnancy and prevention


They did, originally, but somewhere along the way it got twisted into some odd Keeping Up with the Kardashians type shit. The original intentions and message has been lost.


100% agree. If anything, kids seeing these girls on MTV making money off their drama is suggesting they could benefit from teen pregnancy like they do.


Preach. I’m a teacher, and the other day, I was just thinking about how wonderful it is to be on summer break. Then I legit had the thought, no kidding, that, “if only I’d gotten pregnant as a teen, life could be this stress-free all the time!” Like, I’m 35 and know that they don’t represent the average teen, but leisure is what is associated with their lifestyles.


Forreal. I'm 33 and I was like "man I could have been on season 2". The only thing that gives me solace is remembering the guys I was with when I was a teen/fresh adult cause I'd probably be so angry with myself if I still had to deal with them in this day and age.


With so many “teen moms” on 16 & pregnant they don’t check in on those not chose for Teen Mom to reveal what the reality of getting pregnant in your teens. Instead they hyper focus on these people (some of which were not teen parents) with boring story lines and unrealistic financial circumstances. Go back and check in on the moms that don’t have the constant flow of MTV money and see how they are doing.


There’s a few things I can’t wrap my head around - 1. Jenelle as a person and that she has any fans what’s so ever. I truly do not believe she has any redeeming qualities nor has she changed and nor will she. So many people have bought into it since David and her have split. Like they’re just conveniently forgetting after David strangled her son she kept picking him over Jace and even blamed Jace for everything. Wtf? It’s only a matter of time before she’s throwing those kids under the bus for the new dick she’s riding. 2. That amber is still on the show and actually has people defending her. She’s abusive. She was abusive to Gary (who’s also a piece of work, but the slightly lesser of two evils) and she’s been abusive to Leah. 3. Dr Drew, he’s toxic. 4. That some of the couples/people on the show have had or have such massive debt. It’s more understandable in the earlier seasons. But as the show progressed and they made more money… why didn’t any of them hire someone to help manage it? To invest and ensure that their money keeps making money? How did Maci end up with such a huge lien on her home? There’s more, but these jump out to me most.


I can never wrap my head around how bad of a ‘therapist’ Dr. Drew is. His consistently bad takes and advice are mind boggling. His insistence that certain TM’s are ‘turning their lives around’ and his complete inability to hold anyone accountable for anything just drives me crazy. Not to mention all the shady things he shills for.


The excuses people make for these idiotic people, both the moms and dads. I can't understand why. They have all done such stupid and appalling things at times and people bend over backwards to defend them and I can't figure out what they are thinking.


Same! Literally nobody on this show is a role model. They’d be better off stanning some random, mediocre person they went to high school with.


That the show is still on!


Same! I love to re-watch those early seasons where we had genuine struggles and drama. Not. . Im going on my 5th vacation and the baby isn’t vaccinated yet. I wish they would just bring in new teens or never have cancelled Young and Pregnant


That anyone would voluntarily spend time with Farrah


I mean… there are a lot of shows out there thar don’t really deserve the light of day…. (Milf manor anyone?) But this show really needs to get on and get bent


This show is basically as much a sitcom joke as MILF Manor or Golden Bachelor now. It's run far past it's course.


Jenelle as a person. Her brain needs to be studied. Never seen anything like it


Why briana ain’t got the shit beat out of her yet for that mouth she got. I’d bet money she’d stfu if her sister wasn’t there to back her.


How Amber went to gel and somehow came out a shittier and more selfish mom.


All the shit Jenelle didn’t outgrow as she left her teen years. The dumb decisions, the men, the drugs, the general attitude, etc.


Why they award amber with a paycheck for being an abusive non mom


Letting Amber and Jenelle stay


The kail bri javi love triangle seemed like some weird fanfic, but alas, it really did happen and bri really did make family style tshirts for Lincoln’s birthday.


Why Cheyenne is on this show


I have a few but after doing a rewatch I can not believe that Jen & Larry did not tell Maci the extent of Ryan’s addiction from the jump. Living with him THEY KNEW & then kicking him out which I believe was because of the drugs and still not telling Maci is crazy. You can see In his eyes when Jen took Bent over on Father’s Day and then in the next breath Maci is allowing Bent to go there for the weekend. She clearly didn’t know yet / didn’t see the episode so. So unsafe & sad. Jen is the ultimate enabler.


All of these tax liens fr lmao


That almost ALL of them are still kinda shitshows to this day..


I can’t wrap my head around Leah being a waitress. She’s been making 400k per season for the last 11 years or so. Absolutely awful money management. These girls have won the lottery so to speak, but make the worst decisions


Gotta be Leah cheating on Corey and the marriage ending. Obviously Corey was not perfect but I will always die on the hill that he would have stayed with her much longer had that not happened. He’s moved on with Miranda since but as for Leah back then, he genuinely loved that girl and would have been better for her than Jeremy all those years.


The millions some of them have made, but still have mortgages, car payments, tax liens, etc. The fact that the majority never furthered their education, even though MTV would have gladly filmed it. Imagine the support Caitlyn and Tyler would have had if they went to school and got respectable, reliable jobs and then also made the ridiculous money this show pays them.


The fact that it exists and has a fanbase.


How Amber beat up Gary ON CAMERA and they let her continue on the show.


Why Cheyenne is on a show called Teen Mom when she wasn't a teen mom and when she wasn't even on 16 and Pregnant in the first place. Yes I know they are all adults now, but she had nothing to do with this franchise in the first place. My guess is she's a producer pet or something.


How some of them aren’t dead yet


All the BBL’s and tummy tucks etc done for girls that were so young and didn’t need to have their bodies altered


The fact that none of them have been teen moms for over 15 yrs ! lol 😂 also that nothing in their teen mom lives can be considered normal or compare to the real world teen moms . A number of these girls got tons of money thrown at them for bad behaviors . Never had to worry about real stuff like rent ,cars ,food , diapers , ect … the teen mom show should have been rinsing and repeat on new teen moms every few seasons . Mail is a terrible example , Jenelle , amber , & so many more .


Why Farrah is such an asshole.


![gif](giphy|Hsjxoi5WcJl4Sj90WT|downsized) why they continue to embarrass themselves and their families season after season. Be done. Get normal jobs.


That Jenelle and Amber think nothing is wrong with them


How amber has been engaged so many times


The way this show is just a documentary of them living off of MTV money at this point. It’s not relatable at all. The moment that Amber Portwood was able to buy a house in the most expensive neighborhood in the whole state of Indiana... damn, man. That bitch doesn’t even work 😬