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And to top it off, she only proved herself this episode when she had another typical tantrum when Briana attempted to discuss totally reasonable boundaries.


Honestly, I feel for Briana when it comes to dealing with her mother. My mother is the same way. I’ve always walked on eggshells when it came to expressing my concerns and emotions towards her life decisions. It took me several years and tapping into my career field to find a way to talk to my mother and I’m just scratching the surface.


This whole thing has me confused. Is she a recovering addict? Is she still addicted? She’s been doing drugs since novas age? That’s a damn nice car she had too


I was confused too lol. From what I understand she’s been an addict since Briana was novas age. She’s currently prescribed methadone and basically needs it to exist. She screams mentally ill to me with how she treated Britney. IMO seems like she needs some help still and good on her daughter for standing up and setting boundaries.


Screams BPD w the splitting, explosive anger, fear of real/perceived abandonment whenever her daughters try to put up a boundary, seek independence (she always calls Brianas daughters "her daughters", it's weird and creepy), or try and get her to take accountability for her actions. BPD is often associated with destructive & impulsive behaviors, drug misuse being one of them.


I was going to say screams a personality disorder. Is BPD what Amber has been diagnosed with? I need to brush up on my psychology lol


Amber's got BPD and bipolar disorder. And probably a few other cluster b personality disorders on top of that.


you are unlikely to ever get two PD's diagnosed babe, 💀.. like if you're gonna insult a community by using its name every time someone is a POS, at least know that they are RARELY co-morbid. you get a diagnosis with TRAITS of other PD's, very rarely will they give you both as the overlaps ≠ having both. your welcome for this fun fact y'all <3


Well, they certainly can be and Amber's a rare occasion of a lot of bad shit clashing around in the same person. I wasn't trying to insult anyone.


she's a literal piece of shit smeared into the carpet, mental illness aside.


You just made me remember Britney revealed she was diagnosed with bipolar so this actually makes a ton of sense since d it’s genetic


Bpd isnt bipolar it's borderline personality disorder


I knew that and yet I completely fucked that up didn’t I? They’re very different and I hate that the shorthand for one reminds me of the other. Thanks.


Right? They give us this “bombshell” like we wouldn’t notice all the missing details. I had all the same thoughts, including the car lol.


I’m confused too.. do docs really prescribe methadone for 20+ years to patients? Thought that was a temporary med to transition off of drugs?


Some people will be on MAT for life.


They absolutely do. That’s why medication maintenance is pretty controversial in some recovery circles. Personally, I think people need to take the route that allows them to function the best way they can. For some that will be medication maintenance, for others it will be no drugs at all. But in short, yes there are plenty of long term- life long methadone patients.


That’s what made me the most confused!!


My ex has been on it since 2018


Pure speculation but I have a chronic pain condition and my doctor put me on a drug that's usually used for getting off opiates/addiction control even though I wasn't on opiates to begin with. It's entirely possible her lupus is causing her to need pain medication and the clinic gave her methadone instead of straight up opiates and they're just trying to make it look dramatic before revealing that it's for treatment, not addiction management.


Also as a recovering opiate addict, I just want to point out too, that i had a friend who did this, it could be possible she is faking the lupus as a reason to have the excessive medications around her house. Had a couple who did the fibromyalgia also, and after we got clean, they do not have any diagnosis. In Florida we have some crooked doctors also who would diagnose us with stuff we never had as a way to continue to over prescribe!


If it were for pain management and she’s allowed methadone take-homes, I’m not exactly sure why she would need drug treatment? She definitely needs psychological help regardless though bc she’s nuts.


The coven has always been a little extra but I can say this confession genuinely shocked me.


She is the embodiment of the word TOXIC. All she does is try to control everything. Now that her kids are doing their own things without her she pulls these bs stunts to try and continue to control them. She is an ugly person and ugly mother. Im glad that Britney has the courage to stand up to her.


I couldn't have worded it better myself


This is exactly what it is. She feels the need to always be main character no matter what she has to do for it. It’s sad because you can tell her daughters wish they could help her


When she says “those are my daughters too” ugh…. Like they are your grandkids dont get it twisted…


my narcissistic mom has a tendency to do this with my own daughter, it's very awkward and you have to choose your words carefully in reaction ):


I'm pure guessing here but I think she lashes out on Britney more then she did Briana because Britney was able to see what kind of person she was likely starting with when she lied for YEARS about the man being her father (in the recap from long ago) and she was like "yeah no, I'm not putting up with this" Grew up with a narrcist there is never a moment that it's about YOU the victim it's always them they have the trauma they are the victim your anything is so much less compared to them


Devoin was a kid and this witch treated him like crap. I hope he can forgive them for all of the stuff they have pulled.


Her behavior over the years makes so much more sense now.


I'm sorry that I ask questions about a show I don't watch, but is she talking about heroin or methadone here?


She said “methadone”


But it's used for that purpose, a replacement therapy. It's great for many!


But don’t you have to wean off that too evidently? She sounded like she’s been taking it for years.


Yes you have and if you don’t do it properly the withdrawal is brutal. Way worse than H’s


Ok. Please ignore my unintelligence on this subject. If you have an addiction, and they put you on methadone (I’m assuming because obviously heroin can be lethal), to get off the drug of choice, are you not addicted to the methadone then? I understand why it’s better than the street drug. The street drugs can kill you if you take too much or get something mixed in it but I would guess a dr. wouldn’t prescribe methadone for years. I assumed there would have to be a plan in place after a time to get off that too.


It's about managing risk. I chose suboxone when I got off of opiates, because that medicine has a blocker that makes you unable to get high from other opiates and once you titrate to your dose you don't feel high from the maintenance med. Not so with methadone. A few of us got clean at once back in the day. Two are dead. One is still on methadone. And one is me, recovered, clean from opiates 11 years.


Congratulations on your recovery. One day at a time.


Doctors can and do prescribe it for years. It all depends on what's best for the patient and sometimes what's best is to be on methadone for years or even decades. Yes a person can have a physical dependence on methadone but if their life is better on it bc they're not doing street drugs, not injecting, not engaging in criminal activity etc then it's a good thing. We know abstinence doesn't work for everyone and it shouldn't really be treated any differently to anyone else needing medication to manage a long term health condition.


Thank you for the explanation.


Hey don’t be sorry for not knowing this subject, trust me it means you probably didn’t have anything to do with it which is amazing for you!!!!!! This is an extremely broad topic but I’ll try to explain it the best I can (also, I’m not a native speaker so bear with my mistakes). I wanna make it clear I’m speaking about how it works in my country, which is not the US, but I’m pretty sure it works almost the same way. Or at least, drugs and addiction surely do. Let’s say you’re addicted to opiates (opium, morphine, but as drugs mainly heroin and codeine) or opioids (fent, oxy, perc, Vicodin, etc) and you want to quit it. You’re absolutely convinced but are scared shitless of withdrawal, which is completely understandable because it is one of the hardest combination of both physical and psychological battles one could go through. You know what withdrawal feels like because sometimes you didn’t have money to get your does so you had to go to withdrawal until you found a way to get high, and/or you’ve already tried to quit by yourself and you succeeded for a bit, you went through withdrawal, had the worst week of your life, was at your absolute lowest but, once it passed you felt like a superhuman, stronger than ever…only for addiction to come back knocking on your doors a few weeks later. What do you do to not go through withdrawals and make recovery as “””pleasant””” as possible? You go to the methadone clinic (that’s what I think they’re called in the US, they have a different name here) and get yourself on MMT (methadone maintenance treatment). Why? There’s many reasons to it: 1) Methadone is an opioid, it acts on the same brain receptors that the addict’s opiate/opioid DOC act on, thus relieving withdrawal symptoms and craving (the latter one not always being true if one is not fully convinced to get off their DOC; 2) Methadone’s action is an extended-release: you take it once a day and can go on with your life feeling absolutely normal, not one withdrawal symptom in sight (if you’re taking the right dose); 3) It is either a syrup or a pill, keeping people whose method of administration was injecting away from needles thus away from complications, disease transmission, etc… (even though some recovering addicts fall for the thought of injecting methadone in syrup form because they’re also addicted to the administration method, not only the substance); 4) Methadone administrated by doctors has a known concentration and purity, something that is unknown for street drugs (which makes them extremely dangerous and potentially fatal); 5) It keeps people away from criminal and dangerous activities possibly required for them to obtain the necessary money to acquire their DOC. However, being methadone an opioid, your body becomes addicted to it so you have to taper off of it. Some people are so convinced they want to quit they do it very rapidly, feeling slight withdrawal symptoms but still light enough to live their life comfortably. Some people feel more comfortable tapering off very slowly, which can take years depending on the starting dose. One of the main issues is that when taking methadone you can still feel the effects of, for example, heroin. Why does this matter? Because being recovery a road full of bumps and step-backs, it often happens that one day you wake up feeling like getting high, I mean you’ve been good for so many days…what is one day of use gonna do? Well, methadone allows you to do it and just go back to it the day after as if “nothing” happened (even though methadone clinics test urine to see if you’re still using before giving you your daily methadone dose, but people who want to use still find a way around this). Problem is that if you take methadone and, let’s say heroin, together, it makes it harder to taper off the next days because you’re gonna feel withdrawal (since your body had both drugs in it, your tolerance raised)…often resulting in an impasse period. For example, Suboxone (buprenorphine), another controlled substance used to get off opiates/opioids, does not allow you to use while taking it because using would send you straight to withdrawal, since Suboxone also contains opiates/opioids antagonists (this is very simply stated). Put together the facts that you become addicted to methadone and that you “can” still use while taking it, and the result is many people can’t get off of it for years and years, some will continue for their whole lives.


What a slippery slope that sounds like! Thank you for explaining. I never had close encounters will drug addiction but I did have a lot of alcohol addiction in my family.


Some people stay on it for life


Wow. Interesting. I don’t know much about methadone. So if that’s the case, I can understand why Briana and Brittany are mad at their mom, because she didn’t tell them and was probably on drugs for years around them and Briana’s children but I also would think that they would be happy so took the steps to get off the hardcore drugs and is doing ok now on methadone. Or no ??? I’m not sure what the problem is if she is on a dr prescribed medication.


I'm confused how they couldn't know??? Methadone is usually dispensed at clinics *daily* sometimes for the duration of your time on the medicine. There are therapy requirements and urine tests. Problems with insurance and problems with transportation etc I don't see how Roxanne never let any of this slip, considering how toxicly intertwined this family is


She did say that “they” finally trusted her to give her a months supply. That falls in line with what you are saying about daily dispensing. Maybe at one time, she had to go daily.


She might be abusing the methadone. Or using some other opioid and the methadone. Who knows she could be lying about any number of things.


Just enough to keep me flyin’ straight!




What drugs was she doing ?


Methadone is used to treat heroin and other opiod addictions.


Yes i know that. I just didn’t hear her say she was doing heroin. I thought she said she was putting it in her dad’s arm. Maybe I missed it. That’s why I was confused as to why she was on methadone. And how would you miss all the signs your mom with doing heroin when you live with her


She said she was finally trusted enough to get a months supply. That means every day for however long she has lined up to get her 'done. How did it go entirely unnoticed by both sisters?


That’s why I’m saying.. u can’t be living with a heroin addict your entire life and not catch them..noticing them nodding off.. tracks.. I mean unless they just in severe denial and figured it was her lupus. But you would think they would have found it/ caught her somewhere along the way. They had to of known. Just pretending like they didn’t for the show


She said "the least of my trauma was putting heroin in my dad's arm"


Oh I didn’t hear the whole sentence.. thanks..


I knew if Brianna and Brittany ever left we'd see Roxanne drop the mask completely. I have not been a fan of Brianna at all. But I knew there was a lot of trauma and a lot of influence from Roxanne contributing to her mess. I hoped she would get out on her own and give herself a chance to heal and give her daughters a chance for a different story. I am so proud of her. And ... I hesitate to say it... but so far this season I almost like her. It seems she has grown up, maybe got some real therapy, and learned what boundaries are. I hope she continues to make progress and understands she can do this on her own and that support exists elsewhere (in friends and community, not in a man).


Roxanne wouldn't ever let Brianna be a parent about the baby dads as soon as Brianna sent them a message Roxxane was right behind her demanding they respond they show up when it was in clear view they didn't want to they had no desire to be a father to either of those children Brianna would have dropped there asses long ago had it not been for Roxxane


I’m confused, did she say how long she had been using?


Yes & no. She's kind of all over the place in her responses in this episode. Basically, she is just trying to avoid any responsibility for her shitty behavior.


Either since Briana was Nova's age or since Roxanne herself was Nova's age. Iirc, she yelled at Briana: "Can you imagine taking drugs since you was Nova's age," which IMO could mean either of the two options.