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I know it's something really small but, the correct terminology would be biological sex, not biological gender.


I didn't even notice that


It's totally okay, just something for next time.


It’s not small imo, it’s a pretty important distinction


Yeah, 'biological gender' and gender are the same thing




No you didn't




This is a thing?


Yes, I made it a thing, it was Revek's idea


I man


you man


We men


All man


we are all men as r/girlsarentreal






Unrelated to your comment, but how did you get the custom flair?


Some mod made a post forever ago where they were just giving custom flairs that contained "silly" in em, I've enjoyed having mine but I'm gonna have to get rid of it soon when I'm older than 13 🥲


Ah, that sucks (for both of us)


How do you like your new flair?


Not quite what I was expecting, but thanks anyway haha!


I have a question: When I have to update my flair, is there any way I could just keep this one but have the age updated? It's alright if not, but it would be cool 😊


When the time comes, send the team a modmail and we can sort it out :3


Thank you so much! :D


"man" as in adult boy or "male" as in a body with testes


If we’re getting into terminology man isn’t synonymous with male.  Gender terms are man, woman, non-binary, etc. Sex terms are male, female, intersex.  If you want to go the extra mile there are also terms specifically addressing these kinds of questions. AGAB = assigned gender at birth, the general term. AFAB = assigned female at birth. AMAB = assigned male at birth.  Also genuine question, why are you breaking down demographics by biological sex and not gender? 


"Also genuine question, why are you breaking down demographics by biological sex and not gender?" Transphobia. Thought that was clear, but apparently not 


Yeah, but usually people have their own personalized flavor of it so I figured I’d at least ask 🤷🏻‍♂️


The "flavor" is almost certainly bigotry. Can you think of another reason why chromosomes matter in a social context?


why did it have to go from gender = that to gender = literally nothing and is just a nickname for what to call you


Well, it didn’t. Sure there are some people who are gender abolitionist (want to get rid of gender as a meaningful concept) but gender and sex have been pretty separate things for basically ever. I mean, the way I think of it is that sex (male, female, and intersex) are all things that are concrete and universal to everybody. Everybody has a body, and every body has some kind of sexual characteristics. But, how somebody lives their life based on those sexual characteristics and what is expected of them is not universal across cultures or time. In Ancient Greece, being a man was a very strict concept. You were a warrior, you were a hospitable host, you were honorable, and you were absolutely never feminine in behavior or action if you didn’t want to be mocked. Meanwhile, in ancient Japan or China during different periods, an ideal man was sensitive, poetic, wise, and beautiful in an effeminate sense. Many wealthy men were known to wear full faces of makeup and carry cosmetics with them.  Basically, how people have presented themselves as a “man” has changed a lot over time. What I take that to mean is that belonging to one sex or the other, while still meaningful, is not the end all be all to who a person is and what gender they are or should be 🤷🏻‍♂️


nah like, i know it was technically always like that, but just 2-3 years ago people considered it the same thing as sex for some reason, idk why it randomly "changed"


Yeah, there is a lot of polarized opinions about gender right now on all kinds of sides. My best guess for why people feel the need to argue against the concreteness of sex is because of some of the extreme transphobia going around nowadays. I think a lot of people feel uncomfortable acknowledging their sex and their gender as different, since they’re afraid to “undermine” themselves to transphobic people.  But there is also an argument to be made for how hormone therapy and sex reassignment surgeries changes someone’s makeup. Obviously changes differ from person to person, but from a medical perspective hormones and your sexual organs are the most important things in determining how your body works sexually. So, if those things change then there is more similarity between someone who sexually reassigns themselves and their chosen gender than their birth sex. Either way, fear-mongering and rage baiting from every side just makes it really hard to peacefully express opinions, especially online unfortunately. 


Female but I've transitioned.


omg good for you dude !! happy for ya






Fuck off, gilipollas (Since I know you have no international understanding I said Asshole in Spanish.)


Gender dysphoria is where the brain does not fit the body. Trans people have a brain that more closely matches that of their preferred sex. Attempting to keep the body you were born in as a transgender person causes things like anxiety, depression, suicidal tendencies, and more. Trans people who don’t transition are highly likely to either attempt to kill themselves, or succeed in killing themselves. See the 41% statistic.


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Why Is Man In A Sub For Teenagers? Is he Stupid?




How could asking for someone's sex hurt their feelings...?


it doesn't hurt peoples feelings, there was just a confusion between difference of gender/sex I'm sure. OP was probably just trying to avoid drama or something (also some people don't like to reveal what their sex is, especially if they aren't cisgender)


For cis people, it's weird, irrelevant and unnecessary. For trans/nb people, it's weird, irrelevant and unnecessary, and it's often offensive and disrespectful. I suppose this post could be innocent, but given how often "biological sex" is used as the basis to discriminate, harass and remove rights from us, it's kind of triggering for some, especially in this way (non-medical/scientific), not to mention that the motives for specifically asking for "biological sex" and not gender to gague a social demographic are EXTREMELY questionable. Why else would you do this besides to exclude and discriminate against trans and non-binary people? Chromosomes are irrelevant in a social context, as we judge others based on perceived gendered aspects of them, not their invisible genetic code. Not to mention, like, 99% of people don't even know their chromosomes, because it's not something you check unless you have genetic abnormalities/issues or are a transphobic loser. This is because they don't fucking matter in social contexts like these. It's less of hurt feelings and more a discriminatory dog whistle which just makes people confused or uncomfortable, or at least a bit weirded out.


2024 people get offended by shit like that all the time, someone could take it out of context and get really mad if he didnt include that


this will be libtard gen z in 2025




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i women am


Yay, more casual and unnecessary transphobia


When did i do that?


i think they meant the comment section as a whole


Great, he could just have chosen to not engage in it, If they don't like it


They better not get offended this time 😭 


i certainly hope not, But i understand this is a confusing and challenging topic for many people


lol it's not offensive, and i get that the language can be confusing. to put it simply, gender = psychological, ie your mental gender/gender identity. sex = biological, ie your physical characteristics.


I think gender and sex are the same thing, gender identity, however, is something else. People can hate it, but I think it's a harmless thought.


it is kind of a harmless thought, but factually incorrect.


Oh, well


When you have to write so much to save yourself from backlash for just asking for biological sex... we're really in a pickle lmao. Also, the terminology used instead of biological gender is simply sex or biological sex