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he has no enemies


Whats funny is that he dropped that line after being punched 100 times in the face so it fits


He's not hating the player, he's loving the game.


Wrong. Me and this guy are enemies (I never played him a day in my life)


Iron sharpens iron. Dude gets bopped by you spamming a move and recognizes it's on him to know what's going on. Hope you gave him pointers after that convo!


We just going to ignore the total small d energy of OP being a sore winner and only being normal because the other guy killed him with kindness? Tf is up with that?...


If he doesn't realize it by himself I'm not going to waste energy on it.


I didn't really get sore winner energy. More sarcastically roasting themselves. They might've even thought the initial "amazing yoshi" was sarcastic considering and was basically agreeing with them in that case.


I didn't actually see the caption until your comment, just assumed he was trying to flex because that's more common than a humble winner in my experience 😅 my bad


Huh??? Is that all you got from this post, dude you looking for problems when there ain't none


Kindness breaks character. No need to yell at them for anything here tbh


It's definitely a sign of a strong player in the future.


Less iron sharpness iron, more of, this yoshi spammer will be an excellent training dummy. When someone plays like a scrub I switch to training mode and treat them like an NPC lol


He reached absolute zen


If bro was an airbender. He'll be able to fly.


Defeat is an opportunity for growth. It teaches humility and those with the tenacity and commitment to learn from their mistakes through persistent practice and repetition will become masters. Applies to Tekken, applies to most aspects of life. The guy in the post probably recognizes this and thanks his opponent in a sense for showing him the way to develop.


Love this, great way to look at it


the gigachad "It's my fault for not knowing how to deal with it" vs. the virgin "NERF NOW BAMCO, I'M GONNA PLUG!!!"


This gigachad will rise up in ranking if he keeps the same attitude and learn from it.


That was the default mindset that the community tried to teach to every new player until the start of T7. Then it slowly warped into an "everything is cheap, everyone is stupid, this game sucks but see you tomorrow"-attitude. Good to see someone like him!


I don’t think that’s really a tekken thing as much as a time thing, old heads still rematching and freind requesting the good players to get better


I don't know, I only play Tekken. But at the start of T7 whenever someone started complaining, people would ALWAYS say: "Calm down and learn to deal with it. Here are your options..." Now the majority seems to chime in to the complaining. To each their own, but I liked the old attitude more. Overall salt levels were lower and learning was encouraged.


To be fair, with T8 came some situations where your options end up being minimal or very frustrating, such as in the case of the more powerful heat smashes, initial azu WR3,4 and other less extreme cases but that still fit the bill somewhat. The answer is still calming down and learning to deal with it, but it doesn't always feel that good anymore.


This didn't come with T8. But have been like this since some time into T7 S2 I'd say.


T5 and T6 were more broken than T8 on release, but social media wasn't popular back then, and Twitter wasn't even a thing. Social media popularity always makes a problem bigger than it actually is.


Ranking makes people obsessed with winning. Most of the complaints come from people getting stuck at certain ranks, if ranking wasn't a thing, people would complain less and enjoy the game more as it happened back in T3 and T4 days when ranking online didn't exist, it was all about having fun playing with your friends. Since ranking online became popular many people just want to shove their shiny badge in other people's faces.If you eliminate ranked matches from all popular games online, you reduce at least 80% of the bitching in all gaming communities.


I think you are correct. However, it would also reduce the competitive drive in the community. Because if you don't go to tournaments, ranked is your only to get competitive and gauge your progress. At least to me, having ranked is the lesser of two evils here.


I don’t know dude. I was getting some salty messages during Tekken 6. I was spamming with Eddie to be fair.


yeah makes sense, eddie is a pretty hard opponent so no matter what you do, if you win as him, the loser will probably get mad since they had no idea what was going on. 


I was just doing it for the lulz. Back in Tekken 6 I barely knew what I was doing. I just jumped into online thinking I’d press buttons with Eddie and see what happens. And I ended up beating a a tonne of people, some who were pretty good players. I did feel guilty doing it, but it was also pretty fun. Considering I had no stake in the online mode. Funnily enough, I had one guy message saying “I like your Eddie. Seems like you actually know what you’re doing with him instead of spamming like other Eddie players.”


i just like the characters with odd movements and sort of subtly spamming random buttons as them, like if you use a character all about strikes and combos and do that, the opponent knows what you're doing and will read you eventually.  but like if they have a lot of not so simple maneuvers, its funny as hell when you see a good new move and go "yooo what was that?? what did i press".  i still do that with a pro friend when training with her, its funny discovering stuff while essentially just spamming. 


Yeeeee. I played a bit of Lei in Tekken 7, and I will admit, it was probably 85% knew what I was doing, 15% mash and see what happens. He was just a wacky character who was fun to control. And had some pretty funny animations. Probably the most fun I’ve ever had with Tekken.


Singular people could always get salty and they will always get salty. But the way the community reacts to a salty person has changed. Nowadays a salty player often gets reaffirmed in that their salt is justified. Back then people got told to git gud and learn how to deal with it. To each their own, but overall I liked the old system more.


Communities are so big now it’s about who you listen to. Cause this is the exact opposite of my experience with tekken 7 . In fact coming in to tekken 8 my immediate thought with lots of shit was “I need to learn how to deal with that.” Turns out you just gotta eat mix ups followed by mix ups now lol


"I wanna see you land that fckn combo, whether or not I lose I still hope you grow more confidence with your main" Had to DIG thru xbox messages to find that one. 'CaptainsARK', Wherever you are, I hope your Hwoarang is only better then the last time we fought. I'll be ready for the Next Battle we have in 8.




I do understand he is just weird, but the one move I hate is his high jumping low slash. I know it’s a low, but it will always get me anyways🥲


U will hate me to the brim bruh 💀 that's like my second most used move lmao


“ I wish this community had more people like this dude “ They do, you wont find them on Reddit. Ive met a lot of nice people on the game itself, through the Fight Lounge. People are friendly there, asking to spar, learn matchups, praise others for doing their best in matches , ask to play Tekken Ball just to relax etc . The avatars make it even more fun to hang around people just cause of the silly emotes everyone does.


Some are on Reddit. I try to send nice messages on R6 (extremely toxic community), and this game when I fight someone on Xbox. I like to think if you can show people you can be nice to people in competitive/sweaty games, they can too and just maybe it slowly spreads. Even if the success rate is only 1/100 people. Call me naive/idealistic, but it’s worth it


I really like what you said here about showing other’s kindness, and being nice to one another that it can spread to others . I 100% agree, and it isn’t naive to think this way. The world needs more of it, and people can be good to one another if they try. Life’s too short as is.


I'm absolutely baffled at the salt here at times, I guess I just don't know how salty people can get with fighters.


I mean if it’s working why change it


"I have never seen yoshimitsu do that tbh" literally everyone after facing yoshimitsu 100000 times


I always change my playstyle with yoshi according to my mood 🤣


Tbf he has so many useless moves that you don't see like 85% of his moveset.


Dealt with that how a true fighting game player should. If you can't break the spam it's on you. Learn the spam and take it away from them.


Gigachad opponent, scrubby OP


I tried what you were doing once and I just got called the n word


Dude I’ve gotten that shit simply for winning fair and square! People in this game are just awful


if it works its your fault. there is no spam.


Yoshimitsu is dope though.




He is right you know . I was angry against spammers too before , now I just go "it's my fault".


Only move i spam is seppuku 😎


Death Stranding avatar. Of course he's a good soul.


I try my best to fight honourable, I had a hwoarang that looked like he didn't have a controller in hand for most of the first round, so I gave him the second one by just pressing forward, making it an even playing field again and yes that was in ranked. RL exists and those fantasy points are not why I play, I want to get better, have fun and witness cool and close fights


Absolute chad. I like to do this too. If someone’s afk, as a yoshi main I can entertain myself for a minute or two while they sort their stuff out. People in this game seem to forget there’s another human on the other side.


It comes back too. Once I had food delivered during a round so sprinted for it. When I got back my opponent was waiting, letting the time run down until he saw I was back! Absolutely great guy and that's what gaming is about for me


Not that it matters, but Syra is a lady's name


Girls can be bros too 🤜🤛


It feels like the higher you rank up, the funnier/crazier Yoshi mains become. Fought a Bushin Yoshi that was doing the dumbest of things and I was laughing my ass off the entire time while getting bodied.


This is what a scrub isn't.


A knowledge check only gets you once only if you let it


Reminds me of the time I flames someone about lag and the response I got was "I was wondering why you weren't getting up off the floor, gg" I couldn't even be mad after that like damn lag or not I got worked


It does. I strive for this all the time, but over the years I just stopped communicating with people in the game, because it rarely ends well. That said, people have been surprisingly nice on Xbox so far, even though I am an unapologetic Azucena main. I absolutely wrecked a dude with relentless offence the other day (before the very justified running 3, 2 nerf), and then he wrote "Freakin good azucenas GG bro ;)".


I killed myself a lot with yoshi


One day he woke up and chose peace


I would lik to think this is how I treat any player that isn’t plugging or lag spiking. Finding myself adding a lot more players and sending more ggs the higher in rank I get


Yeh it’s that bad online that I message people saying “gg and thank you for not plugging or being toxic” lol


he has mastered Chi


what move did you spam tho was it D4 💀 cuz people keep eating that low sweep kick.


fcdf1, unblockable low, into 3~4, then fcdf1 again, over and over.


how that nigga kept eating that. i could barely get that move in the mixup cuz it takes too long to come out


Bro has evo champ mentality. If you watch Knee you will see him ask and listen to advice from his chat all the time. That willingness to learn instead of getting frustrated is part of the reason he is so good.


I don't mind spammers. It's the ki charge or fucking teabagging after playing like a douche that makes me want to just go to single player games and hope the game dies.


I acknowledge that person.


lol okay Roman


How is he that nice, I wish only the best battles to him


he’s exactly right though. only Noobs complain about spamming. Unless you’re shit, A spammer should make it easier for you if anything, doing the same move over and over. A bad player gets salty, a good player gets better.


Playing well is how you win. If your goal is just to win, then it'll be endlessly frustrating. You are destined to lose in a fighting game, and a lot of people just go for the win, then they get caught in the salt because all they care about is winning. This guy cares about playing the game well, and he's got a good attitude because of it.


You know every dude who doesn’t message you and just plays the whole set is this dude. Yet everyone feels the need to come on Reddit and bitch about the toxic ness of this community


If you get someone on the wall all bets are off, use it all dude


Maybe I’m too nice to be playing this game man. I don’t like doing shit that might piss someone else off. Unless it’s a victor or azu. Fuck them


What a chad


He's destine for greatness. Only the most enlighten ape knows THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS SPAM IN TEKKEN


Trust, that’s never gonna happen again, bro is gonna analyze that match and implement that in his future matches, I wish him the best honestly 😂


Yeah he's right, if someone loses to spam its nobody's fault but their own. I just got rage art'd 5 times and lost 5 rounds in 6 total (he refused the 3rd match), like jesus i just need to stop pressing buttons and block ffs


aww, that’s nice


All that matters is you both had fun.


He has no enemies.


At this point my man must be Buddha himself


I feel like a lot of people are like that but it's an example of the survivor bias. One may claim the Tekken community is toxic because all you see are toxic messages after games But people are more inclined to send you something negatively after the loss that is positive, either after losing or winning.


All I get is toxicity in this game man. Doesn’t matter who I play


bro there are many people like this guy who just like to play and enjoy the time. Like for some reason, some Kuma, Alisa or Ling players think they "knowledge checked" you if they win ... start ki-charging, being weird, one and done you and message you on some bullshit after they win. Like no bro, I have played as both characters and know their options .... and there are legitimate mixups in their gameplans. There is nothing to be salty about in this game. I really hope you learn something from this and grow up a little OP. If a yoshi player wanted to land that seppuku move on me in quick play I WOULD LET THEM. Some guy tried it in one round, i jabbed him out of it .... the nxt game i just let him land it hoping that he would find it funny and maybe laugh to himself. There are far less negative and salty people than you think in this game. I legitimately just think to myself "good game, good game" after damn near every game i lose ... but i guess people think im salty about losing. It is what it is. Cheers.


I hope someday my friends are like this


I fight two players that got beaten first game, cancel the rematch and then sent me a friend request... Some people are just weird


Crazy how just being nice is seen as a rarity


That’s because this community is brimming with negativity.


That guy is doing well in life


He has a good mindset, if your opponent is spamming one move, its because you havent shown them you can deal with it….if they keep doing it after that then they just havent got much going on upstairs


What character did he played?




A win is a win. Gamers that cry about spamming moves or camping or whatever else are dweebs


Spamming is part of the game.


Yep. Low level is spamming dumbass dangerous moves. High level is spamming strong safe counter hit mids. lol


Not related to Tekken but in Mortal Kombat 11 I tried to not spam one good move out of respect and fear that guy gonna rage in a mic, but that guy told me to not care and spam this move because it is that op Thanks to him now I have more courage to play dirtier


Losing is a learning opportunity to grow from and become better. The battle he identified his weakness and will now work to transform in into strength. The man understands and has the true spirit of Tekken.


Exactly that last respond


Yoshi was designed to be played like a troll. You did it correctly


I've been making an effort to play most entire rounds in the flea. The hate messages are amusing.


Protect this man at all costs


Extremely rare sight to find this kind of sportsmanship in fighting games these days


Lmao I started hop kicking that shit . They never do it again.


In some situations that’s the best way to beat it. But in other, the timing is perfect that you can’t get anything off as your still recovering from the roll animation. In that situation you just wait for it to whiff


That's just Yoshi enthusiasts for you, the Lights of fortune.


“Insert bad word here?” Just say the bad word 😂 it’s not school you’re not gonna get in trouble for saying the bad word lmao wtf


You 100% will. Normally I wouldn’t give a fuck about swearing, but Sony are Nazi’s. ANY bad language is a bannable offence.


I wish I was him unironically


Oh wow. That guys understood Fighting games. He reached fight nirvana.


Bro is max lvl


Wait what? He is breaking the rules! He can't be that nice in a fighting game!


Yoshimitsu is such a fun character in this game. The only person I know that doesn't like him is my friend and he dislikes so many characters that it isn't fun anymore honestly 😂😅


Being a sore winner is crazy, lil d energy especially with the laughing emoji spam, pathetic.


You sound pretty upset dude.


Spammer acknowledges hes spamming.  Guy getting spammed acknowledges it's his fault for getting hit over and over.  Every community needs more people like both of you. 


Two things can be true at the same time. You have no skill if you spam, but you depending on the move you also have no skill if you let yourself get spammed to death.


Goku if he was a gamer:


He's got a good mindset. The move that continues to work is the move you should focus on. Not the person throwing it.


He’s Woody driving the Tesla. You didnt know he was chill like that


Yeah, shits bad rn but there is always shit around it. Just get better at the game.


Need more tekken content like this. Bro just like me.


/r/badfaketexts This can’t be a real tekken player


I know it seems too good to be true. But this is 100% legit https://preview.redd.it/jm9wkrc9lhsc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7996b90f88760974a9fed93863494a7184973d66 That’s the profile. All legit


What a chad


If you're not partying as Yoshi, are you really even playing Yoshi?


I really hate the flash move from yoshi it kills me all the time when playing eddie.


That dude will go far in his mindset


It's funny because, the people that spam are the same ones that cry when they get plugged on🤣


I actually expected a plug in that situation. But nah I never do what I did to this person. 1 it’s boring and 2 it’s douchey.


When its yoshi you gotta respect the play plus some ppl arent toxic.


it’s ok to admit the other player was bad ass no one will think less of you.


What a good dude. We should all try to be like this guy.


Need more like this


You def don’t want to see PSN T7 chat


His brain is clearly fat


The most mature adult conclusion to come to in the history of the FGC


It's called maturity. You'll get there too.


That's the true fighting spirit right there


I'm like this.. I really just enjoying having the time to play. Just that alone is fulfilling to me.


Beautiful ♥️


Why should he be mad about getting hit by something over and over when he could have done something about it? That's fighting games


Average tekken enjoyer


Play however you want, I think we'll both be okay


This is just the mindset you have to have in order to get better. I found out after being so closed-minded for a long time and complaining about people abusing mechanics in games that there is always a way out. There's a picture of Edd that says, "If your opponent is spamming a move, you're spamming a mistake," and that singlehandedly changed my perspective on fighting games forever. The transition from getting mad to this mindset was difficult and tedious to say the least, but it's what allowed me to get out of green ranks and into red (and to generally get better at Fighting games as a whole). Good on him for having the same mindset~ Plus it's just less stressful


Every time I get salty at spam, I'm salty at myself for not adapting fast enough so I commend this man for at least hiding the salt lol


I respect people who spam the same move. I just don’t rematch them. Maybe I’m the jerk but it is what it is.


That Guy has Pro player mentality...he wants to learn "to become good you first have to be Bad"


I need to be better at remembering that A win is a win no matter what they spam there’s usually something I can or should do so it’s on me.


I’ve had someone friend me on steam just so they can say “ fuck you” then unfriended me


Wow. That's what's up! Good for them. I beat a guy straight sets. Clean fight. No spam or cheese. Hit him with a GG Their reply? "Don't message me". Like...huh?!


Definitely need to channel this energy as a new player 😭


Every Yoshi uses the unblockable low multiple times per set. It's my fault for not hop kicking them in the face.


If times right, and the opponent keeps getting up, you can’t do anything. Best thing is to stay down or use a wake up attack


Playing ridiculously and playing like a douche doesn't exist. Great respect to that guy. OP, aren't you going for the win? Do you prefer losing but playing more "honorable"? C'mon :)


No not honourable. But I get no satisfaction from playing in a way that frustrates other people. This game is filled with people who will tier who’re, pick the most obnoxious characters, and do whatever they can to ruin someone else’s experience, and will ki charge and send hate mail on top of that. I’d rather not be like them at all.


The Tekken community needs more people like him. I respect his honesty on not knowing what to do in that situation.


I added him just because lol 👌🏾🙏🏾


He’s a true champion


he spelled Chad wrong for his username


Man I wish I was as calm as him literally today with my buddy playing injustice on the 360 when he kept spamming as deathstroke I swore I’d break his toes


Future TGD


This dude is definitely making it too the top


This is what good sportsmanship is


Protect this player with all cost


You can talk with Tekken friends only on pc right? I've added some friends on ps5 but cant talk to them


That guy has the right attitude for getting good at the game.


I mean they’re playing a game. Win or lose it should always be fun right?


Bro solved saltiness


its encounters like these that give me hope in the tekken community


If they’re spamming the same move you’re spamming mistakes


That how I am like fighting in tekken because being nice and wholesome goes a long way plus it’s awesome to make friends it’s how you get better 😎🤘💙


The entire (toxic) tekken community would tell you different and say “do whatever you can do piss your opponent off, the toxicity helps you win and winning is all that matters” Nah man. Having fun is all that matters


We should play some tekken some time I play yoshi also. My t8 username is A_Badsleepgummy. Psn is Andre696937


Always remember if you're gonna rage at something...let it be the games jank not the opponent because if they're spamming and winning you're either lacking knowledge or giving way too much respect to the opponent


there was a time in t7 where my buddy lost a round to a guy 1 jabbing him and doing nothing else and it made him factory reset so i feel like i know where this dude is coming from


Same reason y i msg after matches cuz fgc over toxicity


Ain’t know way some random stranger online acknowledged he was at fault for not being able to beat something “cheap”. This HAS to be staged!


He takes your loss as a lesson


Is it April 1st still?


That’s my mindset as well. The game doesn’t care about how well or trashy you play. The game only cares about who wins, and doesn’t care how you get there. If the opponent spammed and won, that’s on you for not knowing how to deal with it! Knowledge is power LOL


Well bro is right. In battle, you have to do whatever it takes to win. And for who lose to spammers, it's their fault. There's nothing easier than defeating a spammer because they are predictable


Kill them with kindness!


I’m getting real tired of seeing all this maturity and kindness in the community. Where’s all this respect coming from? Not me! I thought we were gamers!


Maybe he's a great player who's open to learning or maybe he's done some absolutely diabolical spam in the past and accepts this as punishment for his actions.


i, too, try to be that guy. just too much time to think while typing a message to reread and not hate myself if i’m a salt shaker