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Good, fuck that bill.


and the one that is the governor.


Which one: the legislation, or the governor? Trick question! Clearly, the answer is, “boffadem.” ^((riffing on ^(u/WhaRUHourly’s) comment before mine)^)


I cite the great Greek hero, Bophades.


Lol yea boffadem bitches


Here's to Bill Lee being disappointed more and more...


Almost like they’re delaying it on purpose to help give them a rallying cry for the election. Not like they have a super majority and governorship right now…


This bill isn't as popular with constituents as one might think. It got delayed because the state congress Republicans can't come to an agreement as to how it should work, not because it's a carrot being dangled for votes. Hoofbeats and zebras, etc.


The voucher plan is a sudo giveaway to the more wealthy that already have their kids in private schools. Arizona did it years ago and that is what the data shows. Oh and it takes money away from public schools that are already running short on funds. As a teacher my wife had to buy out of pocket school supplies because the school's budget didn't have all the money needed.


All Conservative programs and measures are meant to funnel public funds to donors and connected individuals. Whether directly through vouchers or "private partnerships," or indirectly by reducing public spending so "private options" are the only choice.


I think the argument is that the GOP knows it isn't popular, but they largely want to pass it anyway. However, the timing of doing it in an election year is bad for those who are already in office. So, they don't want to pass something that isn't popular and risk losing an election over it. Next year, when they are safe in their offices for a few more years, they may very well bring it back up and pass it because the risk of losing an election isn't as imminent.


GOOD! every conservative should be against it. Why? Because it's a wealth transfer of taxpayer money into the bank accounts of private school owners. Let me explain: Private school charges 10k and is full of students. School vouchers come along and give every parent 10k to use at a private school if they want too. Yey! It's now free to go right? Well no. The school cannot handle more students, so keeping tuition at 10k will only serve to cause their staff to be overwhelmed with applications they have to reject. Plus, they KNOW their customers can handle paying 10k out of pocket. So, they will raise prices to 20k and keep their same clientele. The extra 10k of profit per student is entirely taxpayer money and will go to the bank account of the school owners. Meanwhile, public schools have even less funding, fall further behind the private schools, and parents get even more desperate to get their kids into private school. Now they can charge say, $22k and still be full of students.


I just wanted to chime in and say that even though I’ve already known and agree that the voucher program is a problem, I appreciate how clean and simply you’ve explained the issue and how it would go


I'm not.


TFW your idea is so shitty, it's too shitty even for the ChemTrails and Armed Gym Teachers party to go for.