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Tennessee voters made a mistake in Bill Lee vote.


Bill Lee won his primary a long time ago because the Republicans who were vying for the seat with Bill Lee were worse than Bill Lee. Now we know the only person worse than Bill Lee is Bill Lee.


Maybe this is true but if they’re not worse than Bill Lee I think the ones who vote for him are just as bad. And that’s what scares me. If they keep on, I’m sure that by 2040 Tennessee will be threatening Mississippi for last place.


If a GOP hangaround says the workers did the wrong thing, then I am positive they did the right thing. You bet Bill Lee is going to catch shit from political and business higher-ups for letting this happen on his watch!


Another race to the bottom


Pretty sure there are other states vying to be the next Mississippi besides Tennessee.


Idaho. We’re changing our motto from “Famous Potatoes “ to “Dummer’n Mississippi.”


Marsha Blackburn would like a word


Vote Gloria!! It’s time Marsha is shown the door


She should’ve never been let in. Tenn is f’ed up. Bad candidates, bad elections, bad ideas. Yuck


There is another one!! She gives me the misophonia disorder every time she opens her mouth


He was a bit of a dark horse. Diane Black was significantly worse than Bill, at least at the time. Randy Boyd might not have been so bad in hindsight, just given that he’d have been more similar to Bill Haslam in terms of his politics, I feel.


As a Democrat I voted for Lee in the primary just because it felt like Lee was the sane one. Boyd and Black were having a spat and a competition on who could profess their deepest love for Trump. Lee, by contrast, seemed more normal and less rightwing. Boy, was I wrong.


I can't fault you for that. TN Democrat here too, and on the outset, I thought Lee was an idiot, but he was the most benign of the idiots, at least on the surface. I don't know how he would've been as a governor, but I don't think I would've ever worried about Karl Dean being half as corrupt as Lee is. From what I know about his time as Nashville mayor, he was pretty solid, although someone correct me if I'm mistaken.


Honestly, Karl Dean was arguably as pro-charter school as Bill Lee was. I sincerely doubt he would’ve gone as far as Lee has to push this voucher nonsense, but he wasn’t exactly pro-public school either. That’s just one issue though. He was a Democratic mayor of the biggest city in the state, he wasn’t a religious fundamentalist. Objectively would’ve been a better governor overall.


Same. When he got voted in that was my first time eligible to vote. That was before I had found my political leanings and between being raised in a conservative family and the PR spin he was getting as an honest and genuine person he got my vote. I know it was hard for me to have known better at the time but man oh man do I wish I was able to take that back now, even if only for my conscience


I think the term you missed there was not, "Boy, I was wrong." but should be replaced with "Boy, I was lied to." There were other loons to vote against. You forgot Mae Beavers. That lady said Cosmopolitan magazine was porno. Because men get really hot looking at women from Europe holding watches.


I would have taken Randy Boyd over Bill Lee 100 times over


Randy got some seriously bad campaign advice. He's not even remotely a right wing whack job, but he sure came off that way in the primary.


>Now we know the only person worse than Bill Lee is Bill Lee. I don't know about that. Diane Black would have definitely been worse, in my opinion. All of the rabid right-wing conservatism, with an extra dose of being dumb and corrupt.


Lee spent millions on his campaign is why he won


Boyd was definitely not worse than Lee. But he got shitty campaign advice that made him look worse than Lee.


nah they’re still worse than Bill Lee. Except Randy Boyd


He was a businessman with no political experience who ran right when the GOP was head over heels in love with businessmen with no political experience running for office. Oh, and he's got the right amount of evangelical for the rural voters.


There it is!! I despise him


Sitting here thinking about how our state got to this point… I have hope that the younger generation will continue voting more people like the Tennessee 3 in to office.


If Bill thinks working at a non-unionized auto manufacturing facility offers great opportunities then he should quit his job and go do it.


I invite Bill Lee and Weston Wamp to try and come work at VW for a week.


"Weston Wamp"? That sounds like a Dr. Seuss creature.


Bill Lee has a vested interest in being against any form of union (except for cops). He’s on the board of the Associated Builders and Contractors, an anti-union union for construction companies.


Seems like that should be brought up more.


Exactly. This is some amazing insight for me.


Why? Corruption is just how everything works and everyone knows it. We are late stage capitalism lol it's an oligarchy now.


I'm pretty sure he owns Lee Company, one of if not the largest construction company in the state. It's incredibly obvious why he's against unions.


“Anti-union union for construction companies” I agree, but think a simpler word here is cartel. Not too dissimilar to OPEC or Sinaloa


Article says he employs 1600 high skilled workers through his company. I can assure you they are making lower wages than their union counterparts and a high probability as a republican in a southern state that he is employing “illegals” while at the same time grandstanding against immigration. Perhaps his company not only needs to be more thoroughly looked at but unionized as well.


I read he has something like 1200 employees somewhere. I bet they earn below scale. I bet he's made a lot off their backs.


Ever met a rich man who didn't?


On the board means on the payroll oink oink, and they sought him out for the purpose of doing their bidding on regulatory and labor matters


A clear conflict of interest.


Politicians should be required, the moment they say something that is in favor of one of their money handlers, to say this message is on behalf of said handler.


Congrats to the VW workers. Job well done. Bill Lee can go fuck himself.


“I think it’s unwise to put your future in somebody else’s hands,” Lee said So the guy saying "listen to me. put your future in me" now says it's a mistake to put the future in someone else's hands...


Yes do not put your future in a representative body who speaks in your interest. Instead put your trust in a corporation where you have no voice, whos stated goal is to wring as much profit from you as possible for as little pay possible. Id ask if he thinks we are dumb, but he does, and many are.


Goddamn this is the part that for some reason just pushes me over the edge with republicans. Like motherfucker is just straight up lying to thousands of people so that a few already obscenely wealthy individuals, whom he most likely doesn't even know, will make a bit more money. It's like the only empathy he's capable of showing, that somewhere some richer person is just slightly less rich therefore he must act. Fucking scum bag.


This pretty much encapsulates the main strategy and goal of the Republican project going back to the 1950s.


Ah yes time to check on my “do opposite of what Bill Lee says” card


Doing the opposite of what republicans do is generally good advice.


Fuckin really. The GOP seems actively aiming to make life suck for everyone of every demographic but wealthy and white.


Bill Lee's mom made a mistake not swallowing


I have this theory that the reason why so many older men are against abortion is because they know, deep deep down, that their moms wish abortion was readily available back when they were young and pregnant.


Congratulations to the VW workers. They opened up the door for the whole state. It’s a very big win for workers across the state.


Fuck Bill Lee


“I think it’s unwise to put your future in somebody else’s hands,”  He says after its mentioned he owns a company with 1600 workers who put their future in somebody else's hands. Also shows the lengths people go with union myths. The union are labors hands.


OH MY GOD. WHO CARES? You're not our mom, BILL.


FU William!


“Won’t someone please think of the Germans?” - Bill Lee


The German corporation that is top 5 world wide in employees, second in sales among automakers, and has labor participation by statute in its home country.


And now has unions in every production facility it operates.


I thought that Volkswagen preferred to work with unions?


Governor Bill Lee disappointed that workers are not open to exploitation by their employers


Why do Republicans hate every union except the police union?


Because the Republican party is the party of the bosses. That's why both of my grandfathers told me that if you work for a paycheck you vote Democrat. Every good thing in this country came from liberals, every shitty one from conservatives.


Turns out facts and reality have a liberal bias, and right wingers can't stand that fact.


Atheist liberal here. To suggest every shitty thing in this country came from one political party or the other is just not true. Conservatives are the backbone of blue collar industry and many rough jobs from welding to farm work. It's disingenuous and a lie to throw false stones. It's safe to say that both Republican and Democrat Americans both contribute to the problems our country face. You are correct that the GOP is the party of managers, business owners, investor class, etc. But the GOP also includes a myriad of people who aren't as visible as maga.


Slight over categorization. But okay.


They’re generally fine with pilot (ALPA), and doctor (SEIU, UAPD) unions, but tend to go after flight attendants, nurses, teachers, childcare workers, fast food workers and most other public employees like those at the post office or in state universities.  Not sure what the connection is. More women, POC in the ones disliked most, overall?  People that vote against them and do not endorse or wish to endure their petty reigns of terror, in those?  IDK


It’s the idea of breaking all unions. Private sector have been decimated do you go after public sector. Can’t have a good example and let those pesky middle lower class folks get ideas. 


I think it's due to the perception that either they will have the inconvenience of paying more taxes or more other cost for a service. Certain people rather workers have a shitty job/life than playing an extra quarter for a combo meal. As for the governor, business donors in the state are going to be pissed that a union made inroads on his watch. The government serves business interests. Not workers.


Authority figures vs. non-authority.


Then that means the workers made the right decision.


Millionaire CEO hates unions. In other news, water is wet and the sky is blue


No one gives a shit what you think Bill.


He’s the mistake Tennessee made


Well if Bill Lee said that, Volkswagen workers must have made the right decision. Fuck Bill Lee.


Congratulations to workers on claiming their dignity. F republicans. Right to work laws aka right to bust our unions our ability to collectively bargain and keep us all in poverty need to go down everywhere


It was the only VW plant in the world without a union or worker representative


Rights for workers is awful!!!!! Now let’s get back to dealing with chemtrails..




I can't imagine what it's like to live inside a Republican's head. like how do you win majorities in your state promising to make everybody poor.


Daily required "Fuck Bill Lee!" Thanks.


Republicans like the 2 Bills (Bill Lee & Bill Haggerty) keep promoting Freedom and Liberty but hate true Freedom and Liberty when the vote doesn't go their way. Tennessee is a right to work state and because of that any Volkswagen line worker that doesn't want to join the union doesn't have to. Yet they will still get the raise in pay, healthcare benefits and other perks the UAW negotiates for the 3/4's of the employees that voted union and will join. Win, Win situation republicons in our state hate. Bill Lee is afraid his workers at some point vote union cutting into his profit pocket.


TRUE HISTORY OF THIS NONSENSE (Please correct if I'm wrong, this is a simplification): This union push was part of Volkswagen's basic understanding of labor relations. All the German Volkswagen plants have unions, and Volkswagen was very accomodating as a company to it, being German. Unions in Germany are partners with their companies, and is a feedback loop for managment and laborers. They see it as the union is interested in running the plant well, and the plant is interested in keeping the workers happy to keep the plant running well. It's a calm negotiation about what workers want. The workers organized, they were going to have a union, and then the State of Tennessee runs up in Volkswagen's face and is all, "WE CAN SMASH THEM IF YOU REALLY, REALLY WANT TO! CAN WE SMASH THEM! WE WANNA SMASH THEM! LET'S OUTLAW IT! 'BOUT TIME! FEDERAL RULES? NAAAAAHHHHH!" This wasn't even the first time that Volkswagen was interfered with by the TN State legislature. Before that, it was the 'Dr. Seuss' Gun Laws passed by the General Assembly. ('DR. SEUSS' gun laws means, that 'you can take a gun in a car, in a bar, on a boat, with a goat, here and there, you can take a gun AAAAAANYWHERE!!!') By the way, we basically did that. Now we're excited to introduce teachers with guns. Coach Johnson with a glock. The English Department with shotguns. Volkswagen also had a policy, "no guns on Volkswagen property." I mean, shocking. And so some idiot hillbillies in the Chattanooga decide that they want to take their gun to work, because you JUST DON'T KNOW WHEN YOU'RE GOING TO GET IN A GUNFIGHT ON THE WAY TO WORK, PEOPLE. (The logic is inseperable! Cmon! You get it!) Tennessee, years ago, had the NRA lose it's collective shit on Volkswagen, and then Volkswagen said, politely, that they probably won't ever locate another new car manufacturing plant in America because of all of the shenanigans that the State of Tennessee was pulling on behalf of, well, nobody. It's really not Volkswagen, or the workers. It's these flippin' loons from Blount County who start spinning when they say that maybe you shouldn't be able to haul your gun on someone else's PRIVATE FUCKING PROPERTY. Remember it's their ammosexual lifestyle. Their right to own a gun, even in your space and life, is more important than your life. These are the guys that got mad because you could put up a sticker in your private bar, saying NO GUNS, where you're regulated to serve alcohol, and they wanted to open carry at a bar. THE OLD WEST MADE YOU HANG YOUR GUNS OUTSIDE.


How dare you you impart insight and wisdom! S/


Today I learned the word ammosexuals. Thank you!


My wife is the one in this picture. Man that night, holy shit, it got so loud. We are happy that it is unionized now.


Just a reminder that Bill Lee inherited his daddy’s company. Bill Lee has zero clue what hard work is.


From the perspective of an elite asshole, it was a "mistake". However, if you're not an elite asshole, unions are great! :)


I think it got his attention. One of the reasons, I believe, Gov. Lee has been able to bring several big name businesses like Amazon and Smith & Wesson to Tennessee, particularly the more "red" east Tennessee, has been the fact that there has not been a strong union presence. This vote at VW takes away one of his selling points to other businesses. Businesses, mind you, that move here because they can pay way less than market value for labor and have people lining up for the jobs. I'm curious to see if east Tennessee goes more purple with the rise of the younger generation to the workforce and the influence of retired workers from up north moving down here.


i'm not really certain what it means when our elected officials are against democracy.


You may not know what it means, but I think I do


Typical Republican stance. They would rather pay workers crumbs and let corporations and executives be grossly overpaid.


This is exactly it! Workers are tired of being shit on while the CEOs collect all the benefits.


This man is a piece of trash. Obviously bought and paid for by other companies. Not to mention his own bias with his own company comprised of non union workers. It sounds like it’s time to unionize his workers


They people at Volkswagon did more to bring Tennessee out of Dark ages than that useless governor did.


Why wouldn’t the governor want this? This means that there is more money staying in the state rather than going to shareholders in other states. Edit: I wanted to add that my question is rhetorical because I know that these governors are pro-business and anti-worker. It just seems obvious that you can point to their thinly veiled bullshit that they don’t care about workers, especially when there are many benefits, like the one I stated, to pro-union efforts.


Unions prevent businesses from exploiting workers. Tennessee is pro-CEO, not pro-worker. I base this belief on the abhorrent lack of *worker* protections within our state.


If this state’s population took any interest in their own wellbeing, it could be a great place. I want to see Bill Lee and his friends suffer. Fuck every last one of them.


Tennessee could be one of the best states in the union to live and work if residents would stop voting against their best interests.


They are pro-profits. It is just the job of CEOs to increase and grow profits especially in publicly owned corporations. The easiest way to increase profits is to exploit workers. Unions make it harder to exploit workers.


It's too bad that he won't leave it to the workers and the legal process for Union certification but instead wants to be sticking his thumb on the scale or influencing how things go with a private company. I thought his party was the party of non-interference and small government?


The TNGOP have made it clear that they believe in THEIR government heavily controlling our lives.


He seems to be losing a lot of his battles lately. Hopefully a harbinger of things to come for him and likeminded Governors.


Same governor wants to take money from public schools and give it to rich people.


Takes one to know one, accidental gob’ner


Good lord he is the worst.


It was their choice!


Bill Lee is a piece of shit, anyway. Who cares what he thinks?


Fuck Bill Lee.


My thoughts exactly


I think the people have spoken at VW. He needs to STFU and listen to his constituents.


>“I think it’s unwise to put your future in somebody else’s hands,” Lee said at an event in Gallatin So we shouldn't put any faith in our elected leaders? Like what is the fucking argument he is making here? Man has gone wild I tell you. Holy shit.


Or your boss! He's got your best interest in mind, trust us.


He's about as bright as a turnip.


Fuck Governor Bill Lee and all TN republicans.


Hard to believe Tennessee puts up with Bill Lee.


Uh oh, is that the working class showing a bit of class consciousness? “That’s a big mistake,” said the representative of the wealthy.


Now he has to return some bribes


The feeling is mutual. Workers who voted for this dude, now believe it was a mistake.


Tennessee was the worst place I ever tried to live as a blue collar worker. I am so glad I moved away from Nashville.. I loved it there but it is a hard place to work and be treated like a human.


Go suck an egg, Bill.


Gov. Bill Lee is free to eat a bag of dicks.


Go back to crying about your private school bill fail billy boy


‘“I think it’s unwise to put your future in somebody else’s hands,” Lee said at an event in Gallatin…’ Like putting it in your boss’ hands?


I used to work in the Lee company fab shop. Apparently workers were threatening to unionize before I worked there. They were told of the fab shop unionized they would shut it down. If higher ups hates something it’s probably good for workers.


Man I wish I were influential enough to unionize Lee Company.


It does sound like he is issuing a challenge to the employees. Maybe when they find out what the VW workers down the road are getting for pay and benefits they will become more enthusiastic?


Way to be a party for the working class.


Bill Lee can go touch grass


Red states will turn into cruel shithole flyover states.


Already are.


said every business owner... EVER!!!!!!


Yeah Bill Lee hates workers


If he can say this so openly then that just says alot about what really goes on in their "smoke filled rooms"


I say most tennesseans made a mistake in gov Lee's vote, so go fuck yourself


No, little willie lee, they did just fine.


Bill Lee voters made a mistake in voting for Bill Lee.


I say voters made a mistake voting in Lee.


They don't see the wave coming. It may not be a tidal wave but there is a ground swell happening in this country. Bill Lee and his ilk are not seeing that women's rights, guns, Christian Nationalism, gerrymandered voting districts, Healthcare, and the like are finally rising to the top of the heap in the mind of many voters.


I’m sure millionaire Bill thinks so. He’s not standing on concrete all day or night working on an assembly line is he? It wears out the body and soul but at least the workers have a voice and some say into their work lives


Awesome, AP News. Now Lee's temper tantrums are laid bare to the rest of the country just after he lost his School Voucher vote. Keep pretending you have a shot at Trump's VP, Bill. We need more tax payers vote blue.


Ask any of his HVAC workers. He has discouraged any of them to organize under threat of losing their job. He is nothing but a Christo-Fascist tRumptard.


Oh, has he now...? It's illegal to fire workers who are attempting to unionize. Perhaps pass that message along to them.


southerners hate unions because a different union beat their asses a hundred or so years ago.


He says that only because he will now try to remove all safety and benefits while taxing the crap out of those people. You know targeting them to protect those jobs. Vote out any Red Regressive Reject you can if you want to keep that union and those jobs.


Screw the scab Bill Lee!


Because he was told to say that.


It's been a hard week for Billy. The school voucher bill died and then this. Sorry not sorry bud!


He owns a company what did you expect


Sounds like a threat from the government against citizens.


Not your job, so, stay in your lane bro.


“Just remember it’s not about you, but it’s about what you can do to provide your shareholders with value” -Bill Lee (probably)


The mistake has been electing Bill Lee.


Bill Lee is a dumb fuck


I’m not sure politicians appreciate how tough it’s become for people to get by. They are all out of their millionaire minds.


Fuck Bill Lee


An Anti-labor republican? What's new?


Just as in vouchers, if Lee is disappointed, the right outcome occurred. His opinion is just that, his fucking opinion.


Of course he did . He’s a Republinazi


Bill Lee is a fascist


Pfft. He’s never right about anything


Lol gop guy


If a Republican tells you something is a bad idea, you should do it as soon as possible


So proud of them unionizing.


Lmao stfu Lee


Governor “My family runs a nonunion company and they absolutely love being able to do whatever they want to the workforce” Lee


I’m sure he did. GOP is not for the worker


No they didn’t


I’m so sick of this man and his backwards ass bullshit.


Same, fam. Same.


When a governor weighs in on a union vote you can be assured there are ulterior motives. When they say something like this, not congratulating the workers on exercising their choice, but denigrating them as making a mistake? Well, you can be assured they made the correct decision and that the governor is categorically against the working class. Hopefully Tennessee learns from this and other events and removes Bill Lee at the next election as not addressing the state’s actual problems, but driving things further into the dirt.


Anyone who voted for Bill Lee made an even bigger mistake.


No they didn’t.


Misnomer, "Right to Work" artfully embedded into the fabric and psyche of low wage, poorly benefits southern workers. Try dealing with corporate attorneys on your own. Poor saps. Unions for everyone!


Bill Lee is a mistake


All the politicians coming out against the new union were recipients of donations from VW


Of COURSE he said that.He is an ass.


“I think it’s unwise to put your future in somebody else’s hands,” Lee said at an event in Gallatin. They all say this. I have family who works for an anti union company and they all say the same bullshit. I believe their line is “we don’t want outside entities making long term decisions for our employees” but these same dipshits pay an outside board of directors to…. You guessed it. To make long term decisions for their employees. Just be honest and say what you really mean. We don’t want you to have a say in anything trust the owners and their friends they pay to do what’s best for the company’s interests.


Fuck Bill Lee.


When a Republican businessman , and governor , says that going Union is a mistake, you can bet your sweet a** that it in fact was not a mistake.


Between that and the strike down of most non competes similar to what he requires or bullies, I expect a long, angry rant coming.


The mistake is at the ballot…hopefully, the voters in TN will realize more companies will move there now that Union rights are present


Bill Lee can fuck off


Billy Billy Billy, are you trying to be a Desantis?


Yeah they did. They didn't move out of state.




Bill Lee is anti union and pro giving our tax dollars to funnel kids to private schools. Easy to see where he stands as far as the middle class goes.