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Not this set, but I got one like it. Has lots of floor and wall bits and then clip pieces to put it together. It’s pretty neat, but the kit I have doesn’t make that big of a piece.


Seems really cool idea to have snap on terrain on the go for playing at a friends house and they’re pricing is reasonable


Def worth $15.


There are a lot of systems like these floating around. Mantic has one that's applied to a few settings. There also 3d printed systems or things like Battle Systems that use cardboard and plastic clips.


[Here is one person's review.](http://blog.neutral-evil.net/2015/07/21/pegasus-hobbies-syberclicks-review/)


It's good terrain for the price but not as modular as advertised.


I own these. The thing is, the building you can make with it (or rather, that is depicted) is playable, but nonsensical, which takes away from the immersion. I also did not find an Immersive and playable build, but I am not that good at that anyway. The clips take away from the immersion as well; and they are not good enough to easily click and unclick the tiles, so I would always stick to one built. I planned to use these as parts donor for other terrain pieces eventually, but never got around to it.


I was thinking these would go well with a necromunda scratch build


Yes as added tiles they're great. I also have one of the other kits and that is superior... Not the hexagon one, the third set.


They would go great with Necromunda. Piece of advice, anytime someone's primary complaint is "immersion" you should ignore them. Though I do suggest finding a build with the kit you like and gluing it together and making it permanent. The 2 kits I own I assembled onto like 7 CD's, using CD's as bases. And using those 7 bases and some walkways I made from trash no two battles are the same.


I seen a similar build on wylochs armory on YouTube I think


Dunno who that is, but I am sure I'm not the only person doing my terrain this way. Actually 90% of my terrain are built on CDs now.


CDs for terrain and bases nowadays end of an era indeed


LMAO, yep, luckily I was able to get a ton of junk CDs from my play group. I have a milk crate full and I still have people giving them to me on occasion, haha.


What do you use em for specifically what type of terrain?


They are 4 and 3/4 inch wide, so realistically they are best for scatter terrain right? But I also use them for like mordheim destroyed buildings. You can put like the corner of a building on one disk, then butt it up against another corner to make a half building. This method works for bunkers and such as well. Actually, they can be pretty decent for modular terrain, especially fences. I have a "world tree" I built, sucker is about 3 feet tall, I went overboard, but the base is 5 CDs, basically where the roots enter the ground, with space under the tree for units to move. I have a few elevated buildings I have done in this style as well. The trick to using the CDs though is to take some fine sandpaper to the plastic side. You have to rough it up like crazy for stuff to stick to it. Edit: Oh, and sometimes you need to masking tape over the center hole depending on what you are making. Edit again: Oh, my favorite terrain is a series of rocky crags topped with Styrofoam Halloween skulls. Edit x3: Almost forgot, I have a few pieces where I flattened the edge of 2 cds and butted them up against each other to make a single base.


A man of culture... Love a bit of cd/dvd terrain. I liked to stick everything to the disc side so you can turn them over and see some AOL trial from 1998


Is it a coincidence I found this exact same box today while sorting my basement when I bought it like 20 years ago?




Nah it was destiny


I haven’t bought this particular set but in general I’m a fan of Pegasus terrain. I own several of their gothic kits and a couple of the bridges (I think the kit is called the ‘tech bridge’) and they’re all sold.


I have this set and built the "fortress wall" on the bottom of the back. It's a pretty good kit, lots of modularity. The only downside in my experience is that the plastic can be pretty brittle. The little connectors break pretty easily. Oh and their integration of ladders into the design is kinda rough. It's probably worth trimming them a bit shorter so they can just go flat against a wall instead of the lean-to style they are as is.


Can I see this fortress wall I’m an imperial fist fan so I must see it


Just zoom into the picture you posted


I have other kits from Pegasus games and they are all awesome. Tons of customization available, and the sculpts are pretty sharp. Only drawback is that you will have some flash on some of the pieces, but it's brittle plastic and easy to deal with.


These are reboxed Russian "Tehnolog" terrain kits. They had a whole bunch of low priced lines and also miniatures and mechs and weird games. They also did some really cool 1:72 scale modular castle kits. eBay was flooded with these for a while a decade and some change ago with russian resellers making some coin. Airfix reboxed the mechs as robo gear or something. Some of their stuff is killer to this day, but the plastic is atrocious and brittle. No other company had any terrain kits like this at the time. Just go to www.tehnolog.ru and check out what is available. The chemical plant terrain kit is very cool.


I did buy something similar and it’s cardboard with plastic connectors. To be honest it fine but just not what I was expecting because the box didn’t seem to have the horrible gaps especially on the corners of the buildings


I didn't buy this particular set but I bought the early platform kit and the factory pipes set. I was impressed by how many options the kit makes and how well it combines with other terrain tools for kitbashing. I will say you don't get a ton of terrain. Usually two sets is enough for one building. and you can see that there are some gaps in the assembly here or there.


All Pegasus kits are a great resource to use in builds but not 100% perfect on their own


I think I will never, looks nice but too flat ! But I think that’s okay for transport,when you have to meet friends! Is it possible to build and dismount,or too fragile? The design is nice 👍


I have the set you pictured, but haven't built it yet. Only got it twenty years ago...! LOL 😆 I have another of their sets that I did build, I really enjoy how it turned out! I had to add other pieces to it, but it's a cool piece. I built it for Necromunda, but it's usable for any version of 40k.


Fuck Pegasus Hobbies.




I grew up going to the original Pegasus Hobbies. They have always been way overpriced, and the owners are scumbags. Personal experience dealing with them for 15+ years.



