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It is amazing against the brain of Cthulhu. If you aim and time it right, he can’t touch you.


Hey dude! It's you! From r/knightposting! Grorlith!


Oh hey. Umm… which one are you again? I don’t pay attention to usernames.


Aeon Valkir! Archon Templar of Aetheria. I don't think we have interacted all that much, but we are both on the discord.


He don't know you lil bro 💀


Oh, okay. Yeah, we haven’t interacted much.


You aint chill like that


I should have followed your example instead of paying attention to yours


What is that sub? A meme sub with bits of light roleplay? Can't grasp its vibe


Spears underrated. Perfect for mobs control


That fight is free if you can get the fork spear from smashing the hearts


Indeed. Once you get the rotted fork, suddenly the second phase is easier than the eye of Cthulhu.


I got it on the 4th, I was like "what the hell, man?"


I like your pfp




they outclass broadswords, but become useless pretty fast outside of a few specific cases.


Facts I found the best use for them in underground dessert the knockback makes it a very good weapons to deal with the antlions and dessert slimes the baby antlions can be tricky as their fast moving speed but it'd Lightweight makes the knockback really useful but you right besides that and dealing with slow moving hoards their preety useless besides causing some knockback for your ranger build.


they are good for bullying the brain of cthulhu, thats about as much use as i give them.


On getfixedboi the Dark Lance actually becomes really useful in early hardmode. It inflicts shadowflame, has similar DPS to Night's Edge and has enough knockback and range to keep you safe from any melee enemies.


The dark lance inflicts shadow flame regardless of seed


I know that. I'm just giving an example of well this spear can do even in early-hardmode on the toughest seed in the game. It is one of my favorite pre-hardmode weapons.


It's the kind of stuff that usually happens when players finally understand that "best" is in fact often something very relative based on a given situation.


Facts I found it very useful in taking down pre hardmode underground Desserts, also I'm starting my first ranger build so it helps setting up those throwing knives or frostbur arrows.


Legit, always saw spears rather as a crowd control type of weapon. What they lack in dmg they're making up for with extra range and knockback. And big numbers while great are not always the best or even funniest option.


If I’m going melee and the crimson is close enough to spawn, I’ll delve into it and grab a rotted fork (with some luck). Makes for a great first weapon!




Paintball gun is the best gun for everything you can easily obtain one and if you know what youre on im %100 sure you can beat WoF


*Wand of Sparking enters the chat*


I got swordfish early in my celebreationmk10 playtrough since you spawn in beach (a shortsword but pretty much same as a spear). It carried the whole early game, especially goblin army


be that as it may, theyre too slow for me. when i have a melee weapon, i need it to be quick and preferably auto swing (since i dominantly play mage i only use melee before getting a magic weapon)


>and preferably auto swing There was a setting that was added to turn EVERYTHING into an auto swing weapon. My finger has never been happier 😊


doesnt that make feral claws redundant?


I think the claw gives an additional buff (knock back or swing speed), and it is part of a recipe chain.


https://preview.redd.it/b4uvorxu9z0d1.png?width=1560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4b0fce2083169a54e645418a175e574ca170e5a the main thing is autoswing




thats bullshit. most weapons prehardmode arent autoswing, thats why im using nights edge and not blue moon (which does more damage)


https://preview.redd.it/h0tjzoau9z0d1.png?width=1560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9d7a0d8016ed972e00cdf8638e291f0b3878102 the main thing is autoswing


Well, that's still an increase in melee speed so it's still good. I think the auto swing feature in the settings was more of an accessibility option for people with motor issues(?)


Yes - and I love it.


I think they didn't have that before 1.4, they're mostly useful for the melee speed


Dark Lance has been one of my favorite weapons for a long time for a reason. I get my hands on that than the entire pre-hardmode world is mine even to this day.


looks like ninja training (yea ninja with spear, I know)


I did a spears playthrough once on master mode. The Storm Spear surprised me with how well it handled Skeletron, and the chlorophyte partisan was actually serviceable against duke Fishron, since he directly charges the player 90% of the time


Oh yeah when you're first starting out spears are fantastic because their beefy knockback is a lifesaver in early game combat. I may basically deify the Cactus Sword as the god tier starter weapon but getting a spear (or even better, a trident) really early on is just, mwah, it's even better. Once you get access to better broadswords though, spears fall off pretty fast. Like, once you can get your hands on Muramasa and later Night's Edge, it's just completely joever for spear weapons. Daybreak's good though, I think that counts as a spear despite being a ranged weapon in all but name.


kill the painter for the best early game weapon


Ol' reliable. Saved my gear plenty of times in mediumcore.


A spear is also how I killed Moonlord for the first time. So it caps out early and late


I remember back on mobile there was a spear that would work through a block, and you could blow the door off the temple with dynamite. Golem could damage you if you surrounded yourself with a 1 think block barrier so i beat golem (although rather slow) in pre hard mode, and had a flying hammer that locked on enemies for the rest of the play-through. Man i miss coming home from school and playing terraria on my tablet


It's that knockback