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When I had a video of a guy slashing car tires, I simply copied it onto another empty USB stick and brought it to the nearest police station.


Thanks for your suggestion! Will do tomorrow


I seriously hope your local police department isn’t plugging in random USB devices to their computers. If they are, I hope you are prepared for them to get compromised and al of your, and everyone in your municipality to have their records leaked on the internet


You'd hope they have air gapped cheap laptops for this stuff. But most probably don't.


You live in a funny world, that's life like 10 years ago before the cloud was a thing. He just uploaded the video to Google drive homie.


I can read homie. I was commenting on the post above mine about plugging random devices into computers. I work in cybersecurity. People leave usb drives with malware out all the time. And yes, my world is pretty fun.


They should be fine.


Yeah I wonder what protocol is for that. Maybe they have an offline burner computer for reviewing potentially malicious evidence? I hope there’s something because I work with a shipping company and we are not even allowed to plug a phone charger into the computers there


Called the police this morning. I uploaded the videos to Google drive.


Thanks OP, hopefully the scumbag in the truck gets caught.


you're doing the right thing!


That's awesome of you! Ty for doing the right thing! Scum like this deserves to be busted!!


In my jurisdiction I found an email address for my police department. I uploaded the video to YouTube as an unlisted video and sent them the URL along with the time and place it was captured.


lol you watch too many movies


That is helpful. I will try this way. But YouTube video may affect the video quality.


Youtube quality may be affected by your video


Yes, because the largest streaming platform in the world doesn’t know what 1080p or 4k is. In all seriousness, if video’s look shitty when you watch, it’s because the automatic resolution is lower to allow for quicker buffering. They even support 8k content, so you’ll be fine.


They actually do reduce the bitrate of 1080p and under videos quite a bit which can potentially affect readability of plates. Some people upscale their 1080p videos to 4k before uploading to avoid this.


do you sell paper in Scranton?


Scranton, what?


The electric city


Not sure what you are talking about


The Office


They are implying the parking lot looks like the lot for the building in The Office.


Why don't you call the police non emergency number and explain the situation or leave a note on the red car or leave a note with the front desk in the business you were at?


I found the video after I came back. Sentry mode didn’t have the video on the car. At least I didn’t find it at that time. After I took the drive and look for each video to find the accident time. I am asking the suggestion here. Not to be blamed.


I gave you suggestions...if you aren't still there you can still call police non-em or call the business you were at and tell them. That person likely went into the business to ask if they had cameras or info and may have filed a hit n run with the police.


I called the business but they didn’t pickup the call. The videos are too big to send by email. We will stop by the police office to give them the video s. The license plate is blurry. But we have the time on the video and police can check the cam on the roads. Thanks for your suggestions. I just want to help the red car owner.


I just uploaded it google drive got a link and filled a police report online. if they want to act on thats their prerogative. I did my bit


I feel like that was deff on purpose. Truck owner was pissed the Mazda was parked so close. Stupid by both parties imo


Actually the pickup came later and they left in 3min. Red car was there for at least 20min


Why turn so soon, pull out straight for a bit then turn, dumbass.


I bet it's because "he shouldn't have parked so close to my oversized ego truck".


Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.


Why would he want to damage his truck?


Yeah that's fair I guess, its probably not it, but the tires are so huge it could easily just rub on that low car.


Those ding-and-run drivers really tick me off. Someone backed into my '06 Scion xB in a parking lot a year or so ago and left a dent in it as large as my hand.


why do so many people just keep driving after they hit someone? do they lack any responsibility?


They’re parasites


Cos insurance companies will ream you after


Thank you for calling the police, I had the exact same thing happened to the back of my car and there were no cameras, I bought dash cams after that 😓


Were you able to get the license plate number from this video?


I couldn’t read it unfortunately. But with the video time, police should be able to find it with other cameras.


This is why all states should require a license plate on the front and back. If he had one on the front, you would have a much better chance of it being legible.


Agree. But GA doesn't have it.


Other cameras might coverage of the area, but not detailed enough for license plate.


The restaurant has a camera on the back. Not sure if they can catch it. If they have a front plate that will be much helpful. I have to check all rear camera videos to find this one. The car was only parked there for 3-4min and I have another video 3min ago. I will gave them to the police. Hope that helps.


They won't though. This was in a parking lot. Private property. You're a good Samaritan but ultimately this leads to nothing.


If they can find the person that will help. I submitted the videos to the police today.


Unless that person comes to them they will do nothing. And even if they do they're not going to other businesses to get plates. Sorry. People overestimate what police will and can do in situations. This has no injuries in a public parking lot. They literally could not care less.


Yes I understood. But the local police seems helpful to look for the hit and run. I have a good experience before. They found the person and we use their insurance to pay for the repair. Thanks for Tesla sentry mode to get the license plate.


Is this the wide angle camera ? I could swear mine is different on my model Y


This view is from the rear camera, not the front.


If that's a Cadillac parked almost straight across, that guy's a shitty parker.


Okay, who else was hoping that the Jeep would pull into the space and hit it again?


People that hang their feet out of open door Jeeps… 🤢


I laugh at people who criticize Testla but love the camera feature when their car is it! You’re welcome!


Not sure the PD will even care. It’s in a private parking lot. They MAY be able to get that to the red car’s insurance company, but given the lack of care or most PD’s now, I doubt this will go anywhere.


It's still a hit-and-run, even if it isn't on the street.


I’ve had a few incidents where my car was hit in a parking lot. The ones where i was there and caught the person, the police MAY show up, may not. Either way, all they do is supervise exchanging insurance. They don’t assign fault and explained to me that it’s purely up to insurance. It’s truly maddening that someone can damage your property and literally just get away with it; but they often can.


My loaner vehicle was hit while parked overnight across from my townhouse, on a private street (so same as a private parking lot) in Fairfax County. I called the FCPD so I could have a police report for my insurance company. The officer who took the report told me if the neighbor - who I suspect, but cannot conclusively prove, hit me - ever confessed, I could press hit-and-run charges. YMMV.


What a prick


I am SHOCKED that the driver of a giant truck doesn’t know how to handle it.


As an outsider. What's the reasoning behind some states in America not needing a forward facing license plate?


None of you morons know how to back into the parking spot and stay in the center... So why do you do it?


Police don't care about this


The sheriff accessed the folder. At least they didn't ignore it.


You know they noticed and kept going.


Typical truck driver who bought a truck too big for them to handle properly


Oh they for sure knew what they did!


I raked a neighbor's taillight with my 2nd gen. But I left a note. Great $400 lesson on how to drive better.


Backers say it's safer and I have see this kind of accident again and again.




You can always tell who's a sedan driver and who's a truck driver.


Yeah, usually by the vehicle they’re driving.




In a front plate state you’d have em


That’s right. Unfortunately GA doesn’t have front plate…


That guy pulls out of his park about as well as smart summon does half the time.


Typical ICE driver.


~~ICE~~ pickup. probably in a hurry to go tailgate someone.