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Blood from what?


I’m glad I’m not the only one who went straight there…..


OP probably had to chop chop some parts and dump dump it in a landfill. No evidence must be left behind. 🧐🧐🧐🧐 /s


If you look at their post history a guy high on pcp broke the glass roof and jumped through it.


Ohhhh this car was that video lol


Yeah this was the car the guy fell through the roof of


Guessing you bought it back from insurance?


That was an insane video.


Link to video please.




WTH insanity!


It reminds me of a certain pulp fiction scene……


But I don’t think uncle Marsellus will be paying for this new interior


Unless it's oak.


I was really thinking this was a Marvin situation.




Check OP’s history. naked stranger high on PCP jumped on the roof of the car, fell through, covered the interior in urine and blood.


JFC why was this not an insurance claim? That isn't going to be cheap.


Declined insurance, glass coverage didn't cover the roof and someone smashing through to enter the car.


Lawyer in this case. How is insurance not covering a random person destroying your car? Why even have insurance at that point (SMH). Capitalism really needs a bit more controls/rules. Sorry you got the short end of the stick OP.




What type of financing would allow you to not have comprehensive? Or did OP pay cash for his car?


If he paid cash, why the heck didn't he have comprehensive?!?!


Agreed but that’s the only thing I could think of lol


Maybe he rolled the insurance dice and seven’d out.


I just totaled my 2021 Model 3 because a guardrail hit every panel on the right side and mushed the suspension a bit, but the black interior is flawless. I have no idea how I'd go about getting you the car, but I could make a couple calls to my insurance company if you're interested...


This pesky guardrails jumping out of the shoulder and hitting your car on purpose--geez, someone should get them under control. Oh wait, you mean, *you* hit the guardrail. I understand now.


Please do, I can pay to ship it to me. I’ve been looking into this.


I'll see what I can do. The car was just officially totaled a few days ago and has since been moved to to the salvage yard. Looking into this some more, you might be out of luck: https://www.carinsurance.com/buy-back-totaled-car.aspx > Once it goes to the salvage yard, you will have little chance of getting it back since only licensed auto salvagers are typically allowed to attend these auctions.


Ahhh, yeah they can be tough, if you find out who has it I could call them. Appreciate you and your time!!


My used car was totaled. It was bad. But out of curiosity, I found out what the salvage value was. The car was worth $9000 before the crash (hit while parked). They valued it at $4000. It was eventually auctioned to Eastern Europe. I feel sorry for the buyer, although it was probably OK for parts. Generally, at least in California, I think the insured owner has a right to buy the damaged vehicle from the insurance company, but it needs to be done before the title is transferred to the salvage company.


Apparently totaled Teslas have pretty high salvage values. Probably because they're so easy to total. OP would likely be surprised at how much the car might cost.


It’s not because they are “easy to total” it’s is because the salvage value is very high since the battery pack and motors are usually not damaged. The repair costs for body panels are similar to other new cars, but the salvage value of an ICE car is much much lower.


Op here’s your interior. This is a crazy situation. How did u not know he was on the roof? Wasn’t it your house the car is parked in front of? Gl man this is wild


Yeah we saw him, and yelled at him to get off the car but it was too late. Spoiler alert, he didn’t get off lol


Well he DID get off the roof...... into the car no?


Sorry for your bad luck


Shit dude that sucks. Sorry to hear that. Best of luck with it. Maybe try buying a salvage car for the interior? I'm sure you'd be able to either buy the interior off someone buying the wrecked driveline, or buy a whole wrecked car and sell the driveline.


That’s terrible best on this! Insurance companies are a bane to society!


That’s kinda fucked up. I would argue that the glass roof is definitely covered under glass and if not Comp coverage should have covered everything.


...what kind of insurance do you have? This would for sure have to be covered by comprehensive coverage (which typically covers vandalism, etc.). Did you cheap out and skip comprehensive?


Maybe don’t decline insurance next time?




They're gonna have a Bonnie Situation


Mr wolf was on vacation


Dude fell through the roof


The first rule of tesla club is that you do not ask questions. Now let's help our brother cover up a crime.


OP thats probably a mobster: Nosebleed


Severe nosebleed


Happy cake day




Best bet is probably scrapyards, junkyards, etc. Not even sure if teslas sit at yards like that mainly cause of the batteries and such so maybe not. Perhaps buying a bricked or super fucked up one for cheap at auction would be worth it compared to the estimates.


My 2021 Model 3 Performance sold for $9,600 AUD as a statutory write-off a few months ago. It was a front end collision with chassis damage. The entire interior, MCU, and every body panel from the doors back were brand new. Every panel was PPF’d as well. Whoever bought that got an absolute bargain.


Was it white by chance? MTA bought one for about that price a little while back, so either its the same one or thats just the going rate for these at this point!


It was red


Why did you do this before getting the parts? How much blood than there have possibly been to make it impossible to clean? You could have paid a crime scene cleaner way less than the cost of the parts.


We tried a crime scene cleaner, and the chemicals they used to get the blood off of everything destroyed the fabric. They did warn us about that being the most likely case. At the time, insurance was going to pay out to repair the car, but the claim ended up being denied.


How in the hell did insurance deny the claim?


My glass coverage didn't include the top glass, apparently, or any gamages from someone entering through the roof. Basically I didn't read the entire package I signed.


You try your homeowners ins? If at home it may cover that as vandalism. Also, as to the parts, get a list by pouring through the EPC. You probably won't have to replace the seats completely, but just the cushions and covers. Once you have a complete list, go to a Service Center, give them the list of the p/n that you want to order. If you put it as needing x, y, & z...they will do it. If you say you need a new interior, they resist as they have to look up the details for a ton of parts, which the body shop would be doing.


I would expect the comprehensive to cover it, not the glass rider. Strange they wouldn’t, considering they cover someone vandalizing it.


They were probably trying to use their glass coverage because they don't have comprehensive


If that’s true, that’s just absolutely absurd.


Just a guess since OP just gives vague answers like "not reading the package" when anyone asks why insurance isn't covering it. My guess is he only had collision


I explained the insurance in detail a few times, wasn’t just collision, trash policy though


Who was your carrier?


That's insane


Yeah, that's the way I'd go. Maybe insurance? But still then they pay it so who cares?


Sounds like he had liability only when this happened. No comprehensive.


Google about Rich Rebuilds. He might give you a clue for cheap(not gonna be) parts.


Look on Copart for any totaled teslas.


The elephant in the room: what happened? Did boss ask you to "take care of someone" and you take it the wrong way?


Naked dude climbed on the car and fell through the glass


Oh. You’re the one!!!!!! I remember seeing that post


It happens to the best of us.


What do you mean? How can he fall if he is climbing on. Too heavy?


From OPs previous post. NSFW! https://imgur.io/a/5eSNN3i


Well then…I was not expecting that today. Pretty wild. I would have been pissed. Dam.


You can order most parts direct from your service center


This is why you kill someone OUTSIDE of the car not inside. Amateur


Turo, that is the way...


Hey it happens sometimes. You ever seen Pulp Fiction?


Looks like it would have been easier to just get more blood and cover the areas that didn’t have any. Nice red interior.


Red velour seat covers and fluffy dice on the rear view mirror for that 70s look.


I'd be straight down the scrapyard


You can't make a post about your car being so soaked with blood that it had to be gutted without more info? Did someone die in that car? Is it haunted?


I murdered a guy -s Check out my posts for context, it’s a wild event


You weren’t kidding. I’m sorry that happened op. Good luck.


Wait for of the many "totaled" posts on here and offer an insurance buy back proposal.


OP definitely killed someone


How is the truth even crazier than that… (This is OP’s last post) https://www.reddit.com/r/TeslaModel3/s/xCo9eMFfNv


You won't get away from this, Mr. Killer.


this is probably enough to total the car. have you consulted your insurance? parts cost is probably near $10k did you keep track of the parts you removed? they have model numbers and stickers on most. otherwise login to the tesla EPC site using your account - this is where you browse for parts. ideally you'd be identifying what you're removing as you remove it - the exact interior parts vary by year model. you need to make a spreadsheet of the parts you need. tesla service will sell to you if you create a service appointment and make their job easy with a spreadsheet of parts. Then take the prices and compare to ebay. most of the time tesla is cheaper though.


Why don’t you buy a Tesla with a wrecked battery, but good interior? Then sing “when two become one” by the spice girls?


Try using [http://www.car-part.com](http://www.car-part.com) This is a database of nearly every salvage yard in the US. What state are you in? Choose year, make and model, then start out with seats. See who has them.


Before you go further, do some proper sound dampening.




I’m thinking the cost to replace the interior would approximate, or even exceed, the cost of a used car.


You should turn this into a track car and just buy a new one, if anything.


I mean so much blood it ruined *electronics?*


Buy one at auction that is totaled (battery or heavy front end damage) and use it for parts. https://www.iaai.com/Vehiclelisting/Tesla


Contact Rich rebuilds on YouTube


Attempting that now!


Here is another YouTube channel you could try messaging - dude seems to like helping people out with rebuilding Teslas: https://m.youtube.com/@TeslaRebuilders


Maybe you can purchase a wrecked one and transfer all the interior parts then sell it.


Where’s the before, during, and after Photos?


This post gona end up in court? As evidence?


No. Some guy high up on something got butt naked literally and jumped on his model 3 and walked all over his glass roof for a while until finally breaking through cutting himself and spilling blood everywhere.


Told not to park in SF over night!:)


Dude from the videos; they come find you while you sleep. There’s no escape now.


They can have it. :)


does it still have a clean title? you’ll fetch good money by just selling it for “builds”


You now have a stripped-out car ready for track use. It's a sign to become a racecar driver.


Where you located? Bisforbuild on youtube dismantled a tesla in portland areAa. He may sell the parts?


All you need is *more blood*.


Sell the car to me and I’ll drive it gutted, how much? Seriously, if it’s a good deal I’ll buy it


Just buy a new car lol


Used model 3s are going cheaper than all this trouble…. Sell this.


Yeah that's what's called a "fuck you" price. They're telling you to buy another car by charging you what a new car would cost. It's not worth it to them to do that big of a job. They know you'll think it's ridiculous and not take them up on it.




Turn it into a track car


Try your homeowners/renters insurance. You’d be surprised by how much is covered by that


How is your comprehensive insurance not covering this?! You need to lawyer up and sue the shit out of your insurance company.


He said he doesn’t have comprehensive.


Fuck that sucks. He needs to sell and move on asap


Apology here... i originally called "bullshit". It's all due to my reading skills. I originally read the post as "Tesla got blood all over my car". I thought somebody was blaming the company. Never mind. Again sorry.


Dude. It is a Tesla. You have to be desperate to save on gas to begin with to drive this. This is a complete write off.


I'm calling bullshit on this.


Go back in OP's history - I can see how he got here...


Ohhhhh, this guy. It all makes sense now. Well, more sense.


I wish it was bullshit, that would be way easier to clean.


Time to racecar.


I know this doesn't help solve the problem. But, do I feel fo your. Sooo sad. Hoping you can get the parts or else. Are you options selling the car as is? Maybe can get 10k for it? So sad.


u/Badger--Milk - you do realize these cars get stolen all the time? make an insurance claim. If that isn't your cup of tea... you can always just part out your car!!! Think about all the other guys who have to get blood outta their car and Tesla Service won't sell them parts. You could be the hero to someone else. You might even get $100,000 in parts from this little project.


He only had liability coverage.


Part out the car, make more than the cost to buy the car. Go buy another car...


Poor marvin


I would look into vehicle auctions for a totaled one to strip the interior for parts for your rebuild.


This is crazy


Yikes dude


Tesla Skeleton Edition


What was your insurance company? Was it tesla insurance?


Find the most externally-destroyed similar vehicle you can at auction and buy. It's a shit ton of time and parts, hence why the quotes are so high. If it were insured, this would probably be a write-off, for that reason.


I feel like you’re going about this all wrong. Put in the windshield and a racing seat. Go racing.


Car-parts.com and check with sites like LKQ. You’d be surprised what kind of parts can be sourced. For an issue this big find some shops on the first site that seem to have several source vehicles and call them and explain what you need.


Having worked for tesla tech support. I’ve noticed a lot of owners taking huge risks on their insurance betting nothing will happen. Seen it dozens of times since the Model S to the 3


E3 Customs


You can usually look up part numbers on the Tesla parts catalog (you’ll have to create an account), and then take them to your local service center, and they will give you a quote and order them for you. I’ve done that for some smaller parts, but not sure how an order for “the entire interior” is going to go lol. https://epc.tesla.com/en-US/landingpage


the parts are over the counter. you should be able to buy most of them new from tesla. They know this. Heres the catalog. [https://epc.tesla.com/en-US/catalogs/2](https://epc.tesla.com/en-US/catalogs/2) or go to ebay or a wreker and buy used from salvaged teslas.


Buy a crashed unit from Copart, then strip it for parts.


I think the easiest option would be buying a wrecked one and just moving the interior form the wrecked car to yours.


Prime Body swap candidate


I would try calling an auto upholstery shop and ask them. They should have places to recommend


You sound more calm than someone who got a shopping cart bumped into the side of their car haha


Still looks new


Here in the U.K. we get plenty of white Tesla M3s written off with pretty minor damage. When I trashed my driver side passenger door Tesla wanted a fortune to fit new. Breakers yard sold me one (slightly newer than my car) for £500 and I fitted it myself in a couple hours with basic tools and YouTube videos. Pretty sure you could get a deal on an interior and have a body shop fit it.




Not sure where you are, but this guy is east coast Canada (Nova Scotia), and often has cars/components available Anyone looking for TESLA parts or components? Me and my team are prepping model 3s for a engineering company in Quebec that turns them into training vehicles for schools. That said we are stripping down the cars and many parts are being discarded. These vehicles are not accident damaged and the parts are removed that are not part of the build. If your looking for interior, hoods, bumpers, glass anything I may have something your looking or want to replace on your car. Let me know and I can even put you on a list for the part or parts as the cars come in. PoweredEV Ltd. Give me a call or text 902 229 9906 Thanks Dave Giles


Might be cheaper to buy a wrecked one from copart if 45000 is the quotes that you’re getting


Must have had black seats. Everyone always talks about how easy the white ones are to clean.


45k, u might as well buy a new one


What the fuck? Sue your insurance company.


Ebay or make friends with someone at a junkyard who has access to their nationwide database. This is not going to be worth it in the end.


Soooo many questions here lol