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This is not a great deal


Right? I just bought a brand new 24 x plaid with no miles and paid less than this..? Is this a troll post or are there some markets that have higher prices?


In the us lol sorry I thought it was a good deal


No not at all I’m just trying to understand. I’m in the US as well and that seems to be right around msrp on a new one. How is it possible to option one to be that expensive?


It has white which is extra, upgraded wheel, cream interior and the yoke


How so? Sorry I just thought it seemed like a good deal.


Meh. It’s a demo and only 2k less than what I paid about 4 months ago. Seems like it’s about the same config too.


For the same config? What config is this - it's marked down by 9K.


A few months ago the x plaid was a few thousand cheaper than it is now


92,990 is the cheapest the Plaid has been in 2024. It was cheaper at some point in 2023 (89,990), but that doesn't: * Fit within your 4 month time frame * Cover a $9.5K discount.


You’re right. It was 4.5k difference. Didnt factor in my 3k trade in.


Trying to make the end of June numbers


Look at the used market for your answer


I wish I knew about this before buying my car at the beginning of the quarter. It looks like I spent about $7500 more for my X Plaid then I needed to plus didn't get the $7500 federal tax credit. Oh well.


No one gets it on the plaid, it’s too much for the tax credit


Thats what I like about it. It you got a plaid, you know you aint just one of them “poors”.


So many people have been in the same boat as you. It’s insane how any can support Tesla when they pull off stunts like that.


You gotta be careful with these demo vehicles. When you click on “View Detail”, sometimes they are a 2023 models. I have definitely seen that for Model S


I didn’t know that and that would make a lot of since


It is makes since now


For that price, get an R1S…….


Dude sees 93k and think that is a deal. ☠️


lol 😂 trust me I definitely can’t afford it


This kills me inside a little when I paid almost double, did someone poop on the chairs or something wth man


It’s crazy how much the prices have dropped especially with these discounts


I would have to pay 30k just to sell it, it’s ridiculous


😭😭😭 I’d cry lol awesome car but that would hurt


I should’ve waited for the rivian, maybe the battery is not as good, but the size is what was a big selling point for me


Its just advances in tech and manufacturing droping costs.




170 😭😭


Damn! When did you buy?


In August on 2022


Are we talking aussie dollars here or something becuase In August 2022 the x plaid was 130k even with fsd and every option it wouldn’t be over 150


It came to 145 plus all the fees and taxes, sales tax at approx 10%


Oh gosh, reminds me of the couple who picked up their Tesla before mine. Mid 2023, got my Model 3 because of price discounts. Went early, and while waiting, saw the paper they left on the table, 130k without taxes for their Model X. We got the cheapest Tesla, while they got the most expensive. Told my wife we could get 4x Model 3 for that price. That made me realize the Model X was just way overpriced.


I definitely feel that it was, kinda like with the cyber truck, just a hype and then the hype wears off and your left with an ok car that you paid waaaaay to much for and now can’t get rid of it cause it dropped by 50k in a matter of months


Either sell it now and cut your losses because it’s going to keep depreciating a lot, or remember all the reasons why you pulled the trigger in the first place and keep that car until it dies on you.


I will keep it until I’m old, if it lasts, I’m done buying cars for a while now


yeah, treat it like it’s your real estate. buy it.. and pretty much see how long you can just enjoy it


How can anyone read this and ever support Tesla…


I’m not sure what this thread is about, I thought it was a joke - I just paid basically this for my brand new 2024 x plaid with 0 miles.


This has 22” wheels both internal and external color upgrades and the yoke. Not saying the yoke is better but it does cost more.


No demand means cutting prices to create it. Companies dead.


Ya bro, company looks dead when they have the best selling car in the world. Some people are too stupid to be on the internet LOL.


Yeah it's dead. They are piling up everywhere. Price cuts. Missing marks. Terrible reliability and resale Go buy one No one else is. Corolla best selling car. With no free money. Tesla is just incetivized. Won't hold this year or ever again.


You realize Tesla sold the most EV cars even without incentives right? They were the first (and then GM) to exhaust the initial tax credit. They're also in a position to maximize profits from each car they sell. For example to people who don't qualify for the tax credit they get one build and for those that qualify they get another build that meets requirements. This basically keeps whatever contracts they have with LG or Panasonic and keeps a stream of battery supply. Cybertruck has sold whatever they're producing and they are on track to sell more than Ford's F150 in their first year. If Tesla is suffering the rest of the other automakers will suffer even worse.


It's a car that is running on free money and price cuts. The corolla doesn't have any of that. So by merit alone no it isn't the best seller. Not organically. You will see this year as the wheels are already falling off.


There is no free money. What free money are you referring to. It's a tax credit based on tax liability of the tax payers. A Tesla is cheaper to lease than a Camry at this point. Please go touch some grass or understand how taxes work.


Incentives aka free money. Subsidies. Price slashing.Tax credits etc. Corollas don't do that. Understand that this is Enron 2.0 Good luck. It's dead and dropping like a stone.


There's no free money. Do you understand how any of this works. There's no subsidies when you buy an EV. Government is not paying you. If you owe that much in tax liability for the year you get that credit back. Make too little you may not get the full credit. Make too much you don't qualify anymore. Tesla had no tax credit last year and Model Y was the top selling vehicle in the world. Keep reading those headlines though. My 6 year old Tesla 3 can drive itself, can't say the same for any other 6 year old car.


Subsidies and incentives and tax credits are free money. It's to incentive you to buy something you otherwise wouldn't. It's to create demand. Corolla doesn't get any of that. Do you understand? Your 6 year old tesla cannot drive it self. There is no full self driving capability. Mercedes and GM hands free systems are way better. What's crazy is a 6 year old corolla retains about the same worth as your 6 year old tesla lmao. The only thing your 6 year old tesla has is a interior that's degrading and the worst resale in the industry with some of the lowest reliability known in North America. Enjoy it.


Huh? Those were covid prices. People were paying 60k over asking for a supra or corvette




Took a demo mxplaid this morning with 48 miles with white exterior white interior for 91k! 2 free months of supercharging plus fsd transfer.


Ugh they wouldn’t honor my FSD transfer in April “because I ordered one day late” or whatever crap they said. I still took the car, but I know that the 10k I paid for it in 2021 is gone. I’m glad you were able to get all those freebies.


I went for it.


You bought 1️⃣?


Ordered on March 17, taking delivery tomorrow @ 1000hrs.


Congrats that’s super exciting 🥳


What spec did you order?


Seems like a good deal. You'll love it. Waiting for a refresh. I have a 2021 LRP Freemont edition. Got it with 22k in late 2022 for $72k 😬. But they were hard to come by and this one was what I wanted. So far no regrets. The car delivers in sooo many ways. Fsd for $99/mo ain't horrible and I do love that ai v12. Just needs to learn a few more basic things like common decency. But most of the times it's really nice.




Why's that? 


Spending 100k is a great deal for sure 😂😂😂




Only meant it being 9k of seemed like a big discount but it’s a 2023


It’s almost $10k off, but maybe upgrades you don’t need. Just know, this X will be worth $50k-$55k in 4 short years.


That’s true and I feel like the upgraded wheels aren’t worth the cost and worse ride and range


Those 277 miles are all “pedal to the floor” miles. Pass tbh


That’s definitely true


For $102K this has 22” wheels and some type of upgraded color, but we can only guess based on the price as those features aren’t in the pic.


Yeah but it’s a Tesla so……..


Sweet deal! If you don’t like it, you can easily flip for $50k


Lmao no one is buying these man.


Yeah but not a lot of people buy Huracans yet they don’t drop the price like idiots


Because they don't have thousands of huracans sitting around collecting dust. Lamborghini also isn't promising to make millions of deliveries while simultaneously producing a car that has out supplied/produced its demand. Did you take economics in high school? It's basic supply and demand.


Naw man, I never made it to high school, my mom died before I was born and so I never learned how to read and write so here I am, dumb as a rock


Well that explains why you don't understand simply supply and demand. I suggest you go learn to read and write. Good luck.


Thank you, appreciate it, hope you have a great rest of the day. I will now go and learn “simply supply and demand” lol


You gotta learn to read and write first.


That’s right


Clearly this market has gone to shit because the car is shit. Never again will I be looking at a Tesla any time soon.


What happened?


It's a 40K car. You guys have drank the Kool Aid.


40k for the fastest street car in the world???


Some people are just stupid.

