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$600 up front. That's like a down payment.


My clinic charges $100 for labs, or $200 for a full panel (if you want it), and then $63 a month for T, Needles, and AI (if you want it). Anything much higher than $100 is just a scam IMO. TRT Nation also has pretty great prices too I’ve seen, especially on HCG. My clinic tried to charged me $300 for it.


Name of your clinic?


HRTforLess.com. Found it on this sub like three years ago.


Dave's TRT, Windows, and Siding. If you can find a better deal, Dave will do it himself


Name of the clinic?


I mentioned it above


Larry's Hormones R Us. If your hormones aren't for everyone, what are they for?


Clinic name?


I commented it above. HRTforLess.com


Hey I have clinic in my neighbourhood dm if interested


Barry's bait 'n' trt, for all your fishing and trt needs.


lol why were u downvoted, this is hilarious


Tuff crowd 😂


That’s insane. TRT Nation bro, it will save you tons.


I’m in one of the states that doesn’t allow telemedicine prescriptions from out of state


which state? How do I find out if im in a state like that?


Go to trt nation on the faq. Its listed there




Can I just get the juice?


Jesus christ. That's insane.


This is by far the worst I’ve seen


I got mine prescribed by my Dr. Three months of test cyp for $23 with GoodRX. My wife pins me. Talk to your family doctor n see what he says before going to these clinics.


🤦‍♂️ im betting he has, and i dunno if you havent noticed or what but family PCP are absolute trash at hormones. garbage. the steroid freak at the gym knows more. every other post is complaining about their pcp being dumb. but yes, if you run into a unicorn, of course you capture it


And make sure u never let that unicorn retire haha. All jokes aside, if you go to your pcp already on test from a clinic your more likely to get it. Just don't listen to any advice or recommendations from the doctor but at this point you should know what works for you


Yeah. My PCP has me on 100mg per week. At the end of the week I’m at a 546 and doc says my levels are good. https://preview.redd.it/oxn4kbbo0m1d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c720b03e41eb90fbdf90a2f506b3307ba9a0f12 Thinking about trying a Urologist


I mean you’re literally at decent levels. The reality is most people who get on TRT want to be on a legal permanent cycle. Why is 550 not okay? Also the fact that you say “end of the week” leads me to believe you’re probably far higher throughout the rest of the week.


100mg got me to 450-500 at first. After 4-5 years of TRT and lifting weights, the same dose gets me to 900. So if you’re worried about not being high enough, it may go up over time.


Yea throughout the years body becomes more efficient removing the carbons attached to the exogenous Testosterone increasing your levels over time. I noticed the same thing at first with 200 mg they put me at 900 ng/dL now with that dose I’m hitting 2,200. I’m doing 100 mg per week and I feel awesome with 800 ng/dL why would I want more? After 1000 I don’t feel good sometimes more do less


> At the end of the week I’m at a 546 and doc says my levels are good. Your doctor is right. A 546 trough level is right where TRT is supposed to put you. If you're looking to blast supraphysiological levels of testosterone, personally I'm not going to tell you not to -- I think we should all research the risks and decide for ourselves whether to go beyond just "replacement" and up to "enhancement." But for true TRT, getting your total T up to 546 is a perfectly good outcome.


dude did a trough? for me 500ish is too low, but sounds like symptoms are good…? Sounds like the dr is doing all the right things! awesome. tbh, id be inclined to tell him, lol.




Amazon 1ml 29ga by 1/2".


That's perfect.


I hate you. OMG I wish I could find a provider that would be willing to prescribe TRT. Enjoy it!


There is a doc who charges by the minute. Ontop of the outrages regular pricing program he had . Way to make sure your clients don’t ask questions with that crap.


Fuck that shit. Post who they are so we can shame them publicly


I second this


This has to be marek right.


Sounds like Marek to me. I started with them when they first started and was way more affordable. They were making it mandatory that I had to do these 600$ panels twice a year along with paying the doctors fee and their shipping prices doubled. It was getting insane for me and all I was literally buying was Test for the most part tried L-carnitine a few times.


Marek is only like $150-200


Not necessarily. They have options of blood tests they off


Custom lab builder


Not for what they've been making me do since I'm on TRT. It's about $600 for labs plus $250 for the physician follow up. The physician decides on follow-up frequency is what my PCC told me. At a minimum it's twice a year now (Sometimes I've been hit 3 times in a year. Looking at $1,700 minimum for labs and to be a patient. The meds and shipping keep on getting more expensive, Derek used to upsell that the money is made primarily on consults which is not the case. Vitamin E bought through Marek 90$ same exact brand/ dose and quantity is on amazon $60. HCG was $400 when I first started and is now $600 as some examples not including hefty shipping costs. The physicians and my PCP have forgotten previous conversations we've had in the past time and time again when trying to "dial" in. I at one point was happy with how I felt, they adjusted my dose down anyway based off of my total T number alone, I did not feel good at the lowered dose. It seems they are chasing dollars and although the labs are comprehensive the care is not high level as they touted in my opinion. I'm looking to switch to get more affordable medication/ labs.


Bro just self administer and do custom lab builder through marek


Ugl / home brew / private blood panel. All in all about 31 dollars a month.


This guys got the right idea


I'm in the uk, but the whole TRT clinic vampire businesses are the same everywhere. I started 3 years ago and was paying around £160pm(203 dollars). Called my Dr from the clinic because I had some issues and he was dismissive, eating on the phone and clearly at home. So, I decided 4 months in to just do it myself. Do my own blood's, take whatever I want, currently running trt with primo, added some other bits in a few months ago. Far more freedom.


Thinking of switching to this too but what do you do when you go abroad? How do you get your vials and needles through customs?


Test undecanoate. If Im going away for two weeks or more, then I'll just pin that the day before. Or pin a higher dose the day you go away. It's not complicated, and you're not going to feel much difference missing a couple of days.


Undecanoate only Esther? great choice! Would love to run undecanoate only for my trt have only ever had it when using sust or some blend. But undecanoate, very nice.😉


I went with TRT Nation for a little while, until I realized they don't really monitor my labs or seem to care about anything but selling test. I then went ugl for awhile because it was cheaper and I monitored my blood levels periodically. However I never was able to get fully dialed in this way and wanted to quit because of it, but quitting was terrible. So I finally found an endocrinologist who was willing to work with me, but first I had to have labs showing low test. So I had to come off for awhile which was miserable but now I am working to get dialed in.


Private MD labs I used along with Life extension. About $150- $250. Full panel for males, lipids, glucose, insulin, thyroid, testosterone, estrogen, inflammatory markers. $600 is insane


FML I’m in the wrong business. This is becoming the new-age pill mill scheme. Next thing they will begin offering is tests showing low testosterone levels for an added fee.


Fuck me


I have a disabled uncle that will do labs for $15 - hmu


You guys don’t understand, the more you pay the better the quality /s


i used some of those clinics, they kept getting my order wrong or forgetting the order, and then the doctor needed consultations every 5min it was ridiculous


LOL how do they get away with this?


After my $100 visit I was told $895 for a 2 month Trt plan does this seem right?




Like 250-450 for 3 months TOPS. Bloodwork is like 150 or less without insurance.


Just go to a damn urologist. They'll even do your blood charge your insurance 25 bucks and then put you on trt.


alphaMD has been great for me. $49 for the initial consultation and $129 a month. I got my initial labs done at a private lab for less than $300.


why the fuck would you pay 130$ a month for what? for 50$ i can buy Test 10mL vial and enough syringes for 15-20 weeks self inject, why are you paying subscription fee they are ripping you off


Well, my PCP wasn’t going to do it and I don’t feel comfortable getting test from a UL. I feel more comfortable working with a provider that deals with TRT on a regular basis and getting supplies from a reputable pharmacy even if it’s at a “premium”.


wait till you hear they make test from wild yams and the chinese sell it for 15 bux in a pharmacy, yes it is real. Pfizer bills insurance like 200 for a 10ml vial, lol, the anti aging clinics are scams, they are providers that don't have your best interest in mind. I would argue an ugl has better customer service and get your own bloodwork. 


I agree but thats hell of a premium to pay just for some cheap test


72 biomarker blood panel is really comprehensive. I actually think it is worth it. Do you want help to optimize what is actually wrong or you just want a dumb doc to prescribe T?


How many markers are in a CBC and CMP panel? That + the standard markers pretty much covers it. Sounds like it's marketing spin


They may actually help with more than just testosterone. Sometimes you actually don't have a testosterone problem. You have some other deficiency. Some more advanced clinics actually have a lot of treatment options and even help with longevity.


This. It depends what you’re looking for, op. If you want help, it costs more. The cheaper it is, it becomes more diy.


Insurance is best if you can find a place that does it, that is the pickle


I’m trying Teladoc today, maybe they will at least refer me to a urologist


Is there any telehealth hrt that does insurance or is it more likely to be found in a in person “men’s clinic” or whatever


I use Hone, my insurance accepts them


Struggling to find any mention of insurances accepted within their website. How easy was the process? I’m already on trt so I assume that would make things easier. At least it did with my current clinic


They didn’t guarantee it would work through insurance, but the pharmacy ran it and it approved. Even with good rx, much cheaper than many of the online clinics that only provide through their pharmacy


Are you referring to Home Health? They take insurance? Im ugl but Im going to be in a position soon where I'll need a script. Might just photoshop a Walgreens template tho


Hone Health. They don’t directly take insurance but they let you forward to your pharmacy which will run insurance. No guarantee it will get approved, will vary between states and insurance plans.


That's the cheapest part anyways, good rx has a coupon for 20 or 30$ a test vial tops


With my insurance I picked up 8 vials today (200mg each) for $20 total. If you can get insurance to work, it costs almost nothing.


That’s ridiculous


HELL NO BRO! that’s an absolute gouge, other places are extremely overpriced. This why i turn to UGL, blood work is a must as always, but what choice do we have brother. That $599 and not including product is insane.


for real bro


Just to be seen by a nurse practitioner who is far from highly trained in anything related to hormones


that nurse practitioner is also a puppet for the owner too, if they don't prescribe gear, they are canned


One quoted me $850 out in Woodland Hills,ca I just laughed at him and said I’ll find a UGL


was that the man clinic at that big fancy white building? I used him when i started out, he was okay


My dr just prescribed me it….30 bucks for a 3 month supply


So dumb. My insurance fully covers my labs. I also don’t pay a cent for testosterone. I was legit hypogonadal and insurance considers it a health problem. I feel bad for guys that are testing right above what they consider normal but it’s obviously way too low.


Ahhh consult with Transcend I see


Comprehensive panel from my place, $300. Consult with a RN, $130. Typical lab panel $250. 200mg order of Test Cyp, $130. Once a year I order a form with my order history and submit to my insurance. Nice little bonus that pays out.


Dang, that's outrageous! It's like they're milking folks dry just to get some blood work done. Reminds me of when I got quoted an arm and a leg for an MRI. The healthcare hustle is real, man. It's like they see us as walking piggy banks. Gotta watch out for those shady clinics. Bet there's gotta be some cheaper options out there, though. Maybe check out some local labs or something. Stay savvy, dude!


I sure hope that at least includes the first vial of meds...


Tbf here I pay 500 at a private clinic for a full panel


I pay 0 for a full panel with my PCP (with insurance of course) Seems ridiculous. Other clinics only charge 99


Yea my doc doesn't do hormones so I do private lol. If not then my insurance covers it aswell.


What do you mean doesn't do hormones? If you request labs they won't do them?


Yes, she knows I'm on gear and helps me with blood pressure etc. But her clinic doesn't offer hormonal health medicine so she doesn't even test it at her clinic. Switzerland is weird like that man.


Some U.S. providers are not comfortable with doing hormone treatments either.


Yes and tbh I prefer that over a doc doing something he/she doesn't know enough about.


Yeap me too


Not just Suisse.  My insurer is an integrated health system, and their protocol literally ignores hormone data for primary care, so docs will refuse and fight you if you don’t have a specific health concern that *they* deem hormone related.


That's crazy talk. I can only imagine how much they're going to charge for a year of hormones.


I've never paid more than $200 for extensive bloodwork, and that's without insurance. WTF???


What lab?


$600 for the initial blood work? Must be nice to have that type of money.


Why not go to a urologist?


Comprehensive better include the first 3-6 months of test.




run friend.... take UGL gear from good source and avoid these idiots.


I've seen worse. Just keep looking.


Hey bud, I work with an anti aging clinic. Full lab panel is $250… however if your insurance will cover labs, we can always provide you with a prescription for the labs no problem. Only other start up cost is phone consultation with one of the Doctors (mandatory requirement for telemedicine) which is $250 as well. PM if you want some more info. And usually if your insurance covers the therapy it doesn’t matter if the clinic accepts insurance. In such a case you should be able to pay out of pocket and your insurance should reimburse you. They require a few documents, however your clinic should be able to provide you with them, as long as everything is being done legally and properly.




That’s insane








LOL! Bro I pay $50 for mine. A comprehensive blood panel will cost you $120 at most where I'm from.


There are like 10 other clinics that are cheaper


Private healthcare for you. Sorry you're going through this. If you're still serious consider talking to your PCP and getting some labs done if you can get your health insurance to cover it and then bring those results to a board certified endocrinologist. Best of luck!


It’s probably the doctors fee and everything included. In Canada we have to pay either a one year “fee” or seasonal 300$.


$600 depending on what the markers are and if it includes a doctors consultation is accurate. If there doing it all SHBG, DHEA ( very expensive lab ) . Yes a normal just total T is cheap but to have cholesterol panel, kidney, liver , full blood ain’t cheap Keep in mind this is with no insurance, go to a hospital and this will cost like $1000+


Run like the wind!


Call around a lot of places with do a self pay testosterone test for like $20 dollars. Just ask what they need tested and go pay cash at the hospital or clinic. My doctor told me to get it done and they charged my insurance $900 dollars and after insurance still tried to make me pay $500. I was like fuck you went to the lab asked what I was tested for and how much a cash payment would be and it came out to $220 dollars and I fought it and they let me pay cash.


I use Pinnacle Health & Performance. Initial consultation is absolutely free. Labs are $150-200 depending on the number and type of tests, and a 20wk cycle of 200mg/wk cyp is under $200 with alcohol wipes and needles included free of charge. You don’t pay monthly either, it’s as needed. They completely changed my life and are phenomenal to work with. Highly recommend them!


All this does is make it seem like an incredible financial undertaking, especially for young people. Young people generally are not that financially secure, and when they're depressed and fatigued because of low T it just compounds the issue. Basic labs starting labs shouldn't ever be more than 100 out of pocket in my opinion, especially considering how cheap they really are to run.


Its not insane if its an elaborate blood test . Bloodtest arent so cheap like you think