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6 weeks into trt and working out consistently, relax bro.


😂 I got the bug, now I want to get bigger!


I take 200mg a week of Deca. Keeping prolactin in check will help prevent deca dick. Also as someone else stated, deca shuts down your HPTA axis pretty fast and hard. Deca stays in your system a long time. If you need TRT going back natty should not be a concern because why would you want to? Deca can cause some of the same side effects as other 19-Nor compounds but usually at a lot higher doses. 60mg should be safe and low side effects if any. But everyone is different.


Interesting. Thanks for the input. How do you keep prolactin in check? I was a borderline case to be on TRT, but finally took the leap. I’ll be honest I don’t know if all the pinning and fucking around with AI and enclo or hcg etc is for me. I’ve thought maybe I’d try to come back off at some point. Does taking hcg/enclo help with the whole shutting down of the HPTA axis thing to alleviate that concern for me?


So HCG will keep some of your production going. How much depends on how well you respond to it. Prolactin can be controlled with P5P if it is minimal or Caber if you have a lot of prolactin issues. I do not take enclomiphene or HCG personally.


Enclo is a no, even 50mg a week of deca will shut down all HPTA, dont know about HCG but I doubt it overcomes it either.


Bringing your balls back up to regain fertility.


nand may help with joints at most with that dose


No added anabolic effect at all? I guess it just seems like the more anabolics in system the better environment for muscle growth?


it will at a normal dose but sub 100mg won’t do much at all.


I love it at small doses, really builds mass and joints are smooth as silk.


Small means how much small?


100mg a week


Thank you for the response. That’s what I was hoping to do by taking it. My joints really aren’t that bad at the moment, yet. So I guess it was more about throwing in some extra anabolics for growth.


Small doses doesn't build anything. Just lubes your joints and makes them.feel better. I do 50mg a week just for joint health. Get zero gains from it. Even at a 100 a week don't see gains.


What’s your T dosage, and were you taking T for long before starting it? Any issues with Deca dick or anything at that dose?


I was on 200mg a week of test before, then when they added the deca we raised my t to 240 a week.


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Well shit it’s the Deca ester


If you do, look into npp which is a shorter nandrolone ester compared to deca


Thank you. I honestly don’t know what ester is attached to what’s coming. Didn’t get the bottle yet. But yea was hoping for a shorter ester.


This shuts down your hpta hard, if you use it could take half a year to clear out of your system. If you come off or want kids it will be much tougher. Keeping the dose low prevents sexual side effects, you won't see estrogen sides on deca but protestegenic so anastrozle will do nothing.


Thank you. Is it the nandrolone itself or w the Deca ester specifically as far as it taking long to clear out?


NPP will clear out faster.