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"Holy money-laundering, Batman!"


"Churches" are tax exempt; one reason the political fight comes from them. Make no mistake, this is a *political* battle, intentionally labeled as such ... who can argue with religious conviction? I will. Because law decides the question rather than doctors and a woman's conscience. *They've become political entities; tax churches ....*


Jeremy Story's "Campus Renewal Ministries" in Austin is one to look into too. He hasn't filed a 990 in years, claiming he doesn't have to, and got kicked out of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability to boot. The last 990 he filed showed him managing that organization into the ground - he took a 120K salary and a 16K conflict-of-interest loan in a year where the organization ran a deficit that halved the total amount of assets on hand (assets on hand went from $230K to $108K, while revenue was $811K and deficits were $933K). https://projects.propublica.org/nonprofits/organizations/742876018 He also got PPP loans that were, unsurprisingly, paid in full / forgiven by University Federal Credit Union, despite normally banking with PNC Bank (including the PAC that he formed, Round Rock One Family, which attempted to run five absolutely batshit insane candidates for the RRISD school board in 2022 and got stomped like a late-harvest Gewurztraminer). https://www.federalpay.org/paycheck-protection-program/campus-renewal-ministries-inc-austin-tx To top it all off, he has repeatedly refused - for over a year - to provide his 990s / 1023 / 1024 forms to written requests, as all 501(c)(3s) are required to do by federal law. There's not even a physical campus for his "church" - he used to share space with an Evangelical group around the corner from UT, then went to a PO box in Round Rock, and now uses a PO box in Bastrop for it. There's no regular worship services or anything that would qualify as a 501(c)(3), and Campus Renewal Ministries as a group sure hasn't had any _public_ activities in years. And yet _somehow_ he's driving a Tesla, suing school districts for baseless reasons with the help of Mayes Middleton and Warren Norred, and has 7 kids (as befits a Quiverfull grifter).


Abortion is a political issue for one reason - because white Christian nationalists wanted to segregate their religious schools. That's where it all started, and that's where it all stayed. Look to the white christian nationalists, especially the wealthy ones.


Note mention of the Texas Supreme Court. Every judge was first appointed to conveniently open seats by Perry and Abbott, all I looked at are Fed Society members, funded by “evangelicals” Tim Dunn and the Wilks brothers. This money laundering is minor compared to the $millions donated by Wilks and Dunn. Ferris Wilks has a church too, but the $millions they and Dunn donate goes through the ALEC affiliates in Texas. Empower Texans was the first one, got some bad press after a meeting with a known white nationalist leader, so they created another. Money trumped ideology for the Wilks, they sold their fracking and production company to a Singapore investment entity for $3.4 billion. Profits from Texas are going to Asia.


I have always said that I would stay in Texas and use my voice andu vote to fight to make it better. But I think it's time for me and my family to bail. Texas is becoming terrifying. As a woman. As a mother to a daughter. Blue states are looking better and better.