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You report every 90 days if in Thailand. If you go overseas then the count resets to 0 days when you return. If you travel a lot you end up rarely having to report in country because you never reach 90 days. Simple snd easy, why so much drama ?




That's certainly the information (report writing 2 days) i received a number of times prior to COVID. After the worst of COVID, i was travelling so much that I forgot all about it and never reported. I'm in a more stable travel pattern now, so went down to immigration upon returning from overseas recently and they looked at me like I was a crazy person for trying to report. So who knows... but I'm personally only reporting if I'm in the country over 90 days.


No, you should not need to do a TM30 each time you leave the country. Who told you that? Unless it's your immigration officer, disregard it.


How about the 90 day reporting would you happen to know if 90 days starts from each time I enter Thailand ? Like what if I need to 90 day report and I’m not in Thailand at that time. Do I report soon after I land (because I don’t report when I was out of the country) or simply wait a further 90 days from arriving ?


Yes, resets every time you re-enter.


Wait 90 days. When you report you enter the date you arrived in the report.


nobody gives you the correct info because it depends on your immigration office. some require your landlord do a TM30 each time you come back some don’t, you need to go there and ask. the 90 days report on the other side resets every time you re-enter the country


People never say “I don’t know” because there is no accountability. Happens in the US as well, but to a far lesser extent.


I don't know the rules today but a few years back it reset everytime you enter the country, as you had to give the adress you were staying everytime this made sense. That being said, I did brake the rule a few times, especially when I knew I would leave and come back shortly after the 90 days. Back then I am pretty sure there was no enforcement whatsoever.


Yes, a TM 30 must be submitted 24 hours after arrival. There is no exception listed per https://consular.mfa.go.th/th/content/80939-non-–-immigrant-visa-“o-x”-(long-stay-10-years)?page=5d68c88b15e39c160c0081e5&menu=5d68c88b15e39c160c0081e6


That was relaxed a few years back. https://www.bangkokpost.com/learning/easy/1941068/tm30-reporting-rules-relaxed


I would ask the local immigration office to make sure the rules are clear. From the article: “Landlords are still required to report the arrivals of tenants within 24 hours or face a fine up to 10,000 baht.” Which contradicts what is said one paragraph above :( But do you have a copy of the police order though? Or a reference to it?


Like everything else in Thailand, it depends on your immigration office. For my area, no need to do the reporting at the time of entry. But next time I need to do something at the immigration office (90 day reporting, extension of stay, etc.) I need to do the TM30 at the time.


I came in on a 2 month tourist visa from the USA last year and that was the first time I heard of address reporting. They told me when I went to go extend for another 30 days that I should’ve reported to the town’s immigration office when I arrived in my 60 day tourist visa. Not sure if this is a new policy for more than one visa type or what, but the next time I fly in I’ll stop by after I land


Officially, yes you do. The reason being is that you must still do 90-day reporting with the O-X visa. If you leave the country then your 90 days resets to when you return. I guess you could just act like you never left and keep doing 90-day reports based on your original arrival date, but good luck with that. Edit: So I did read several articles regarding relaxing of the TM30 requirement for those with multiple entry visas or re-entry permits. But as OP stated and anyone that's been to an Immigration Office should know, what the actual law says and what is enforced are not always the same, and vary based on individual IO's. Ask your local IO and go with what they tell you.


The 90 days resets the moment you come through immigration on arrival You don't need to report until approaching expiry of that 90 day period. I do it online on my PC, it can be done I think 15 days in advance. It takes 2 minutes to fill in, I get an emailconfirmation when sent and a few hours later another email to print out a notification completed which I carry with my passport. I'm an Aussie on a Married Thai visa and travel occasionally.

