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Alot of drinking, and shorter railings makes a difference. Even the couple of inches shorter railings in SEA messes me up.


This is true of Bangkok too but you never really hear about it here, at least no way near as much and there's even more tall buildings and drunk foreigners. Don't fact check me on that though.


Maybe BKK is where the more trained Drunks go, while the Beach Towns have more inexperienced Drunks that mostly are there for Holiday. That don't know the dangers yet.


Well, that's certainly a theory you have there.


Username checks out




I'd say that premise holds water. BKK is where the older Brits go, and they can handle their alcohol. Sure, they like the beach, but don't want to live there.


Really? You never hear of it in Pattaya? Maybe you must be new. I've lived in Thailand for 13 years and always known about Pattaya + Foreigners "falling" from balconies. The frequency this past month is concerning though.


They call it the PFC, Pattaya Flying Club... That's true. It happens all the time...


I believe the comment was you never hear about the stuff happening in Bankok if you are in Pattaya. Not that it doesn't happen in Pattaya.


>Really? You never hear of it in Pattaya? Read what the commenter said. > This is true of Bangkok too but you never really hear about it here


And I think he meant that the railings are also short in BKK but you don't hear about so many "falling"


The guy is in Bangkok "here". He didn't say that he doesn't hear about it happening in Pattaya.


Or there are not as many Russians in BKK.


+1 about the shorter railings. It’s very disconcerting


Don’t forget the escalators in some malls…crazy how open they are.


The height of guardrails and barriers is scary as shit in Thailand. I'm average height and they still freak me tf out, I couldn't imagine being some 6'4 Dutch guy. In one of my apartments, the loft's guardrail was up to my hip. The loft was my bedroom. I sleep walk and often jump out of bed when I sleep walk. Being within a few feet of it, and getting off balance for whatever reason would get my heart pounding. I don't think the height of guards/barriers in Thailand don't scale proportionally to the height of Thais compared to westerners. If that were the case, the average Thai would be like... 5'1.


I think if I was prone to sleep walking, I would live ground floor only with elaborate locks. The only thing worse than accidently falling off a balcony would be all these losers making the same 3 jokes about your tragic death.


I live on the 27th floor with no balcony thank goodness (just floor to ceiling windows) but def glad no balcony


Probably was the average height just a few decades ago. Old people are pretty well always very short. Some middle aged are Farang size but not many. Young people (students), very common to be tall, males in particular. So I guess they need to update their railing height "requirements" but the rich in power are too busy fighting to be richer and more powerfuller.


Pretty sure common sense goes out the window when people are drunk... If you're asleep, close the windows and turn on the AC.


Not just their common sense by the looks of things


I’ve seen friends’ balcony railings on the 28th (or so) floor in Melbourne, Australia that only went up to the guys’ waists and no one was very tall. I couldn’t go out on the balcony and I am not tall


What about if you were 6'4 and not from Holland...? 😉😜


I prefer to take the elevators at Terminal 21 for this reason. I don’t like heights. I wouldn’t call it a phobia but I try and avoid situations as much as possible. MBK has scary ones too.


You took the word out of my mouth, I was there last week on that escalator going up on the 5th floor and I cannot begin to tell you how scary it is when you look down as there isn't a rail guard. Same thing in Malaysia also. I prefer to walk up. IMO all those escalators in Malaysia Singapore and Thailand are freaking scary as hell.


Yeah that long escalator up 2 flights is \*\*crazy\*\* on my acrophobic brain. I \*\*cannot\*\* look anywhere but straight ahead, and I grip the handrail as if my life were in the balance!


Try being afraid of heights and having an atrophied leg because of spinal surgery and nerve impingement which causes you to lose balance often.




Taking the escalators in Terminal 21 in Bangkok always scares me. I’m surprised we haven’t heard of more accidents from there. Guess people are sober enough when they go shopping.


I fell over a balcony in Gili T (Indonesia) it's a pretty remote island, broke my collar bone and got concussed for 10 minutes pretty lucky I'm not dead to be honest as I landed on my head. Went to light a smoke and lean on the balcony but it was way lower than expected. Can 100% accredit excessive drinking and low railings as the cause 🤣


Knew a pattaya bar owner a few years back called Noddy, he died off a balcony in Vietnam, having a smoke on the balcony apparently. First thing in the morning, poor bastard


Sorry that happened but how is Gili T a "pretty remote island"? It is literally 20 mins from Bali.


When you need a hospital it's a boat ride and hour and a half drive into lombok, that's remote enough not like your in a city. Also it's a hour drive and 30 minute ferry maybe longer from Bali😥


Oh you went to a Lombok hospital? Which one? I had to visit a clinic there and I wasn't a fan at all to say the least.


Yes I did, I'm not sure I think it was about a hour n half drive or 2 hours from the gili side dock area? It was a while ago but I remember it being a decent lil drive. I thought it was pretty decent tbh far better than I thought it would be, clean etc. all though apparently he MRI and X-ray I had were super av rage quality. It was only $70 for each though so I wasn't complaining. At least I could confirm my brain wasn't bleeding 😅


Aw that sounds horrible, so sorry you had to go through all that when it was supposed to be a fun time.


Not to mention kitchen sinks! I feel like I can wash my dishes and tie my shoes in the same motion!


So true


It’s so sketchy around Siam paragon or other places I just stay in the middle of the escalator lol


True - it's a question of pivot height. Anyone who has carried a large piece of wood understands. That several inches is the difference between falling over with relative ease - versus significant energy being required.


I can’t go out on balconies of friends who live in high rises and this is Melbourne, Australia. Some of those railings are waist high on like the 27th floor. I am so glad I don’t have a balcony


To be fair, I'm also worried about falling off mine and I don't even drink or party. Up in Chiang Mai though. I have a bird net on my balcony and despite that, the other day when I was hanging clothes to dry on hangers and on my drying rack... a bird appeared from the top of my aircon and was flapping around like crazy into the net and was trying to get out. Scared the shit out of me and my balcony isn't that big once I unfold the drying rack and shimmy around the two chairs I have out there. My railing is also about waist high. Had the bird flown into me and I took one instinctive step backwards I'd have had a high potential of going splat. Meanwhile, my friends, family, and Reddit would have been left wondering what sort of shenanigans I may have been up to. My next building accommodation will either have a much safer / higher rail or I won't be above the second floor.


I lived in a building that had added a foot onto the existing railings, it was a wise thing and perhaps should be mandated. and, while many may be accidents, some of the deaths are suicide, for sure, maybe some are murders too.


You would have caused bird nets to be banned for the rest of us after they found you at the bottom tangled up in one.


Not only that, but what about floor to ceiling windows? Are they strong there or shoddy?


Or just stay away from the balcony?


second floor wont save you lol


I mean, second floor into the grass or garden below could kill someone. Sure. But more likely just going to send them to the hospital. Guess it depends on how you land.


Release the poor bird ffs


It's not there anymore. The net isn't perfect and there are gaps around the top and bottom. It's a 30 day AirBNB rental so I'm not going to fuss over it too much.


Have we tried outlawing tall buildings?


Tall building are fine, it's gravity that is the issue.


This is an easy fix. Just make jumping illegal.


Life sentence prison for suicide!




It's the perfect crime. Killing people in Pattaya is too easy to get away with, especially foreigners. Throw them off the balcony and nobody questions it.


I've recollection of a girl who fell from a building a few years ago. She was topless and holding a broom. Her boyfriend said she jumped others said they heard them fighting. Police couldn't care less and he just hopped on a flight back to Australia.


Absolutely... When you're an old bugger and you become more valuable dead than alive, the missus just arranges for one of her brothers/husband/boyfriend to come and chuck you off the balcony... Job done. 👍


If you have ever broken up with a Thai woman you know what that can be like. I suspect many are victim to vindictive ex's making up stories and sending her "brother" and some of his friends over. And considering this is Pattaya where people mess with bar girls and are too dumb to realize bar girls are connected to the Mafia, I speculate people get pushed a lot. An other factor to consider is Thai women are statistically the least faithful women on earth. Around 60% admitted to have cheated on their husband in that Durex study. I wonder how many of these jumpers got pushed after some guy found out he was sleeping with his wife.


Absolutely. Especially bargirls... A lot of them are really damaged and are absolutely fucking mental. Down the years I've had a couple of situations that have deteriorated into crazy drama... But you live and you learn, and you do learn how to avoid it. 👍


That's why you don't get married.


Everyone knows some envelopes for the boys in brown and they will look the other way


Outlaw gravity


90 missed calls from Newton


There is a law already


It’s not the fall that kills you. It’s the sudden stop.




Not really. It’s the sudden stop.


Valid point


we need to outlaw gravity!


Outlaw gravy, we want sauce






Outlaw mavity


Outlaw vity


Gravity weighted down our soul :v


If you outlaw tall buildings only outlaws will have tall buildings.


Shhh. Don’t give the government ideas. Next it will be “no foreign ownership above 2nd floor in condos. “


At least not Russians, for their own safety!


They’d have to remove doorknobs too


I mean, the answer to why this keeps happening is actually very obvious (and has been for years) and easy to fix, yet nothing gets done about it. The guard rails are too low, and instead of stopping you from falling, they carry the momentum of your upper body forward over the short rail. So easy to see, so easy to fix, yet there will be headlines about the "mystery" for decades to come.


Similar to the “mystery” of excessive road deaths. Nothing to do with handing out licenses like candy, ticketing no one and not bothering to punish truly horrendous driving.


Just bad luck about so many brake failures. Everyone knows you can drive as fast as possible in any conditions...as long as the brakes don't fail.




It's a pretty simple solution. Renters needs to start refusing to rent from buildings that don't have railings that are up to code. Hitting them in the pocket is what gets shit done.


But isn't the problem that the "code" is different (lower height) in Thailand than in the west, due to the shorter average height of Thais?


That's probably an aspect of this issue. From what I recall reading, a common minimum height is 90cm (3 feet for us yanks). Depends on the city though. A railing should probably be well above the central pivot point of a human to be effective. That 90cm is probably above the Thai national average average waist height, but may actually be closer to a westerner's midsection. It then becomes a fulcrum, and human's carry 60-70% of their weight above their hips. That aside, I've noticed some newer homes and hotels seem to have higher rails. The hotel I stayed at earlier this year had 121cm (4 feet) railings.


The hub of building falls.


is her the fifth body fallen from the same building or fifth in Pattaya?


5th in Pattaya. I think they’re going for a perfecta. Every building in Pattaya


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face) spooky


I know we keep asking for farangs to stay grounded in Thailand, but I think they are misunderstanding us


They’re planting themselves and putting down roots


Best to have low floor accommodation. I live on the second floor


Low floor or no balcony and small windows.


Falling from the second floor could be fatal or, worse, handicapped.


There is not much height between my floor and the ground - will not be badly injured


The next logical step for our discussion is to do the experiment.


You volunteered


Ok if I don't come back to comment in a day, you will know I am right.


OK, more than a day now. You ded?


I'm back and have proven that falling from the second floor results in dead. I took 3 days to resurrect myself like how jesus resurrected himself after 3 days. Sorry for the delay. I don't make the rule how resurrection works.




Guys, I found the messiah


Or just live in a house/villa.


Getting? It has been this way for decades.


It's amazing that there is a contingent here that thinks that a band of ninjas has mastered the ''murder disguised as suicide' gambit and are roving around Pattaya looking for victims. This band apparently has the wherewithal to disable all CCTV cameras both within and without buildings and floors so that their dirty deeds will go unseen. On a more serious note, if you watch the Thai news videos about these cases rather than the English language knock-offs, they will almost always show numerous copies of CCTV shots and stills, none of which EVER reveal anyone being tossed to their death. Of course that won't quell the conspiracies. Obviously building management, the security team, and the police have all been infiltrated by the ninja murderers.


You get a lot of old buggers that have run out of money, (usually because it's all been taken by some 21-year-old bar girl) run out of options, got nothing to go home to... So jumping off the balcony seems like the best idea.


How do they take it unless married? I don't get it. Can bargirls seriously just access your assets and wipe you out that easily?


It's not about them accessing the man's assets, it's even worse. It's about the dopey simp giving all their money to some young bar girl. Then what quite often happens is once they've built the house and squeezed them as much as they can, the boyfriend or the husband turns up and runs them out of town. This is surprisingly common. But it's difficult to have sympathy when you have a man in his 60s or whatever who actually believes that some hot 21-year-old chick, a prostitute no less, is into him for love, and actually finds his old sweaty fat ass attractive... it's pathetic behaviour. The only thing I can say in their defence, is that some of these girls are absolute experts at doing what they do. But even so, you would have to be some right deluded dumbass... 🙄 Check this dude out, he's actually managed to invent new ways of getting done over... https://youtu.be/pS8HWTucc4U?si=9qTX6_2QZn_WwUL2


I take it these are the same people who believe a porn star is messaging them on instagram from a backup account that doesn't even spell the real one's name correctly.


Lol... Probably 😀


It might sound cold but at least they got something however small out of it for a while. Love scams are increasingly common in Australia and they usually only involve online relationships. Not just men either, lonely old women sending hundreds of thousands to people they've never met in person. It's really sad preying on someone's desperation like that but as long as they exist the scammers will keep trying.


Indeed. I think the main difference is the amount of blokes that come to Pattaya and fall into this trap. I mean we're talking a lot... Not to mention the fact that the women are prostitutes. Some of these men it's the first girl that they meet in the first bar on their first visit there. There was a time I had a bit more sympathy because if you were a lonely, widowed elderly fella and you go down to Soi 6 for the first time, sure they would eat you alive, they've got no hope. But all you need to do now is spend half an hour online, And it's all out there. There are hundreds of videos telling you exactly what to do and what not to do. But these men still come in their hundreds and actually believe the delusion. Oh well, up to you as they say, doesn't affect me so I don't really care. But I think it can have a knock on effect in terms of the fact that that is why a lot of these girls think that they can treat Western men the way they do, because so many of them are such weak simps. Remember, their nickname for us is water buffalo, because they can lead us around by the nose... 😊 🐃


I have seen that before. Good watch. Now, was this before or after the same Aussie guy hosting the channel got screwed out of his bar and business by his girlfriend? Dumb and Dumber with these two. Lol. I don't think anything more ironic than Aussie in Thailand's closing comments can be found on the internet.


Lol... I had no idea that had happened. I did briefly meet the guy hosting the video in the Kiwi bar in Jomtien, I was visiting my friend who worked in that bar. I did speak to him briefly, didn't seem the friendliest of people if I'm honest. So his girlfriend did him over and took the bar from him? Anything online about that? I do love a good Pattaya car crash story.... 😆😆


Yeah, he's been posting about it. This comment on one of his videos sums it up nicely. "Occasionally I tune into this guy’s life in Thailand my advice is what ever he does do the opposite" [Abused and Threatened (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GO9CLxB1ODY) [(17) Hard Times - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SY2DzbC6v50&t=367s)


Yes, one of these recent ones, the USA one I think, cctv had him leaving his 21st floor room (perhaps no opening windows?) taking the elevator to 29th level garden with balcony. The earlier one, Russian, had been arrested and charged with sexual assault, had no money (asked landlord for credit).


Almost every case I have seen involves running out of money, drug abuse/alcoholism, health issues, or the end of a romantic involvement. Or some combination of those.


How does the end of a romantic involvement in Pattaya cause someone to end it? I don't mean to sound shallow, but relationships can be so easily replaced there. I know individuals can't be, but there are a great many individuals and yours was not the most wonderful be-all-end-all of them.


Sounds like a complete list to me. Think you can remove "almost". Quite an earth-shattering revelation!




Do you have any evidence whatsoever that any of the Pattaya jumpers involve someone those agencies needed to silence? We are all ears.


He's joking


You think they don’t do that? I’d suggest you investigate more cases, it happens all the time.


That wasn't my question. My question was about evidence. Without any evidence it might as well have been the Easter Bunny for all we know.


I'm sure they do occasionally. A number of Russian billionaires dies from 'falls'.


And they’re not commiting suicide because they’ve hit rock bottom and run out of money….


He's being sarcastic 😂




I do really hope some buildings refit their railng, and new buildilngs will have extra space between the railing and the outer space(not sure how to call it, but not just slapping balcony merely 1 inch away from falling to your death).


Pattaya flying club strikes again


Wtf is going on in Pattaya? That's ridiculous


not even from pattaya but damn the school railing is low, even for middle school. I can quite literally go splat if I lunged forward to much. That was in my first year too, a midget like me can roll forward near the railing too much and I’d die


Noted, only stay at the lower floor


That may not work either if you lean over and get hit by falling objects.


Depression from living, married life, economy, environment are the key of suicidal.


Men who are married live longer, except in Pattaya...


The “Russian treatment”?


Female? That’s weird. Are lesbians investing in Pattaya girly bars now?


All things are possible


Amazing Thailand. What are some good names for a lesbian bar in Pattaya? Fistie’s has a nice ring to it.




Add campaign “Run With Scissors”




Les Bar


Les Beu


Les Beau


We're talking about lesbian bars, not a Jewish Water ice stand


Pattaya is giving Dignitas a run for their money.




Alcohol + drug + high-rise with nice balcony + Pattaya = Flying Farang®


Pattaya flying club strikes again


This has been going on for the 20 odd years I've been in Thailand and still the same 🐂💩. Pattaya is a great place to commit suicide.


Why "great"?


Thailand, get your shit together. This sounds too Russian


This has been a problem forever now. Pre pandemic I heard about these a couple times a week. Typically it seems to always be the same story. Certain types of depressed people come to Thailand thinking it will "Help" them feel better, they blow all their money. Turns out it doesn't actually help and then this happens.


Well back in the last century it was that way with California.




Yeah… That’s too many now


Its Pattaya, so potentially trippin 24/7?


Some just don’t have common sense. Alcohol + height = danger. But then again people still drink and drive


Having a kid that sleepwalks is terrifying. We lock the balcony door at night.


It’s a bad spirit doing it. (If people died a lot in short periods of time Thai’s people believe that the place was cursed and need to be exorcised fast.)


Serial killer?


That takes this to new heights.


there was a very interesting website documenting the deaths of foreigners in thailand. have not seen it around for a few years, I think they did such a good job of documenting the deaths it pi ssed someone off somewhere as the site vanished.


Another addition to the Pattaya Flyers Club.


It can happen so easily. The railings come up to your waist. All it takes is one misstep.


A lot of debate about railing sizes. I don't think that has anything to do with it in Pattaya. As long as they are climbable then result will be similar, it's usually intentional.


Funny that no one is calling Pattaya "Death City" like how many call Ko Tao "Death Island"




If she was from the uk is normal behaviour nothing to worry about


I’d jump from a balcony if I lived in Pattaya too


I had a room on the same floor (33) of the hotel that the German guy fell from last week. All rooms have balconies, but the railing is not really short/low. And I'm 6'3". But still he fell...


She just found out her cash cow is skint


Middle east is looking better every day


People always say alcohol. But what’s the other country where people fall out of windows all the time? And has had a huge influx of people immigrating to Thailand in the past like three years? I guarantee those two things are related.


The jump is not the problem, it’s the sudden stop that gets you


I’m Thai and yeah this happens a lot more now days plus many stress depends on if they just found out maybe bet on something and loss their money. Thai people love shortcut usually lead them to poverty. There’s many reason and cause it’s said but yeah…


Sounds like they need to lose some stories in Pattaya


So I asked Lord ChatGPT about balcony railing regulations in Thailand. Here is what was said: Quote... In Thailand, building regulations regarding balcony rails are governed by the Thai Building Control Act and local building codes. While specific regulations can vary, the general requirements for balcony rails in Thailand are as follows: The minimum height for balcony rails (guardrails) is typically 1 meter (100 cm or approximately 39.4 inches). The spacing between balusters (vertical bars in the guardrail) should generally be such that a sphere with a diameter of 10 cm (approximately 4 inches) cannot pass through any opening, similar to international safety standards. ...unquote. This height is slightly higher than the U.S. regulation height of 36 inches (91.4 cm). The spacing requirement is tighter than for the U.S. as well (4 inches (10.2 cm)) So, assuming that too much drinking + short railings = Pattaya Flying Club, then it isn't even that the proper rules aren't in place to prevent these tragedies...it's a lack of building code enforcement...which may or may not be facilitated by brown envelopes. "This is Thailand"


In other shocking news….water wet.


Thailand needs to get its corruption problems way under control, this is ridiculous.


I'm from the US, and I could swear that they were always up to about my sternum in that country. Here, they come up to my waist/beltline (\~100 cm). Which is fine when people are around 5'0" to 5'5", but when you're 5'10" it ain't high enough to feel at ease.


From the description and the parking place picture it is the usual VT6 building again. RIP for the lady.


Whats getting ridicilious ? people not able to handle there liquer and getting so shitfaced that they fall of there balconey's ? It happens alot here in Pattaya because most railings are actually pretty low for western standards making farrangs who are ussualy taller than thais fall over them more easily especially when they been drinking or doeing drugs or both .


How many of these "falls" are homicides and suicides....


Probably all of them... this comment section is so wasted. How can ppl make jokes about something like that? Such a shame - disgusting humans


Mostly homicides. A lot of desperate people come to Pattaya and invest their life savings in “local businesses.” Then suicide. Rinse and repeat. It is an old racket run by the boys in brown mostly. Sometimes Russians. Sometimes both. Some bars have the same expressions of interest signs on the bathroom walls for decades. Some mothers do have ‘em.


5 in a month? Surely there's gotta be some foul play involved? That seems very improbable.


You don't need to ban tall buildings, just don't allow white people to enter. Treat them like black and brown guys at the club.