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The cops keep talking to him as if he didn't tell them he's deaf 20 times.


The cop said. No. He’s not being compliant. That’s like a minute after he said I’m deaf


This is why I'm glad I'm not American, what an unbelievable s\*\*\*show these videos are. Those stupid guns laws bring cops to be the most paranoid cops of the earth, thinking there's a threat at every corner. Not to speak the very poor training and lack of common sense these people have. As european, this is simply mind boggling to me...


it’s not the gun laws. it’s not the public. it’s the police and their union.


Yep. There are no consequences for these morons. They should be sued individually so no money comes from some stupid "police union" and if they're short $0.01, it's prison for 50 years and and the first bail hearing will be 55 years after the sentencing. Then they go back to prison where they rot like the scum they are.😁




what do school shootings have to do with cops abusing authority and getting off on qualified immunity? serious question.


If a police officer doesn’t have to fear a gun on every person, he acts way different. US police always shouts and panics like they afraid to loose their life. In the non PvP areas of the world police can assume that the other person is at worst armed with a knife.


Not every state allows people to freely carry guns, I am from a no concealed carry state, New Jersey where it’s illegal to carry, and we have far more incidents like this then states that do allow concealed carry, so unfortunately that logic doesn’t apply here. And FYI, with or without the right to carry, the most dangerous criminals in the most dangerous areas, will most likely carry, legal or not. This is more because cops nowadays see everyone as a threat, men more so, big men even more, and black/minorities the most.


That may be *A* cause but you’d be delusional to think that is *THE* cause


No it's called overreacting because most can't handle the stress of you get false police reports and officers make mistakes. I've had officers pull guns on me a traffic stops even though there was no danger to them.


Jokes on you, we’re already used to it


I dunno how long u been watching videos man america looks like hell if u watch too much content


Oh it is. We are prisoners with streaming and smartphones. Oh yeah, and crushing debt


we pay the IRS to not send us to prison


Paranoid is the perfect description


I'm not just taking a swipe at them but most beat cops are dumb. Even many detectives aren't the sharpest bulbs.


Yea most cops are right out of highschool with no further eduction. I would say being a cop has become a fall back job for the lazy.


Not commenting on cops or their quality....but there are plenty of intelligent, hard working people that do not seek higher education, jussayin. Not everyone can afford it. Not everyone desires it. Doesn't necessarily mean they are stupid or lazy.


Yea I’m one of them. I think cops should be required to get some sort of degree or license.


Kinda concerning when a barber needs more training time than a police officer


most goverment employees should be required to have a degree... TBcompletelyH the government should be some of the most educated and informed people out there


Facts. If we can have a standing congressman who lied about his education we have a problem.


Agreed. I think the biggest problem is the country needs such a high number of cops (huge area. +300 million people) it is an exorbitant cost to raise the bar on training and discretion of hires. The money is definitely there somewhere, but until it is allocated better, I think they are stuck taking whoever they can get. Shame. It is such a dangerous, important job...it needs a high caliber person in every position. Can you imagine if people had to start paying a new cop tax? Anarchy lol. Hopefully, politicians can do something right and make something happen. We probably shouldn't hold our breaths.


I had a friend who after college joined LAPD. While in training he said the amount of children/trainees who just want to shoot a gun and become police is crazy. He quit soon after completing training. Didn’t want to have a partner who’s primary goal was to be a bully.


I agree. I have friends in the Midwest that make 90-100k and went to tech school for 9 months. A lot of cops just like military recruits have a preconceived notion that is swiftly shattered by the reality that not everyone standing next to them has the same morals. It’s a mix, like every other single job in every sector. People suck and people don’t suck. Changing it is not possible.


Honestly 2-4 years of your life paying a ton of money and not working? Then all these people unable to find a position afterwards? Fucking brutal.


Smart people dont end up as cops.


They're specifically rejected


If you notice at 37 seconds, he's letting them know he's deaf and the cops are acknowledging it... while they keep the taser going. You can hear them say "ok" while the taser continues to pop. At that point, they are just torturing him.


I’m guessing they’re mentally deaf.


Lawsuit their asses for a good billion and I bet you they would stop that kind of crap


But the cops don't pay the settlement, tax payers do. There's no repercussions for these cops except for a paid vacation while they investigate themselves. We don't need more lawsuits, we need reform so cops are held accountable for their own actions. People complain all the time about how they don't want to pay for someone else's health care etc. This is what they should be pissed about paying for. Now, I'm not saying this man doesn't deserve his due. This was a fucked situation on so many levels. My point is just that this crap won't stop until we demand serious change.


Nobody ever accused police officers of possessing high intelligence.


I hope he sues the shit out of them. What a traumatic experience that must have been. Edit: Didn't see the whole video. Turns out he did. Good.


The cops don’t care if they get sued because The taxpayers have to pay, not the cops.


They'll probably get a paid vacation out of it too.


No worries, the cops will be protected under "Qualified Imunity". Got to love US laws protecting bad police officers.


Paid time off followed by a promotion in 6 months


Fuck those cops


Fuck every last one of them.


If anyone gets the names of these cops, I would happily report them frequently until I see action. I come from a deaf family and that’s so wrong


If you notice at 37 seconds, he's letting them know he's deaf and the cops are acknowledging it... while they keep the taser going. You can hear them say "ok" while the taser continues to pop. At that point, they are just torturing him.


What are their names? Put these fucks on blast, they should seriously watch out for how they treat people in their communities






Fuck all cops


Is stupid a requirement for the job?


Yes it is. There's precedent for barring "high" IQ's from law enforcement. I put "high" between air quotes because I believe the score that was considered too high corresponded with about a 115 IQ, which is imo the bare minimum for any position of power. In the US, it's somehow the maximum.


There are reasons you don't want someone too smart in these positions: because you still want them to comply with their higher ups without question and to never think through the actions they take in the performance of their jobs...no matter how shitty.


Oh I know the reasons. They arguably make it worse, though. Blind obedience without self reflection usually ends poorly.


Most of them are high school graduates. Literally a job that gives you a gun and say treat every single interaction as a threat, and you can kill someone and say you felt threatened, you can get away with actual murder only requires a high school degree or GED. Also, you only get 6 months of training, unlike every single first world country, who requires over 2 years of training and a college degree. So now you know how stupid cops truly are.


Don’t just arbitrarily dump on people without degrees…. I’m met some seriously stupid college graduates and some very smart people with no further schooling than HS whatsoever.


I have mutism ( can not talk ) and got accidently arrested by police but thought I just didnt want to respond but I was unable to with cuffed hands :)


Did you sue? You have a right to remain silent.


You have to invoke that right though. You must say, out loud, something to the effect of "I am invoking my right to remain silent." The Supreme Court ruled that if you don't, then you are waiving that right.


But.... How if they are Mute? They literally can not talk out loud it has to be written or sign language. So does that leave deaf people and mutes just high and dry because they can't properly, or at all, say a particular phrase? Just curious cause wording has been really SUS recently in a lot of laws and bills being passed, and that would seem like another attack on minorities.


I believe there is a exception if you can not talk but I do not life in america so idk


No because I understand that it not a everyday thing to meet a mute also when I got to the station and they found out I mute they where very nice and even ordered food for me to say sorry. And lel I understand my right officer :)


They were sucking up because they knew they were facing a lawsuit


:D lel but nah I been mute my whole life and got many of those interactions I now have clothing with big letter that say stuff like wont talk because I can not talk and people still asume I talk


What causes you to be mute and not talk


I was born mute part of my brain that control speech did not grew and is now sending wrong signals like if I say A my body want say B and because of that I only able to grunt


i find it so surreal to see a mute person talking via text lol


:D how so?


it's just seeing a person who can't talk let their inner thoughts flow out onto the world you know? it's pretty cool to see


Lel :D never knew I am intresting and cool :P


Worse part is they still trying to move accountability on to him like this is his fault smh cops are trash in America I mean TRASH


They keep yelling at him after he says he’s deaf 🙄 pieces of sub human shit.


Alright, it's painfully obvious the guy was signing to them. Even without any knowledge, he's clearly showed them he can't hear. So. How in the hell are there what seems like 3 fucking officers and not a single functioning braincell among them?


they thought he was throwing gang signs, the west side mimes, or the deadly quiet elders,


The initial line in the comment was funny already. The gang names... Priceless.


Just constantly showing how fucking useless they are.


They aren't useless. They oppress the masses in America and protect the wealth and power of politicians and the oligarchy. They are the biggest hurdle in America when it comes to equality. People refuse to unite against them because of propaganda and division spread by the government. They are extremely useful to those in power.


Surprised they didn’t kill him.


The deaf man deserves some kind of compensation for sure… these cops should also be fired


De-licensed/certified so they never get to be LEOs again


Translation: 00:34: What are you doing- 00:35 - I can't hear! I can't hear! 00:37 - I AM DEAF! 00:39 - I AM DEAF! 00:42 - I am deaf... 00:44 - I am deaf... 00:47 - I am DEAF. 00:49 - I am DEAF! 00:52 - I am D-E-A-F. 00:54 - You all are still talking with your mouth?! 00:56 - I AM DEAF. 00:58 - You all are still talking with your mouth. 1:02 - Am I under arrest? (OR Handcuff me here?) (I think he was telling the cops to handcuff him in the front, not behind, it is a common thing for the cops who have received training to deal with deaf people by handcuffing them in the front, so they could communicate with cops by writing down notes, signing or spelling.) 1:03- Am I under arrest? (OR Handcuff me here?) 1:04 - Write it down. 1:06 - Write it down? 1:15 - A pen and note, anyone? 1:23 - A pen? 1:25 - A pen?! 1:28 - I need a pen to write?! 1:58 -2:02 - You all still keep speaking with your mouth at me?! I AM DEAF. You all kept tasing me while I am on the ground! You all are STUPID! 2:01 - (A Male Officer) - What's your name? 2:05: (Deaf man)- J-O-H-N! 2:09 - (John) - Are you all STUPID or what? 2:11 - (John) - FUCK YOU ALL 2:12 - (John) - I AM DEAF. 2:15 - (John) - You still keep speaking with your mouth at me?! Shut up! 2:18 - (John) - You are stupid! 2:19 - (John) - Why are you still keep speaking with your mouth at me?! 2:20 - (John) - How can you fucking understand me?! 2:24 - (John) - What do I write down?! 2:25 - (Male officer) - Name. 2:51 - (John) - I did nothing! 2:54 - (John) - I did nothing. 2:58 - (John) - You tased me and -- you tased me too. Why?! 3:00 - (John) - Why? 3:03 - (John) - Why? No - why did you tase me? 3:04 - (John) - Why? Why did you tase me? 3:05 - (John) - No - stay away from me. 3:11 - (John) - I need my glasses. 3:13 - (John) - Where is my glasses? 3:16 - (John) - Glasses? 3:40 - (John) - Hold on, I am typing. 4:00 - (John) - You all are idiots.


Thank you for doing that!


A quiz for the US. Who attacks more people on the streets in the US, police or criminals ?!?


Once you establish that the police in this country have no responsibility to protect the people, they're just another gang of criminals to me.


The police are criminals lol


Why de-escalate? Then you might not have a chance to use your taser. /s


Cops are TRAINED to treat every situation like a nail and hammer, that are NOT trained to deescalate or care for ppl.


This is why I will NEVER EVER, as long as I'm breathing, have respect for cops. Fuck the police forever.


Imagine if they handcuffed him.... Cops: "What's your name?" Him: Cops: "WHAT'S YOUR NAME?" Him: Cops: "Taze'em again, He isn't respecting my authoriti."


I hope they were fired on the spot cuz those cops are stupid


Lol, first time?


Nah I hope alot


He/she/they did use the word *hope*, much like 99% of folks seeing this video. I would actually taser them the same number of times as they did to this poor chap, then fire them (as a MINIMUM).


This is exactly why I hate police… the ending of that video sums it all up: “If circumstances dictate it” They get to determine that… translated it says “if I feel like it” From the start of this video, it’s clear this guy can’t run, and he can’t even get off the ground without help…


Cop training in the USA might be a problem. Norway 3-years of training. From 2002-2016 they had four (4) fatalities due to the police. Finland 3-year degree is required. Seven (7) people were killed by police from 2000-2018. Germany 2-years of training. Two hundred sixty seven (267) people died by police shooting since 1990. USA A high school diploma and approximately tweny one (21) weeks of training. One thousand four (1004) people were killed by police in 2019 alone.




Fuck every single cop


Exactly why we need better police training.


Domestic terrorist union will take that under consideration.


Yes exactly finally someone who isn’t yelling “ACAB!! We need to defund the police!!” Because police won’t go anywhere and if you defund them it will only get shittier, what you need to do is put more effort into each individual cop instead of teaching them cool kid codes and how to shoot guns then throwing them on their way to literally defend people, no mental evaluations or nothing just someone shows up and they do a few push ups and they’re off (obviously it’s not that simple but my point stands, Americas police are undertrained asf)


All cops are bastards.


Also coke heads. The amount of cops I’ve seen banging lines in bar bathrooms in my lifetime is way too high.


America is meant to be the country of the free , but their police are like crazy prison guards , if this happened In England there would be uproar




Police investigating themselves to find out that they did nothing wrong, I do love it...


Coming from a deaf family, these cops have karma coming their way


Not unless some deaf people are gonna go tase their asses unprovoked.


That's deplorable.


I'm sorry but the dumbest kid from your hs became a cop. The kid who got picked on and wants auhority for all the wrong reasons became a cop. The worst people who could have the job currently hold the job. We should expect these kind of results


What more can you expect when all you need is a high school diploma in order to get a badge, gun, taser, a pension, and the right to murder with impunity…


I love when cops tase you and immediately tell you to put your hands behind your back and then charge you with extra things when you dont comply. Like budd, im having an electrically induced seizure, i have 0 control over my body.


Time to start shootin back!


Thing of the past. Note the video is 2019. By now, every American knows, if the cops are around, you're going to have a bad time and you may as well just surrender. It's 2023, cop killing/abuse/beating/standing-by-watching-kids-die-in-school-shootings/are every day news.


They must make their mothers proud.


Nobody asking how you have a minor spat with a deaf person that leads to the police showing up? Naruto?


Maybe the deaf person was being to loud and didn't know it.


All. Cops. Are. Bad.


Oops, you idiots..


There is a lawsuit of course. https://www.ksat.com/video/news/2023/03/02/culture-of-impunity-san-marcos-police-facing-civil-rights-lawsuits-for-using-taser-on-2-people-including-man-who-is-deaf/


Thank god he was not a pantomime! Seems that everyone gets tazed or shot then figure out later if it was justified, like fishing in a small pond with hand grenades, do great harm to many in the hopes of catching something even if it is only one bad apple, the rest were victims of circumstance.


The idiot cops suddenly find out he is deaf so one genius rolls him face down and shouts "hands, let me see your hands". Like that would help? WTF!


Who called the cops is the question I have.


Some nosy Nelly they couldn’t even locate.


The average IQ of American cops is below room temperature


So useless…




They need to outlaw the torture for compliance tactic these cops use. They call it many different things, but that's exactly what they're doing. Torturing people.


This is so hard to watch. And to handcuff him too. Madness.




Three cops on a old fat deaf guy and you need to use non-lethals?!


Some cops man. They deserve to be security at chuck E cheese.


They deserve to be behind bars, actually.


stupid fucking cops..


512-753-2108 (the number you can call to file a police report for that department)


The cops have to provide a interpreter


Fucking embarrassing


Absolute fucking swine.


Civil Rights violation. There's a federal lawsuit.




Shoot first, ask questions later… San Marcos’s finest


I'm surprised they didn't shoot him for writing with a deadly weapon.




Fucking pigs. Always escalating before they even know wtf is going on.


As an American on the opinion of American Police: Fuck the Police/ Cops! Fuck them all! Fuck them and their mothers! This is the only country in the world where the cops DON'T PROTECT AND SERVE their community! Give me the cops from autocratic countries instead!


Cops are not needed. How can people still defend this kind of behavior?


Okay. Embarrassing for everyone but it checks out.


WTF MAN.....ARE YOU STUPID OR SOMETHING??? Please train these men better


"im deaf" "put your hands behind your back!!!" i facepalmed so hard I'm surprised i didn't break my nose.


As I always say, fuck the police


Lol American cops are the dumbest people on the world holy


NWA said it best…


I read the title first and though, they teased a deaf man behind his back? How rude!


i dont think they get a pass, but they couldnt know he was deaf. they should have investigated more, and this could have been avoided. at least they didnt kill him with a real gun. thats a positive step for the bullies gang!


The fact that the taser didn’t kill him isn’t a victory. Taser’s can kill anyone, it just takes a tiny heart condition for your heart to stop beating after receiving multiple rounds of being shocked.


i really thought the /S didnt need to be pointed out, as it read, but i was obviously wrong


> but they couldnt know he was deaf They also couldn't know if he was actually guilty of anything. But when he "ignored" them, he committed the most heinous crime ever: their feelings were hurt.


I can't even watch this. Needs a NSFW tag for me.


Hope they filed charges for walking while deaf and resisting false arrest. Clear violations here.


Fuck these power tripping cops


Cops aren’t the smartest bunch.




These idiots should have been left to fingerbang their noses while slurping beers under the bleachers, rather than be allowed to gradjumitate from high school.


In singsongy voice: SOMEONES GETTIN SUED.


All this money towards police and they can’t be trained in idk maybe encountering someone with a disability?


Why are there so many cases like this? Are the cops in the US dumber than an illiterate person?


God this breaks my heart. Poor guy. How many times do you have to say I’m deaf before these assholes stop trying to talk to you like you can hear them?SMH 🤦‍♂️




Acab ftp


Cops are out of control.


Standup, rollover, all those fucking commands for what?! For being deaf??? Fucking crazy assholes…


Cops are literal idiots these days.


You’re walking away, time to use force


Fucking brain dead cops


Cops just want an excuse to shoot their toys. Except it causes extreme pain and sometimes death. We need better means and methods. These guys.


They should have been pilots. Apparently there is no training that's important there either


Cops suck. Their commanding officers suck. Chiefs suck. The entire sept needs training, people need to be fired and there should be a weight limit.


Im beginning to think a college degree should be mandatory for this job.


Who needs empathy when you can just tase somebody and beat them down?


Tyrant pigs


Please fire the police officers who decided to taser a deaf person. WTF IS WRONG WITH THEM?


Fire the cops. Bury the ashes.


Same old story, different set of ignorant pigs.




Fucking pigs. ACAB.


You can hear the taser continue to go well after the man says he's deaf.


I would get a divorce if my wife caused this to me. She should know better that call the Police on her husband. Homicide by Cop is a thing in US.




Even if he was going to stop and turn around in the very beginning. They taze him before he can get off the street and onto the sidewalk.


The design is very american


we need to start suing the cops pensions, not the city


I hope they all get prostate cancer.


Holy shit this just perfectly shows what terrible training American police have. They had literally zero idea how to react even after they had fucked up and noticed he was deaf. Just all making random hang signals to him.


If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times. Fuck. The. Police.


It's called a police state.


These cretins could not even help their victim find his glasses, or hand him his hat?


I can’t tell you how many times I read “Cops taste and assault a deaf man”