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Religious extremists of any religion need to go.


Religion should not be in politics at all.


Religion is a poison.


4 words too many




Priests rape children, and churches protect them. Religion has no place in politics.


No they don’t, you just hate religion.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catholic_Church_sexual_abuse_cases#:~:text=The%20report%20estimates%20that%20216%2C000,of%20the%20victims%20were%20boys. https://www.npr.org/2021/10/05/1043302348/france-catholic-church-sexual-abuse-report-children And that's just catholics. I don't hate religion, just the institutions and those that support their corruption.


So because some priests have done something bad then they are all bad? All religions bad?


Well, you literally said they don't and then we're proven wrong and now you're saying "some priests" Sure it's not ALL of them, but it is the A LOT and the church almost ALWAYS covers it up. Religion sucks


I see my comment went over your head a little bit but I was saying the churches don’t protect them. How much is “A LOT” what percentage of priests are child molesters? Source = trust me bro


I'm not even American but I feel sorry for you.




Lmao you didn't read the link that was posted to you did you? I'm sorry that you have such a hard time believing that churches cover up child molestation, but when it happens in your church don't act surprised


It tells me they're bad enough to have no part in deciding what is and is not moral. Look, I'm not christian, explain to me why I should be denied access to contraception, why I can't gay marry, why my kids can't get sex ed at school, why a women can't get an abortion, why I can't get composted after death, etc... because some christian groups say so. Tell me with a straight face that your religious beliefs are morally superior to mine, and you get to dictate how I live my life


My religious beliefs are morally superior to yours. Now that I get to dictate your life, turn from your sinful ways, grab a Bible and start reading. If you trust in Jesus I promise you peace in your life to the extent you never thought was possible. Why you shouldn’t do certain things will be absolutely clear once you put your trust and faith in Jesus. From that point on you won’t even want to do any of those things.


Yes. All religions bad.


Sounds awfully prejudice, but this isn’t your first time is it?


It's the fact that people believe they're special because they think they're in the "one and only right religion". That they can completely justify dictating things for other people because, to the religious person, other people don't know better. It's the other way around. And for priests, they're in a position with an extreme amount of responsibility. They can so easily change the minds of people who are vulnerable for their own selfish interests, and being around kids so often brings out the nonces. And there are a lot of those. That flavor of religion in particular does worse than most others because of how common it is and because of how the bad people protect each other. When priests are caught but not able to be legally prosecuted, most of the time they're just transferred to other churches.


The misinformation people have is crazy. Priests are not these all powerful beings that can do horrendous things with out consequences. If a priest breaks the law they are arrested and prosecuted, I don’t know what makes you think otherwise. The Bible and Jesus are the authority not priests, they just teach the Bible. As far as “the one and only right religion” Jews, Christians and Muslims are all monotheistic religions who believe in the same god, the god of Abraham. That’s 75% of the world believes in the same god, but yea you’re smarter than all of us because you don’t believe in any god.




So you took them saying no religion in politics, and turned it into them saying all religion bad. Way to stay on topic. To bring it back, yes, there is absolutely zero place for religion in politics. Its what on of the main concepts this country was founded upon. Freedom of religion. If you think religion has a place in politics, what religion? Because if you open the door for one, you open the door for all. Always loved this quote, " You know the difference between an Athiest and a Christian? A christian believes in 1 god and thinks the other 2,999 religions are wrong. An atheist just doesn't believe in 1 more than the christian.


Politicians are representing we the people. The majority of the people in the United States are Christians, if religion has no place in politics the majority of the population would have no representation. Making the only people who actually have representation would be the very small amount of people who think they are smarter than 90% of people who believe in the same god.


Correct. Freedom of religion is only a thing If it doesn’t infringe human rights, this law goes beyond that, PRO CHOICE.


They should all just cut their short stay on earth even shorter and head off to Heaven or wherever they fuck they think they are going for eternity


Its a problem. Always been. We always fall for it and never learn. Again and again


bye bye MAGA


MAGA is going nowhere. It’s just getting stronger everyday. The more they go after The Don with their frivolous nonstop lawsuits, the more people realize how evil the Democrats are.


MAGA is weaker everyday. Democrats aren’t evil, but that isn’t how your Facebook fiction is written the party that forces birth on women and blames immigrants for everything (just for starters) is evil MAGA will die soon the culture war they want us fighting distracts from the class war they are winning


Hahaha you’ve been watching too much Rachel Madcow.


I never watch MSNBC do you live in the US or are you paid to troll?


Frivolous lawsuits? That's funny. He did most of his crimes out in the open and left quite the trail of both evidence and co-conspirators.


Name one.


Oh, I can name several. Insurrection against our country including trying to overturn an election. Remember the perfect phone calls about "finding him votes"? Hiding the top secret documents in plain view, moving them around, and lying about it. Writing a check to Micheal Cohen to reimburse him for paying off Stormy Daniels using campaign funds. Cohen was already convicted and served time for this one.


I should have known you watch too much fake news.


Fake news. That's laughable. It is incredible to come across individuals who have fallen for Trump's lies because he's not even a *good* liar. If you manage to elect him, expect the wealthy to get wealthier and the rest of us to carry more of the burden for them.


I would like to see you say that to a Muslim.


A human life doesnt stop being a human life if you arent religious. It’s basic moral ethics. Dont kill humans. Abortion is wrong.


Then don't get one. Easy.




“Basic moral ethics”? You can’t have watched the video.


The country was great. It was great because American's focused on their commonalities instead of differences. That no longer exists. We live in a world of extremes now, where sides are unwilling to comprise. This is the fault of christians and other religious zealots. You could have left well enough alone and not bothered with people who don't believe the same way you do. But no, you had to force your views on everyone else. I don't just disagree, I disdain them now. Anyone who would rather impose suffering on others over a difference of beliefs does not deserve to be called "good" or "kind." Monsters.


Religious zealotry is one of several lenses easily applied to the problem you note. For me, it ultimately boils down to critical thinking.


It wasn’t ever all that great, and it never did all that much focusing on our commonalities.




Some crazy guy started a hilariously unpopular "turn the other cheek" trend 2000 years ago. It was as hard to accept as wird pronoun trends are today. It was accepting of far to many people and it made the ruling class feel uncomfortable. Lots of violent people wanted him harmed for it, just like lots of violent people are barely holding themselves back from harming all these pronoun-progressives today. The violent people won out and killed that "turn the otehr cheek" guy for his views because they were too new, unfamiliar and uncomfortable back in those day.ls. Let's see what violent people do to those who have novel views in this day an age. Social evolution is a funny thing, that.




You exist in a country that was founded primarily on a Christian ethos. How someone can be so historically ignorant and still brazenly confident is beyond scary. You can ignore the reality all you want but you’re still wrong.


You mean the Christian ethos that supported slavery, the non personhood of large swaths of the population, and the offering of children to strangers for sexual enjoyment like the daughters of Lot? That reality? Leave the misogyny and unfounded superiority of the biblical age behind, and Christianity can survive in the modern world- refuse to do that, and all you're doing is giving fodder to those who would like to see Christianity wiped out. It's people like you, with your backward, unevolved morals that are dragging this religion back to the stoneage and wiping it out in the process.


>You exist in a country that was founded primarily on a Christian ethos. How someone can be so historically ignorant and still brazenly confident is beyond scary. You can ignore the reality all you want but you’re still wrong. Treaty of Tripoli 1797 Article 11 completely refutes everything you just said. How about YOU pickup a goddamn history book.


Another commenter already pointed out the treaty of tripoli, but there are other articles written by some of the founding father, complaining of christians attempting to create a theocracy out of America. They state positively that the nation never was founded upon Christian doctrine. That's a lie christians tell themselves. So yeah, that's why I'm confident.




ruined gives them too much credit, but they are a pain do you live in the US?


Thank Odin no.


who pays you to comment like you do?




now I know you are a paid troll, you make no sense


Both Dems and Republicans


The Democrats are turning America backwards morally, politically, and economically. Open your eyes.




How much is DNC paying you to spread these lies? I suppose you don’t speak English. Listen to what they are saying. They are literally saying actual words.


Still doesn't belong in fucking laws. Keep religion out of laws and politics.




You are free to practice religion all you want...doesn't make everybody else have to do so. That's the whole fucking point of *choice*. So yeah, keep your religious bigotry out of laws.


Being against a murder of an innocent child is bigotry?


You're nothing but a petty little troll that's just trying to get a rise out of people. If not, you're too stupid to even try to teach. Have the day you deserve.


this person is a paid troll




Umm did we watch the same video? or were you watching Tucker Carlson and accidentally commented here


You have to be either dumb, blind, or just plain ignorant to not see the destructions being done by the Democrats to America.


dude. You literally want women to die for having sex. I don't suck my dick you bloodthirsty cold hearted monster.


I’m a cold hearted monster for being against a murder of an innocent unborn child? Other than rape, incest, or if the baby has a defect that can greatly affect the quality of life a human, women must take responsibility for their actions.


You absolute dunce, that's exactly what republicans are trying to do. They don't care if the women was raped or if the baby is already dead. "NO EXCEPTIONS." Is what they want. We all agree at the very least that there *needs* to be exceptions for cases like you just mentioned. But the laws you are voting for don't include them Please at the bare minimum do a little research on this before pulling lies out of your ass.


In some states maybe but it won’t fly in other states. That is why the supreme court left it for the states to decide. In the end, the will of the people matters.


So then you think if the state government decides it's okay to let women just die then it's okay because government said its ok? Jesus Christ dude that's evil. You don't think this should be a federal law that protects all women in this country? You think some of them should just die? yeah, that's bloodthirsty and disgusting.


Why you keep saying die? How many women die because of pregnancy?


It was the will of the people to enslave other human beings. You're trying To go back to that time aren't you? To witch trials and mob lynching. It was telling the states you don't always make the best decisions what the civil war was about. and we all bow which side you would support.


Fact: The Republican Party was founded to abolish slavery. Fact: The KKK was founded by the Democrats. Source from Google: What political party was formed to oppose the spread of slavery? When the Whig Party dissolved over the issue of slavery in the 1850s, it was replaced by a new Republican Party, a coalition dedicated to blocking the spread of slavery into the nation's western territories. The Democratic Party defended slavery, started the Civil War, opposed Reconstruction, founded the Ku Klux Klan, imposed segregation, perpetrated lynchings, and fought against the civil rights acts of the 1950s and 1960s.




In many ways. Open borders, ridiculous prosecution of political enemies, turning America from being energy independent under Trump to practically having to use fuel reserves meant for emergencies under Biden. Add the threat of WW3 by escalating the war in Ukraine instead of finding a peaceful solution.




The suffering and cruelty are the POINT. Their desire is to make women suffer and submit to their will.


What women of America is doing? this incident just made it clear that America is run by men. Republicans actually dragging the country into the medieval times.


I didn't know Americans had it that bad. Procreation is probably the single most important thing in a person's life and it will affect everything about your life, your partner's life, your and your partner's parents life, the child to be and the generations to follow. Having no control over when and how these things happen is insane! For comparison France made access to abortion part of the constitution. The US is deteriorating fast and it's scary to witness.


This affects everyone. Man and women. You are rockstar and I hope she is always blessed and protected


Arrested for having a miscarriage??? Dafuq is up with this backwards shit?




Christians and other religious types are a cancer and we need chemo!


How about you try and say that to a Muslim?


Read back what I wrote genius.


I know how to read. i am daring you to say that to a Muslim. You can’t because you know Muslims will not tolerate disrespect towards their faith.


I can, would, and have on redit and in person. I don't give a shit how precious people are over their flavour of invisible friend, they need to grow the fuck up or at least have their little mental breakdowns in the privacy of their homes or ch8rch and leave them there.


Stop the cap!


Stop the cap? What are you 8 years old?


Ok, stop the lying.


Why is it so hard for you to conceive that I find all religion a folly and call it out where I see it? Or does it just not fit some weird agenda you have?


The answer to problems is more god, not less of him.


More pretend invisible friends can't help alas.


Sick shit


Her ending statement was hard af


What a boss lady....so eloquent and well spoken. Makes all the fucking congressmen who can barely string a sentence together look like idiots


USA is turning back morally.


Yea because it’s moral to kill an unborn baby.


I’ll wank one off later and kill thousands of humans for you. Go pray in a corner.


Its nice whe a woman is giving birth to abnormal baby yes?


Yea mean like a baby with Down syndrome? Are you saying every person that has Down syndrome should have been aborted?


No, extra cromosome does not count. The woman in the interview said fetus without head.


Oh ok well comment a list of abnormalities that qualify for an abortion, so the world will know.


And not just abnormailities, rape pregnancies, the body of a woman also (if she gets so il that the the fetus will not survive becase of medicin). I dont think women should indure rape much alone rape pregnancy, you as a man, woman or any other person should not be premited to rule over ones body. Where is the american fredom on this subject?


Well if a “person should not be able to rule over one’s body” isn’t that what you’re doing when you have an abortion? You are choosing life or death over a body that is not yours.


1. Well that body is a fetus, it can't think and its not a person, its a state before being a person. 2. Its the womans body who created the other body so that makes it her's.


A woman’s egg is dead until a man puts life in to it arguably it’s the father’s. Once the body is created, it has the right to life. If you dont have access to birth control or condoms just keep your legs closed and you will have nothing to worry about.




I’ve never really heard anybody articulate and admit that abortion issue is such a terrible issue to begin with. Essentially, do you want to save the life of the mother or the child? Republicans apparently want to save the life of the baby, and Democrats want to save the life of the mother. I think this is an easy call, as you should save the living woman who is already alive. No one said this was easy and we wanted to kill babies, it’s just that if you have to pick in this terrible situation when it comes up, that should be the rule. And it was the rule till Republicans convinced poor dummies in rural America That they wanted to kill babies after they were born and throw them in the trash and all that BS. Healthy women die because of these laws now.


Republicans are not good for the united states.


The Democrats are destroying America. Open borders, election cheating, prosecution of political enemies etc.




They are not? How so?


if the republicans wanted to reform immigration they could have but they would rather complain do you even live in the united states?




Democrats are the most corrupt people in government yet somehow they have duped half the population in to thinking they are virtuous. Crazy times we live in.




It’s because of “Project Mockingbird”. They have the CIA, FBI, DOJ, MSM, brainwash people.


America is not going to be the land of freedom in the future at this rate, but of religious control and wealthy corruption. It’s already happened, we’ve sadly become complacent with it. Slaves to wage, and prisoners to religious crazy controllers. The last step is to take the ‘freedom and hope’ from us, they have succeeded with everything else. Everyone in the US needs to start buying a ticket out of here to Canada, England, or Australia.




You dont understand the laws you voted in. You voted to prohibit a mother carrying a dead foetus from getting medical care to enable her to go on to carry a living child to term.


Start adopting babies then if you care about their lives so much.




No. That’s not what we want at all. We want to be free to slaughter trillions of babies.


This should be shared and played again, and again, and again. All the way until November. I don't know how anyone could vote red and live with themselves.


What frustrates me is that the people who really need to watch this video are the very people who will refuse to watch it.


If they could read they would be really upset right now


Rock Star doesn’t do her justice. But she’s that and more…


I wonder how many months from now — yes, I say months — before US citizens seek refugee status in countries where abortion is legal so they might obtain needed or desired medical care and avoid legal retaliation in a land that once declared itself home of the free?


Wait, someone got arrested for having a miscarriage????????????


This is crazy.




Ah to be a woman!!


This is what "But I don't like Hillary!" got us. It is what "But Joe Biden's old!" will continue to get us. And a lot worse.


how can I vote her for president?


Religion should never exist with reason unless it's reason itself. And many have no reason but for others to suffer at the hands of those with an agenda.




Everyone vote because our fucking lives are at stake. For the love of humanity, fucking vote.


She needs more tinfoil


To explain what antiabortion is and how it basically operates, it is something that is fixated upon and cherry picked. It stands for "fancy Left thinking", which holds that in early stages the fetus can be destroyed (no one says it can be destroyed in late stages aside from health to the mother or nonviability issues). The reason antiabortion people are doing this is because of that "fancy Left thinking", which is a threat to *all the other cherry picking conservatives do*. E.g., the Left uses fancy Left thinking to add tricky things about how trains might wreck and therefore brakes should be upgraded at the expense of the railway industry (witness the Palestine train disaster). Again, antiabortion stances are doing this to try to knock out (misobivate, as I call it) fancy Left thinking, via the powerful cherry of a *dead baby* or *murdered baby*. If it can be knocked out there, it is indicted as dangerous to babies, and therefore can be held suspect, and therefore can't come into play in other areas of cherry picked, simplistic views. Antiabortion stances are an attack on fancy Left thinking.


They're literally killing women... literally.. lol.. how is America not in a civil war right now.. like the fuck?!


Are you going to kick it off?


Lol.. the irony is thatI hate guns 😂


I don’t understand why this is even an issue. Don’t want to get pregnant? Don’t let some dude impregnate you? It’s really easy to prevent, between condoms, birth control and abstinence that all seem like better options than having to pay some doctor to scrape out your uterus with a spoon. Before someone brings up the “wHaT AbOUt rApE vIcTiMs?!?” Yea that’s a horrible thing to happen to a woman, but aborting a pregnancy just doubles down on the pain. Give it up for adoption, there are a lot of people who can’t have kids and would love to adopt a baby.


Thanks small dick. U're dad also. Suck it


Who is this lady?? Why should I care??


I’m sure some woman who is a liar. Liberals have to lie to get their points across.


Sorry but don’t buy into this, abortion is wrong. Don’t believe me then go watch an actual abortion.


Most abortions are just as bad as a bloody lumpy period and some cramping.


You don't buy into what exactly?... that women are dying? you think that's fake or what? please elaborate.


Millions of innocent babies are murdered, who speaks for them? They did not ask to be conceived, exactly how many women in the US die from an abortion everyday, what stats are there to back this up? Abortion is not illegal in the US. It is left up to the states which is the correct call from the Supreme Court. Again go watch an abortion and see how the doctor extracts the baby and you will walk away with a different perception.




Oh, no. She's been fucked and fucked hard, all (American) women have and are by the overturning of roe v wade.


hey incel. wishing your dad had used a condom.


All I heard was the same thing said 6 times over.


And yet it still doesn't seem to be getting through to you.


Stop fucking so much. Damn.


Pound sand incel.


lol right? I mean if getting pregnant and having a baby is so horrible then how about keeping your fucking legs closed?


ThatsInsane but depends on the people's political orientation cool


That's what it's been like for a while, just from the other wing's perspective. 




The video literally mentioned women being denied abortions, for *non-viable* fetuses, and fetuses that led to sepsis. And your response is "hurr durr, don't sleep around! 🤡" These laws are killing women, and "men" like you are the reason they're being written. I hope you get sepsis.


pls do us a favor and dont speak on what you dont know. many women get abortions for many reasons. edit: obviously op doesnt know what tf hes talking about, yall can downvote me, abortion is a women right regardless how the baby was conceived.


oh fuck that noise. get out of here with your bullshit.


u/XXXTENTTTT She described a woman who had a fetus growing with **no head**. Later described a woman being arrested for having a miscarriage. She described rape victims. None of those things are in the woman’s control and surely the parents were fucking devastated to learn that not only did they lose the child they planned on having, but it was a fetus with no head and they HAD to carry it. You think a grieving father wouldn’t be traumatized by that either? And then have to stand by his wife who labours and births a headless body? Or the family watching the woman getting arrested for losing her baby? You think abortions are “eh, decided I don’t want to be pregnant. I’ll schedule an abortion later.” Some pregnancies can become life threatening for women, long before a fetus is viable. Should the woman be knowingly left to die even though that baby will never be born anyways? Speaking about things you have no idea about and clearly didn’t listen to the speech.


careful before xxxtenttt call us Babies murders, the irony i also find funny is how his header name is someone who beat his girlfriend and murdered his unborn child 😵‍💫


Jfc I didn’t even catch that. 🙃


His name is nick and he comments on porno content with things like “can I get you shipped to the US to be my wife?” And “request someone to make a video, Use name nick, moan my name.” Or something like that. Smokes weed and plays video games and watches narco footage and consumes women like toys you can buy on the internet. What a fucking joke lol.


You're too much of a coward to refute the points of people responding to you. Don't even get me started on your inability to actually refute them other than to refer to non-argument logical fallacies. Lmao, I can SMELL the room you made your shit comment from.


Have you ever met a baby? They fucking suck.


Imagine blaming religion for ruining what was a great, united country when in reality there has been a steady and sharp decline of religious practice, somehow coinciding with a sharp increase in division and societal problems.


The extent of religion’s influence on the American government is evident, and it remains a danger to individuals who do not align with the majority, particularly due to the Catholic Church’s adoption of the most rigid and extreme stance on abortion compared to other religious groups. The fact that the Supreme Court judges and those involved in their selection have religious affiliations suggests that religion may have played a part in the choice to reverse the decision on Roe v. Wade.


It absolutely did. The "Moral Majority" campaign to take over the courts is a very real strategy that has been in place since before Regan. List to " How Conservatism Won" on Behind the Bastards. It's a very concise review of their strategies. And they link and cite their sources instead of asking you to "imagine...."


Imagine thinking that the majority rule in America, when in reality only the rich do.

