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The way she said "you're not doing anything right either" cracked me up


"I will take you down...."


[I WILL TAKE YOU DOWN](https://imgur.com/a/8isP67x)


Down to China Town!


Came here for this. “It’s my way or the Long Island highway!”


Life is a highway.


And I’m gonna ride it.


All night long.


I want to be neenja.


Omgaaaaaaaaaawd 😂


Won’t you take me to Funky Town!


Calling the police on someone then directly threatening them. Lol welcome to America. The land of crazy. Hard to watch, yet harder not to watch 🫣🤣


Brooo its so fucking funny how many of these women exist in america 😭😭😭😭😭 ive dealt with my fair share


I’d like to see if she’s this tough in a neighborhood of color. Pick a color, any color.




Like a car accident




My mom says shit like that and it's so hard not to laugh


Suzanne takes you down to her place near the river.


Let me take you down, ‘cuz I’m going to…


It's Gunna be the new hawk tuh


She looks like she'd bite off that thang!


She definitely says penises are gross and she won’t have anything to do with one. *has 3 kids*


It’s like she learned to speak and think watching NBC/ABC/CBS dramas that got cancelled after 2 seasons. God, I hate when people talk like they are reciting lines and not having thoughts.


So true. Makes me think of the old man who gritted his teeth while telling a motorcyclist, "I will be your worst enemy." Hysterical.


Leroy Jethro Gibbs


Hey, leave Gibbs outta this! 😂


I feel the same way about how some people latch onto memes and seem to be unable to speak without using the same handful of tired catchphrases I've seen it a lot on reddit for years but the older I get the more it bugs me. Like people seem to be unwilling to actually have an original thought, and instead just use the same old buzzwords all the time. It's like talking to children who think that "skibidi gyatt ohio" is an appropriate response to literally any question lol I work with a young guy who uses "checks notes," "this is the way," and "we are not the same" (among many others) in actual real life conversations every single day, and it's insufferable.


This is so funny. I just saw someone with a terrible take repeatedly type "cope" in the youtube comments section like it's some argument winning device. Then when they were confronted with a proper argument, they hurled insults. How do any of these people function in real life?


Context: The guy is a dick and out there to troll people... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6p6bzFHogyw


Thanks for the context. This guy's a fucking tool.


I don't know man. I think a lot of 1A auditors are just looking to piss people off, but I also think it's really important for people to understand what the 1A allows US citizens to do. If a citizen is very non-confrontational but wants to take some photos or videos in public, and a someone like this lady comes up and bears down on them, they will likely just submit their right to an asshole. This is particularly pertinent with LEOs. It's crucial that an ordinary citizen doesn't have to fight to be allowed to record something in public. A citizen should NEVER be told to stop recording if they are within their right to do so. Coercing someone to willingly give up their right has the same effect as them being forced to. Therefor it's important that people like this lady understand that they are NOT allowed to tell people to stop recording. 1A audits are an effective way of affecting that change. I think it's important to mention that, while I have watched dozens of hours of 1A audits, I did not watch the one that was linked above. As such, I am not defending that individual or his behavior in the linked video, but instead am defending 1A auditing as a concept.


I guess so. I was reacting more to him being intentionally disrespectful. The LEO was pretty chill and walked back to his car, but then he stuck out his middle finger and yelled after him. I guess I had trouble seeing the nobler 1A auditing and only saw him needlessly provoking people. It's almost like he's one of those shitty homophobic church members who provoke in order to get hit so they can sue and get a payout.


Yeah I find it incredibly frustrating and disappointing when auditors become antagonists themselves. Especially in videos where they start out super passive and polite, but devolve into the same douchey behavior of the people that they are trying to educate.


There are a lot of legal actions that are total assholery, socially unacceptable, or just plain wrong. I have no problem with people asking or telling people to stop doing legal, unethical shit. In my mind, filming random strangers for no reason fits this description.


Ya dudes a troll, but these people fed him everything so fucking easy and nothing about their behavior is Christian. If dude showed up recording people, they should invite him in and allow him to even keep all his camera equipment on and running as long as he agreed not to disrupt the service. A good church has nothing to hide, but people behaving like this give valid reason for people to believe otherwise.


All time Karen origin story


Grew up somewhat pretty with blue eyes and blonde hair, turned out to be a bag of poultry with age, and gets no attention anymore...


Damn bruh, that’s cruel but I love it! 🤣🤣 Had me dying of laughter. Bag of poultry! I swear I pictured it. 🤣🤣🤣 I’ve never laughed so hard.


All those lonely nights with a bottle of wine have caught up with her


Also, when she said “I will take you down” I would’ve said “I like it when you get aggressive like that baby” OMG! She would’ve tripped so bad, she wouldn’t have known what to say. I could see the “loading screen” in her eyes as he’s talking to her. 😂😂. That would’ve fucked with her head sooo bad. 🤣🤣🤣


Context: The guy is a dick and out there to troll people... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6p6bzFHogyw


I don't know why someone downvoted your comment. The guy is a total asshole. I was on his side until I saw HIS video. He's just there to irritate people. Why would anyone support him?


He’s a free speech auditor. This is his job. How else you gonna know if speech isn’t free if he isn’t out there being annoying? Huh? Bet you didn’t think of that.


"I know you are but what am I" energy


She thought she won the argument with that one.


This lady looks like poultry. What's that about?


An old wood pigeon


Surprisingly accurate


I lost my shit reading this.. I’m so glad I wasn’t eating or drinking anything because it’d be everywhere


No seasoning 🤦‍♂️


LMAO!!!! she looks exactly like a featherless chicken!




My boy in the back has been through this before. He’s learned just not to intervene


Like, is he one of her protected?


Hes one of her flock obviously


I just wonder what the guy is recording for in the first place. I mean, is it really worth ruffling psycho feathers for his material?


They just edit it to look as bad as possible and upload it to social media. No clue what transpired before this. They know most people online don't care about that. Or maybe she's just some psycho and he started recording for his own protection. You never know with videos like this but I've been duped before.


Go to showcase Audits on YouTube and watch the whole video


I briefly peaked in and it was way too long to waste my time. I don’t know who has the time in their lives to watch this garbage. These people are out to cause trouble for clicks. Sad.


Yeah, the guy is a dick and out there to troll people... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6p6bzFHogyw


Context: The guy is a dick and out there to troll people... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6p6bzFHogyw


not going to watch 27 minutes of delirium between a fanatical religious group and an insufferable troll. And btw from the first minutes I can already say that the video is extremely biased. The channel says it all: "*Welcome to SHOWCASE AUDITS, where we highlight First Amendment Auditors and the important work these Patriots do*", jeez...


Sounds like it's some sort of loose group of people that work individually to annoy church goers legally and on public space. Something like a retaliation maybe for church goers who picket abortion clinics from public space, except just as one person and without the shouting.


That's what I gather as well. This guy may be obnoxious and crass, but so are they when it's time to take away someone's rights.


Like I know the lady is crazy and all, but I’m wondering what he’s even doing recording them and egging up this ultra paranoid lady. Like it’s still kinda stalkery behavior no matter how you look at it. Standing with a camera recording people who go in and out.


To see how people using 2 of the 5 parts of the First Amendment (assembly/religion) will react to another part (freedom of press).


So the guy has no life pretty much?


Yup another one of those dipshit auditors being a dick for clicks.


Why do mid 50s women feel like they are unable to be defeated lmao.


Krav Maga


I'm gonna be laughing at this for days


Right, that's actually really good wordplay.


Karen Ma'god


They have the vhs Steven Seagal videos of him doing karate. They think you can make people fly by twisting their wrist.


A lifetime of safe, comfortable living in a country that they'll likely claim is part of the problem.


Yep. Never gets called out for their bullshit because she is an over the top white lady that no one wants to deal with so they just ignore or placate her. AKA my mother-in-law.


This right here.


Cos they treat their kids like this too


Because they’ve never had their ass beat in a fight and fantasize that it’s so easy to ‘take you down’


They think all people (especially those in retail & fast food) are just another inconvenience in their “busy” day


This is what happens when you have never faced consequences for your bad behavior.


The type of women who have never quite truly understood how much stronger the average man is compared to the average woman. I guess you could see that as a good thing but also dangerous


Lifetime of privilege and entitlement got them thinking everyone is a peasant who bows down to serve them


Female privilege. Men know they will get physically checked if they pull Karen stuff, but women know most men will tolerate it because it’s a woman.


The entitlement of never being in a real fight or ever having anyone not go easy on you physically.


You can always tell when someone has never in their life caught a punch to the face, they’re always wayyy too comfortable getting up in stranger’s faces and being pointlessly aggressive.


Come on lady stoppp...lol


😂😂 Thought he said baby


Me too man. You know there's always sexual tension behind every eggressive interaction


I will take you down 😏


Sir this is a reddit...........so i will let you have your way with me


Is there a full video or some sort of context?


Iirc this is some kind of women shelter. She's being protective. He's a fucking asshole.


Yeah, apparently this guy does this often. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6p6bzFHogyw


She has the eyes of madness. 


It’s like they’re empty. There is nothing behind them.


Cold dead eyes, like a dolls eyes, 'til she bites ya.


Then they roll over white...


When Karen is given the right to exist and to procreate, this is the result


Her Incestors are to blame


Lol here's my upvote


Yeah, the guy is a dick and out there to troll people... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6p6bzFHogyw


You sound like a karen complaining about Karens.


someone needs to modulate her *rosé* and xanax intake.


Who would dare?


Shes yelling at a guy for holding a camera in front of church property...while standing 2 feet from an electric car that has like 15 cameras pointing in all directions at all times.


Yes. She needs a higher dose.


What ever happened to racists just crossing the street instead of becoming Karens? Edit: I've been told that the person filming is trying to record people at woman's clinic. If that's the case then the person filming can kindly fuck right off!


Trump. Trump happened.


I'm black and let me say, Trump had nothing to do with this. Crazy white people existed way before Trump, I have been dealing with this shit for 50 years, the only difference is that more of us have cameras now, this isn't about Trump.


Ok, you may be right, but hear me out. Orange man bad.


>Orange man bad. I mean, I think we can all agree on that.


Agreed, crazy mystery racist white people have always been around. The type to just walk up to someone walking their dog and tell them to go back to where they came from. Crazy person shit. But I'm gonna go out on a limb and say, mainstream media and the political landscape of the last 8 years has certainly enabled people like this to feel like they are freer to express themselves this way. The internet is also to blame, and social media, naturally. The zeitgeist is fucked yo


trump isn't the problem, trump is just another symptom. the only thing trump did was make the pre-existing condition bold enough to crawl back out from under their rocks. but it was always there.


That's just it. We don't know the context yet everyone wants to blame this woman for being crazy. The last few years have made me suspicious of any wild behavior that doesn't show what led up to that behavior. It does sound like the guy filming is a giant douche, too. (Ironic if it's a women's clinic.) He keeps baiting her and she is, as she says, doing her job.


What's the context of this video?


He's 1 of those "auditor's". He's going around filming people and places which naturally makes those being filmed wonder why he's filming them. But because he isn't technically doing anything wrong legally there isn't anything they can do about it. Basically a troll / attention seeker. They normally pretend they are doing it in order to stand up for and protect people's constitutional rights etc...


He’s an Auditor


What does that mean? Sry, i dum


It means they put themselves into precarious circumstances harassing the public and, more often, law enforcement to pressure them to break the auditors rights. Then the auditor has legal standing to sue. In some cases the auditor wins. If it is against a public official, then any compensatory awards come out of local taxes. Which solves NOTHING other than to give the incel/auditor a micro-boner.


It's a church, but the guy is still a major league asshole. [https://youtu.be/6p6bzFHogyw?si=ott85mqNTIyxD\_Xa](https://youtu.be/6p6bzFHogyw?si=ott85mqNTIyxD_Xa)


All "first amendment auditors" are. They are trash.


It’s not a woman’s clinic . It’s a church.


It was a church, FWIW https://streamable.com/qsfgu1


>Edit: I've been told that the person filming is trying to record people at woman's clinic. If that's the case then the person filming can kindly fuck right off! Members at a women's clinic? [It's a church.](https://streamable.com/qsfgu1)




Then I retract my statement. Context is important.




lol is this the guy that opened a bagel shop next to hers? And named it “great bagels” to oppose her shop’s name “good bagels”?


I think so because I thought the same thing 😂


She talks about her ‘members’, not her customers


"My members will take you down if I command them to." [ At that moment, 6 members protruding from her pants, took him down to the ground and penetrated his anus ] To be continued...


He opened a spite store?


Nice curb reference


“These little bagels are my life. YOU ARE MY QUEEN REBECCA!”


Damn, this gives me a great idea to open a store next to his called "Amazing Bagels"


"Best Bagels" will be gunning for you.


Context? what was going on prior to this shit show


["He hit me! Oh his camera hit me! Holy crap!"](https://streamable.com/qsfgu1)


Religious people being obnoxious liars, name a more iconic duo.


["Just because other people have done it doesn't make it normal."](https://streamable.com/sfv13r)


He doesn't get that one is legal and one is illegal. Though they are a part of a church so I don't expect them to know that.


Oh…it’s in front of a church. This makes way more sense now


I assumed that straight away


Yeah I figured either a church or an abortion clinic or something else that crazy people like to protest against... Definitely had that religious sort of fervor behind it


Wow, that was some of the worst acting I've ever heard !!! 🤣🤣🤣 He pushed his own face into the guys phone. What a tool.


“It’s a general term!”


There's still a lack of context. What was going on before that?


[Are we ok here?](https://streamable.com/n9htux)


That makes it sound like the guy behind the camera is a stalker. Can't be sure, though. Maybe Karen was justified in being a Karen. 🤷‍♂️


Sounds like another shitty 'first amendment auditor'. They basically film anything and everything from a public space (e.g. sidewalk) and then goad the people in the area into causing a fight or calling the police so they can sue someone.


I think we all agree that first amendment auditors are litigious scum, but there's no way to watch that clip and not think that woman is wholly contributing to the situation with her erratic movements as she circles around him. Every person in these clips is a dipshit.


First amendment auditors are just trolls. They DO have every right to do their audit. But they also make themselves out to be a dick and a martyr. There are def some people that need to be educated about 1st amendment rights, but grabbing them by the collar and shoving that “teaching” in their face is one sure way to get people upset.


Well, that does seem odd. And why would she randomly say he's recording license plates and saying them aloud? Maybe he was


LMAO this is honestly better than the original clip!


“Oh no, he hit me on my… on my… glasses?”


This guy is a weirdo don’t spread his content


What's his deal? I'm curious of the context behind this and his content


This was posted yesterday and I just read the comments. I don’t follow his stuff but it sounded like he goes around filming and provoking people and just generally being a weirdo and then tries to go viral with little snippets that make them look bad


ya exactly, dude films women shelters and OP thinks the guy is like a hero


instantly, i hate this video. shes passionate (definitely overtly) and hes an asshole.


He’s probably an auditor. They have a place in keeping government honest. Not sure the point of doing it at a church though. Seems like unnecessary provocation


[It's a church.](https://streamable.com/qsfgu1)


That’s exactly what he did. The clip starts from the beginning and he’s just egging them on and being a jerk. I don’t get people like that. https://youtu.be/6p6bzFHogyw?si=oRITMuXvtUSz8g3z


im assuming he's a first amendment auditor. its a new hobby to just go around on public property, like a sidewalk or next to roads, and just film shit, which in the US, you're allowed to do. some of these nerds are more antagonistic and looking for a fight, some are hilarious, like the guy who talked to the cop the way cops talk to everyone. I've been filming for a living over a decade and still have to deal with anxiety when filming in public, no clue how these people have the time or the balls.


I mean, anyone can follow literally anybody home. Why is she more scared of him doing it than literally any other pedestrian…. Wait I think I have a few guesses


You only need 1


The fact that he's doing weird shit like recording license plates in a church parking lot probably? The guy is an "auditor" so he's deliberately trying to set people off, so he can go viral. It's tiring how gullible you people are. Someone posts a video with zero context and you immediately blow your conclusion loads all over your desks. Not to mention the irony that you made an assumption based on the woman's race. Man that's crazy.


Them crazy eyes...


Steely resolve. Capable of taking you down.


Ok, Meryl Streepnut.


Sometimes a punch in the face or a throat flick is worth the jail time.


But then they get the victory of being proven ‘right’ by your sudden violent nature yada yada


I’m not sure she understands the concept of police lol


All you gotta do is call her boss. Ask him why she's standing near the street instead of working while being paid. She's probably making more $20's an hour to squander talking to you.


The camera guy is apparently a first amendment auditor or whatever. These ppl can go fuck themselves.




Link to full video?


Sick-- I was seeking context, & I think I got everything I needed by the time I got down here!! Thank you both!! Fun content... Created by an Ass Hat colliding with a Shit Storm... Dude is doing the ole audit for views stick-- If I am tracking things correctly. These may be the right people to mess with, in ways-- But, this is the wrong way to do it...






This is the type of person we need working at planned parenthood facilities!!!!!


I'm really curious what they're members of.




I'd like to know the backstory here


First amendment auditor standing on a public sidewalk in front of their church recording everything that he can see. The police come and tell her to go back inside and that he isn’t doing anything wrong or breaking any law. He goes around to many churches and businesses to see if they respect his right to record in public.


I wish I loved my job as much as she does hers.


I remember when I realized I had to stop drinking wine in the morning too


the sad state of america today


Not really. He has a right to do what he’s doing. But at the same time, it’s understandable that this woman is upset. He was deliberately trying to provoke her and he succeeded.


Lady, I could find out your address, pull the deeds to the houses of every one of your homeowning family members, find out what car you drive, where youve lived in the past, mothers maiden name, etc... all from your first and last name.


My guess is a church. Only 2 things make this kinda crazy. Drugs and religion. She seems to lucid to be on drugs


“Come on lady stop” - like she is about to give an unwanted blowjob.


Cmon baby stop


Whats happening?


Oh hot God! Brother-man in the back… knows so much better to stay back and just let her get it outta her shitty system. His balls are so tightly wound in her fist it ain’t even funny.


"I will take you down" where's Liam Nelson when you need him... Eyes on her, she has to be on something, pupils are wild


Damn she’s gunning for the next Marvel Spinoff: Protector of the Parking Lot


For anyone who's interested in context, this guy is apparently a first amendment auditor, which means he deliberately films people in public to preserve the right to do that. That can be good IMO if you are filming cops to make sure they aren't abusive, but I don't know why he's at a church. Also, I think the attacks on the woman's appearance are unnecessary and cruel. Criticize people's behavior if you have full context, but not their looks. In our culture, women, especially older women, face a lot of pressure about their looks and I don't think that's right. But you do you. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First\_Amendment\_audit](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Amendment_audit)