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I miss when bait used to be believable.


This is a repost too, not even effort put in. What happened to this sub?


Same thing that happens to every sub. It steadily gets more popular, until it’s popular enough for bots to repost in there for karma, and steadily the sub goes from being niche and interesting to reposts and the same few shitty comments. And then maybe people leave, but you can’t tell because now the sub is mostly made up of bots posting to other bots, who reply with the same few comments, and other bots updoot them.


Exactly what a bot would say...... Can you read a Captcha?


I probably fail captchas more than a bot at this point


"Please select the objects that are **not** safe to submerge in lava."


Didn't this same post come up a couple of weeks ago?


Is this a repost bot or the same guy who said it before?


This guy’s just a spammer, they post the same shitty takes multiple times a day


Not everyday you get advice from someone from 2003 in 2024.


With this particular OP, yes, we do get 2003 and 1953 advice on a daily basis here.


I know this is bait, but the reason women go to gay bars is to stay away from fucking creeps like OP.


Well, either that, or to _be_ the creeps. Sometimes both.


Also: gay people create a space for themselves away from the straight world -> straight women go there to avoid men bothering them -> men go there to bother them -> both get upset at gays assuming they are gay -> the space is overrun by straight people.


Yeah and then they get drunk and no longer want the creeps to go away.


you mean when they're too inebriated to consent? gotcha


The only biological purpose in this world for a human is to get their genes into an offspring but you call him a creep. Do people even use their brains nowadays? It’s crazy the labels people. “He said I was cute, what a creep!” There’s nothing creepy about his behavior. Sex and love is a need. Also not every girl goes to a gay bar to stay away from men. So you’re generalization fallacy is boo boo


I won't lie, you sound like a creep. If you're only justification for love is your biological purpose, than you ain't providing much to the table of a religion that a sperm donor couldn't do.


That’s not my justification. I seek love for me not biological. I’m just saying that humans are hardwired biologically to create offspring.


First of all no, they aren't, that is pseudo-evolutionary-science Second of all, this isn't about finding love or spreading genes lmao, this is a guy openly admitting he manipulates women for sex in a place where they normally feel safe Wtf is wrong with you?


If that’s the case then people wouldn’t be choosing not to have children right now so how do you figure people were “hardwired” biologically to create offspring, if that was the case everyone would be having children right now


Well evolution has made sex one of the biggest motivators there is and one of the most pleasurable things there is. It’s a solid trick that has worked really well. By hardwired I mean people seek sex. Look at the baby rabies that hits MOST 30 yr old girls. Look at how humans find baby faces super cute. We’ve been fooled by evolution to want to have babies in all sorts of ways.


Gee, maybe it’s not such a generalization when I’ve talked to plenty of straight women who go to gay bars almost exclusively to get away from straight men like OP (and likely yourself) who are going to treat them like an object purely for sex. Sex isn’t a need bro, you’ll survive just fine without it. But I like the hyperbole, nice try. I didn’t call anyone a creep for that half assed bullshit example you came up with.


Ok have you talked to ALL straight women going to gay bars? That’s a generalization. Plus not all guys treat women like a sex object. Another generalization. Are all women incapable of changing a car tire? Cause the girls I know haven’t a clue. Thus women can’t change car tires correct?


Goddamn I forgot how exhausting incels and men who have bizarre takes on women are to talk to. Look, maybe it is a generalization and sure it doesn’t happen all the time, we both fucking know that. But what OP is doing, specifically going out of their way to pick up straight women at gay bars, pretty fucking creepy. Read the rest of the dudes post history, and you’ll see why I said what I said.


Ahhhh the go-to, tried and true “call him a incel!” You call him a creep then you LITERALLY CREEPED his post history. Someone help me make sense of this ha. So I think I’m fully within my rights to call you a creep.


And we are within our right to call you an incel


Here’s a hint mate - if you think there’s anything relatable or normal about the phrase “my main goal is to isolate the girl” - you’re a creep. A vile little creep. PS Sex isn’t a need. You are lying. Just tug yourself off and leave women the fuck alone


The ones who aren’t there to avoid straight men are lesbians. No straight woman wants to be hit on in a gay bar


Oh look! you're the very creep women want to stay away from at regular bars, buddy!!


You know what? Knowing how desperate cis her men can get at times, I do believe this somehow. Dude, if a woman is at a gay bar even if she is straight, she is NOT looking for you to pick her up. Even as a bi woman that is true at times. Way to creep on women in one of the few places we feel safe at.


I happened to live in a house that was a majority gay people and I wasn't but I wanted to go hang out with my friends on the weekend so I'd go to the bar with them and met a lot of different women that way.


That's a different thing from intentionally creeping on women


Bro what


Great! Another place I’ll get hit on! 🙄 don’t be creepy and maybe you won’t have to go to gay bars to pick up women 🤣


Not this shit again


is this the same dude that fucks around in college campi?


You again?


Check the post history. The guy just posts bait. Nothing to see here.


Lol u suck


if this is buddys only way of picking up women successfully… he needs to reevaluate his life hardddd. Bro it’s called tinder try it sometime it does work believe it or not🤯


If you’re a straight man, going out to gay bars pretending to be bi might be a sign that you’re bi.