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“imo, [insert character in a video game] isn’t very good. they’re clunky to play and deal low damage” vs “[insert character in a video game] isn’t very good. they’re clunky to play and deal low damage.”


People do the first because you will get crucified for stating anything critical in a fact-sounding way unless it’s been vetted by the fandom already.




>something being awkward is objective. How? It's subjective by definition because one person can find something clunky whilst an other can find it fine.




The irony is palpable


You do realize the reason people use “in my opinion” is to get ahead of people saying your point is subjective. Of course it is! It’s an opinion. But it’s also sometimes necessary to preface your point by specifying that.


the imo is that they're "not very good". the stuff about being clunky is justification. "not very good" can be interpreted as objective so it helps to clarify


Finding something awkward especially in this context is subjective dude. In this persons example they’re saying something about a character that others may or may not agree with. Therefore he is making a statement about a fact in his own opinion.


ok let’s add some more context then. two players of the same game were asked for their thoughts on a character that recently released. the first statement came from a casual player of the game and the second came from someone that actually looks at technical stuff such as frame data, hit lag, animation length, damage compared to similar characters, etc. the second person’s words would hold more weight and be considered fact (or at the least much less opinionated) due to having actual evidence to back up their claims.


How do you expect people to differentiate between subjective and objective when we still have people saying that a movie or album is objectively bad


Good bot


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Wack imo


This is more r/PetPeeves


IYO (in your opinion)


Opinions are subjective not objective. “Facts can be proven true or false through objective evidence.” Stats, data, and measurements etc. A fact is simply a true statement. A true statement is not the same as a statement of truth. A fact is something that points to a specific point in time or a truth under a specific circumstance. With that being said you can have a your own opinion about a fact. Therefore “imo” is valid


IMO and IMHO are not used to specify what is opinion and what is fact, but rather an acknowledgment of subjectivity and personal bias that may affect the opinion. It is acknowledgment that the stated opinion is not based on general perception or something that is largely culturally agreed on, but rather just the observations of the speaker, who may or may not carry some form of expertise on the subject. For example, I would not put imo or imho in front of the opinion "Donald Trump is the worst president in US history" because I did not come to that conclusion by observing him as a president and deciding that. I came to that opinion via the analysis of hundreds of political historians across party lines, whose averages have overwhelmingly dictated it so. I would, however, put imo or imho in front of the opinion "Grave of the Fireflies is Isao Takahata's best film" because I came to that conclusion by watching all of his films and deciding which I thought was the best. Nested within that opinion also contains biases on what I care about more in film, such as putting pacing over character design and art style which might put Pom Pokko and Princess Kaguya ahead for those that care less about pacing.


If I don't say it, they treat it like it's a fact. I get tired of having to explain how to tell the difference between fact and opinion.


I ask my mom a question, and she gives her best guess as a statement without stating she is not sure or it is her opinion. How am I supposed to know it’s not a sure fact without the appropriate language used to let me know?


Some people act like what they say is a fact. You can tell by their tone or use of words if they believe it's a fact. They will speak with confidence and use words suggesting they are positive or sure.


Not consistently, and you are assuming an ableist perspective in which all people can perfectly Intuit intention as well.


I don't know why you're even arguing with my comment specifically. All I said was I got tired of explaining the difference between fact and opinion. So, I just say imo. I've never encountered a disabled person when I was dealing with people not knowing the difference between opinion and fact. The people i dealt with were just ignorant. Or couldn't stand that I had my own opinion. If you are disabled, that's a different story. The comment wasn't directed towards them. I thought that was a no-brainer.


How exactly do you “identify” when you’re talking to a neurodivergent person? Assuming they’re stupid is my entire point; it’s rude, close-minded, and ableist.


I say, imo all the time now, regardless if they are or not. So it's not a big deal. Don't get into arguments/debates with people then if you can't tell the difference between a fact and an opinion.


Who even brought arguments/debates into this? Also don’t tell me what to do, lmao.


I did? If you don't want to be called stupid for not knowing the difference between opinion and fact, don't hop into it.


You are SEARCHING for a reason to be mad about what they said.


Imo imo isn't used to explain to the reader that it's an opinion but to acknowledge that OP knows it's subjective, don't @ me


“a fact can sometimes be incorrect” …


**Slight counter, if it's a website that promotes and spreads misinformation; then facts can be incorrect. I'm not agreeing with the OP**; but if news websites are verified as reporting misinformation, then those websites are reporting incorrect facts. [Wikipedia list of fake news articles](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_fake_news_websites) [A FactCheck article listing misinformation news websites](https://www.factcheck.org/2017/07/websites-post-fake-satirical-stories/)


What if the person saying "IMO" straight up tells you that you shouldn't take their opinion as a fact and they do not aim to tell you a fact. Whereas without it in the sentence, you wouldn't know if that person thinks what they're saying is a fact or not. Or they can say "IMO" when they know their opinion is factually incorrect, but they still hold the opinion, because if that subject wasn't a fact, something would improve for them. There are many cases where saying it makes the idea behind the sentence clearer and if reddit taught me anything, people here are like LLMs -- you have to make your comment as precise and as explicit as possible, or someone will not understand it correctly.


People don't though. They'll understand everything you say as "this is how the world works objectively" if you don't add "imo"






I hate that i know this.


Not prefacing a statement as an opinion when it’s not a fact is EXACTLY what I hate, and you’re getting a downvote for being stupid.




Downvote, I said what I said. Bad post gets downvote regardless of disagree.


why? it's pretty easy to discern if is something is a subjective statement vs an objective one. you also really shouldn't be taking words at face value, prefaced or not


No, it’s not. If you can’t think of scenarios where it’s not, and you can’t think of scenarios where you actually trust what someone says without busting out research papers, you’re obviously not used to thinking.


they're fundamentally different in nature though any subjective statement will deal with human perception because that's what subjectivity is anything completely removed from differences caused by human perception is objective rectangles have four sides: objective, rectangles are defined by the number of sides they have and the angles at which those sides meet rectangles are cooler than triangles: subjective, based on how someone perceives rectangles and triangles if you genuinely cannot tell whether a statement is subjective or objective i think *you're* not used to thinking


In situations where one person is perceived as an expert on a given subject, it can be valuable to highlight when something is an opinion as opposed to fact.  An example: I'm an experienced knitter. If a beginner asks me a question to which the answer is subjective in nature, but they don't know that due to their inexperience, I underline that the answer I give is an opinion, not fact.


1) blindly trusting figures you view as authoritative is a massive skill issue. you are a free-thinking human capable of researching and verifying things. research and verify things 2) a person's authority doesn't change how the words subjective and objective work, and whether an answer to a question is subjective or objective typically depends on the question being asked. if the beginner knitter were to ask a question that could reasonably allow for an answer based on either subjectivity or objectivity, such as "what type of yarn makes the best scarves" (idk anything about knitting) the experienced knitter's answer could be based on something subjective (ex: "nylon is best as it makes the most comfortable and fashionable scarves") or objective ("ex: wool is best as it's the thermal insulator") in either case, though, the answer is subjective because the properties of "the best scarf" are subjective, and no clarification on what makes a scarf the best in the beginner's eyes was provided. it's a subjective question


Still not able to think of scenarios other than the one type of conversation you’re basing your entire opinion on, I see.


the two examples i provided were to demonstrate how the outline (based on human perception vs not) worked if you want to try and challenge the outline (you cannot, read the definitions of objective and subjective) go ahead man, if your reading comprehension is this bad maybe you can't distinguish subjectivity and objectivity


I don’t use it irl nearly as often as online. When having conversations in text form i can’t put complicated tones in my words so i use words like imo to compensate


Everything is subjective


like really


people should understand, but many don't, and saying imo doesn't exactly hurt anyone does it?


imo is a phrase born from people having different views and wanting to show their awareness of the equality of views and respect to all the other possible opinions that counter their own. It also shows they are open to those other opinions and may even hold multiple opposing views on the same topic.


Yeah well, like, that’s just your opinion, man.


Facts cannot be incorrect. Opinions absolutely can be incorrect.


a fact can sometimes be incorrect explain please


Judging by their comments here, OP must be fun at parties lol


It's just used as an acknowledgment lol. IMO this isn't a big deal 👍


In language, there needs to be a way to convey to other people that you're talking about something subjective or otherwise people will disagree with your point by pointing out that your opinion isn't a fact and the discussion will take forever and involve lots of pointless back and forth. One way to do that is to write something like "I believe" or "I feel" everywhere. "I feel that League of Legends is a shitty video game". That's not too bad, but a bit awkward. Another way to do that is to just stick IMO in front of whatever you want to write and then write normally. "IMO, League of Legends is a shitty video game". Seems a bit easier for seasoned online debaters to do that.


>a fact can sometimes be incorrect Thats not remotely true. A fact is by definition true. What we think are facts can be incorrect, but A is A whether or not we know what A is. Justified true belief is fundamentally different from facts and opinions. Facts are true. Justified true belief is a supported opinion which could be wrong. And opinions are a personal belief that may or may not be supported which may or may not be correct.


IMO, I really like using this expression, it's really nice to express one's opinion. 🤡


You are incorrect (undeniable fact)


IMO the objective fact is this is one of the most controlling, delusional takes I've seen on the internet. And I'm counting flat earthers and people posting about what clearly seems to be hallucinations IMO. IDEK you but I'm thinking you're a deeply toxic person if you act like this in person


If a "fact" is incorrect it isn't a fact.


a fact cannot be incorrect…. it is no longer a fact the point it becomes true… that’s the whole point behind a fact…. we learned this in 2nd grade man… cmon…


The 2022 novel prize in physics proved that [the universe is not locally real. ](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-universe-is-not-locally-real-and-the-physics-nobel-prize-winners-proved-it/) Imo, your opinions about facts being important are just opinions.


I agree OP, "IMO" in unnecessary and shouldn’t have to be said. It wastes time catering to stupid people who can't understand the difference between stating an opinion and a fact. 


I wish it was..... At this point it's a defensive reflex  Also was around a person who would give me flack for expressing any subjective opinion until I became timid and started using it more :/.  It's yelling enforced "imo"...


IMO is usually implicit for most things. It's sometimes nice to emphasize the inherent subjectiveness of the discussion: e.g. "IMO, this movie sucks."


Opinions are based on instinct and some experience, the personal and yes, often anecdotal kind. That said, there are things for which the scientific method has either no or low research, or it is also biased on its own. Science attempts to be perfect, but it is not always so.


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