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I’m going to disagree with the others: First, HTWFAIP as it will give you a basic foundation of social skills. Trying to influence and gain power without having sound social skills is beyond futile. Second, 33SOW. When it comes to power acquisition it’s best to think of this book as the macro (big picture) and 48LOW as the micro. This book helps you devise the overall strategy. 48LOw will give you tactics and techniques that you can use while implementing that strategy. You need to have a big picture strategic understanding of what you are trying to accomplish else you are just throwing random power tactics at the wall. Finally, read 48LOW.


Carnegie First then Power


How could I forget to mention War ?? I am retired from the Army!


Not really necessary when there’s three options and you give the first two. Law 4: Always Say Less Than Necessary 😂


It came to me in a dream last night that while assigned in Central and South America my operating principle was to make Friends, forge Alliances and indirectly Neutralize Enemies. My Field Manuals were by Carnegie and SunTzu. Had Robert Greene's Laws of Power been written, it would have made the trilogy.




Haha. "Repeat" So true. You're gonna have to read these books multiple times to get a proper hold of them. Edit: How dare you forget the 50th law. It's one of my favourites.


One does not simply “read” the 48 laws…


I agree, the 48 laws are a resource to revisit continually, as they reveal new insights with every changing circumstance. Their subtleties emerge more with each reading, demanding repeated exploration to grasp their full depth. After two decades of study, I still uncover fresh lessons with each read.




It's not a one time read, and the laws can seem different varying on where you are in life


That just hit me like a train. I had a similar experience while reading The Alchemist the other day.


This is funny cause i tattoo alchemy circles on my left arm 👀


The 48 laws are best taken in in their natural form. Low effort sigma male instagram hustle culture posts.


That’s a mouthful. Less is more.


1. How to win friends. 2. Power 3. War


Came to say this. Probably Carnegie, War and Power would also work


Power first. Then decide about the other two.


Carnagie, then power, then war


48 laws of power first


I love all 3 but my best has to be 33 strategies of war.


could I respectfully ask how old you are now when you consider reading these books? I feel pretty behind and also starting a journey of self-enlightenment with those books.


Just like they’re laid out left or right


Left to right. Exactly in that order. Win friends book, then power, then strategy.


Oh like nuclear toxic waste in paper form…. Enjoy!


Start with the best 48


48 laws is an easier, more enticing read than War. Working on War myself, like it but I don’t read it like 48 laws. I’d say: 1. Influence people 2. 48 laws 3. War Hats off to ordering multiple books in this day and age


48 laws of power is the only one you need to read. It changed my whole career path and I retired in my 40s. Skip the rest. Focus on the blue and orange book.


I can always tell when some moron has read these books


Why is that?


The Rational Male by Rollo Tomassi


99% of all of that is complete bullshit. there are few nuggets of wisdom. but most of it is the result of survivorship bias and a bunch of other biases. what works for person A probably won't work for person B and for a raft of reasons. just keep your head on straight and don't try to dive into a cult-like mentality. there are no "answers".


Power and then Strategy. Don't bother with the third one because it's just overrated nonsense which does not apply to real life. The other two on the other hand are very much rooted in reality. Read Mastery and The Laws of Human Nature instead. The reason why I don't like the Dale Carnegie book is because there's no such things as "friends" in real life, only people with self- and mutual interest. Why bother wasting time getting "friends" when you can't trust them anwyway and are likely to betray you in the end? (See Law 2). You should be 100% focused on winning the game instead because friends or no friends, we're all playing it.


I tried reading the Dale Carnegie book, but it was about how to get people to be on your side for your own benefits, not about making genuine friendships.


Do people literally think that book is about making friendships? I’m not sure why “friends” is in the title but I don’t think Dale literally meant making friends when he wrote the book. It’s more about how to talk to people without criticizing them or making them feel dumb.


My point exactly. It’s just a sugarcoated version of playing the game, whereas Robert gives you the harsh reality. I own and have read the book as well and it’s nothing memorable about it except the fact that the author likes giving people hugs… Sorry, I don’t buy that BS. Don’t focus on friends, focus on allies and enemies and keep it all business instead. Friends over complicate things and prevents you from making good decisions throughout your life. You want allies you can trust without any friendly feelings but a reciprocal relationship that will serve your longterm goals and interests. Friends come and go and I have never seen anyone staying friends forever. Thus, just keep it all business. It’s the second law for a good reason…


Holy fuckin smokes man, you must be one lonely lad.


True. Im an introvert after all and prefer it that way 🙃 And btw, you’re one naive lad if you don’t think what I wrote was true. Perhaps you need a reality check my friend 😉


It’s refreshing to see someone actually read the books and gets it.


Thanks, it’s also refreshing to see someone who actually is able to think for themselves and not fall on the bandwagon… Thinking critically is rare these days I guess. Poor kids.


what Frank Underwood wannabe attitude is this


Why are you even here, rookie?


to ground you to Earth. That ego must mean you are in charge of lives of thousands of people. When in reality, you are dealing with middle managers at best. So relax, you aren't as hot as you think you are.


Nice false assumptions my friend 😉 Just shows how clueless and ignorant you really are. You’re not even worthy of a comment. Now go out in the real world and get some experience and come back when you’ve actually learned something. Until then, just keep quiet because you possess no real knowledge. Btw, I recommend the book called “Ego is the Enemy” by Ryan Holiday since you assume I have such a big ego. You’re in the wrong place either way.


Well I can safely say one thing, you have no friends. Not sure if anyone is interested in getting advice from a professional loner. Can't believe you said that with a straight face. 🤣


Law 9 🤫


Law 1: Dont outshine your superior. 🫳🎤


Please ban me from this subreddit, it came up on my for you page and the last thing I want is to lose a few brain cells by being in the same subreddit as someone who actually believes in the 48 laws of power


None of these are alike. How to win friends is genuinely helpful. The other 2 should be looked at for entertainment purposes unless you’re actually a psycho lusting after power and think a book is going to get you there