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Jason Calacanis


Jason is also the one who suggested last year that Jeff Bezos would be a good candidate for the dems to run against Trump. He was serious. Jeff Bezos. Jason thinks Bezos would be embraced by the democrats, progressive wing included.


I believe Jason's balls will be swapped out within the next for weeks...


Yes he is working with Bryan Johnson to de-age his testicles.


Lmao, golden biohacking riff


Thank you


No way


Even if you're a lifelong Democrat... maybe *especially* for those who are, answer me this: is Biden really the best person they could be running right now? Why are they doing this? It's obvious to everyone that his best years are behind him. The Dems could run some other candidate. Why are they so insistent on going forward with him as the candidate?


The answer is no, Biden is not the best person they could be running right now. They are doing this because the republicans are running Donald Trump, who is the best possible candidate against Biden (Biden won against Trump). No rational person can also believe trump is the best person republicans can be running right now. In this current political system, you are voting the best candidate available, not the best candidate, period. It’s that simple.


Because he’s the sitting president which he won by winning the democratic primaries before. The real question should be why the Republican Party keeps running trump out as its rep


They didn't really even have primaries, and he's 81. By the time of finishing his last term he'd be 86. He's clearly mentally diminished. Want to hear a mind f\*ck? Bill Clinton was President in the '90s. He is 4 years younger than Joe Biden. I mean it's unbelievable that we're even in this current position. He's obviously not the right guy for the job.


They did have primaries. Biden won them by a large margin. The better argument is no one serious challenged him in the primary.


BennyOcean doesn’t want to engage with facts or logic. He’s simply a willfully (or actually ignorant) troll. “They didn’t really have primaries” - how does one come to this conclusion with the abundance of evidence out there? Some people are beyond help.


Unfortunately an obese con man convinced 40ish percent of the country that the media isn’t to be trusted, only his facts and narratives are the truth.


Love seeing obese used in a negative way, a step in the direction of sanity. The majority of people opposed to Trump are on the fat is beautiful train.


I think you should look at a trump rally. Obesity and Trump supporters are one in the same


Obesity is not good and people that are obese should be working hard to become not obese.


They had primaries where the other candidates weren't allowed on the ballot. Dean Phillips had to fight tooth and nail for any type of ballot access. The DNC booted RFK Jr from the party to avoid having a real challenger for Biden.


He won the previous primaries I mean. Sitting presidents don’t have to primary. It would be odd to trot someone else out there. I prefer someone younger but between him and trump it’s no contest. Trump not really a spring chicken either


People answered your question now here’s mine. Take everything you said and swap dens for repubs. Is trump really the best person you could be running right now? Why are they doing this?


Well the republicans had an open primary system so no matter what we think, trump was picked. The dems didn’t do that, thus the question.


Biden is the least worst option. He's an incumbent. He's done a decent job so far passing things like infrastructure and rebuilding world relationships, he has a good cabinet. And a competitive primary could have been an absolute shitshow. Plus he beat Trump the first time. And was picked by Americans in 2020. He didn't start being old within the last 4 years. He was old in 2020, and we heard all the same criticisms back then as we do now.


agreed he is the least worst option. That also means the democrats could have done put up someone better against him in the primaries.


Classic whataboutism


Asking both sides to hold the same standard is not whataboutism


Biden has easily been the best president since LBJ So no, there’s not an easy drop in. Maybe Obama in a third term would have learned from Bidens terms on how to get a lot done with a hostile government If you mean simply winning an election and not governing, the criteria is looser


Do you actually believe this?


lmao. this is going to be a rough election year for some people who live in your bubble


Thoughts now?


I love spending 20% more on everything!


Trumps economic plan includes putting a 70% tariff on literally everything so...20% is better than 70%


He absolutely is the best candidate right now. He’s the incumbent running against a deeply unpopular person who he’s already defeated. He has a strong legislative record and has the economy turning in the right direction. He values respect and decency vs Trump who is the opposite. No brainer to stick with Biden.


This is a popular right-wing conspiracy theory being espoused by many pundits with absolutely zero proof or an ounce of logic. I'd like to say they'll be humiliated when Biden is inevitably on the ballot but they'll move on to whatever other ridiculous prediction they come up with.


In reality, I think it’s quite possible they pull a swap for Biden. Not a conspiracy, more a fear. I hope it doesn’t happen because I think they would drop Newsom in there. He’s a great snake oil salesman but has really put California in the shitter during his stint as governor. CA was a great place when I moved there 15 years ago. It’s a nightmare now and we had to get out. The potential of having Newsom as prez scares the crap out of me.


I think it’s unlikely to happen and That’s why I was surprised to learn it was the democrat on the podcast who keeps confidently predicting it.


Bill Maher a right wing conspiracist?


Yes. But also is Maher saying it will happen or saying he thinks it should?


Well after that debate the answer is pretty obvious


If you listen in on Spotify, there is an imbedded video of the entire podcast. Just an FYI 👍


Who they gonna swap him for? It’s a lay up win if they do anyone but Kamala


Gavin Newsome, current governor of CA. I have read in several places that if Biden does not do "well" in the June 27 debate, there will be attempts to replace Biden. I do not know what the definition of well is. Time will tell.


I can't see it happening unless Biden, I dunno, passes out or something during the debate. A serious medical issue. The Dems have been backing him and the election is coming up soon, they've been working to get him on ballots. State conventions aren't far off either.


Lmao VCs entire job is to make predictions, wtf does "balls to make predictions" even mean