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You don't think the subreddit should discuss.... The guest of the podcast and what they said?


To be honest when the besties have talked about Trump or had him on it's always just been a moment in passing for me. But I understand OP's point, for some people on this sub they've made it their life that the besties talk about him or just had him.


You obviously didn’t read the very first sentence because you’re blindsided for whatever reason. I’ve been on this subreddit for months and it’s just people complaining about Trump or Conservatives. This week is one thing, but it’s going to be nothing but people complaining about him or the besties discussions about him, even when it’s a minimal part of the podcast episode.


I'm just amazed at how quickly conservatives will move to limit free discussion of anything that criticizes them or trump. Over the last few weeks these guys have openly held a trump fundraiser and had Trump as a guest on the podcast. In a free country with freedom of speech you're allowed to express your thoughts about that. Do you dislike America or what? This is the whole thing. Conservatives cry about freedom of speech all day every day.


I’m a black democrat, miss me with the “oh conservatives are the real monsters” crap. You’re acting feral because you want to talk about Trump all day? There’s nothing else to do or other subreddits that share your sentiments?


LOL. What's with the identity virtue signaling? Is that supposed to make your point better?


Cutting you off at the pass before you called me a white mama conservative for saying we need to chill with 20 “Oh my god can you believe blah blah Trump/conservative” posts a day.


Relax man. You're the one that is angry to the point where you're asking mods to stop people from discussing the guest in ways you don't like. It's a free country, maybe you don't like that, but I do.


Oh the “relax, I don’t even care about this anyway” ploy. If that helps you feel better about this, go ahead lol Jesus.


I didn't say I don't care about this. I said you are unhinged, you need to relax. I very much care about people being allowed to express their views freely, especially if there's a political candidate in the podcast.


I’m looking for the part where I said I didn’t


Post a fucking spoon pic than "Mr. Black Democract."


Fuck off. You're not anything online. You're Wiljr21.


“I’ve been on this subreddit for months” and now I want to make rules to govern it 😂


It’s Reddit tho, it’s not a real reflection of reality or most people/most of society 


The issue is not about discussion but you'll see that 99.9% of the threads are anti-trump while the real America is 45% anti-trump. The reason is that Reddit and this sub are all fully hijacked by extreme left-wing liberals who dont want to hear about the other side.


Well put. I'm not a Trump fan but I hope he wins again just so I can watch all these losers on Reddit meltdown again.


:) They'll do everything they can to (even illegal) to make him not win again. I strongly believe that Biden will win again by illegal means.


I think this might be one of my friends in my group chat. ha To your point. EVERYTHING is on the table for the most corrupt political party in the world. Everything. I've been saying for two years that Trump has no shot and I stand by it.


For valid reasons


The is more here [https://digitalcommons.uri.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1033&context=dignity](https://digitalcommons.uri.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1033&context=dignity)


The pod has turned very political though and its clear they want Trump elected. They don't want to pay more tax under Biden. It's all self preservation on their part and if they keep discussing Trump, posts about Trump will continue. I don't see how anybody who doesn't earn over 400k can see Biden's tax proposal as a negative but the podcast will focus on government spending to deflect from paying taxes on their enormous wealth.


Oh yeah?!? I'm about to make a post complaining about people complaining about people complaining about the besties talking about/with Trump.


I like your attitude


That always happens on Reddit. The platform is so far to the left that at any point when something even remotely close to the center is discussed, these people come out of the woodwork.


Is it far left to not want the man that tried to prevent the peaceful transfer of power for the first time in American history to be anywhere near the levers of power again? I was a Republican for 20 plus years. Back when most normal rational Americans really didn’t see themselves as in a tribe. I voted for the person I believed to the best candidate. Some Dems some Republicans. I became an independent…Trump is an incompetent criminal lunatic. The only people I see supporting him are either gaslit morons or cynical contrarian aholes like Sacks and co.


Not everyone who votes for Trump is doing so because they think Trump is a great leader or person. They do it because they feel the alternative is worse. The same goes for Biden. How many people do you truly see stating Biden is the best person for the job? People vote out of spite.


The problem is there is no comparison. Those that do downplay the dangerously incompetent criminal that is the former POTUS. His own hires in the WH called him a dangerously stupid individual. Kelly Tillerson Milley White House staff…the list is long. The normalization of his behavior has led us to yet another round of this craziness.


What, very specifically, did he do that is dangerous? And who is it dangerous to?


The peaceful transfer of power occurred on January 20, 2021. Everything else you believe was a narrative sold to you by the corporate press and enemies of Trump. He legally contested the election using all means available to him, including alternate electors (so called “fake electors”). A protest got out of control at the capital after he explicitly told people to “peacefully and patriotically” make their voices heard. He then tweeted for them to respect law enforcement. You’ve chosen to believe the narrative because questioning it might lead you down a path of more questions. Instead you’ll respond with more orange man bad hysteria and proceed believing things that never happened. And your cognitive dissonance will only get worse.


Thank you. Well said. The truth about J6. Something you don't see a lot of on Reddit.


Your category is gaslit moron? Congratulations


Gaslit? You people are trying to pretend every video we’ve seen of Biden doesn’t show he’s deteriorating rapidly, and instead have gone with the narrative that it’s actually Trump, who we see being energetic and funny in public, same as ever, is the one who has dementia. It’s hilarious in how brazen it is, but you no longer no which way is up so it’s sad for you.


Alternate electors, coordinating with congress to illegally recognize them, and attempting to strong arm the GA and AZ Secretary of State to falsify vote tallies in your favor is not “legally contesting the election.”


Alternate electors are a real and legal thing. They were set up in the event that the legal challenge Trump tried to get in Congress would’ve passed. Obviously that didn’t happen. It was all paperwork. You can’t overthrow the government with paperwork, no matter how hard the media tries to convince you otherwise.


Whatever you need to tell yourself


I’m telling you what reality is, not the narrative you’ve been spoonfed. There’s a reason a lot of the smartest people are moving to Trump, maybe one day you’ll figure it out.


“The smartest” totally. “I love the poorly educated”


You have a very poor understanding of your political enemies. You think Democrats aren’t poorly educated as well? I feel sorry for what they did to you.


Bachelors degree or higher makes you more likely to be a democrat. 55% democrats, 42% republicans. High school or less 52% republicans, 44% democrats. https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2024/04/09/partisanship-by-race-ethnicity-and-education/


Dude these guys are currently charged with crimes for these scheme. Honestly, stop it, this is so obviously not true it's unbelievable you all are still clinging to this.


What scheme? Filing paperwork in the event legal challenges would be successful? They are using lawfare to go after their political enemies in the courts. You have to be either incredibly dishonest or an idiot to not see it. I’m sorry what was done to you. Maybe one day your brain will work right again.


https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/key-trump-allies-charged-fake-electors-scheme-wisconsin-rcna155395 This is a state court. It has nothing to do with Biden. Like honestly, stop telling other Americans you should be allowed to commit crimes if you're on the right team. It's extremely gross, anti American, and you are a huge POS for doing it. Get your head out of your propaganda and decide how much of your identity is based around hating the United States of America.


What is the political affiliation of those bringing these charges? It doesn’t matter if it’s state court, so was the Trump trial, but for some reason the number 3 at the DOJ decided to leave that job and become one of Braggs prosecutors. Also regarding alternate electors (they changed the term to “fake electors” to make idiots like you think it was something bad), here’s CNNs Van Jones discussing it: https://youtu.be/b5P3xyCZ3Ws?si=4ks1NosqXvU1cz2T This is a disgrace to our justice system, but you clap along like the good seal you are because it’s being used against your political enemies.


No, it isn't. It's a normal court case and it will be decided by a jury of Americans, like every case, as set forth by the Constitution, which is a great document that people should take seriously. Give me a break man. You literally have convinced yourself that we should destroy the rule of law in the country because Fox News told you to. You're actually quite disgusting. If you want to destroy the Constitution, at least admit you are not a conservative and you really don't care about the country, it's just about your team and getting what you want all the time.


Kicking others off the ballot via lawfare is a strategy by both sides of the uniparty uses to maintain power and hold back democracy, which apparently also needs to be saved.  Don’t be so coy


.... What? Who has been kicked off the ballot? Do you go outside into the real world ever? You need to experience something in your life that isn't right wing social media propaganda that tells you that you are the only good person who is battling some fictional army of enemies. This is a good country with a good set of laws and if you want to destroy it because you believe you are on some weird crusade, you are lost. Get a grip.


True, I don’t even care about things being centered. As long as there’s variety. I’d love to come here and talk about bits and pieces of the pod and the topics discussed, but all that happens here are people creating an echo chamber of anti-fans


Seems to be two sets of echo chambers. This thread is filled with people complaining about an echo chamber on the opposite side of the aisle. Both groups seem to lack the tact to make an evidence based argument


People being against Trump is not "being left".


Of course. But of course you’ll most likely be left wing. Again. It not about thee being more conservative stuff on here. It just seems to be only thing


Most of the people that are against Trump on Reddit are far left. If you’re an exception, congrats. You’re the extreme minority.


Very reminiscent of the machines from the Matrix rushing through the caves to hunt down the remaining humans 😂




It only seems left if you’re in the US. For the rest of the western world it’s pretty centrist. As Jon Stewart says, the Canadian Conservative party in the US would be “Gay Naderites for Peace”.🤣


Which is kinda good because it helps me steel man my arguments against the everyday leftest that won’t read a single book on economics.


Trump is close to center to you? To the rest of the democratic world, Biden is a centrist and trump is far right. Check yourself.


Nowhere did I say that Trump was even remotely close to the center. But the fact that he was the first thing that jumped to your mind when I mentioned the center, speaks volumes Trump arrangement syndrome is real.


"at any point when something even remotely close to the center is discussed" - what you said, when the topic at hand IS trump. but sure, its tRumP \*aRraNgEmeNt\* sYndRomE, guy.


I specifically mentioned the platform, Reddit. But again, those with TDS only hear Trump all day, every day. He lives rent free in your head.


Project 2025 wants to end the American way of life and that needs to be screened from every public platform. Voting Trump is no longer voting red. It’s voting against basic American freedoms.


Specifically what freedoms do you see project 2025 taking from you. Everything I have read about it is just conservative strategy?


You could have spent this time posting about something substantive unrelated to Trump... something so engaging we would have all jumped on that thread and forgotten about Trump, but you chose this instead. What does that tell you about yourself?


I love you trying to gaslight me so you can talk more about Trump. Posting something not about him is not gonna change the fact that there is a flood of post about him. so yes, I’m making a post to the amount about one topic.


Posting something else is going to reduce engagement on Trump posts, that's how attention works. Anyway, good luck on your endeavors and try looking up the meaning of the word 'gaslight'.


Go to silicone valley and San Francisco. Mention that you like Trump. See how long it takes you to get kicked out of that wework. These Reddit tech industry folk are to far gone.


Verbiage you deploy like “gaslight” tells us a lot about what kind of person you are. No reflection, just victimhood. I do agree. Instead of using your words to course-correct the collective news, you added to the conversation. Thank you for being part of the Trump news machinery and add to the news cycle.


You throwing that at me as if it’s not a part of common language now as (trying to make someone feel or sound unstable or credible) and of course not like the actual gaslit, shows me every thing I need to know about you. You’re actively trying to lower my character while arguing.


The people on Reddit are so weak and triggered they really can’t help it. They live and breathe crying about Trump. It’s the only in their lives. 


It’s amazing to me nobody has noticed these clowns have been wrong about literally everything. This era of listening to people because they’re made money can’t end soon enough. Bring back real journalism and academia. At least Oprah is honest about what she does and who she is. And let’s be honest, these ‘besties’ are the epitome of small d insecurity. It’s pretty pathetic.


Exactly. The real issue is that Reddit in general is extreme-left liberals. This sub is no exception. They can't stand that a prominent pod is giving Trump a platform.


Sachs said Trump is unfit to be president. That’s interesting


Yes because TDS has infected them…


Trump derangement syndrome is a real thing.


Anyone know how to block this from showing up in my feed? I’m sick of it. Thanks


I've said it elsewhere and I'll say it again... as much as I'm not a fan of Trump, I'm tickled that they've had him on and some have endorsed him. Maybe now the whiners will stop listening to the podcast and unsub here. This might be the shot in the arm we needed this whole time!


We want to moderate the “I’m so done with All-In, everyone should listen to bg2 because they don’t like Trump. ha! Take that, besties” petulant whining posts because they really add zero value and dont even address any points are rebut any policies views. Just leave already.


Ban this fucker. He says he is a black democrat.


Thanks for the gatekeeping