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Chamath is a snake oil salesman,why he loves Trump. Probably asked him to remove the new SEC rules on SPACs.


I think it's a calculation that liking Biden gets you nothing you didn't already have. These guys are the pro-palestinian college protesters of Silicon Valley. They'll grow out of this. (Trump won't be around forever)


Did you know the college protests revolve around the fact that it is illegal to divest away from Israel?


Really? Which law(s) makes it illegal for college endowments to sell their investments in certain companies?


https://tucson.com/news/local/education/college/protesters-demand-u-of-a-divest-from-israel-the-problem-its-illegal/article_76633c18-123d-11ef-b12e-0f2ee2306b55.html Not allowed in 38 states


That’s fuckin wild


Then why do you listen to the podcast?


My theory is people (wrongly) believe they are more intelligent/understand things better than Sacks et al., and enjoy listening to the pod for the sense of superiority it affords them.


Maybe not superiority but the chance to see that most of them are no more intelligent then themselves and are in there positions based off luck.. (baseball analogy where they hit a grand slam and have use there smarts to stack up their chips into bigger piles from that break)


As someone who is a staunch believer in small government and fiscal conservatism who really wishes Biden was not President, I’m not voting for Trump and it has absolutely nothing to do with policy. I cannot trust, or even understand, literally anything that leaves his mouth. I wouldn’t have the vaguest idea what I’m actually voting for.


“I cannot trust” Yes, this is what feels so cringey to me about Chamath’s defense of Trump around things like the federal abortion ban. “He was clear he wouldn’t support it.” Trump has repeatedly and consistently shown he is not a trustworthy person. It doesn’t matter what Trump says on this podcast because the only thing you can take away is that’s what he believes is advantageous to him at that moment in time. I think only Friedburg acknowledged that Trump wouldn’t actually follow through on some of the things he said, such as imposing highly inflationary tariffs.


He already walked back the statement about issuing green cards to foreign graduates on the same day.


Biden said he wouldn’t mandate the vaccine if elected then once elected tried to mandate the vaccine and get people fired from their jobs for not taking. Telling less lies than some other liar doesn’t make someone trustworthy.


Literally nobody lies as much as Trump.


I said nothing about Biden in my comment.


This needs to be the top comment. Every time I truly listen to the words that he says, both verbal (including this podcast) and written, I question how anyone can support him. I get Sacks and Chamath's support (I too would like sway at the White House and an invite to visit.) For everyone else, I feel that emotion is fogging their mind. I will be voting for RFK unless Trump is winning my state.


Sacks said Trump is unfit to be president


We seem similar in this. I’m planning to vote for RFK as a protest vote. I’m also seeking for organizations or ideas around breaking the primary process, the two party system, or something. The process is not working, it hasn’t for quite some time.


If you don’t want Trump then it is best to not indirectly support Trump. By voting RFK Trump needs one fewer vote to win your state.


I don’t want Biden either. That’s probably the difference. I literally can’t imagine putting my name down for either of these candidates. Not that any individual votes matter much, but long term, I want to demonstrate that I’m angry at the process and the horrible choices it produces. We have to think structurally about this. It’s a real problem. I’m just not going to play their game. I’m taking my ball and going home. For a lot of people that means just not voting, but they are ok with that too! You’re still in their game. Only when enough people are angry enough to opt out of this game, can we start to see a glimmer of hope of needing options. I thought we may see it with “no labels”, but they ended up being spineless and toothless.


I agree with you even though you’ve been downvoted to hell. At the end of day, it depends on which one do you dislike more: Trump, or the bipolar, undemocratic political system that we currently have. To me, it is the latter, and voting the 3rd party will show to the Democrats leadership that it won’t work by keeping the current way of doing a mediocre job and expect people to still vote for you just because they hate the other side. Unfortunately if everybody adopt the mindset that we should vote for Biden even we don’t like it, then it’s sending them a clear message that to get votes you don’t need a good candidate, you just need to make people believe the opponent is even worse, and that’s going to make politics more polarized. Voting a 3rd party is the classical “it gets worse before it can get better”


Exactly. You nailed it!


Everyone ‘opting out of the game’ here is helping Trump get in by making it so he has one fewer vote he needs. If you are cool with helping Trump that isn’t something I will understand, although obviously your choice. But be clear about what you are doing. You are helping Trump this election. You have one lever at your disposal and it will either help Trump (a vote for him, no vote, or third party) or not help Trump (Biden). So by ‘going home’ you are doing your bit to help Trump get in the White House. Please reconsider if you care about the country.


One of the unfortunate parts of being an adult is doing things you don't like/want to do. For me, that's this vote. I don't want to vote for either candidate, but I know the effects of a Trump presidency will detriment the country much greater than anything Biden does. SCOTUS is enough of an example to justify a Biden vote. I don't want to but I have to do my duty.


That’s your right. You like Biden more than Trump, or have bought the idea that Trump is uniquely dangerous. Suggesting you’re somehow more mature for this stance is the self delusional part. You can simply disagree without thinking yourself superior to those who don’t see it the exact same way.


Dude Trump is on record demanding the GA Secretary of State “find” him enough votes to win the state. That alone without all the other evidence that he tried to steal the 2020 election means Trump is uniquely dangerous and it’s so tiring reminding people of the blatant attempts Trump made to steal the presidency.


Yeah, he tried, and he failed miserably. He's an orange asshat. Our country will keep on keeping on under Trump... in fact, that's proven. Your media induced TDS notwithstanding. His stupid whining wasn't close to working. The "attack on the capital" wasn't about to take power by force (not that it was ok it happened)... in any case, he's barred from running for a third term, so it doesn't matter anyway. I'm not voting for Biden, y'all can save your breath. He's literally in cognitive decline... quickly. It's sad. I think JCal's theory that he gets hot swapped is a pretty good one. I've actually been saying it was a likely plan from way back by the Dems... it's pretty brilliant if they do it. So chances are they do that, and whomever they install wins in a landslide... and I'd likely jump on that train too!


So he tried and failed…..and that’s not a reason to think he’s not fit? Because it didn’t work?


Who said he’s “fit”? That’s not my take.


you realize this is a straight up lie right? he wasnt demanding him to find votes... there was a huge group of voters who illegally voted in the wrong area, all trump was saying was that he didnt even need the full group to be validated as being illegal, only the threshold for a re-vote... but congrats on believing msnbsc narrative


He literally states how many votes he needed and that’s what needed to be found. Come on. You people are crazy liars who don’t even know what you are talking about.


Tbh if you want to break up the primary process your best bet is to support challengers at the state/house of reps level, because those races are actually winnable. Anyone running a third party candidacy for president is doing so for the grift.


I appreciate that thought. I'm thinking on a longer time horizon. Not this election, I mean in the next decade or 2 or 3 we have to make over in a MAJOR way the process by which we select candidates for office (in my opinion). It's going to take a groundswell of anger over the current system. It's tough, because we're like the proverbial boiling frog. We can't acutely feel how terrible the situation has gotten in the primary process and two party system, and most people don't think in terms of systemic political structure change... mostly because it comes across as a pipe dream on any short term interval.


Yeah, that is exactly what I mean. Vanity candidacies don’t strike me as particularly threatening to two party dominance — they only confirm the narrative that there are no serious alternatives. If you want a third party, you need a third *party*, not just a third figurehead.


Fair point. I don’t think a third party does that much. It would be a nice start, but what I would like is a collective recruiting engine. As I’ve been in business for a long time, I’ve learned that in order to get the best people for a job, it’s simply true that you have to work hard to recruit them. By out sourcing this recruitment to the political parties, we don’t get the best candidates for the country, we get the party candidates. That, or we get the crazy people who raise their hand and say “make me your ruler” which selects for dark triad traits. If we could collectively, as the populous, bargain with and recruit the best people, we’d get better results. Amazing, emotionally mature, fantastic leaders are busy and successful. Nobody with these amazing next best alternatives just signs up to go through the political process we have today to gain office. We need an apparatus for collective recruiting… at least that’s one idea.


Same, I’m planning to vote RFK as this is Oriana the only realistic chance to bring down the duopoly. The window is closing…..


Thanks for saying so!


What a crock of shit. Equating Biden to Trump. Your vote as a conservative matters way more to stopping Trump than your cutesy protest vote that does nothing.


Thanks VaginalDandruff, I'll definitely take your opinion under consideration.


Who did you vote for in the last two elections? Just curious.


Biden last time... time before that (Trump vs Hillary) I again protest voted for Johnson (I think that was right... some third party).


And how did voting for Johnson work out?


I'm personally doing really well, thanks for asking. But the country keeps putting up shitty people to be leaders, so I don't think anybody should be happy about that. Especially with the debt load.


And the specific issues you have with Biden’s policies are?


I could never vote for a person mentally unfit for the job. I happen to think it’s an important job, and collectively we are the hiring managers. He isn’t fit for the job. I understand tribe members can’t see outside of their tribes, and may also trust that the VP will also be a tribe member, so they give themselves permission based on that… I happen to think that is misguided. If you keep letting them bait you into tribal thinking, they can literally put up anybody and you’ll go for it… and they have. They’ve put up the worst options of my lifetime. You don’t rise to the level of your goals, you fall to the level of your systems. Our system is not producing viable candidates. I’m thinking long term, not short term. We can survive either of these horrible options, but we can’t survive decades more of horrible leader after horrible leader. It has to change.


And the evidence of mental unfitness is?


Is this a bot? It has to be a bot! lmfao


It would not surprise me if we see record turnout for a third party candidate this election.


There is no chance RFK gets to Ross Perot levels.


Ok, that's probably fair... "record" turnout may be an overstatement.


I'd support RFK


I think the logic is the guy with good policies and bad execution is better than the guy with bad policies and slightly better execution


then youre just a fucking idiot


Aye bro I hear Trump’s looking for that wet mouth. Be a good boy now…


Re: No. 2 and the role that Sacks seems to envisage for himself. It's always struck me that in recent years he seems to be trying to angle for cultivating a Steve Bannon-esque image as the successful businessman turned political operative/player.


Sachs is such an insufferable piece of shit unabashed right winger. Guy always has to turn any conversation i to conservative politics.


It’s a clear tell that conservative politics is all Sacks thinks about, all the time.


well, you seem to do the opposite. Think about extreme liberal POV. And you are anonymous, so who cares.


I care and he didn't seem to be extremely liberal at all. There are many conservative leaning ppl who can still call out bullshit.


You seem like a pleasant person to associate with


I was one of the posters here who made my disdain for this interview known. It has nothing to do with “hating trump” or being some kind of pro-democrat mouthpiece. Frankly I don’t identify with either party. I think there are good ideas in both progressive and conservative camps. I wish someone on the pod would just come out and say BOTH candidates and BOTH parties leave a lot to be desired (that’s as nicely as I can put it) however the hosts are too busy scoring points with a potential future administration. It’s pretty clear protecting and growing their millions/billions are more important to them than having an honest intellectual discussion about the intersection of science, tech, markets, economics, etc. hence the political pandering and softball BS. The reason I first started listening to the pod was because it provided a unique “insiders view”, and was refreshingly honest. At this point it is no different than MSM.


Podcasting as a medium has reached critical mass and it’s on par with the MSM when it comes to news, etc. I’ve stopped listening to this pod for the same reason.


Your number 3 is bullshit. He didn’t call him out. He waited until the debrief after the interview. He had 8 minutes to challenge Trump on that topic and instead just let him talk absolute nonsense. He’s stated over and over this is all he cares about politically. Spineless and shit interviewer.


Many do Not believe the besties would allow a similar softball interview with Biden. I think that’s the point many are making.


Friedberg is spineless and let trump get away with many things that would cause him to speak up in any other circumstance


>  even the abortion question from J Cal lacked bite with no real follow-up What follow up did you want? He already answered the critical piece regarding the issue.


Despite the fact that I disagree with a lot of what you said, I'm a fan of how you said it. Really tired of the histrionics on this subreddit and your fair critique is a breath of fresh air.


Thank you fellow kind redditor 🥰


Scamath and David Scams are both hoping to get Trump elected to get favorable positions in the administration or at the very least a keen ear listening to their policy proposals. The whole talk about crypto and crypto regulations and AI as a whole gave me the vibe that Sacks wants to be in the room where laws and policies regarding AI and Crypto are made.


Congress writes laws not the presidents appointees


eh todays administrative state writes regulations... thats what matters more than most laws these days


Did you ever consider the fact that Biden is one of the least popular presidents of all time? Or that maybe they happen to think the country is going in the wrong direction? You just assume the worst of their motives and don't even listen to the actual arguments. It's very childish.


whole lot of losers here who arent nearly as successful as the besties who are trashing them as dumb or corrupt


I know. A lot of typical Redditards. College kids with zero life experience who think they know something because their professor told them. Or losers living in mommy's basement who think people like Elon Musk are dumb or "bad at business". It's just hilarious.


It goes both directions though. I do think Musk is great at business, I don't like Biden and don't get why the democrats haven't prepared someone better & still think that the interview lacked any depth and it seemed as if Chamath and Sacks are clearly praising Trump blindly without any sort of critical arguments. They never pushed back on any of his points...


Sacks seems bored of being a VC, he really wants to get into politics but he lacks the political acumen for it, mostly due to his ego and pugnacious attitude. He’s at best an attack dog or a fund raiser extraordinaire, but not the man silently pulling strings in the back.


I guess that narrows down which part of Atherton Chamath lives in.


Nobody gives a shit about Jan 6 except MSNBC viewers and idiots who believe it was an "insurrection." It's nowhere close to a high priority issue for anyone with two brain cells.


Yeah, I mean nobody with a brain is worried about the guy’s ethics. Clean as a whistle. Literally, nobody with a brain!


Obviously Democrats don't care about Biden's ethics. Probably don't even know about it because it's not in the media you consume. All I know is that Trump has been investigated through and through more than any other billionaire and the stuff they're getting him on is incredibly weak. I take that as a positive.


Well, you’ve got a huge brain so that news feed you’ve got must be spot on.


True, it takes attention away from Trump’s undeniable attempt to steal the election through passing fake electoral college votes to Pence in order to overturn Biden’s victory. Pretty crazy for a president to do that, right? Better vote for him again! If the election was supposedly stolen while Trump’s administration was in power in 2020, this time it definitely won’t be stolen while Biden is in power according to Trump, who is actively campaigning for votes. Lmfao. Everyone voting for him is a clown.


Bunch of soy eating pussies on this thread. 😂


I found [this interesting](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/23/opinion/ceo-trump-republican-support.html): > If you want the most telling data point on corporate America’s lack of enthusiasm for Mr. Trump, look where they are investing their money. Not a single Fortune 100 chief executive has donated to the candidate so far this year, which indicates a major break from overwhelming business and executive support for Republican presidential candidates dating back over a century, to the days of Taft, and stretching through Coolidge and the Bushes, all of whom had dozens of major company heads donating to their campaigns.


I listened to the show and this recent interview with Biden on Howard Stern and came to the conclusion that we are really fucked without a free objective press. If all we get are fawning interviews on both sides it’s no wonder that people get stuck in content bubbles. There was nothing but softball questions to both Biden and Trump albeit way more policy was discussed on All In whereas Stern asked about topics largely from Biden’s past and treated him like a Norman Rockwell paining. https://youtu.be/Fz45sMb4js8?si=jxAlV63D350dorWr


What’s interesting is Stern has been anti-Trump since 2016 and All in was Anti-Trump until Nikki Hallie dropped out last year. (Prob spelled her name wrong and idc bc she is irrelevant). My point is Trump wasn’t really walking into friendly territory until recently. What is hilarious is how butthurt so many people are about this interview and how those same people claim to be morally superior while saying the most vulgar and deranged things. Trump really does make a good portion of the population clinically deranged. 🍿


I think it speaks to a larger problem of social media, podcasts and non journalists becoming the only source of news information for a lot of people and mainstream media becoming even more politically biased and yes I would consider FOX to be mainstream after being on the air for 30+ years. There are no journalistic standards of objectivity anymore so you get liberal hosts fellating Biden and conservative hosts fellating Trump. At least Fox News used to pretend to have journalistic standards before Prime Time but now they don’t even attempt to ask difficult questions and neither do MSNBC or CNN.


i dont even understand people saying this was a biased and soft interview... they asked some pretty pointed questions and about real issues and got some good newsy answers on actual policy.... much better than a cnn interview asking 100 different ways why trump is hitler


Not voting for Trump in San Francisco (California) is really gonna move the needle /s


Right? Everyone with 2 brain cells knows that California is a Republican Stronghold. (/s)


The best was at the end when Chamath said “We’re giving everyone ground truth data so you can underwrite your opinion.” Bro this was a 15 minute interview split 4 different ways LOL. Dude thinks he’s a world class journalist now. It’s like, ya Trump is seeming reasonable because y’all paid him money. There’s plenty of other data out there to suggest otherwise.


> Lastly, despite being an immigrant tech worker living in San Francisco who dislikes progressives I think any immigrant, who dislikes progressives in the USA, is **misguided** \*. Progressives literally have made many things for immigrants better, moreso than the Conservatives have. * - unless the immigrant's family, is conservative basically. Like Elon for example (comes from a nice S.African family). In that case, it's self-explanatory, why an immigrant would "dislike progressives"


That’s been true historically but the current crop of progressive policies and policy makers are bonkers. I was a huge progressive supporter until I moved to SF. Seeing them and the impact of their policies up front has been eye opening.


As I said, misguided. Biden and San Francisco are not the same thing ... Biden isn't the mayor of SF.


Mate, are you really equating that every immigrant should automatically vote for Biden and not doing so is misguided? Do you really think that voters do not take into account the policies of the party in power in their city/state when voting for president? I'm in SF so my vote for president is pointless as is since this whole state will go for Biden anyway.


2017: Repub admin makes life hard for immigrants. 2024: Immigrants vote for Repub. 2025: _"OMG why admin makes life harder for immigration"_ 🙄 mis... guided.


The only thing is the debt problem - we are full speed into disaster. Trump likely less of a problem for this than Warren / Biden


I’m curious why you’re still undecided after declaring you wouldn’t vote for Trump. A blank or third-party vote is effectively a vote for Trump. If Trump wins, it will push the Supreme Court even further to the right and promote a less progressive agenda. Is that something you would be okay with? I’m genuinely curious about undecided voters who have made up their minds about Trump. A lot of voters share the same sentiment as you.


I’m in California so my vote for president is pointless since this state will 100% go for Biden. If Iived in a swing state like Michigan, I’d vote for Biden then, just to avoid another Trump presidency. Basically the opportunity cost for me to leave the section for president blank is zero. Folks in swing states have more consequential decisions to make.


I knew this would be a liberal puss post before I opened it. Like clockwork


Despite the fact that I am probably slightly to the right of you politically based on your comments here, I think your characterizations of the besties are spot on. I have to say though, as a non-citizen about to go to post-grad in the US, if the green card thing is real (we shall see, probably would come with a serious background check of some kind) that would be enough to sway me as I would personally gain from it. I was actually quite pleasantly surprised by what I heard from Trump generally in this interview despite the softball nature, but I really would like to hear one of these with Biden. Also Sacks can suck a bag of dicks, he's why I only listen to the pod every once in a while now


"You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows" - Bob Dillon. The movers and shakers of silicon valley have had enough of this inept administration and have pivoted to support DJT. Many were leaning that way already, they just needed a green light.


Almost everything Trump said is a lie that he will not follow through on. Same with Biden and just about anyone else. That’s US politics today. Who can tell the better more convincing lies to win elections.


I unsubscribed after this podcast. I’m All-Out now




Sounds reasonable lol


Sacks gunning for Commerce secy


Literally no one gives a shit