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Season 7 is super iconic. Plus Rob & Amber are on it.


I like the contrast of Colin and Christie in season 5 and then in season 31.


This is the way to go!!!


Is it worth watching all the other seasons of the season 31 contestants, or should I just skip to season 31 directly?


You can skip to 31st! Trust me, after you see 5 ans then move onto 31 you will be SHOCKED AND GAGGED.


I've definitely heard! I've just been putting it off since I thought I should watch the other seasons first.


Season 5. It’s considered one of the best if not the best seasons


I created a guide to watching American and international seasons but Reddit won’t let me comment because it’s too long so here are the American seasons. Come to me if you want to watch international seasons S1- Decent start to the show. Memorable heroes and villains but has some flaws which are evident near the end of the season, killing the suspense toward the end of the season. S2- improves on season 1 a lot in editing and tasks. One of the closest finishes still to this day 3- classic season. One of the best casts. So many unexpected moments. 4- forgettable season. Though it does have a female racer who changed the game, as well as another team who I believe is under appreciated. 5- fan favorite season. One of the best finales and one of the best teams of all time. Iconic teams. 6- had potential but has one of the most unlikable casts of all time 7- rob and Amber are in this season. Slightly overrated season but still a great season and worth watching 8- family edition. US based route. Tasks are designed so children can complete them. You don’t need to watch this season but I would do it eventually. 9- Meh. The edit makes it obvious who will make the finale. 10- Good season. First westward route. Unique twists. But an unlikable cast prevents it from being a great season. Also the introduction to one of the beloved teams of all time. 11- all stars- highly disappointing for the expectations fans had. Fan favorite ruin their reputation with negativity. The flight schedule causes teams to get unfairly eliminated and the course is easy. But still a must watch. 12- Reinvents the series. A very likable cast and one of the best finales. They also balanced out the mental tasks and physical tasks and this season has the first finale taking place in 1 city. 13- Good season. Not remembered as well as it should have been. Although there are a ton of trainwreck teams. 14- Hit or miss season. The editing changes to eliminate airport scenes unless something important happens. Highly competitive and there is some drama at the end of the season which is still debated to this day. 15- Hilarious and iconic eliminations. Also the introduction to two iconic teams. 16- fairy forgettable season but it does have a fan favorite. However it does have some messy drama that many fans would like to forget about. 17- Great season. Highly competitive. If you want lovable female teams I would highly recommend it although don’t watch it until you’ve seen previous seasons. Can’t say why. 18- unfinished business. Great season. Every team you wanted to see win that didn’t is back for a second chance 19- Meh. It’s a genuinely challenging season but the cast isn’t very memorable. 20- another meh season. Known for some more uncomfortable drama throughout. 21- first half is ok. Second half is amazing and there is a great strategic move by one team. Also has Nadyia and Natalie. 22- Great first half. But the second half becomes predictable but it’s still interesting to watch. Good season to watch though if you like alliances coming at each other. 23- This season is a good example of u turns and express passes elevating a season and making it more competitive. It’s got some memorable moments. 24- all stars- I don’t know what they were thinking with the cast. This is not a well liked season by fans for good reason but I do think it has enough suspense to make it watchable. 25- This is the best modern season and it introduced two of my favorite all time teams. It’s got villains, underdogs, fun teams, trainwreck teams. It’s also very challenging. 26- Teams were paired up as blind dates. I did not enjoy this season as it felt like a dating show. And seeing Phil ask about love at the pit stop was really cringy. However some fans like this season so take my opinion with a grain of salt. 27- one team dominates the edit. You love for this season May depend on how much you love them. But the edit does a great job of building up for a suspenseful showdown towards the end of the season. 28- social media season. All teams somehow gained reputation through the internet. The theme doesn’t impact the season too much. It’s alright but there are better seasons. 29- strangers edition. Much like the blind date season but without the romantic aspect. Good season definitely worth a watch. 30- terrible. This is a Jeff Probst season. Too many twists that take away from us getting to know the teams. 31- reality tv showdown. Teams from big brother amazing race and survivor all compete against each other. Great season and there is one amazing race team In particular that completely changes from the first time they played. 32- The alliance isn’t as big of a factor in the season as everyone says, but a decent cast still can’t mask the mistakes that TAR began to make in the recent seasons and continue to make here. 33- People give this season an excuse for Covid I don’t. Everything about it was terrible from a cast that wasn’t genuine, played up the cameras nonstop, to the most barebones tasks in the series, to a very obvious winners edit. 34- Better than the previous season but some elements of the previous season still remain


Actually here you go. I’ll do the international seasons in a separate comment. AU1- Good season. Very competitive. But it does have some flaws like over abundance of physical challenges and luck based tasks. AU2- fan favorite season. There are underdogs, complex villains and a great route. Definitely watch. I think this is the best English speaking season. AU 3- good season. Australia vs New Zealand. The theme actually plays into the season as alliances are formed based off of it. The front runners change throughout the season. AU 4- Horrible. Do not watch. Unless there is ever a returning player season. The editing is horrible and the tasks are incredibly easy. You don’t get to know anyone and it feels like a video journal. AU5- 24 episodes. This was aired during the pandemic so the route stayed in Australia. Because there are some gimmicks like eliminated teams returning in the middle of the season and random teams being added. Despite the length of the season and the twists, it’s still worth a watch due to a great cast. AUS6- Despite a number of production mistakes, this season gave me some of my favorite teams in a long time and it has one of the best routes in a long time also. Asia Asia 1- I will admit I am biased towards this season because it has a team I adore. But the editing often shows footage which we don’t need to see which is a flaw of this season. Despite that this season was very important to the franchise. You will see why. Asia 2- This season is poorly designed, but it has some memorable teams and doesn’t necessarily feel boring. Asia 3- good season. Very competitive. Has a fan favorite underdog team. Asia 4- This season introduced many challenges that other versions would copy and it’s definitely the best out of all the Asian seasons. Asia 5- After a six year hiatus, the spinoff returned. This has a great cast. However, the season is brought down a bit by spending too much in Indonesia and a very controversial penultimate leg that I have not gotten over. Still a good season and worth a watch. Canada Canada 1- meh. A few teams keep this season from being unwatchable. But you do see the potential Canada has in its task variety. 2- Great season. One of the dominate female teams of all time and one of the most iconic eliminations. 3- fans enjoy it. I thought it was ok. Great task variety and competition. But I just didn’t really vibe with the cast. 4- fabulous season. Drama, task variety and one of the best finales of all time. 5- had potential but the cast just didn’t deliver. Worth watching for 1 strategically savy team 6- heroes edition. Every team is a “ hero” in their backstory. Better than 5. But not great. Also the tasks consist of dancing, dancing, and more dancing. 7- Bizarre season. What you expect to happen does not. But something else that seems so obvious it will happen does happen. Entertaining rivalries, good season but not the most likable cast. 8. Covid was not handled well here and the season itself felt marketed to 8 year olds. Two teams were vilified by the edit just for being competitive. 9. This actually has a decent cast, except for one team, and they brought back the spirit of competition. Unfortunately by this point in the series, production had dug themselves a hole so deep, that they still have a long way to go. China Rush What is China Rush?- Teams from around the world compete in China. There are subtitles to understand teams that don’t speak English. China Rush 1- Pretty bad season. Tasks are luck based and production does something unforgivable near the end of the season. China Rush 2- Great season. One of the best casts in the show. Proves that a season done in 1 country can still be good. Has my personal all time favorite team. China Rush 3- Its not bad but it doesn’t stand out much from the previous season. It does have American like villains though and a lovable underdog team. Non English Speaking Seasons Latin America 1- Great season. Great cast. Fun to see the different cultures of Latin America. Tough challenges also Latin America 2- Only season I never finished watching. Latin America 6- very very boring and forgettable. The tasks are mundane I can barely tell you anything about the cast because they were devoid of personality. A Corrida Millionaria- This season shows how to have a lively cast without villains or inter team interactions. With many different types of teams, it works. Philippines Season 1- Good season. Similar tasks to TAR Asia. Has underdogs, front runners and one of the best teams of all time. Half the season is spoken in english. Philippines 2- This season is slow. It’s not well designed, it has some of my least favorite teams in the series. It has physical abuse, verbal abuse, and physical abuse between two teams as well. Enter at your own risk. Hamerotz LaMillion 2- I think this is the best season worldwide. It’s insanely challenging, the variety of challenges are great. There are so many memorable footraces. The character development for the teams is the best of any season. Norge 1- It’s a middle of the road the season. It does introduce the handicap penalty though and has a team that is very entertaining.


Thanks, I really enjoyed your list. Where can I watch Hamerotz LaMillion 2? DM me if necessary, please! :)


Commenting to come back to this later!


23 has a some really good standout teams and also a big airport drama episode


Don't watch season 32, it's all about alliance for the whole season. Boring because all the alliances go to the top. And the non-alliance teams were eliminated early


The final 3 pissed me off.


Season 21 is Natalie and Nadiya’s origin story. Season 7 had Boston Rob and Amber and filmed right after Survivor All Stars Season 25 is a great season featuring the two most irrelevant players from Survivor South Pacific. Season 31 was a reality TV clash featuring 3 Survivor teams: Rupert/Laura, Bret/Chris, Corinne/Eliza I personally recommend 21 first. If you like it, then going back to the earlier seasons would make sense!


Mike White is on season 14 & 18


Wait I forgot Season 25 had a Survivor team because they literally served nothing


It’s funny because Season 25 had an incredible cast sans Keith and Whitney


I know Season 25 is one of my favorite seasons but every time I watch it I forget they're in it.


S3 is peak *Amazing Race.* So many standout moments, along with top-notch casting and one of the best Final 3's ever create the best season the show has ever produced.


Was thinking of making a similar post today lol. I’ve seen 24 & 30 and want to add to that


Same boat. Following!


A few people have already said it, but 21 is probably your best bet. Survivor players + it's the best season at creating drama through the race's unique gameplay elements. The type of season that could *only* happen on this show specifically so it's a great place to get introduced.


No better place to start than with season 1.


Season 12 is great for a beginner


Go with season 17 good teams, GREAT accident .


21 FIRST only answer


5 is the best in terms of travel route.


7 and 10


The Amazing Race 10. It's rarely talked about, but it's very eventful and climactic. The route is among the most challenging in the series, it visits a record number of countries for the first (and last) time, and the social dynamics and rivalries in the second half are very interesting.


My favorite is season 1, but part of that is that it's much less traditional reality TV-esque, especially with the music and scope, so ymmv. I honestly also think that the current season may be among the best, since it's old-school without a lot of the toxicity from early seasons.