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I will be punching the air right now if I was Liam & Yeremi because it wasn't even their fault that they lost the race. On the other hand, Morgan & Lena who was also with them manage to win the lottery with their driver skyrocketing them from out of last place.


Yeah, if you're forced to take the marked cabs, the cabbies should know where they are supposed to go. Otherwise, it's totally unfair. It seemed like their cab kept getting lost, and she seemed overwhelmed at one point. However, the brothers were so sweet, and they said that patience was a universal language even though they were in a race.


Yeah idk how they did it because I would be getting quite frustrated with the race on the line haha.


I kind of think they could have been a little more energetic about moving her along, but I understand and commend their kindness. Also, I honestly don't know what they could have done to really go faster. I liked them so much!!


Yeah, I see other people blaming them for taking it slow, but they were actually very fast on the challenges. At some point you can't be constantly urging the driver to go faster if it doesn't accomplish anything after the first hour or so (they confirmed on RHAP that their driver cost them literal hours).


Yeah, that is always one of the things I find so interesting and frustrating about this show. They can literally lose through no fault of their own. Not saying they would have won with a better driver, but it may have at least been closer


Agreed. I get it is luck of the draw with cabs a lot of the time, but these were cabbies they had to take based on the task. That was my issue. In that situation, all of the cabbies should have known where to go (or they all should have equally sucked!).


But they couldn’t taken the brick and relied less on the driver


I'm watching late but I think my biggest problem with the rickshaw thing was the whole big deal they made about how women are traditionally not taxi drivers and how this company is using electric powered rickshaws with women drivers... and really made them look bad (admittedly, they made themselves look bad). In a place where sexism is already a big deal, it sucks that this was the way it played out. I'm sure they have plenty of capable drivers / vehicles but these two really turned what might have been an advertisement for the company into... very much not.


?? Weren't they in an entirely incorrect cab? As in one that wasn't "marked" in the scramble they had to navigate out of? They'd have been penalized if they weren't already in last.


their thing was marked on the light in front i’m pretty while the others were marked on the windshield


I thought their cab looked different than others as well.


I was thinking they could have paid another rickshaw driver to lead their driver…allowed?


If I'm not mistaken, that kind of thing is no longer allowed now. That's why you never see it happening again in the race when someone gets lost.


Random spinning man ftw


I liked the comment, "Oh, he's a spinner", as if it's the most normal profession/hobby in the world.


This is why we have 90 minute episodes!


This and stick bugs!!!!!


The camel comment was great!


Morgan and Lena arguing while driving next week…OMG lol


If Morgan and Lena are going to do one thing on this race, it’s argue 🤣


I think they are efficient enough to still be on the race despite their arguing. Also it's sort of funny to watch a "good relationship" siblings team(Greg and John) vs Morgan a Lena. Either way, I hope they go far because it's good TV.


This. I LOVE the contrast of Morgan/Lena vs Greg/John and even Liam/Yeremi. Those sisters are really becoming my favorite because that's more of me and my siblings' relationship more than the brothers'.


They stress me out


I don't know if it was luck or planned that of the family teams this season, the M/M ones have been super chill with each other, the M/F teams have been relatively alright if a little snippy, and the F/F teams... cannot stop arguing.




Yeah they can get loud, but they seem more good-natured than anything else. Robbin and Chelsea are really level-headed too.


They're friends not family


Man, I really like this season. So far I have felt tha- ***OUT OF TOWNERS OUTTA TOWNERS!***


And the funny part is NO ONE CARES THAT THEY ARE OUT OF TOWNERS!!! I hollered during one of those 'outta towners' scenes, because she said it to a literal car and stuck out her hand as if the sheer utterance of the phrase would stop the car! MALAINA, THE PASSENGER IN THE CAR CANNOT HEAR YOU! 🤣😂😆😂


Even if they could hear them, the reaction would have been like “yeah, not shit.”


I think it is pretty obvious they are out of towners lol


So funny!


Wait everyone keeps saying this. Did Malania say this in the rickshaw? I totally missed this!


They both kept saying it when they were trying to move past/in front of traffic.


Can you imagine how much harder the Road Block would be if they had to get nine correct in a single batch instead of accumulating correct ones with each batch?


The camera would still be filming babes


It would be impossible.


I think this surpasses the premiere episode as the “least dragged” episode. Which is odd since you’d think the episodes with more teams would easily have more content to fill. Hope every episode onward continues to have multiple route infos and tasks.


It was all the extra bits in between the main tasks - the rickshaw puzzle, picking up the cotton, etc. Really helped fill out the extra time.


Two route infos helped a lot too. Also a roadblock after the u-turn.


Were they trying to kill them this leg??


I like it when the viewer gets to know the individual teams better. I'm enjoying the extra time with the teams.


It’s sad that Liam and Yeremi were eliminated, but I admire how optimistic they are. They truly enjoyed their experience on the Amazing Race.


As much as I like them a lot, they really had no sense of urgency at all, it’s just a matter of time they will go


I don't think that's true. They absolutely killed the mattress challenge when they were previously behind. Their [RHAP interview](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fzvIBVF8Xm8) sheds a lot more light on the situation. Even though the editors included a "take my time" soundbite for the final printing roadblock, he actually did it super quickly - in two checks within 15 minutes. What really cost them was their rickshaw driving super slowly literally in circles costing them literal hours.


See that’s heartbreaking


I agree.


But they never looked like they are in the rush. It's a race. You're supposed to move fast, instead of chillin' while you're in the back of the pack.


Yeah, they took their time and that’s not what people are supposed to do on a show like this.


There really isn't anyone I dislike on this race. It's nice.


I know there’s people who don’t like Anna Leigh and Steve or Robbin and Chelsea, but I think there’s been worse competitors on different seasons. Jonathan and Victoria from S6 were a pretty toxic couple. I didn’t like how Jonathan would yell at Victoria all the time. Him shoving her was uncalled for, too. He just seemed abusive to me.


Wasn't he the one who would call his wife like you'd call a dog?


Yes, he was terrible to her.


Andrea and Malaina had me smiling this whole episode! I’m sad to see the brothers go but I’m happy they had a chance to further their relationship! And Lena and Morgan did a fantastic job jumping back to the front of the pack!


The brothers didn't look like they are trying though. They moved at slow speed. On paper, they're supposed to be one of the strongest teams, because they are young, fit, and had military experience (normally military men do well in TAR history). But the brothers had been a disappointment from the first leg.


Agreed, there seemed to be no sense of urgency at times. I'm glad they seemed to have fun and repaired their relationship.


Exactly - I kept yelling at them through the TV - GET A MOVE ON, FELLAS! IT'S A RACE!!! But honestly, if they got to spend a few weeks traveling together and repairing their relationship, then they've already won. Plus the eliminated contestants are sequestered somewhere nice until the race finishes, so they got to kick back with each other and relax. Win win. ;-)


I liked that the brothers were chill. I liked what they said about patience being the universal language. I'm gonna miss them.


There's being chill and having no real sense of urgency though. The difference between them and a team like Colin & Christie 2.0 is slight but makes all the difference.


Yeah they weren’t the strongest team but I still liked them due to their personality. I think I like just about all of the teams this season so it’s going to get harder to see a team get eliminated each leg.


To me they just seemed clueless. I wasn’t surprised they came in last.


I LOVE Andrea and Malaina. They are mostly cheerful most of the time. Also they "Out of towner" catch frase it's so funny, especially the way Andre says it.


I'm loving the female teams this season! I hope one of them wins if Anna Leigh and Steve don't pull it off! C'MON LADIES!!!!!


Liam/Jeremi were pretty slow most legs, so they likely weren't long for this race. But I think it's really really poor from production that some of the RACE PROVIDED rickshaw drivers were competent and others weren't. This is far worse than taxi luck as you can't just switch rickshaws. Its completely out of your hands.


I think production does that on purpose so that it’s a matter of “luck if the draw” that can have an affect on a team’s timing, not just their own personal performance & speed. Does anyone get what I mean? I mean, it seams anytime there are drivers involved, some have slower vehicles than others & teams never know what they’re going to get. Such as with the fruit exchange on the boats, or even with how some travel agents know how to push through to get a better flight than others because of who or what they know in the business.


I hate this. The teams should be given their own vehicles or made to race within an area that can be covered by foot or bicycles.


They had to do that because there's no way teams would be able to cycle or drive in India in a safe manner. We'll get the self drive next week.


Loved the block printing challenge so much, especially the judge stamping out with the X. “You think he’s done, but no, he’s just going back to get more ink”


I lol’d


The best episode yet!! Having more tasks other than Detour and Roadblock is a chef's kiss. The U-turn drama is back!


Out of towners!!!!


LOVE THEM. I thought only Andrea used the phrase but hearing Malaina do it to was so funny.


They're my fav team this season.


Favorite bit was Steve and his reading glasses studying his Roadblock instructions so intently, he just could not notice Peacock Murderer Lena trying to get his attention.


I really liked the brothers but they clearly had it coming. It seems like they got unlucky with the rickshaw driver but the brothers showed just as little urgency as their driver during their entire race.


Won’t be getting great opening reviews for the all female rickshaw business.


yeah seriously. Some were so bad it seems like it would just reflect poorly on the business.


The one the sisters got was amazing.


Sad to see the brothers go, but this episode is jampacked and I really enjoyed seeing everyone struggling lol.


Yeah hated it too. But they had such a good attitude about it


I'm not saying the are my favorites (they've been running the race in a very inefficient way despite being the youngest / fittest aside from Corey) but I enjoyed their chill attitude. ~~Also it's always sad to have the eyecandy leave the rooster.~~


Those eyes?!?!?!


Their hair flips were divine.


Those two should both be hair models


This season has had some good looking men!


Honestly feels like Liam sped through the roadblock, so I think it really was just bad rickshaw luck. They could probably have beaten Robbin and Chelsea on even footing. I think if they chose Bricks it would have been better for them, that required way less reliance on the rickshaw.


They were my favorites. Sad to see the bros not make it in time. They took it in stride and had quite an adventure together. Perhaps they could strive for Survivor or BB!


Or The Challenge


Morgan & Lena absolutely *beasted* this leg. What an impressive comeback for them! There's no doubt in my mind that they'd have claimed first place had they not started out in dead last.


Their driver was godsend. They did a good by choosing the smiling rickshaw driver, she was pumped.


Lena needs chill the F out, I hoped she would struggle with the paint blocks but no she smashed it, i hate it when over dramatic stubborn people are validated :)


She made me so mad when she started yelling at Morgan when all Morgan wanted to do was watch the demonstration. Like the demonstration did not last longer than a minute


Idk about yall but it’s the siblings dynamic for sure😭 I wouldn’t screamed if I was partnering up with my best friend, but if it’s a sibling hell yes. It’s similar to how Morgan yelled at Lena last leg when she ‘sewed’ the dolls wrong💀 (plus over dramatic contestants = good TV)


yep, lena would complain if they got it wrong/ have to redo it !


She definitely would have!!


Two hot male teams going out back to back breaks my heart.


We still have Greg/John and Cory 🙏


We still have Cory 🤤🫠


So sad to see the bros go, they were one of my favorite teams and they were so positive!


I really loved the cinematography on this episode. I guess fewer teams means more opportunities for candid shots of the environment. Loved seeing the animals and getting a sense for just how hectic Jaipur is.


That was a fun leg. Was a bit bummed to see those brothers go, but they seemed to get a lot out of the experience so that's nice. It's been funny seeing the contrast of both brothers compared to Morgan & Lena too. Was not expecting the vote to be that close. Robin and Chelsea probably would've gotten knocked out if they'd gotten U-Turned. I do wonder if one of those drivers that Liam & Yeremi missed at the Route Info might've ended up being faster. I cracked up at Andrea denying that she'd voted for Steve & Anna Leigh and then saying that Anna Leigh can find out when it airs on TV lmao. That was sweet seeing Ashleigh and Morgan applauding for Rob in ASL when he completed the Road Block.


Malaina with the "Outtatowners", lol


Honestly I get why people might be annoyed with Anna Leigh, but that girl is a fighter. If they hadn't missed the receipt thing at the flower task, they would probably be in the Top 3 tbh. I didn't like what she did with Todd (in the previous episode) but I definitely won't fault her for being competitive and hella stressed this leg. God this feels like old-school TAR. Super loving this season. EDIT: Just wanted to clarify the Todd thing. Wasn't this episode haha.


What did she do to Todd?


Oh just that she was being a hypocrite in that matching challenge - she didn't wanna help Todd even if she found his tile already then kind of whined about Chelsea not agreeing to help her look for her own haha. Thought that was a bit foul.


1) Todd never asked her to work together. 2) She said that she thinks she just saw his piece, but given how similar all the tiles looked it's not very likely she correctly identified another racer's tile in passing. 3) The idea of working together on this challenge makes absolutely no sense, which she should have realized in a quiet, clear moment. By the time she was asking other racers for help she must have gotten desperate, having already spent a lot of time at the roadblock. If you find another racer's tile, it just makes no sense to tell them, potentially getting eliminated yourself because you can't find your own in time.


the idea of working together makes no sense yet she took chelsea’s rejection really hard


I totally agree with all your points. She had no obligation to help anyone out - I honestly don't like teaming up at any point in the race. It was the comments that were a bit hypocritical. I assume both were made after the race as it was just a voiceover so it's funny that she made both comments about Todd and Chelsea probably in the same sitting.


I LOVE Anna Leigh. Tough as nails while looking hella cute. She could be like a Reese Witherspoon-type character in a movie lol


She’s gorgeous


I love Anna Leigh and her dad. They reminded me to Mallory and her dad, except that Anna Leigh is tougher and more competitive than Mallory.


Agree, Mallory was great to watch because of her wholesome personality Anna Leigh is great to watch because of her competitive personality.


I just love how she’s in it to win it. I can tell she cares a lot and that’s all I ask of a TAR season!


Agreed! Surprisingly gained a lot of respect for her this leg. Let her be upset and panicky - anyone would be if they were first place and suddenly got derailed. That's literally a normal reaction from any human being lol.


Moronic to have designated drivers and to not make sure they already knew where they HELL they were going to have to go. It was the sole reason for the 2 bottom teams' placement.


Really not a fan of Steve and Anna Leigh. One of my pet peeves is when people start accusing people who voted for them on the U-turn vote as bad people and showing their "true colors." Teams had to vote for someone, and Steve and AL were the ones least likely to actually go home because of it. They had almost a full hour lead on team 2 and almost 2 hours on the last place team. How could they not get that people would vote for them? And if Steve and AL want to say it was bad strategy, is voting for a team you just don't like really a better strategy? Steve and AL voted for Chelsea and Robbin straight up because they just don't like them. But people who voted for Steve and AL (in part because they had been so far ahead on several legs) are showing their "true colors"? It's just so irritating and hypocritical. I get Steve and AL being frustrated, but they have to understand it's part of the game. But then they get mad when they didn't follow the clue and are told they actually have to finish the first task? Ugh


Agreed. They got several first place finishes and were leaving in first place - they’re obvious targets for a u turn, if only to slow them down and push them back a bit. I would have voted for them, if only because a combo of bad luck and a u turn have taken out many excellent teams. It’s just game strategy, it’s got nothing to do with “showing their true colors”, whatever that means. If you’re u-turned, you really have to just take it as part of the game and keep moving. It makes no sense to be as offended as they were.


That really rubbed me the wrong way when Anna Leigh started complaining that they “had done the task”. You didn’t finish it! I find her to be bratty at times.


Yeah I have no idea why either of them thought they were done with the task - have they never watched TAR before? The task isn’t complete until you get your next clue.


They didn't get another clue after finishing task one. Just a thumbs up. They already had the task two instructions when they first got the detour envelope


I can't stand how she talks to locals. She is rude and demanding and so.ewhat demeaning... When they were in the electrical vehicle she was so whiny to her dad, " go, go, DaD.. TeLl hER tO GOooo!!" I couldn't stand that and it was really bad when she was in Thailand... She is not kind to locals in her tone..


Exactly. Is "true colours" voting for anyone at all or specifically them? I don't understand.


Steve actually was the one who actually showed his true colors to me this episode. He is as annoying as Anna Leigh. The daughter is just more vocal. No wonder Anna Leigh got that hypocrite attitude.


> But then they get mad when they didn't follow the clue and are told they actually have to finish the first task? They actually got a bit of a hand there. I feel like in earlier seasons they wouldn't have been told until they got to the mat.


everytime someone doesnt directly help anna leigh she basically says they showed their true colors lmao 😭


Exactly - they had to vote - it wasn't an option - so the team with a big lead was going to be the obvious target, not a team at the back of the pack that would likely go home soon anyway. I always marvel people on reality shows that act surprised when other people on the show behave in completely predictable and logical ways in order to win. What else do they expect? If your competency at the race and some good luck put you out in front, be gracious and accept the challenge and outplay the rest of the teams. Stop the f\*cking whining ;-)


I do think some people played it the wrong way though. Theres eventually going to be something closed or a flight where it bunches people up again. The people at the end should always vote for the person in last so they have more of a buffer.


> They had almost a full hour lead on team 2 and almost 2 hours on the last place team. How could they not get that people would vote for them? That's the whole point. Why would you vote for them? Unless they had an absolute disaster of a leg, there was almost 0 chance that they would go home. If everyone were using the U-Turn to actually eliminate a team, they would have voted Morgan & Lena or Liam & Yeremi. Now, 5 of the teams have just made sure one of the strongest teams will very likely not help them in any capacity the rest of the race.


Because maybe you're not trying to eliminate a team? Maybe you really don't want to vote in the U-Turn so you vote for the team you think it is least likely to affect? Or maybe you make the play to try to get a strong team out of the race or take away some of their lead? Also, I don't think the teams necessarily knew they would be staying in the same location when they did the U-Turn vote. There are several strategies for the U-Turn: win a leg, try to send a strong team home, survival, pettiness. Prior to the addition of U-Turn voting, teams at the top generally wouldn't use the U-Turn, but now every team has to vote. And the strategy may be different for different teams. If I were at the top, I don't know if I'd care about the teams at the bottom, but I may want to give myself a better chance of winning a leg. And who cares if Steve and AL don't help you? I'm not sure I believe AL would actually help anyone but herself (which she's demonstrated more than once).


Agreed completely. They're near the bottom of my list.


agreed, I can’t stand AL lol




It looked like the Survivor game makers built it.


Question. Do we think it's a little unfair that Steve and Anna Leigh got a heads-up they missed part of the clue? I dont remember a time I have seen someone jump in and tell a team they missed something. Thoughts?


I think it was because they can’t technically start the next phase until they finish it, so someone had to tell them. I’m glad they didn’t tell them until they tried starting the next part though (instead of when they were headed there).


Every challenge in India is scary because of the so many things that are happening on the streets. I'm surprised that no traffic accident ever happened when TAR is filming in India.


Major props to the camera people in this episode. Having to navigate the streets of Jaipur, hopping on and off the rickshaws, keeping up with them as they biked with the bricks, getting far off and up close shots... quite a feat.


It hurts seeing the bros go, it really does but I've still got teams I'm rooting for still in so it's not too bad also let's go John and greg it's about time!!


Liam is totally going to sign up for ink-pressing art classes. I loved how much he loved that challenge.


As a teacher, I loved seeing the man red X the bad prints with such enthusiasm. The re-inking of the stamp to X some more was hilarious.


Anna Leigh is so Challenge coded. Get her on the next season of the Challenge USA


I want her to return for the all stars season of The Amazing Race. I like her determination and fighting spirit.


And someone that could cause at least some drama even though she’s nowhere near as entertaining as the most entertaining people from the early seasons


Finally had a chance to watch an episode live for the first time in a while - probably my favourite leg of the season so far. Good detour, both sides required some time but it wasn’t a death sentence for the u-turned team. Bundle seemed easier IMO. Roadblock was good too. I think you’d eventually be able to get through it by attrition but if you had the right technique it definitely helped. Loved the RIs - neither the telescope or Rush Hour-esque task was too difficult but it was good filler, the telescope felt like old school TAR. Highlights: - “We don’t want to disappoint their mother” - “Our husbands picked us because we could lift barbecues” - “I did printing like this in college”, proceeds to make a murdered peacock - OUT OF TOWNERS, OUT OF TOWNERS - The random lady fanning herself in the rickshaw while waiting for the teams to finish the roadblock - The red-x guy Not too sad to see Liam and Yeremi go. Nice guys but they’ve basically been repeating the same three lines since episode one. They didn’t have much of an arc whereas everyone else seems to be delivering either competitively or narrationally. Perhaps an unpopular opinion but I like Robbin and Chelsea - every season needs a team or two that just has everyone else pressed. The fact they’ve only had one good leg but they still got almost half the votes at the u-turn is a testament to how much everyone else must dislike them. Hope they stick around. Ditto for Steve and Anna Leigh - love seeing some anger on the show. Yeah, it makes sense why they were u-turned, but there’s no reason why Anna Leigh has to just grin and bear it. I’d be pissed too if I were u-turned. And a shout out to Lena and Morgan - from tied for last getting the rickshaw to the detour all the way to fourth at the mat. Killed it. Still a dark horse pick to win for me. My one big(ish) complaint about this season is the back-to-back legs in the same places, 2x Bangkok, 2x Can Tho, 2x Jaipur. I’ll give it a pass because it’s been a while since we’ve last seen Asia but hopeful for a change of pace in Europe.


Logically, the last place team (M&L) from last leg should’ve been the Uturn vote. You don’t vote the first place team with a “hour and a half lead” according to the Mustachios just to get that margin down when there are equalizers in future legs that would the same thing. Voting M&L would’ve guaranteed their exit and the other teams would’ve gotten out with the least blood on their hands.


There’s no point eliminating people you are going to beat anyway. This gives them a chance to get a first place finish with a prize, and if things go poorly for the strong team they could get knocked out and make your chance of winning the Race much higher.


I mean I’d be pissed at getting u turned too, but I’d have enough sense to know it’s part of the game, not indicative of people’s “true colors” or personality or whatever. So sad that even the dad was saying those same ignorant things.


Agree about AL & Dad. Everyone is different in their own ways of reacting to things in life or games. It’s not the end of the world that she doesn’t behave the way one thinks she should. Different perspectives and personalities are what makes the show interesting. And I don’t think she was THAT mad. She jokingly tapped someone with her instruction cards she was holding as if to “play hit” him in anger, but she had a little smirk when doing so.


Yeah but the anger really goes nowhere due to the format of the Race. Even if the votes were open and not blind, what could Steve/Ana really do? Revenge vote one team if there's another one? There's no social game to the Race really and not much you can do to directly impact another team outside of U Turns. Drama wise not much can happen either since they don't Mingle anymore and just see each other while waiting at a Roadblock or in transit.


Yeah, a lot of people on here expecting Anna Leigh to just sit there and be all cool about it. I'd be mad as hell too if I got u turned. You could literally be eliminated from being u turned. So, she had a right to be upset. Why am I feeling like Lena and Morgan are making the finale?!!! They are giving final 3 to me, lol


I don't think Lena and Morgan are going to survive that long. They spent too much time arguing and they often made wrong detour/roadblock decision.


Everyone literally had to vote to U-Turn someone, and the majority opted to go for the team least likely to be knocked out by it... it wasn't personal (unlike Steve/AL's spite vote against Robin/Chelsea). The hypocrisy and sanctimonious carping about "showing true colors" is what makes their reaction so galling.


I can so relate with the rickshaw lady bored out of her wits and fanning herself in scorching Jaipur 🤣🤣🤣


This was a great episode. I didn't feel like I was watching 20 mins of the same thing like the last episode. We had two route infos and I loved the rickshaw / pitstop scenes. I liked Robbin's confessional about the peacock and fighting cancer/ losing her spouse, showing that they aren't the villians we thought they were for an episode or two.


Is it just me or is Lena beautiful? Also, I should know this, I have noticed it this season, but do the teams always wear the same clothes the whole race?


I really hope the current Top 3 will be the final 3, I like them.


I would probably swap Beards for Andrea/Malaina personally, but I'm also fine with the current top 3.


I’m so glad the brothers are out. Very boring guys and every confessional is the SAME damn topic. We get it, yall had a falling out, talk about something else. Yeah i get it ppl like them bc they are good looking or whatever but this show aint about that lol.


>Yeah i get it ppl like them bc they are good looking or whatever but this show aint about that lol. Speak for yourself lol. I almost primarily root for the male eye candy!


Will there be another U-Turn? Or this leg was the only one? Since 8 Teams left. I do sense the 7TH/8TH leg being KOR


It's interesting seeing the comments on Steve and AL. I know it's been discussed endlessly in this sub that over the years teams have gotten "too nice" and you don't have the overly competitive win at all costs teams of the early years. There's a lot of reason for that. But it also seems that the audiences have less of a tolerance for it. Steve and AL aren't even THAT competitive -- they're like pre packaged salsa Verde competitive at best, and even that seems to be splitting opinions across the board.


My strongest rooting is for Greg and John (fellow software engineers) but I love Corey's million dollar smile. If he and Rob can act at all they should make a Hallmark movie about the young man who Won't Give Love a Chance because he feels he needs to care for his football coach dad. Then in a climactic scene he finds his dad is resourceful and independent and doesn't need so much help. Then there could be another movie about some brothers and some sisters who are in a competition of some kind and coincidentally they have the same last name. At first they are super competitive but then they discover the value of working together and then they Fall in Love. These things practically write themselves...


Quick, call Hallmark!!! Oh wait, they might have done those already.


Thoughts on Leg 6: * WHY WEREN'T THE OTHER LEGS THIS SEASON DESIGNED LIKE THIS?! Seriously. This was a *great* leg. We had to wait half the season but finally The Amazing Race 35 delivers an episode that actually behooves the extended runtime. Honestly it's a little bizarre, like the producers found out halfway through filming that the episodes were going to be 90 minutes this season. We went from almost every leg being a basic Roadblock → Detour → Pitstop, to a leg with all the standard tasks, an extra task, *three* additional route informations, *AND* a U-Turn Vote. And even with all of the activities packed into this leg, the edit still devoted a respectable amount of time to inherit entertainment provided by rickshaw racing between locations. And *what do you know,* the episode never got boring— it was actually really good all the way through! It's almost as if Amazing Race is higher quality when there's actual content to fill the episodes... * I really enjoyed all of the tasks featured in this leg, and the producers did a great job at showcasing many different angles of the location. That being said, it *was* still Jaipur— *again.* For the record, I have absolutely nothing against consecutive legs in the same country, but I'm always a little disappointed when two legs are essentially spent in the exact same city. I firmly believe that if Pit Stop A is only a 15 minute drive away from Pit Stop B, there's a serious problem with that part of the route. After all, The Amazing Race, at its core, is a show about travel. This type of route design has become somewhat common, but you would never, *ever* see something like this in an early season. I'm sure it ultimately boils down to budget; there's probably nothing the producers can really do about it. But still, I feel like we as fans have the right to complain about stuff like this— "Hey CBS, your effort to maximize profits as much as possible is hurting the quality of your show in a very noticable way." Sadly this is kind of the norm for reality TV shows though; see Survivor. * Okay, let's talk about the U-Turn Vote. I've said in the past that the standard U-Turn kind of felt like it had run its course— it had reached the point where it was no longer exciting and, more often than not, seemed to actually make episodes *worse.* But at the same time, I hated the U-Turn Vote in TAR31. I strongly disliked how they artificially equalized all of the teams in order to vote, I wasn't a fan of the oral voting process, and it seemed incredibly unfair to me that they just sprung the U-Turn Vote onto the teams out of nowhere. Going into TAR35, I knew the U-Turn Vote had been tweaked in its implementation so I decided to keep an open mind. And now that I've seen it in action— I'm mixed. I will say, at the very least, I was *okay* with this U-Turn Vote; it didn't actively frustrate me like TAR31's version. And I'm happy the teams were told in advance that there would be a U-Turn vote this season, that's way more fair. But I feel like there was a lot of missed potential. I'm extremely baffled at the decision to make the vote blind; why wouldn't you want the teams to be able to tell who U-Turned them? Isn't the whole *point* of putting an element like this into the game to cause drama AKA entertainment? Robbin & Chelsea may never know a team voted against them, let alone *four* teams. I feel like it would have been so much more exciting if teams could actually see the votes once they got to the U-Turn board. But I'm starting to come to terms with the fact the producers aren't really prioritizing putting a lot of "drama" in their show anymore. I'm sure some people are really happy with that change, but to me, I kind of read that as "the producers aren't prioritizing making their show *entertaining* anymore." The point was driven home to me earlier in the night during Survivor, where they kept playing a very specific Amazing Race teaser during the commercials. If you watched, you'll know what I'm talking about. The entire tone of the commercial was essentially propping up how "likable" each team is, how "wholesome" and "inspiring" of a show The Amazing Race is— it spoke volumes to me about the current headspace the producers/CBS are in with regards to The Amazing Race. It's not a direction I'm personally excited about, but hey, if you enjoy it, I'm happy for you. All that being said, I'm really satisfied with this episode, easily the best so far this season.


> WHY WEREN'T THE OTHER LEGS THIS SEASON DESIGNED LIKE THIS?! A couple reasons: 1) Logistics. It's much more difficult to organize these tasks for thirteen teams and operate all those moving parts, and in some countries, this can be more complicated than let on for reasons we don't see. Think, for example, about seasons where they've had to switch cities and countries for legs for weather reasons. 2) This episode was still chaotic, but imagine if they had to cut this many tasks between thirteen teams. While it sounds dynamic on paper, editing that to fit the runtime would result in a mishmash that, probably, would take more flac for being incohesive. Adding two more tasks in Can Tho (Leg 4) has a likelihood of removing the tension that leads into the Road Block. 3) Costs, again. Remember that when they fly 13 teams, they're not flying 26 people; they're flying more than double that. Every team flies with a cameraman and a sound guy. When you start adding production costs like that, you have to wonder, from a production standpoint, if paying each team to take a cab a few more miles to open a clue box to go back where they're going is really going to add a level of drama or engagement. Now that there are eight teams left in the race, we're probably going to see more legs like tonight's because there's not only room to breathe for the sake of editing the show, but production can better manage all the moving parts. The race, by its nature, is unpredictable, but the show still needs to control what it can. This season is a welcome return to form. TAR33 is exactly what happens when out-of-control circumstances lead to problems.


Drama doesn't transfer well to the Race anyway. Even if it was open and not blind, what could anyone really do about it? Revenge vote at the next U-Turn? There's not really many ways to directly impact or snare up another team. Since there's no more Mingle you just see each other while waiting at Roadblocks or in transit anyway so there's not even much space for a conflict to happen.


I get what you're saying, but I feel there doesn't *need* to be a way for teams to get "revenge" in order for the drama to be engaging. I think just creating that tension of "this team voted to U-Turn me, I'm upset with them now" would make the season more entertaining. Probably my all time favorite season of the show is TAR3— it didn't have U-Turns, Yields, or any real method for teams to directly target one another— but it had rich, *enthralling* storylines that were primarily driven by conflict between the teams. Eat/sleep/mingle should be brought back, I agree that would help. Like almost any good story, I feel Amazing Race seasons thrive when conflict is present; I feel the *last* thing the producers should be doing is going out of their way to make it less likely to happen.


I think the U-Turn vote is fine this way. Like... imagine if this had happened to Dave and Connor. There would be witch hunts. Anna Leigh is feisty and I think she has an axe to grind without knowing who exactly to turn it on other than Rob/Corey and Joel/Garrett. That said, I think I would improve it by *also* including on the board all the teams that had been voted for. So Robbin/Chelsea would know they had votes, but not how many.


The pitshop marshall beside Phil.. isnt he the traffic policeman guy who got famous online for his michael jackson dancing moves while directing traffic? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxdJaJKgIO0


Unlike the last leg, this was truly a classic India leg. Long, hot, physically exhausting. Stress-inducing traffic and navigation. It really feels like it’s pushing teams right to their limits. Love it.


I’m rooting for Rob & Cory, but also like Todd & Ashlie and the outta towners! Eyes welled up when Liam & Yeremi left—so glad they have mended their relationship!


Phil seemed a little drunk at the last checkin. Maybe it was much later than the others and he was tired. Or maybe he was sipping from a flask.


I love Steve & Anna Leigh’s hustle & persistence!


I dislike their hypocrisy & negativity!


I hope ANNA LEIGH makes it to finale so she can annoy you haters for the rest of the season! Looks like feisty, competitive, serious, determined women on the Amazing Race are not popular. But seriously tho, I bet Anna Leigh was a little terror when she was a child. 🤣😂


I don't dislike them, however I thought that them saying others were showing their "true colors" was annoying and hypocritical. I get that they are frustrated, but it's a competition and every team had to vote. She has neglected to help others while at the same time knocking others for not helping her. They are a great team though. Tough and determined and I don't see anything wrong with how she treats her dad, though I agree she was probably a little terror as a child. 😂


> I thought that them saying others were showing their "true colors" was annoying and hypocritical. It's such standard reality TV trash talk that I wonder whether the producers fed it to them.


I liked this episode. I did find it kind of hard to keep up with the placement of the middle of the pack teams. It was clear who was in first, and who was last, but some of the middle teams were a bit muddled.


Surprised that there were zero ramifications for anyone doing brick task that would just run their bikeshaw into motorcycles and cars. Do the Jaipurians just not care about dents and dings?, did production smooth it over off-camera? was it sound editing that made it seem worse than it actually was?


I’m sad Yeremi and Liam got eliminated. Hottest team award goes to them fs lol!


Well that was infuriating. Now THAT is 'luck'. I hate this aspect of the race. Absolutely infuriating that a team goes home because of cabs. And that's the second of 5 teams that have gone home because of cabs. One team got passed at the end because the other cab knew a shortcut and this... this was just... WTF?


Even worse, race provided cabs!


That was a bucket load of an episode. Probably the most fullest leg we've see in an while! From the calmer side of the previous leg to the hustle and bustle that this episode featured made this leg feel more grander. Liked some of the challenges but felt like outside of the Detour and Road Block, it was loaded with cheap filler tasks. * Telescope Route Info Task: Wished we had another challenge like count the right amount of windows would've been nice here. The telescope was cool and finding the text was fine but it was centrally located so it wasn't that difficult at all. * Rickshaw Moving Task: I wished we saw what TARAUS2 premiere had with the car maze. This one was literally just move some rickshaws a few feet to create a path for yours to head out. Having a puzzle/maze would've made this more intense and challenging. On the other hand, the amount of rickshaws they got for this task is crazy. * Bundle Detour: Felt like this side was a bit too easy. It was just tie a bag and haul it to a rickshaw and be shuttled to the drop-off locations. Yes, the bags were heavy but this side lacked a use of a skillset. Wished they had to load the bags with a certain amount of weight along with finding the right flowers to put into the bag among a certain set of other *similar* flowers. * Brick Detour: This side definitely had more work to it. From the loading of the items, biking and self-navigation and then dropping them off and stacking the bricks - this was more brutal. If the seats on the bikes were adjustable, wished we saw teams adjusted them as everyone was pedalling in the lowest default position which looked inefficient. * Kind of bored of the delivery challenges we have seen so far, wished we had a whole different Detour showing what Jaipur may have offered otherwise. * Steve and Anna Leigh heading to the second side of the Detour without even properly finishing off the first side must be one of the most dumbest thing I've seen on the show in recent history. As a TAR viewer, you should know that you need to fully complete a side of a Detour before moving on even if you have satisfied that side, you need an approval from the judge, no excuses. * Road Block: I love this and the judge. We are continuing from last week's "NO." to a visual one with the hard bold red **X**. It seemed challenging and getting the right stamping technique right seemed tricky. * It was hilarious seeing team members going into the front seat of the rickshaw. I can tell, backseat navigating did not work. So, they took matters into the front seat. This kind of breaks away from the formality (not a rule but a race standard) that the racers should be in the back of a taxi/rickshaw. * On another note, it was weird seeing Joel and Garrett, one of them holding a phone towards the end near the pit stop. Once they arrived, he motioned the phone towards his slightly ajar fanny pack (which can be a natural motion accident) was quite confusing but that could've been the driver's phone. * On the U-Turn part of the leg, I wished the U-Turn board was at the rug/textile place so it actually U-Turns a team and gives them a surprise. Secondly, in terms of who was U-turned, seems like it's mixed reaction but what we got from this was a more reinforced view of Anna Leigh.


> Bundle Detour: Felt like this side was a bit too easy. Not if your driver is completely incompetent.


> Steve and Anna Leigh heading to the second side of the Detour without even properly finishing off the first side must be one of the most dumbest thing I've seen on the show in recent history. As a TAR viewer, you should know that you need to fully complete a side of a Detour before moving on even if you have satisfied that side, Honestly this didn't seem that dumb to me. We've seen teams switch detours all the time. Why should the u-turned team not be allowed to switch back and forth? All that should matter is that they complete both detours, and they were going to complete their first one by returning the receipts after finishing the bricks one.


> All that should matter is that they complete both detours, and they were going to complete their first one by returning the receipts after finishing the bricks one. But as the episode showed, the judge or local assistant pointed to them that they must return to the Bundle side judge and surrender the receipts to get approval. The judge or local assistant obviously got word from the show's producer that what they were doing is incorrect, hence the intervening involved. I get they wanted to sort of shortcut themselves, be efficient and kind of like kill two birds with one stone but with the intervening required, it seems like the rules *or* standards requires the team to successfully complete and get approval from the first side before doing the second side of the Detour. The rules are the rules at the end of the day. and you read a rule book prior to participating in the race.


I’m surprised nobody didn’t U-turn Morgan and Lena considering they were the last place team last leg. It would’ve ensured that nobody but them would be eliminated. Voting for the first place team who had a significant head start was a waste.


Loving this season! The peacock road block was really cool. I would be okay with any time but Robin and Chelsea winning. When Rob went to get his glasses was so cute during the final road block! And absolutely hilarious that Robin and Chelsea almost got u-turned but even without it are starting next leg last


I prefer the double uturn over the uturn vote. I know there’s a way to burn the double uturn by uturning someone ahead of you but I don’t like the vote with one team only guaranteed uturned. Glad Steve and Anna Leigh survived. Sad the brothers are done. They were so positive


I loved that the fact that Andrea and Malaina still have their hats!


Liam and Yeremi seem like such lovely lads and yes they did have a bit of bad luck this episode...but damn they have absolutely zero hustle lol. Everything is just so laid back for them and it cost them. They didn't have any 'mongrel dog' in them as we say here in NZ! Nice to see Greg and John winning. Andrea and Malania are cracking me up haha. I love their energy.


While I didn’t agree with how personally Steve & AL took the U-Turn, I think it was a bad decision for a lot of teams at that point. They’re not racing for first place finishes to the end, but are only racing to avoid finishing last. If you’re in 5th or below place & hours behind the leading team, it makes significantly more sense to slow down another back of the pack team.


66 points is hard if they have to use all four soccer balls


If I have to hear the Pink Ladies say "out of towners, out of towners!" one more time, I'm going to go berserk Also watching Liam and Yeremi get screwed by factors outside of their control was hard to watch


Sorry if I missed this being discussed already, but why did they just say who was u-turned straight away rather than showing who was u-turned after they completed a detour task, like they have in the past? Yes, I understand the change and voting part, but I still kind of wish the teams didn’t know for sure until they completed a detour task.


They really didn't do a good job showing the women drivers of Pink City Rickshaw in a positive light..