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I think more people were laughing at Mika not going down the slide than feeling sorry for her. I won't defend Canaan trying to push her down, but with a million dollars on the line, sometimes you just gotta suck it up, especially since tasks like these are a given when you're on the race.


>sometimes you just gotta suck it up, especially since tasks like these are a given when you're on the race. EXACTLY!


I agree that Mika should not have been there in the first place. I have no idea why she went to the program, perhaps to please Canaan, but I find it hard to believe she went for the million or the experience. I also agree that she was annoying in her attitude during the race and I understand the frustration from a contestant who seems to be doing a favor that he is there while there are so many people who would so much like to be there in his place. But to me all this is pales to Canaan's behavior toward her in the end. The way he shook her, pushed her by force, tried to force her hands off the railing .... it's physical violence. It does not seem to me that nowadays they would not have stopped him from the beginning and certainly do not broadcast such a segment. Mika was right about one thing: when she said she did not trust him, especially a few minutes after he tried to push her violently again. Maybe she would have not slide no matter what, but maybe, just maybe, she would, only if he had have treated her differently.


pushing someone to go down a waterslide isn't really physical violence mate


Any kind of use of physical force on another person is an act of violence, certainly and certainly when that person explicitly verbally opposes you. I'm quite surprised by the reactions here I must point out. I did not think that nowadays anyone would justify a man committing physical violence on a woman. I do not care how charming Canaan was the whole race, once a man becomes violent towards his partner it erases everything.


Here's the thing: What's the best way for someone to beat a phobia? You force them to do it, now m maybe Mika didn't had a phobia but before that Canaan was trying to get in a good mood and talking her out of the situation but once she starting refusing he practically had no choice. He even 'begged her' after seeing that forcing her was no use, and it was a 1,000,000 race. I understand your position but if -let's say- i'm afraid of cats and someone locks me in a room of cats until i calm down, that doesn't make the person mean, in fact they would be doing me a favor even if i don't like it


This is called shock therapy, it can be very effective at times and can also cause irreversible damage. I would not take the risk, what with Canaan not wanting to cure Mika, he wanted a million dollars. It's not that he thought of her interest.


I just watched this season and I'm with you 100%. It was abusive violence. Period. More psychological than anything else in the end, but violent nonetheless. There were subtle warning signs in earlier episodes. When Mika was struggling with the ducks, he literally said "I want to hurt her right now". And his tone was scary. To be honest he reminds me very much of charming 'religious' men I know in real life who we now know beat their ex-wives behind closed doors.


Yeah, weirdly enough I am also just watching this season, and I came to Reddit specifically to see if other people were appalled by the scene as well. I'm pretty surprised by everybody's take on this thread and how dismissive everybody is of his aggressive manhandling. I'm even more perturbed by people indicating it was deserved. I'm with OP and you, It doesn't matter how much of a crappy teammate she was, his behavior was completely unacceptable and abusive.


100% <3 I also was shocked to see all the dismissiveness here, especially from posts in just the last few years. I didn't realize people could hear Mika screaming for help like that and actually think "she deserves this" and not "wow someone help her, she is having a meltdown and Canaan is trying to physically force her into something against her will." Very dissapointing honestly that more people don't respond that way but thank you for being one of them. Never change ✌ I was legit disturbed by that scene and it made me pretty uncomfortable to watch. Really couldn't care less if that labels me 'sensitive' by some others on here.


Mika was not going down that slide out of her own free will whether he treated her differently or not.


And? So then she doesn't go down the slide. Period. Her choice -- not Canaan's. Regardless of how much money was at stake. Gave him zero right to try and bully her into it.


I find it amazing that Mika even went on the race...she’s afraid of water and heights!! That being said Canaan was pretty horrible to her, and then again, it was just a slide bb girl! In the end, I mostly just enjoyed the globe trotters getting to pass them.


She must have gone for the sake of her partner, she seemed to suffer quite a bit the whole race ... he did almost all the roadblocks until the moment he was eliminated






I concur… Mika came across as whiny and childish. For any couple considering entering the race, both partners need to have a long, private Come to Jesus meeting and lay out exactly what your “deal breakers” are going to be: stuff you absolutely cannot or will not do. Mine would be eating weird stuff (like the maggot cheese from TAR 34 last week), OR doing anything for prolonged periods under water where you have to hold your breath (I’m thinking of that Draconian contraption the military tortures it’s recruits with…it’s supposed to teach them how to get out of a vehicle that crashes upside-down under water). The minute I saw that nasty cheese, I’d have been like, “Screw it! Taking the penalty!” With some of those off-putting challenges, I’d like to see some contestants getting creative. Don’t want to do the challenge, but can’t afford a 4-hour penalty? Do like the Survivor contestants when they’re facing starvation for doing something stupid: they ask for a meeting with Probst to renegotiate terms. I can only imagine what kinds of negotiations would be happening between desperate, phobia-ridden teams and the TAR production crew. For instance…Rather than incurring a 4-hour penalty for refusing to eat bugs… how about I take a 20-minute penalty and let Phil run me over with his car instead?


First of all, keep in mind that we only saw a few minutes of what I believe was about 45 minutes that M&C spent at the top of that water slide. I suggest reading one or two of the post race interviews. With that said, my take is as follows: - Mika was utterly ridiculous and, in retrospect, shouldn't have been there in the first place. Her behavior was unacceptable given that someone else was relying on her. - Canaan was a fucking saint for not choking her. - The Globetrotters were hilarious, did what they needed to do, and did what any person with any competitive fire would have done. What did you think they should have done? Hold her hand and say, "there, there." It's not The Amazing Positive Affirmation Festival.


Absolutely. He broke up with her immediately after they were eliminated.


Since then, Canaan is now married and he is now a father.


Hope his wife always does what he tells her to do, for her benefit.


I think that's a good benefit for her. He would have resented her for it and not move on, so it's good he ended things


"Canaan was a saint for not choking her" ^this comment is seriously acceptable? You all are highly dissapointing.


There is never a circumstance when it's ok to force another adult to do something that they don't want to do. Never. Not even for a million dollars.


I do not know what was throughout the forty minutes, but even if Canaan was charming for 35 minutes and violent for five minutes, that's enough for me. As for the Globetrotters, they were not funny to me, they were not supposed to comfort her, this is a competition, all they had to do was wait quietly for two minutes.


>all they had to do was wait quietly for two minutes. What? They didn't "have to" do any such thing. These were their opponents, and they were fighting to avoid elimination.


They could wait quietly for two minutes and the result was the same, that was what I meant. It was unnecessary. One can be competitive and determined even without being a douchebag.


You know...now that I think about it, this is a pattern for the Globetrotters. I was watching one of their games. They had a big lead, and their opponent was clearly frustrated. They could have held back and allowed their opponents to regain their composure. But they didn't! Instead, they took advantage of the situation by playing hard and taunting the opponent with trick plays! It was so uncomfortable to watch.


Uh it’s all just a show. The other team doesn’t mind, The Globetrotters are supposed to win


I would have assumed my sarcasm was obvious, but I guess not.


Sorry. After reading this thread, it's hard to tell lol


I just finished episode 8 and I really want them to be out already. At the end of the episode they complained about the brothers pushing them in the run even though you can clearly see how one of them came to one of the brothers in the back and tried to throw him out of the way. And even after that, whining about it to Phil in the Pit stop, about getting an elbow from one of the brothers (which clearly was a lie)... was just to much for me. I am not into the whining bullies type, nor do I like couples whose main strategy is to follow other couples al the way just to overtake them in the run at the end.


Well, I'm probably in the minority about that, too, and the whining bully type is a favorite here. They of course continued to whine and lament in the next episode as well, for Cheyne leaving them on the way and not holding their hand like a compassionate mother as he should have. Really wrong on his part that he is trying to win the race and not doing all the work for them.


But it’s still an (adult) race for a million dollars... not kindergarten.


I don't hate the Globetrotters for what they did, I however would have kept quiet and watch her freak out and hope the 2 minutes end.


Honestly if I where Canaan I would have done the same thing. I mean Canaan was supportive of Mika all race up on tell that point. Part of the amazing race is about facing your fears


It does not matter how annoying Mika was, it does not matter that she should not have come there at all if she was not willing to make the effort, it is quite clear that she was dragged after her partner, but nothing justifies physical violence.


I just watched this season and I'm with you 100%. It was abusive violence. Period. More psychological than anything else in the end, but violent nonetheless. There were subtle warning signs in earlier episodes. When Mika was struggling with the ducks, he literally said "I want to hurt her right now". And his tone was scary. To be honest he reminds me very much of charming 'religious' men I know in real life who we now know beat their ex-wives behind closed doors. Most of the other responses on here are dissapointing and disgusting. Straight up.


I agree with everyone saying that she should not have been on the race. She was not ready and she had no desire but he pushed her and she was petraifed, I fully understand his frustration but forcing her the way he did was wild. I can’t believe people are defending that behavior. Also, I agree in an earlier episode he said “I want to rip her head off right now” and slapped the wall. It was actually unsettling granted, I know in high stress times we say things we don’t mean and maybe I’m over thinking but his tone his tone of voice was creepy. As far as the globe trotters though I did find that kinda funny, not going to lie. I mean their job is to clown around with people and they did say they feel bad that she was crying but for $1 million id do it too. They are human beings, they felt bad but they wanted to stay in the race. At least they didn’t force her like cannon did and then for him to “ forgive her “ and not them?? Also, he broke up with her right after so I doubt he really forgave her. He just gave me a weird feeling. Idk maybe I’m misjudging him. Also, Im just watching that season for the first time btw


You're not misreading anything, I fully agree!  Tone and choice of words tell a lot about a person even in times of stress. It's one thing to be frustrated, stressed, etc. But it's a *huge* red flag when there is clear *disdain* for their partner in their tone of voice, which Canaan displayed over and over. I think that's the creepy vibe you got from him. The fact that he feels like he is tolerating rather than actually loving his partner, and is ready to put her down at any moment. It's a visceral disdain that's hard to watch and hear.


Yes, it was the disdain he had for her and the way he ran around acting like the most charming, kind, loving man who adores her. It’s unsettling how good he was at it until his true self came out. Granted would I have been disappointed if I were in his shoes? 100%. should she have went on the race? no. Did I laugh when the globetrotters said “ I wouldent do it” and the second it was their turn flew down that thing ? YES! Overall, though his behavior was kind of alarming paired with the fact that he tried to make us believe he was someone tottally different. At least be real with yourself.


I just watched this episode and am really appalled by these comments. Canaan was awful. I can't believe people are saying it was fine that he tried to push her down a waterslide against her will. What if she went sideways? Broke her neck? Regardless, you don't do that to people. I really felt for her.


I'm afraid of heights. But for a million dollars I'd jump outta a plane. Mika was acting like a big spoiled brat.... very annoying


They were both there for exposure I think. He was talking about his new song in some interviews and she has been in a few shows. I agree she should have never been on the show to begin with. Other people would've killed to be there. If you cant go down a water slide how you gonna bungee jump later? Also, as far as God helping her to win...God doesn't love one person over the other.


I hav found this interview with them from 2009: TVGuide.com: Canaan, a lot of people think you were abusive toward her, trying to push her and pulling her fingers off the bar. Do you think you were out of line? Canaan: Abusive my butt! I did what any competitive person would do. I wanted to win the race. I tried every angle for 45 minutes. I tried being sweet, understanding and patient with Mika, and that wasn't working. I tried being forceful and brash, and that wasn't working. Going into the race, I knew if we got to the point where we had to jump off a building or anything like that and she was going to hold us up, I would push her. I don't regret trying to do that. I don't think it was abusive in the least. I think people need to take another look at what abuse means. Mika: I think he realized how strong I really was when he was trying to push me! I had a death grip on that handle. That's what fear does to you. You become so strong because you're so afraid. There was a lifeguard at the top. At one point, CANAAN WAS TRYING TO PEEL ME OFF THE WALL and I looked at [the lifeguard] and went, "PLEASE HELP ME!” And he just stared at me. [Laughs] I TRIED TO GET HELP, BUT NOBODY HELPED. This is so sad.


Pathetic really and the arm floats were ridiculous. Yes the globetrotters highly antagonize the girl and were cutthroat. It’s a shame they capitalized on that situation esp after others helped them


Everyone's getting mad at Canaan for trying to push Mika down the slide. But if you're a true fan of the race, you know when people are afraid of jumping outta a plane or bungee jumping off a cliff, they'll say, "Push me off, you have to"