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Wait!!!! She acknowledged Bart for Father's Day?! This is huge. It has ALWAYS been about her father.


Acknowledge might be a slight overstatement lol. It was a 30 second speech filled with absolutely Zero emotion. She even stated she was going to try and not cry, she never came close to expressing emotion during it!




He got into that a little bit yesterday. Not too much. I actually thought when they played the recordings of his kids' messages to him it was really sweet. However, then he mentions all he wants to do for Father's Day is sit back and watch a game or something w/his kids. Never wants to participate in Hayden's interests, only Hollis. I actually feel really bad for Hayden.


He gave some speech last week about how mad he was at his kids for not planning something for him for Father’s Day but then he realized he was a week early. The whole thing stunk of “I didn’t actually forget when Father’s Day, I’m just publicly warning my kids they better do something for me”.


This is EXACTLY what I got from that too!!!!!!! He’s so full of himself. He’s stupid to believe that listeners would believe that he “forgot” Father’s Day was a week later, bullshit🤡🤡🤡🤡 he’s such a clown




Oh yes, I def remember the wedding! Every other day there was drama!! As practical as everyone on the show says Bart is, KK's childness HAS to annoy the ever living shit out of him! The man grew up on a farm! Waking up at 4am to work that farm as a kid! She can't even make her own breakfast, pick-up her laundry or gas up her OWN car (all she has admitted in the past!) I've said this a million times, just think if a Woman called up the show and talked about how she was having to do all of those things for her Husband while he was working! KK and Cassie both would absolutely crucify that man and tell the woman to "know your worth" and leave him Immediately!


He’s not a hostage. Bart has chosen this path for whatever reason. Waaay before they had their son.


Yeah he’s fucking stupid lol


I can’t stand her, she’s so full of herself, and is incapable of doing anything except talk. Congrats Kristen, that’s your job. I used to feel bad for Bart, but at the end of the day, he’s an adult. So he’s choosing to stay and be a parent to two children in his home, that’s on him


Couldn't agree more! KK actually used to be one of my favorites. I can't really pinpoint where my shift from her was. It just kills me how she ALWAYS has to make everything about her. Could you imagine her drunk/partying/sorority lift in college???? I bet she came home sloppy drunk on a nightly basis, and probably with a different dude as well. Not to say there is anything wrong with that, but she just always has to make everyone think she is perfect. 


For me the shift happened when she had the string of bad events. Her dog dying, her wedding planner not being great, her having to go through IVF, and her dad passing. All these things suck (obviously to different degrees). But I think what made me get sick of listening to her was that she made SUCH a huge huge deal about her dog passing. Which is super sad- I get that. But it was like she had a true inability to cope with it. It felt like her dog passing was the first bad thing to ever happen in her life and how DARE the world let this happen to her! And then all the other terrible things happened, and it just became so so exhausting. Life is so hard, and you have to have some ability to cope and continue on. And understand that if you get a dog, one day it will die. If you have a wedding, something will go wrong. If you choose to wait until your late thirties to conceive, you can expect fertility issues to possibly come up.


It makes me crazy I’m a doctor, my husband is a lawyer. We have 4 rescue dogs and 3 kids. We are both capable adults who have life skills!! She is embarrassing for women in my opinion!!!


I agree. None of them represent women I'd want to be. Davi did, she was hilarious and she and Blair have such fun TOGETHER! Who knows if they'll last, but while they do, they are really comfortable together. I really miss Davi. And Kyro.


Ugh because Father’s Day since as much as I can remember on TBS as always been about Kristin making it about herself with her Dad. Even before her Dad passed. I’m surprised she mentioned Bart this week. It’s always about her Dad.




Agreed, she either doesn't think of others or thinks everyone wants to wallow the way she does. She has a really weird fixation with spotlighting certain things in a dramatic way that I just can't get on board with (meaning it annoys the shit out of me but I know that makes me sound cold). My dad passed a few months before hers did and it was sudden and devastating, and I know everyone processes grief differently, but I still find her approach insufferable. I'm sorry, but this woman does entire breaks about celebrating the anniversary of when her dad received his liver transplant. She's done this before AND after he passed. I consider myself to be empathetic but this is so baffling to me. Maybe she just struggles with bringing interesting content. It's excruciating.


Doesn't Bart work remotely at least a few hrs a day? She probably makes more money and insisted baby not go to daycare and honestly it's probably best for Jimmy to not be with her all day.


I understand being super close to a parent and but her pedestal that she put her dad on makes it so Bart can never compare in her eyes.