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Well I work with toddlers and this is one of the methods. The kid is 3. A lot of preschool programs require a child to be potty trained by the time they enter the 3’s class. I’m guessing since he’s in a half day church program, he needs to be potty trained this summer.


I actually potty trained both of my kids using the 3 day method and they were both younger than 3, so it could work!... I didn't choose father's day weekend though haha


We did my son’s potty training over a weekend. You aren’t 100% coming out of it, but you make major major progress over a single weekend. I think it’s crappy of her to choose Father’s Day weekend if all weekends to do it. When you potty train, you do nothing else, you go nowhere else, you see no one else. Way to take away Bart’s weekend to be celebrated.


Right, like wait until next weekend. YOUR BIRTHDAY weekend. 🤣


Omggg I didn't even THINK about that part of it!


Of ALL the weekends, she chose Father's Day??? She can't let Bart have any fun. 👎


It sounded like she delayed potty training to keep Jimmy a baby. Relieving the primary diaper changer (aka Bart) from this chore is likely the Father's Day gift he wanted.


Whatever. There are different weekends. She's not a hero. This process of this 3-day training is exhausting and no joke. It's a really intense three days!


Right, they've had several full weeks of vacation where she hasn't gone anywhere that they could've done it over.


KK is not a hero. I just think Bart is relieved to not change diapers and knew this "gift" would feed her ego.


She still has him sleeping in a crib. She's definitely trying to keep him a baby


I won’t come down on her for still having Jimmy in a crib. My son will turn 4 this year and he’s still in a crib (though we are big boy bed shopping now). If they aren’t trying to escape the crib and they still fit, keep that crib where they can be contained.


Lol, my kids hate it, so we changed out as soon as they were old enough


Yes, this is a very popular potty-training method. I don't know why she waited until he was over 3, though. My daughter's 2s preschool class were all trained by the end of the school year this past year. I potty trained my son over a long weekend and let him be naked and took him to the potty often, even letting him sit on the little potty in front of the TV. Both of mine were potty trained by 2.5. My son is still in pull-ups at night, but that's literally driven by a hormone so you can't rush it.


Over 3 years and just starting to try is crazy to me!


When I tried potty training my daughter she was uninterested so I stopped. Then one day a few months later she decided she was done with diapers and literally never had an accident after the day she asked to use a toilet. As a bonus, my son who wasn’t even 2 at the time was totally into this and day potty trained himself at the same time. Yes, I got EXTREMELY lucky to the point where I don’t feel like I can give advice but it’s possible. Unlikely but possible.


Did anyone see her IG story today? He’s back in diapers and they’re going to “reset and start over.” So she gave it exactly one full day of the method and gave up. 🙄


I potty trained my daughter with this method over a weekend and it worked really well for her. I will say, we didn't do anything all weekend and it was all centered around her potty cues so I don't know why she chose this weekend, unless they literally aren't doing anything for Father's Day.


Wasn’t the Pinot party like 4 weeks ago? And she mentioned she had gotten her period. In her weird recap about Jimmy’s experiences it will either go really well (because kid has been ready for a while)…or somehow the weekend was hard and was made worse because of her period. This is the story she’ll bring up her cycle. I know this story is supposed to relate to parents and stuff, but she’s somehow going to take up 5 minutes to tell what honestly should be a 2 sentence review. He’s getting to the age where talking about certain things is 😬 on the radio because he can’t really consent to approve the story. You want to explain consent? Then start thinking about consent in all forms.


Potty Train??? I feel like he is well past the potty training age


Nah every kid is different. From her stories, he seems like it’s the perfect time for him.


No I seriously thought the kid was like 5. I don’t listen anymore and she never pops up on my IG


I used to work with special needs kids and we literally potty trained in one or two days. It was intense and we spent the entire day in the bathroom with them on the toilet until they got it. It can work-it's just WORK.


I potty trained my boys in 1-2 days, girls took longer. It was intense and for 1-2 days that's all we did. My life was different with the girls so it took longer and wasn't as easy but it wasn't awful. I just didn't have the straight 1-2 days in a row to do it.