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My money is on he’s talking about his fan club


Or here.


Yep. But he won't take constructive criticism. He just thinks he's right and everyone else is wrong. He's completely unself aware.


I think it’s still a defense - there are still people who worship the ground he walks on so this is his way of acknowledging the negative comments and dispelling them, basically.


It would have been more "real" if he called out some of the things. I got excited when he started on the topic because I too find myself down after spending too much time on social media but he didn't continue the topic. Maybe they need to extend some bits to give time to explore important topics. Do they HAVE to stick to the same format of only 3-7 minutes on a topic?


i’m pretty sure he was referring to both. there’s a poster who previously posted a huge long paragraph he left in the comments on a post in the fb group talking about how it’s too toxic and negative now & he’s going to leave & how he’s SOO hurt that his ex came on here & spoke about some things. he called this a hate group.