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Because Bert always says “Don’t let a lie get in the way of a good story” He’s just laughing in the listeners faces and then trying to market it as REAL? And not real funny - not even a little bit after Davi left - even though Moe is allegedly a stand up comedian.


I think it’s “don’t let the truth get in the way of a good story”… but yes, the “real, funny” thing is ironic for sure


Oh yes! You’re right. I’m glad you wrote that.


I think it’s like reality TV. People know a lot of it is probably not real but it’s entertaining for some.


Because they are apathetic idiots. Hope Abby gets a better gig


My guess is that’s it’s a cheap way to generate dramatic content that still keeps listeners interested. Most listeners don’t put much thought into the logistics of the bit and just focus on the drama. Listeners (especially Gen Z and younger Millennials) don’t call in to radio stations for advice anymore. That’s what Reddit is for. They’re struggling for content and the current set of hosts have done it all before (Bert) or aren’t creative enough to come up with interesting topics (Kristin/Moe). Just my 2 cents.


I put it in the same category as most reality shows…. psychology-wise. That being said, I have watched quite a few in my day and I listened to the big show for a long time (sigh), so…. guilty. 👋




Omg yes lol the people who think it’s actually real I’m like 🤦🏻‍♀️


I think fake radio bits have been in the industry for years, it's not just this show. Maybe someone with more knowledge will comment. Listeners are just savvier now.


I think they are just bad at doing these segments. Other radio shows do the same bits and pull them off way better. I think it comes down to how good the host is at improvising and how well they can all play off of each other. This cast doesn't gel, so it all seems tired and unoriginal.


And this crowd (especially Bert) actually seem bored by the whole thing and not really taking it seriously (probably because it’s fake but they can at least pretend !)


Right? Guys, just don't do the bit if you hate it so much. It shows.


Also the bumble/tinder/IG stuff, those dating apps are geo location based. It’s next to impossible to find someone lol. Also, if you DM someone on IG it goes into the forbidden folder too 😂


That's my issue with them trying to be more "modern" in going with social media and dating apps. Whoever is in charge of the segments clearly doesn't know how the apps work.


Yes! Like if you’re going to be fake, at least be believable. You cannot find someone specific on those apps lol


It’s all for the drama. The listeners that don’t know or don’t care love the drama. Same as people watching drama on TV. Doesn’t matter that it’s scripted.


Is anyone here old enough to know/remember Phil Hendrie?


No. But I just glanced at his Wikipedia page. 😀


I wonder if you can still find it anywhere. Every “guest caller” was absolute rage bait and it was comedy at its best.


But the "callers" were him, right?


Yes, he was both the show host and the guest but then people that had no idea that it was fake would call in and engage.


Because it's entertainment. That's all.


It’s probably a combination of a lot of stuff mentioned but also fake means on script. If someone calls out of the blue, you might need to make sure they can tell a good story for radio.


Once on a Moote Podcast with Davi, they both alluded in a way (that isn't any the NDA they signed) that say those segments have to be fake. You can't put yourself in position to have, for an example, a man who is an exposed cheaper go after a wife in a violent way or do something else in retaliation to the station. It's just plain dangerous...actually exposing an affair is VERY COMPLICATED and has a lot of liability.


Because what else are they going to talk about? No one is going to call and give them content lol


I have noticed that the amount of live callers is greatly decreasing.


I am almost ashamed to admit it but I thought it was real until just a few months ago. I had already started to marvel at how many men actually read and respond to those emails and DM's but I don't expect men to be that intelligent anyway so 🤷‍♀️. But then some of the stories just didn't add up or were too perfect. I'm actually glad to know that these stories are fake because some of them caused arguments between my husband and I when he was on the man's side! I don't know if I should tell him that they're fake because it might ruin it for him...




I HATE HATE HATE that to my core. Like, why are you spending so much time on descriptions? Now I just fast fwd through it.