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A few months ago when she basically took up for a woman who had said she was pregnant and was caught at a bar doing shots of vodka and kk said the caller should mind their business. They’ve done studies showing alcohol while pregnant is ok. I never wanted to listen again after that. No one EVER said vodka during pregnancy is ok. No one. She’s awful.


This!!! I’m not a complete hater of the show, but I couldn’t believe when she said this!!! It was this comment that made me want to look for a community/group that was talking about it because it was so batshit insane balls. And only Abby challenged her on it!


It’s the way she always says everything strong and wrong rather than say actually maybe you’re right .. remember how adamant she was about the child identifying as a cat in school she was sooo wrong but jumping on everyone that doubted her


SAME!!! When THIS happened, I knew SONEONE SOMEWHERE was ready to talk about this asinine segment. I stopped listening shortly after.


It was so disgusting to me cause it only planted the seed that she probably drank while pregnant. She gives “wine mom” vibes (random example: Snooki from jersey shore). A mom that has to have a glass a wine in their hands at all times. I’m not scrutinizing drinking btw, but if you can’t give it up while pregnant for the sake of your child’s health and safety, then that’s a serious problem. Especially given how hard she tried for jimmy, it’s a shame she would put his health at risk and essentially choose a glass of wine over a baby that she’s wanted her whole life. But hey, that’s selfish KK for you.


Yes!!! How are you in my head?!?! Lol, I thought the exact same thing! She sounded VERY defensive. She wasn't defending women who drink during pregnancy. She was defending herself. Just embarrassing.


I used to love her, too. But she really is steamrolling everyone. Something changed after the first anniversary of her dad’s passing.


She's definitely digging in with these issues, even after a lot of feedback.




Please please please recommend some.


You are 100 right. I need to find more to listen to because it’s just sooo bad.