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Been working for a few years and will definitely say weiners very often get preferential treatment over women. They're weiners and expect it. Therefore, it's granted to them. I don't think Cassie hates all men. She defends a little Napoleonic asshole all the time for a paycheck. Lots of women do.


The armpit hair lady sounded like she was reading every bit of that and gave it zero rehearsal before hand. Seemed like one of the most obvious bad acting jobs I have ever heard on the show.


Agree the way it ended with her walking out to end the ‘story’was a bit suspect


I don’t think she hates all men. I just think she doesn’t like her husband 😅


I’ve disliked Cassie for a while honestly. It’s not even that I disagree with what she’s saying, it’s that sometimes she just doesn’t let anyone else get a word in because she always has to be “correct”.


Yes absolutely 💯 I was getting so wound up .. I worked in a corporate job for twenty years and had good and bad bosses men and women .. I always say this it’s not 1957 .. no way would they have paid me less than a man in the same job it’s ridiculous .. and we got promoted on what we accomplished .. I got my first promotion to a manager at 20 .. I wasn’t chosen because I had a woman boss (I didn’t) I was chosen because I was bloody good at what I did .. I honestly think Cassie hasn’t had enough experience in any of these areas to have an opinion much less such a vicious one .. does she really think in 2024 a boss is going to think ‘this person is outperforming all others, bringing in tons of revenue but she’s a woman so I’m going to give a pay rise or promotion to the underperforming man’ 🙄🙄🙄 drives me crazy .. sorry I’m really triggered after that segment !!


Just because it’s been your experience doesn’t mean that’s been the reality for other women. It’s not 1957, yes, but there are still plenty of employers who pay female workers less than their male counterparts doing the same exact job. I had it in my last job, actually. That’s why discussing salaries with your coworkers is important. You find out what you actually could be worth and know the kind of business you’re in. In my case, I was making $10k less a year than my male counterpart, and not only did we have the same responsibilities, I actually had quite a bit more! Eventually when I had the conversation with my boss about salary she let me know the discrepancy in salaries was not going to be resolved, and because of that, I knew I could (and should!) make my exit.




Yikes. That’s a hard environment to work in. I’m glad salary talks are allowed (even though they’re still difficult to bring up) but it doesn’t seem to erase biases that have existed forever.


A couple of questions...Did you and your male counterpart start the job at the same time? Also, were you taking benefits (insurance) and was he?


I started almost a year earlier than him. We both had insurance with the company.


Women are still underpaid. Google is free.


Google says I’m underpaid it must be true


I’m clearly saying you can find reliable sources to disprove your assertion but if you want to continue being dense, go ahead


Reddits lib so they’ll downvote this all day but I had the exact same experience with my woman bosses vs men and honestly I work in a male dominated field and make more than most of them. I earned because I’m good not because I’m a woman.