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This is not a white people thing. Don’t you put that evil on me!! 😂😂😂


😆I'm sorry I'm not trying to. But when Cassie jumps in and says something similar, I'm just confused. Like when Kristen talks about picking her dogs eye buggies, I wouldn't be shocked if she didn't wash her hands after.


I suspect this is a depression thing. I suspect their jobs are actually draining the life out of them but they haven't yet realised it. Or the money is so good that they push themselves to keep at it. It's common for people in high paying corporate jobs to suffer through because of the money. They convince themselves they will only do this for X years and then they can retire and do another easier job. I don't think they consciously realise what they are doing - otherwise they wouldn't admit it on air. But I am fairly sure this is why they do this behaviour. All of them have depression/ anxiety. If you go into subreddits for lawyers or Henry (high income) people, they all speak about this. As an example I am Australian and ours is r/auscorp. One for women is r/henryfemme (or similar). They push through for the money and their aim is to usually retire early. In KK and Cassie's case I suspect they know once Bert retires their careers are likely over. Radio is dying. They are women nearing retirement age. They will be pushed out. Or at the least, they will get other jobs but they won't be earning as much. I'm sure they're deal with their husbands is - let's just push through and we will be able to retire. I do feel sorry for Bart and Chad though. It seems like a hard slog. But then again, if it wasn't worth it for them, they wouldn't be doing it. I always found it disturbing how stressed they all are, and how they are often at a 6/10 when Bert asks them. Something is not OK behind the scenes on that show. I suspect it's a very taxing and toxic job. And they all have side gigs - so the pay must not be that good. I find it really weird.




I only started listening during covid but they all seemed much happier. Something seems to have changed in the last 12 or so months. Or maybe I'm just noticing it now. Even Bert was over it for a long time (he was still with Tiffany) but he was being short with callers. And nowadays Moe seems to just agree with everything Bert says - it's like he is scared he will be fired. It's odd. It's not Abby - she has been great. But something is off behind the scenes and it is seeping into the show. Perhaps it's that they are all overworked and so they are tired. Whatever it is, I wish it would change. It's not as fun to listen to. I don't want them to be exhausted. I also hate the constant marijuana references. I find it inappropriate. Especially if they know kids and teenagers listen. Maybe its because I'm Australian and it's illegal here, but to me (and I am by no means a prude) I don't like that they make Abby take the Delta 8, and I hate that they do it on air. It's not funny. It's different if they want to take it- but don't mention it on air, and definitely don't make someone take it who doesn't want to. It feels like bullying.


I listened to a segment from this week (can’t remember which, unfortunately) & Abby answered a question about like “what would you do if you were fired” and said she’s thought about it a lot because she was scared of being fired from this job. I found it to be an odd comment to make. I think they’re walking on eggshells. Maybe the show is tanking and they know it might end soon. They’ve been losing a lot of syndication lately


Yes. It's also interesting how many side projects, and new side projects they all have. I'm behind a couple of months and just heard Cassie talking about trying out as a Torrid model. She is always talking about how bust she is - and I believe her - full time job, mum of 2 young kids, her anxiety and ocd, her inability to trust and hire help. Why would she want another gig?! They all talk about how busy they are, yet they all do other big side projects like podcasts, the charity work, the speaking engagements, the nominations for awards... all of that takes up a lot of time. And they seem to seek out extra new projects. Even Moe with the reality tv stuff, and the comedy gigs. It seems odd. I suspect they know there will likely be no radio show post Bert - and he always talks about retiring soon.


100% I have 0 drive when I’m overworked or stressed from work. Surprisingly enough, when I was unemployed, I was the most sexually driven I’ve ever been. It could totally be a burn out/depression thing


Objectively yeah, it seems like their relationships aren’t great. However, the whole prioritizing work over their husbands thing…if they were men and Bart & Chad were stay at home moms I don’t think this would be half the conversation it is. I’m not trying to normalize spending no time with your spouse and only focusing on a career, but I just don’t know if Bart and Chad’s experience is much different from that of a normal stay at home mom’s…. If the relationships suck they suck, but I don’t think it has to do with Kristin and Cassie working.




Yeah, I mean Tommy isn’t a cohost so it’s not like he comes and shares stories regularly anyway. But yeah, the pressure on all of them to provide “personal stories” all the time is something I would hate and they’ve also alluded to that dynamic on the show before too, it seems like something that would be a challenge for someone in the radio industry in general.


I am white and I shower every day. Everybody I know does too. I got Reddit downvotes the last time I said that but I don't know what else to say except that I don't know a lot of dirty people. I know people like KK exist but I don't know man, I keep company with people who regularly use soap and a loofah and by regularly I mean daily. Kristen is gross.




Literally sounds like a 5 year old, so disgusting. When she laughs about it it’s like…. wtf? Bart must hate himself after having a child with her and being trapped with that for life now 🤢🤢🤢 she’s the most disgusting person I know




That too. She has let herself go incredibly too much, only tries for other people… sad


Yeah she’s fucking gross


Bart and Chad must hate their lives. Kristen and Cassie hate their husbands clearly by everything they’ve said on the radio. No sex, no one on one time with them, they’ve left them on the back burner. Those relationships are dead, they’re just all together for the kids. I would bet that they don’t even kiss, just roommates for life until their children leave their homes and maybe they’ll get divorced then. Imagine if the effort they put into Kristen’s birthday weekend went into their relationships…….




I am not really a fan of KK, but this comment is a little petty. Most people post pictures and videos when they are on vacation or on a getaway. Second, I’m sure Avalon required it in order to pay for everything so they can get PR from it.




Maybe that’s how she sold the weekend to Bart. “Honey, I have to do it for work.”


Don’t forget, these men each waited close to a DECADE before proposing. Bart only proposed because they decided to have kids. Marriage wasn’t a priority before that (so KK said). I think Cassie wanted to get married sooner. Not sure what the issue was there. Then both of them have bitched about changing their last names because of their identities.


I agree that it might be a depression thing but also I suspect KK may have ADHD. She’s mentioned the possibility. People with ADHD (I am one) are notorious for having problems with hygiene routines. Executive function fail. I could probably shower more. My routine these doesn’t involve spending time with a bunch of people right now. So if it’s not every day, it’s every other day.


Bart seems lazy. KK said that her parents used to hate him bc he was a bum and even when just dating KK had to financially support him. 


I think they said at one point that Bart and Kristen's brother had a pretty successful home flipping business. I always thought Bart ran his own side gigs and that's why he was always up to get Kristen out the door. I can't imagine someone waking up to make her coffee and powder her nose and then going back to bed.




You are correct. He became a house husband before they had kids. I don't feel sorry for him at all. Women work full time, take care of their spouse AND home all the time and it's just expected of us. KK has it made and I'm a little jealous. Expect for her job-working with Bert and in radio sounds exhausting.


Yup! And then I noticed over time, some resentment from both of them start to appear. ESPECIALLY when a baby came into the pic. Kristin was so obvious annoyed that she had to be the one working. Bart appeared and still does appear annoyed with having TWO babies to care for … Jimmy and her. They both created this mess.